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目的 了解广州市MSM异性性行为特征及其影响因素。方法 采用方便抽样的方法对自主前来门诊咨询检测的MSM进行问卷调查,共纳入908名MSM。使用χ2检验或Fisher确切概率法比较基本人口学特征和性行为特征的组间差异。将P<0.1的变量纳入Logistic回归模型进行多因素分析,采用OR值及其95%CI描述MSM发生异性性行为的影响因素。结果 本研究共调查908名MSM,最近半年发生异性性行为的有183人,占比20.15%。单因素分析结果显示,MSM最近半年发生异性性行为与年龄、户籍、婚姻状况、学历、职业、个人月收入、性向、首次同性性行为年龄和性角色有关,差异均有统计学意义(P均<0.05)。多因素分析结果显示,具有以下特征的MSM更可能发生异性性行为,年龄>27岁(OR=1.697,95%CI:1.078~2.673,P=0.022)、婚姻状况为已婚/离异/同居/丧偶(OR=5.172,95%CI:2.797~9.562,P<0.001)、学历为高中及以下(OR=2.398,95%CI:1.319~4.360,P=0.004)、性向为异性恋(OR=11.027...  相似文献   

目的了解深圳市男男性行为人群(MSM)的异性性行为特征,分析其对该人群艾滋病病毒(HIV)/梅毒感染的影响。方法在知情同意原则下,收集2009-2012年深圳市MSM的社会人口学、高危行为等信息,并采集血液进行HIV/梅毒检测。结果共3445名MSM接受自愿咨询检测,969人(28.13%)最近半年内发生过异性性行为,其中28.07%的人(272/969)女性性伴数≥2个,32.71%的人(317/969)与女性性伴性交时每次使用安全套。梅毒感染率为17.54%(170/969),HIV感染率为7.53%(73/969),HIV合并梅毒感染率为4.13%(40/969)。与近半年无异性性行为的MSM相比,发生异性性行为的MSM半年内肛交性伴数和口交性伴数较少,肛交时每次使用安全套的比例较高,梅毒感染率相对较低。结论相当比例的MSM最近半年内有异性性行为,应有针对性地采取干预措施,阻断HIV经异性性传播。  相似文献   

目的了解深圳市男男性行为人群(MSM)不安全性行为状况及其影响因素,为开展有针对性的干预工作提供建议。方法通过滚雪球的方式招募MSM,在知情同意保密原则下,对近半年有过男男性行为的450名MSM进行匿名自填问卷调查,并通过CAPI指纹系统对被调查者进行查重。结果此次被调查的MSM艾滋病知识知晓率较高,除"蚊虫叮咬会不会传播艾滋病病毒"这一项知晓率只有63.78%,其他几项知晓率均高于80.00%。近半年与男性发生性行为的平均性伴数为(5.02±1.23)个,18.67%的人有过异性性行为。经多因素Logistic回归分析发现,文化程度低(OR=0.740,P=0.0194)、第一个性伴为男性(OR=1.706,P=0.0097)为不安全性行为的危险因素。结论深圳市MSM人群呈现明显的知识和行为分离,应探索更有效的干预方法,减少其性伴数和提高安全套使用率。  相似文献   

目的了解北京市MSM主观幸福感(SWB)及相关因素。方法 2018年12月至2019年6月,采用方便抽样方法调查了302名至社区组织接受HIV咨询检测服务的MSM。结果调查对象SWB得分为(80.45±15.14)分,与全国男性常模(75±15)分之间的差异有统计学意义(t=6.35,P 0.01)。多重线性回归结果显示年龄组、性向、性角色、近6个月发生同性肛交性行为时安全套使用频率、近6个月是否与异性发生性行为与SWB得分显著相关(标准化回归系数分别为0.17、0.14、0.17、0.19和0.19,P均0.05):年龄较小(29岁)、性向为同性恋、性角色为插入及被插入者、近6个月发生同性肛交性行为时没有坚持使用安全套、近6个月发生过异性性行为的MSM的SWB得分较低。结论本研究中MSM的SWB较高,但其中一些亚组人群(年龄较小、性向为同性恋、性角色为插入及被插入者的MSM)的心理健康状态,以及不良的心理状态与艾滋病高危性行为的关系值得注意。研究结果提示MSM艾滋病干预应结合心理咨询和心理支持,以期取得更好的效果。  相似文献   

