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目的 分析海南省2个城镇娱乐场所中,提供或可能提供性服务的女性从业人员,与不同性伴的性行为及其安全套的使用状况,揭示该人群在艾滋病传播中的桥梁作用,探索针对该人群的艾滋病干预工作的模式. 方法 采用横断面调查方法,对抽取的200名娱乐场所的女性从业人员进行面对面的问卷调查. 结果 200名调查对象中,66.5%的人有固定性伴,79.5%的人有过商业性伴,22.0%的人有暂时性伴;阴道性交是该人群的主要性行为方式;30.39%的调查对象在与固定性伴发生性行为时使用了安全套,与商业性伴和暂时性伴该数据上升为69.34%和72.22%.该人群安全套的使用与年龄、场所、民族及婚姻状况呈密切相关. 结论 娱乐场所女性从业人员为艾滋病从高危人群向普通人群传播的桥梁,针对该人群的艾滋病干预工作必须因人因地而宜.  相似文献   

目的了解上海地区男男性行为人群(Men who have sex with men,MSM)拥有性伴情况及性行为特征,探讨性病、艾滋病病毒(Human immunodeficiency virus,HIV)在该人群中的传播及其向普通人群传播的途径,为制定性病、艾滋病预防控制策略提供依据。方法通过艾滋病自愿咨询检测门诊、网络、非政府组织、"滚雪球"等方式招募MSM对象,采用面对面匿名问卷调查方式收集相关信息。结果共招募了459名MSM,发现最近6个月内有64人(13.9%)与女性性伴发生过性行为,其中危险性行为的发生率为51.6%;最近6个月内有318人(69.3%)曾主动寻求与男性发生性行为,主要寻找途径是通过网络,占73.3%。最近6个月同性性伴数最少1个,最多50个,中位数2个。其中174人(64.4%)有同性固定性伴,223人(48.6%)与非同性固定性伴发生过多次男男性行为(4N9),236人(51.4%)发生过一夜情(419),28人(6.6%)从事商业性性行为。而在与固定同性性伴、同性4N9、同性419、商业性男性客人的高危性行为发生率,依次是64.4%、56.1%、52.5%、64.3%。结论 MSM人群属于性活跃人群,拥有性伴类型复杂多样,高危性行为发生率高,使HIV及性病在该人群中广泛传播,尤其与女性性伴发生高危性行为比例较高,今后与女性结婚可能性较大,使其已成为向普通人群传播HIV的"桥梁人群"。应积极在该人群中开展干预工作。  相似文献   

目的了解福建省男性流动人口中,非婚性行为的发生情况及安全套使用的影响因素,为进一步提出有针对性的干预措施提供科学依据。方法选择福建省流动人口较多的城市福州、厦门和泉州,使用国家统一的流动人口健康状况调查问卷,对四类流动人口进行调查。结果共调查了2 795名男性流动人口,有12.3%的调查对象最近一年发生过非婚性行为,其中40.2%的人每次发生非婚性行为时都使用安全套。Logistic回归分析显示,艾滋病知识知晓率、流动人口的户籍以及对待艾滋病工友的态度,是福建省男性流动人口发生非婚性行为安全套使用的主要影响因素。结论应针对流动人口的特征,加强艾滋病知识的宣传教育,提高流动人口艾滋病知识知晓率,减少其高危行为的发生。  相似文献   

目的了解四川省艾滋病低流行区暗娼(FSW)非商业性行为中安全套的使用现状,并探讨其主要影响因素。方法在四川省(不含凉山州)的32个县,对FSW进行抽样问卷调查,应用双反应变量的多水平统计模型探讨FSW非商业性行为中安全套使用的影响因素。结果参与调查的1 367名FSW中,最近一次非商业性行为中安全套的使用率为43.4%,最近1个月非商业性行为中安全套坚持使用率为17.6%;年龄(OR〈1)和艾滋病病毒检测(OR〉1)是影响最近一次和最近1个月非商业性行为中安全套的使用的主要因素。结论应重点干预相对年长的FSW;大力推行自愿咨询检测(VCT),扩大艾滋病病毒检测覆盖面。  相似文献   

目的 了解南京大学生多性伴现况及影响因素,为南京大学生性健康知识教育提供依据.方法 在2019年4-6月,采用分层随机整群抽样方法对驻宁大学生进行匿名问卷调查,调查内容包括一般人口学特征,性行为情况和艾滋病检测等情况,采用两水平Logistic回归模型分析.结果 在报告有性行为的7 239名大学生中,16.4%(1 1...  相似文献   