目的了解某市男男性行为人群(MSM)的异性性行为情况及其影响因素。方法采用滚雪球法招募MSM,对符合条件的MSM进行问卷调查,内容包括社会人口学和高危性行为特征。结果共调查957名MSM,近6个月中,19.9%(190/957)与女性发生过性行为,35.0%(63/180)有两个及以上异性性伴,坚持每次使用安全套的比例38.7%(72/186);16.6%(159/957)与男性及女性均发生过性行为。多因素Logistic回归分析结果显示,已婚或同居[比值比(OR)=9.67,95%可信区间(CI):4.94~18.90]、月收入较高(OR=2.26,95%CI:1.48~3.43)、性取向双性或异性(OR=5.32,95%CI:3.27~8.66)、首次性交对象为女性(OR=3.21,95%CI:1.81~5.71)、首次男男性交至今的年数≥5年(OR=1.68,95%CI:0.92~3.05)、近6个月有多个男性性伴(OR=8.06,95%CI:3.59~18.14)、近6个月向同性卖性(OR=3.25,95%CI:1.65~6.42),是MSM发生异性性行为的危险因素。已婚或同居(OR=2.05,95%CI:0.92~4.57)、近6个月与男性性交时不能坚持每次使用安全套(OR=7.54,95%CI:3.39~16.78)的MSM,与异性性交时更倾向于不使用安全套;近6个月向同性买性(OR=0.30,95%CI:0.09~1.03)的MSM,与异性性交时更倾向于使用安全套。结论某市MSM中异性性行为的比例较高,安全套使用比例较低,应从社会及家庭的角度加以防治,以控制艾滋病病毒通过该人群向女性人群扩散。  相似文献   

目的了解江苏省常州市男男性行为人群(MSM)不同性取向(Gay和Bi)的人口学和行为特征及其影响因素。方法在常州MSM的主要活动场所和互联网等,通过滚雪球法招募MSM。经问卷调查收集MSM人口学及行为等特征信息,并采集血液标本检测HIV和梅毒抗体。结果在调查的264名对象中,性取向为同性恋(Gay)和双性恋者(Bi)分别为41.7%和58.3%。在近6个月中,Gay和Bi与女性发生性行为的比例分别为10.0%和44.2%。多因素Logistic回归分析发现,江苏省户籍、近1年未检测过艾滋病病毒(HIV)、近6个月无异性性行为,是未每次使用安全套的危险因素。结论 Gay和Bi中拥有很高比例的女性性伴,同时存在传播HIV的高危行为,故应采取针对性的干预手段减少HIV传播。  相似文献   

目的探讨西宁市50岁及以上男男性行为人群(MSM)人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)和梅毒感染率及其影响因素。方法对采用滚雪球的抽样方式招募的150名50岁及以上MSM进行问卷调查及HIV、梅毒感染的血液学检测。采用χ2检验及Fisher确切概率法进行单因素结果的分析,采用Logistic回归进行多因素结果的分析。结果 150例50岁及以上MSM HIV感染者20例,HIV感染率13.3%,梅毒感染者39例,梅毒感染率26.0%。多因素Logistic分析发现,50岁及以上MSM HIV感染的危险因素有经常喝酒(OR=2.742,P=0.034)、同性性伴侣数量>30个(OR=3.290,P=0.008)、与同性发生性关系时只做"0"(OR=2.961,P=0.022)、近半年性行为从未使用安全套(OR=3.071,P=0.013)。多因素分析发现,50岁及以上MSM梅毒感染的危险因素有第一次发生同性性行为年龄>30岁(OR=2.632,P=0.035)、同性性伴侣数量>30个(OR=3.181,P=0.008)、近半年性行为从未使用安全套(OR=2.852,P=0.022)。结论西宁市50岁及以上MSM HIV和梅毒感染率较高,多性伴、无保护性交等高危性行为是HIV和梅毒感染的危险因素,应加强对50岁及以上MSM获得性免疫缺陷综合征(艾滋病)知识的宣传、高危性行为的健康教育及定期血液检测,有效加强该类人群的艾滋病性病防治工作。  相似文献   

目的了解北京市大学生男男性行为人群(MSM)的艾滋病病毒(HIV)与梅毒的现患状况、艾滋病相关认知与行为。方法采用自填式问卷,调查社会人口学信息、艾滋病相关知识、同/异性性行为等,并进行HIV和梅毒的血清学检测。结果 157位调查对象,HIV、梅毒以及合并感染率分别为2.5%、7.0%和1.3%。由于同性性取向,5.1%有过自杀行为。近6个月曾与偶遇性伴发生过性行为者("419")约占到45%,其HIV和梅毒的感染率均高于无"419"行为者。不足20%曾发生异性性行为。结论大学生MSM中普遍存在HIV高危同性性行为,也存在异性性行为,亟须开展有效的健康教育和行为干预。  相似文献   

目的了解浦东新区新发现感染艾滋病病毒(HIV)的男男性行为人群(MSM)的双性性行为特征,评估艾滋病的传播风险,为制定针对性的干预措施、阻止艾滋病由MSM向一般人群扩散提供工作决策依据与思路。方法采用横断面调查的方法,对2012年9月至2014年2月,在浦东新区新发现的感染HIV的MSM进行问卷调查,内容包括一般社会人口学信息、最近6个月的性行为及安全套使用情况、性伴的类型和寻找性伴的方式等。结果共完成调查127人,65.4%(83人)的调查对象认为自己是男男同性恋,34.6%(44人)认为自己是双性恋。80.3%(102人)的调查对象表示最近6个月与男性有过同性性行为,与同性的每次安全套使用率为7.8%(8/102);22.8%(29人)的调查对象表示最近6个月与女性有过异性性行为,与异性的每次安全套使用率为20.7%(6/29)。单因素分析结果显示,双性恋性取向(χ2=21.74,P0.01)和婚姻状态(χ2=31.99,P0.01),是调查对象与异性发生性行为的主要影响因素。结论浦东新区新发现感染HIV的MSM中,有不安全的双性性行为发生,存在传播的风险,应针对性地采取干预措施,阻止艾滋病向一般人群扩散。  相似文献   

目的了解湖北省男男性行为人群(MSM)艾滋病流行状况和行为学影响因素。方法采用滚雪球、场所和网络招募的方法,对MSM进行问卷调查和血清学检测。结果 2010年和2011年湖北省MSM艾滋病哨点分别调查2 275人和2 644人。两年各发现73例和98例艾滋病病毒(HIV)感染者,阳性率为3.22%(73/2 266)和3.71%(98/2 644)。干预和人口学特征是导致安全套使用、商业性行为、异性性行为、吸毒和接受干预等方面差异的影响因素。结论湖北省艾滋病哨点干预措施对遏制MSM人群艾滋病流行有积极的作用,但"知行分离"情况较为严重,应重视人口学特征对行为学的潜在影响。  相似文献   