目的了解岑溪市暗娼人群最近1个月商业性性行为安全套的使用情况及其影响因素。方法用分层随机抽样法,调查收集岑溪市高、中、低档场所暗娼商业性性行为相关信息。用非条件Logistic回归方法分析安全套使用的相关因素。结果共调查400名暗娼,最近1个月商业性性行为安全套坚持使用率为66.8%。经非条件Logistic回归分析发现,暗娼最近1个月的商业性性行为是否坚持使用安全套与娱乐场所档次、婚姻状况、艾滋病知识知晓等因素有关。结论应针对不同档次的娱乐场所,不同婚姻状况和不同艾滋病相关知识知晓程度的暗娼开展行为干预工作,特别是对低档场所、相关知识知晓程度较低的暗娼,要加大干预力度,并大力推广安全套的使用。  相似文献   

目的了解不同国籍和不同档次服务场所的暗娼,安全套使用现状及其影响因素。方法采用横断面的研究设计,对凭祥市区及边境贸易区内的娱乐场所,采用随机整群抽样方法抽取部分暗娼进行面对面问卷调查,收集暗娼的人口学、艾滋病知识、安全套使用情况及干预服务接受情况等资料,用SPSS 13.0软件进行分析。结果 2010年4-5月共调查暗娼262人。暗娼最近一次商业性行为中使用安全套的比例为79.77%,中国籍暗娼低于越南籍,差异有统计学意义(χ2=20.24,P<0.01);最近一个月商业性性行为中,暗娼每次都坚持使用、有时使用和从不使用安全套的比例,分别为59.16%、29.01%和11.83%,该比例在不同档次服务场所和不同国籍间差异均有统计学意义(χ2=9.9,P=0.007;χ2=7.72,P=0.006)。通过多因素Logistic回归分析发现,影响暗娼使用安全套的主要因素为:年龄、户籍所在地、性服务场所档次。结论低档服务场所、中国籍、高年龄组的暗娼安全套使用频率较低。提示在今后干预工作中,应充分考虑不同档次高危娱乐场所、不同国籍暗娼的人群特征,开展有针对性的安全套推广使用活动。  相似文献   

目的了解上海市城区男性建筑工人的性行为特征、安全套使用情况及其影响因素,为大城市建筑工人的艾滋病性病防治策略提供依据。方法随机整群抽样选择上海两个城区12个工地的1 163名工人进行面对面问卷调查,内容包括人口学特征、工作和生活情况、艾滋病及安全套的知识和态度、性行为及安全套使用情况等。结果上海市城区男性建筑工人平均年龄(38.7±10.7)岁,小学及以下文化程度占22.0%,81.9%为已婚或同居;24.3%曾经有过多性伴,33.6%有过婚前性行为,10.5%有过婚外性行为,7.1%曾有商业性活动,而且73.7%很少或根本不使用安全套;年龄越大、每日工作时间越长的工人使用安全套的频率越低[比值比(Odds ratio,OR)分别为0.45和0.65]。安全套使用的促进因素为安全套能有效预防艾滋病的知识、性伴不愿使用安全套时能劝说其使用的技巧,以及知道从哪儿获得安全套,OR依次为1.96、3.94和3.33。结论男性建筑工人已成为大城市艾滋病/性病经性传播的重要桥梁人群,关注男性建筑工人并加大力度推广使用安全套已迫在眉睫。  相似文献   

目的 分析首次性行为安全套使用对最近一年性行为的发生和安全套使用的影响,为大学生开展有针对性的艾滋病防控措施和性健康教育提供参考依据。方法 采用多阶段整群抽样方法,对珠海市6所高校内的学生进行匿名调查,收集首次性行为安全套使用情况及最近一年性行为情况等信息。结果 共纳入1 789名有性经历的学生,首次性行为安全套使用率为73.9%(1 322/1 789),最近一年安全套持续使用率为56.4%(807/1 430),最近一次性行为安全套使用率为81.8%(1 170/1 430)。多因素分析显示,首次性行为使用安全套的学生在最近一年发生性行为(a OR=1.65,95%CI:1.27~2.14)、固定性伴性行为(a OR=1.39,95%CI:1.01~1.91)的可能性较高,而发生多性伴性行为(a OR=0.68,95%CI:0.51~0.93)的可能性较低。首次性行为使用安全套的学生在最近一年性行为(a OR=6.75,95%CI:5.03~9.07)、最近一年与固定性伴(a OR=5.15,95%CI:3.75~7.07)、临时性伴(a OR=5.06,95%CI:2.82~9....  相似文献   