Chinese men who have sex with men (MSM) are disproportionally affected by HIV and sexually transmitted infections (STIs), but little is known about the role of current marital status and living arrangements in shaping their HIV/syphilis risk. A cross-sectional study was conducted among MSM in Beijing, China to assess their sociodemographic/behavioral characteristics between married and single MSM, and test the hypothesis that currently married MSM have a lower odds of being HIV- and/or syphilis-infected. Participants were recruited via short message services, peer referral, internet, and community outreach. Data collection was based on a questionnaire survey and self-report. Infection status was lab-confirmed. Multivariable logistic regression modeling was used to assess the association of marital status and living arrangement with HIV/syphilis risk. Of the 3588 MSM, infection prevalence was high (HIV?=?12.7%; syphilis?=?7.5%). Compared to single MSM living with their boyfriends or male sex partners, single/alone MSM and married MSM living with wives were less likely to practice condomless insertive (CIAI) or receptive (CRAI) anal intercourse with men; while married MSM living with boyfriends or male sex partner were more likely to practice CIAI and CRAI, and married MSM were more likely to practice condomless vaginal sex. Compared to men living with boyfriends/sexual partners, significantly reduced odds of being HIV-positive were seen among married MSM who were living alone (aOR: 0.52; 95%CI: 0.28, 0.94) or living with their wives (aOR: 0.53; 95%CI: 0.31, 0.89). Similarly, single MSM living alone (aOR: 0.67; 95%CI: 0.48, 0.95) and married MSM living with their wives were comparatively less likely to be syphilis-infected (aOR: 0.43; 95%CI: 0.23, 0.79). Future efforts should consider characteristics of marital status and living arrangements for designing subgroup-specific risk reduction strategies among Chinese MSM.  相似文献   

目的了解互联网对男男性行为人群(MSM)艾滋病相关知识、行为及检测情况的影响,探索利用互联网进行MSM艾滋病防治干预的可行性。方法 2009年7-9月,采用同伴推动抽样方法共招募477名MSM进行面对面问卷调查,所得资料用SPSS软件进行数据分析和处理。结果网络为主型MSM和非网络为主型MSM在婚姻状况(χ2=8.696,P=0.027)、文化程度(χ2=8.303,P=0.016)、户籍(χ2=13.252,P=0.001)方面的分布差异有统计学意义;艾滋病防治知识知晓率,网络为主型为91.4%(318/348),非网络为主型为82.9%(102/123),网络为主型更高(χ2=6.724,P=0.010);最近六个月同性性伴数,网络为主型平均为(2.91±3.45)人,非网络为主型平均为(4.52±6.75)人,两组比较差异有统计学意义(t=-2.286,P=0.024,χ2=9.932,P=0.019);最近六个月与同性发生插入性行为坚持每次使用安全套的,网络为主型有34.9%(107/307),非网络为主型有33.0%(35/106)。结论互联网对MSM的艾滋病相关知识、行为有正面影响,应重视和加强利用互联网对MSM开展艾滋病防治干预工作。  相似文献   

目的探讨苏州市男男性行为人群(MSM)艾滋病病毒(HIV)感染的危险因素。方法采用时间序列病例对照的研究方法,病例来源于2008年5月至2009年7月间苏州MSM人群调查中新发现的HIV感染者,对照为按入组时间进行1∶4匹配的HIV抗体阴性者;问卷调查收集人口学、行为学信息等信息。数据分析运用条件Logistic回归模型。结果共获得病例58人,对照232人。单因素结果显示,与HIV感染相关的因素有大专及以上文化程度(OR=0.40,95%CI:0.20,0.78)、外地户籍(OR=2.19,95%CI:1.05,4.55)、最近6月内有5个及以上同性性伴(OR=2.29,95%CI:1.15,4.56)、最近6月内与同性发生被插入性肛交(OR=2.30,95%CI:1.16,4.59)、最近6月内与同性肛交从不/偶尔使用安全套(OR=4.20,95%CI:1.95,9.08)、感染梅毒(OR=2.28,95%CI:1.17,4.41);多因素分析表明,大专及以上文化程度(OR=0.45,95%CI:0.21,0.98)是MSM人群HIV感染的保护因素,而肛交从不/偶尔使用安全套(OR=3.76,95%CI:1.60,8.84)是MSM人群HIV感染的危险因素。结论文化程度高是MSM HIV感染的保护因素,而肛交不用安全套是MSM HIV感染的危险因素;需要针对MSM人群开展强化安全套使用的干预。  相似文献   

目的 了解重庆市男男性行为者(MSM)发生商业性性活动的基本情况及影响因素.方法 于2019-2020年应用方便抽样的方法在重庆市招募1 151名MSM,采用自填式问卷方法收集社会人口学特征、性行为特征、毒品使用史等;采集调查对象静脉血5 mL进行抗艾滋病病毒(HIV)检测和梅毒螺旋体抗体检测.采用二分类多因素Logi...  相似文献   

HIV/AIDS in Latin America is concentrated among men who have sex with men (MSM). However, accurate estimates of engagement in HIV care in this population can be difficult to ascertain because many do not self-identify as MSM. Given evidence of decreased HIV transmissibility in the context of antiretroviral therapy (ART) adherence, identifying individuals not in care who are engaging in HIV transmission risk behavior is crucial for secondary prevention. Primary aims of this study were to examine engagement in care from testing to ART adherence among MSM using online social/sexual networking across Latin America, and whether individuals not in care at each step reported greater sexual transmission risk behavior than those in care. In the overall sample (n = 28,779), approximately 75% reported ever being tested for HIV, and 9% reported having received an HIV diagnosis. Among known HIV-infected individuals, 20% reported not being in care, 30% reported not taking ART, and 55% reported less than 100% ART adherence. Over one-third of HIV-infected individuals reported sexual HIV transmission risk behavior, defined as unprotected anal intercourse (UAI) with a male partner of different/unknown HIV serostatus in the past three months. HIV-infected individuals not engaged in care more often reported UAI compared to those in care (OR = 1.29; 95% CI = 1.01–1.66). Although not statistically significant, HIV-infected individuals not on ART more often reported UAI compared to those on ART (OR = 1.18; 95% CI = 0.94–1.47). Individuals who reported less than 100% ART adherence more often reported UAI compared to individuals with 100% adherence (OR = 1.55; 95% CI = 1.26–1.90). Findings demonstrate that a substantial portion of HIV-infected MSM in Latin America who are likely not virologically suppressed from lack of ART use or adherence report sexual HIV transmission risk. Tailoring secondary HIV prevention for MSM in Latin America who are not in HIV care or adherent to ART may be warranted.  相似文献   

Only about 85% of men who have sex with men (MSM) with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) have been tested for and diagnosed with HIV. Racial/ethnic disparities in HIV risk and HIV care outcomes exist within MSM. We examined racial/ethnic disparities in delayed HIV diagnosis among MSM. Males aged ≥13 reported to the Florida Enhanced HIV/AIDS Reporting System 2000–2014 with a reported HIV transmission mode of MSM were analyzed. We defined delayed HIV diagnosis as an AIDS diagnosis within three months of the HIV diagnosis. Multilevel logistic regressions were used to estimate adjusted odds ratios (aOR). Of 39,301 MSM, 27% were diagnosed late. After controlling for individual factors, neighborhood socioeconomic status, and rural–urban residence, non-Latino Black MSM had higher odds of delayed diagnosis compared with non-Latino White MSM (aOR 1.15, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.08–1.23). Foreign birth compared with US birth was a risk factor for Black MSM (aOR 1.27, 95% CI 1.12–1.44), but a protective factor for White MSM (aOR 0.77, 95% CI 0.68–0.87). Rural residence was a risk for Black MSM (aOR 1.79, 95% CI 1.36–2.35) and Latino MSM (aOR 1.87, 95% CI 1.24–2.84), but not for White MSM (aOR 1.26, 95% CI 0.99–1.60). HIV testing barriers particularly affect non-Latino Black MSM. Social and/or structural barriers to testing in rural communities may be significantly contributing to delayed HIV diagnosis among minority MSM.  相似文献   