STD门诊就诊人群性行为及安全套使用情况调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解性传播疾病 (STD)门诊就诊人群中性行为及安全套使用情况 ,于 1999年 3~ 9月 ,固定每周选取 2天对就诊者进行调查 ,结果如下。1 调查对象和方法 为山东省皮肤病性病防治研究所STD门诊的就诊者 ,共登记 12 0 0例。其中资料齐全者 10 76例。在征得同意后 ,通过与就诊者面对面交谈完成调查表的填写。调查表包括病人的人口学资料、性行为、安全套使用情况等。用SPSS 10 0软件进行数据处理及分析 ,用 χ2 检验评价男女就诊者性行为差异。2 一般人口学特征  10 76名受检者中 ,男 85 2人(79 2 % ) ,女 2 2 4人 (2 0 8% )。在低年…  相似文献   

In the Democratic Republic of Congo no previous studies have assessed the factors associated with different patterns of condom use and with multiple sexual partners, and the association between condom use simultaneously taking into account multiple sexual partnerships, and HIV infection. We carried out a prospective case–control study. From December 2010 until June 2012, 1630 participants aged 15–49 getting HIV Voluntary Counseling and Testing in a hospital in Kinshasa were selected. Cases were new HIV diagnosis and controls were HIV-negative participants detected along the study period. We recruited 274 cases and 1340 controls that were interviewed about HIV-related knowledge, attitudes and behaviours. Among cases there was a high prevalence of multiple lifetime and concurrent sexual partnerships (89.8% and 20.4%, respectively) and most cases never used condoms with only 1.5% using them consistently. Condom use and multiple partnerships were associated with male, single and high-educated participants. An association was found between multiple lifetime partners and ‘any condom use’ (OR?=?2.99; 95%CI: 2.14–4.19) but not with consistent use. Both having two or more multiple concurrent sexual partners or not using condoms were variables similarly and highly associated to HIV risk. The association found between having two or more concurrent sexual partners and HIV was slightly higher (OR?=?3.58, 95%CI:2.31–5.56) than the association found between never condom use and HIV (OR?=?3.38, 95%CI:1.15–9.93). We found a high prevalence of multiple lifetime sexual partners and an extremely high prevalence of inconsistent condom use, both strongly associated with HIV seropositivity. Local programmes would benefit from comprehensive interventions targeting all behavioural and sociocultural determinants.  相似文献   

目的 为加强预防艾滋病健康教育,分析某县15~24岁校外青少年中,多性伴行为发生情况及影响因素.方法 采用参与式调查方法,培训职业培训中心的校外青少年学员作为同伴调查员,进行匿名问卷调查.结果 共调查511名校外青少年,有3个以上性伴者占38.3%.多性伴行为的影响因素很复杂,主要的保护因素是艾滋病相关知识(OR=0.85),主要的危险因素是朋友中多性伴现象(OR=4.91)和卖淫现象(OR=3.37).结论 提高青少年应对不良伙伴压力的能力,是降低校外青少年中多性伴的工作重点.  相似文献   

目的了解目前美沙酮维持治疗(MMT)门诊服药人员的不安全性行为状况及相关因素。方法在重庆、广东、江苏三省(直辖市)6个MMT门诊,选取符合条件的服药人员进行问卷调查及尿液检测,收集研究对象的一般情况、性行为状况、美沙酮服药情况及多药滥用信息。结果共调查1202人,平均年龄(39.7±6.8)岁;其中男性占75.7%(910人),平均吸食海洛因年限(15.6±4.8)年。758人(63.1%)过去6个月有过性行为,其中10.2%(77/758)存在不安全性行为。男性、未婚单身/N异丧偶、与家人关系差、存在药物滥用、HIV阳性与不安全性行为的发生存在正向的统计学关联(P〈O.05)。结论不安全性行为普遍存在于所调查的MMT门诊服药人员中,针对服药人员不安全性行为的健康教育和行为干预需要进一步加强。  相似文献   

目的 了解重庆市男男性行为者(MSM)发生商业性性活动的基本情况及影响因素.方法 于2019-2020年应用方便抽样的方法在重庆市招募1 151名MSM,采用自填式问卷方法收集社会人口学特征、性行为特征、毒品使用史等;采集调查对象静脉血5 mL进行抗艾滋病病毒(HIV)检测和梅毒螺旋体抗体检测.采用二分类多因素Logi...  相似文献   