Rural South African men who have sex with men (MSM) are likely to be underserved in terms of access to relevant healthcare and HIV prevention services. While research in urban and peri-urban MSM populations has identified a range of factors affecting HIV risk in South African MSM, very little research is available that examines HIV risk and prevention in rural MSM populations. This exploratory study begins to address this lack by assessing perceptions of HIV risk among MSM in rural Limpopo province. Using thematic analysis of interview and discussion data, two overarching global themes that encapsulated participants’ understandings of HIV risk and the HIV risk environment in their communities were developed. In the first theme, “community experience and the rural social environment”, factors affecting HIV risk within the broad risk environment were discussed. These included perceptions of traditional value systems and communities as homophobic; jealousy and competition between MSM; and the role of social media as a means of meeting other MSM. The second global theme, “HIV/AIDS knowledge, risk and experience”, focused on factors more immediately affecting HIV transmission risk. These included: high levels of knowledge of heterosexual HIV risk, but limited knowledge of MSM-specific risk; inconsistent condom and lubricant use; difficulties in negotiating condom and lubricant use due to uneven power dynamics in relationships; competition for sexual partners; multiple concurrent sexual partnerships; and transactional sex. These exploratory results suggest that rural South African MSM, like their urban and peri-urban counterparts, are at high risk of contracting HIV, and that there is a need for more in-depth research into the interactions between the rural context and the specific HIV risk knowledge and behaviours that affect HIV risk in this population.  相似文献   

We examined changes and correlates of sexual risk behavior of men who have sex with men (MSM) compared with heterosexual men and women over three time periods. Data from the 1997, 1999, and 2003 Los Angeles County Health Surveys, a population-based telephone survey, were analyzed to examine the association of sociodemographic and health-related factors with sexual risk behaviors among the three groups. In each time period, MSM reported a significantly greater percentage of sexual risk (i.e., both inconsistent condom use and multiple sex partners in the past 12 months) compared with heterosexual men and women. Multivariate analyses indicated that MSM and heterosexual men reported greater sexual risk than heterosexual women. Respondents who were younger, U.S. born, reported heavy alcohol consumption, or had been tested for HIV in the past 24 months were more likely to report sexual risk behavior. The findings suggest the need for continued targeted prevention for MSM and prevention efforts for segments of the general population at elevated risk for HIV.  相似文献   

IntroductionThe elderly population is increasingly benefiting from recent technological advances. In this scenario, geolocation-based dating applications provide a viable alternative for finding partners in a practical and timely manner, but may be accompanied by certain risk behaviors for HIV infection. Although there are considerable number of users over 50 on these applications, no studies have addressed this problem. The aim of the present study was to analyze factors of vulnerability to HIV/Aids among the population of men who have sex with men (MSM) age 50 years or older who use dating apps.MethodsThis was a cross-sectional, population-survey-based, analytical study, conducted exclusively online with a sample of 412 MSM. The data was collected from the following apps: Grindr®, Hornet®, Scruff® and Daddy Hunter®.ResultsFactors associated with a higher chance of having HIV were: sexual relations with an HIV-infected partner (ORa = 5.53; 95%CI = 2.23–13.73); chemsex (ORa = 3.97; 95%CI = 1.72–8.92); and, above all, having an HIV-infected partner (ORa = 8.02; 95%CI = 2.01–32.01). The belief that apps increase protection against sexually transmitted infections (ORa = 0.43; 95%CI = 0.19–0.95) and not being familiar with post-exposure prophylaxis (ORa = 0.43; 95%CI = 0.19–0.95) were associated with decreased chances of having HIV.ConclusionsWe highlight some important factors that structure the vulnerability of the MSM surveyed in relation to HIV infection. The findings should be used to customize care for this population, which could bring them in more for health care services.  相似文献   

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