Women who abuse substances are at a high-risk for contracting HIV. Condom use interventions are important in reducing HIV in high-risk populations, but current interventions have small effects. The aim of this study is to examine the relative impact of substance use, personal variables (sexual impulsivity and condom expectancies), and relationship variables (perceptions of relationship commitment and partner risk, perceptions of power within the relationship) on condom use in women in court-mandated substance abuse treatment. Information was collected from 312 sexually active women in an inpatient drug and alcohol treatment facility in the Southeastern US Participants completed questionnaires and were interviewed using the Timeline Follow-back method and provided information about sexual activity in the 30-days prior to intake, including type of sexual event, co-occurrence with substance use, condom use, and characteristics of sexual partners and the nature of the relationship. Multilevel logistic modeling revealed that perception of relationship commitment, condom outcome expectancies, and age significantly affected condom use for women in the sample. Specifically, condom use was least likely when women reported that the relationship was committed (odds ratio [OR] = 0.31, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.23, 0.43) or when the participant was older (OR = 0.96, 95% CI: 0.94, 0.99), and more likely when women reported more positive condom outcome expectancies (OR = 1.02, 95% CI: 1.00, 1.03). The findings suggest that perceptions of relationship commitment, regardless of perceptions of partner risk, strongly affect condom use among women court-mandated into drug and alcohol treatment. In addition, positive outcome expectancies (e.g., positive self-evaluations and perceived positive partner reactions) are associated with a greater likelihood of condom use. These findings have important implications for condom use interventions, which have failed to produce large or lasting effects within this population.  相似文献   

Previous literature suggests a high rate of HIV infections among older female sex workers (FSWs) in China. However, limited data are available regarding HIV- related behavioral risk factors among this population. In the current study, we aim to examine the demographic and behavioral factors that place older FSWs at a high risk of HIV infection. We conducted secondary analysis of the 2010 National Sentinel Surveillance (NSS) data from Guangxi, China. A self-administered, standard behavioral surveillance survey was completed by a total of 12,622 FSWs in Guangxi, China. The Guangxi 2010 NSS sample included 19.4% FSWs aged 35 years or older (“older FSWs”). The overall HIV prevalence was 1.0% for the entire sample with 2.0% among older FSWs and 0.8% among younger ones. Older age was an independent predictor of unprotected sex, injection drug use, and a self-reported history of syphilis infection. Future HIV prevention interventions targeting FSWs should consider older FSWs' vulnerable status. Efforts are needed to address their financial needs and invest in skills for socio-economic empowerment.  相似文献   

Multiple concurrent partnerships are hypothesized to be important drivers of HIV transmission. Despite the demonstrated importance of relationship type (i.e., wife, girlfriend, casual partner, sex worker) on condom use, research on concurrency has not examined how different combinations of relationship types might affect condom use. We address this gap, using survey data from a sample of men from Ghana (GH: n = 807) and Tanzania (TZ: n = 800) who have at least three sexual partners in the past three months. We found that approximately two-thirds of men's reported relationships were classified as a girlfriend. Men were more likely to use a condom with a girlfriend if their other partner was a wife compared to if their other partner was a sex worker (GH: OR 3.10, 95% CI, 1.40, 6.86; TZ: OR 2.34, 95% CI 1.35, 4.06). These findings underscore the importance of considering relationship type when designing HIV prevention strategies in these settings.  相似文献   

Ya-Chien Wang 《AIDS care》2016,28(3):354-358
This study examines the predictive value of individual, interpersonal, and community factors for consistent condom use among university students in Taiwan. The analytic sample for this cross-sectional study comprised 105 sexually active students, a subgroup of the respondents in a survey on university students in mid-Taiwan, with a mean age of 21, and 51.4% being female. The outcome variable was assessed as the proportion of times a condom was used in sex with steady sex partners. Risky sex appeared less related to having multiple sex partners (8.57%) than with inconsistent condom use (71.4%). Hierarchical regression analysis showed that 47.4% of variance in the outcome variable could be explained by AIDS knowledge, class adjustment, perception of good friends’ condom use, and discussion of condom use with good friends. This study found that predictors across different levels may work in combination to influence students’ condom use. Enhancing HIV/AIDS knowledge, improving class adjustment, facilitating peer norm of condom use may work in combination to increase students’ condom use.  相似文献   

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