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目的 研究Ezrin蛋白在肌病患者骨骼肌中的表达及意义.方法 取肌纤维再生活跃的假肥大型肌营养不良(DMD,9例)和多发性肌炎(PM,5例)患者的骨骼肌标本,冰冻连续切片,进行HE染色及抗-Ezrin、抗-神经细胞黏附分子(NCAM)单克隆抗体免疫组化染色,观察被检肌的病理改变和Ezrin蛋白的表达.结果 DMD、PM患者被检肌HE染色所见再生肌纤维直径较小、核位于中央、胞浆嗜碱性;NCAM染色再生肌纤维深染;再生肌纤维Ezrin呈阳性表达,伴随肌纤维成熟Ezrin表达逐渐减弱,成熟肌纤维无Ezrin表达;成肌细胞Ezrin呈阳性表达.结论 Ezrin蛋白与DMD、PM肌病患者骨骼肌纤维再生可能存在密切关系.  相似文献   

目的观察运动神经元病(motor neuron disease,MND)患者是否存在记忆功能障碍;并研究患者的病程对其记忆功能的影响。方法对比分析了32例MND患者与60例正常对照的临床记忆量表评分,并比较不同病程的MND患者的记忆功能评分。结果MND患者记忆商、临床记忆量表总等值量表分、指向记忆等值量表分、无意义图形再认等值量表分评分均明显低于对照组(P<0.05),且不同病程的MND患者临床记忆量表各项评分比较无显著性差异(P>0.05)。结论MND患者大多存在记忆障碍,提示MND存在运动区域以外的脑组织受累。MND患者的记忆障碍与病程长短无明显关系。  相似文献   

单纤维肌电图在68例运动神经元病患者中的研究   总被引:15,自引:3,他引:12  
目的 研究运动神经元病 (MND)患者的单纤维肌电图 (SFEMG)改变、病理生理机制及临床意义。方法 对 6 8例 (男 4 3例 ,女 2 5例 )经病史、临床表现和神经电生理检查测定证实的MND患者进行了伸指总肌SFEMG测定 ,并与年龄匹配的正常人对照。结果 所有患者感觉神经传导速度测定均正常 ,肌电图为广泛神经源性损害。SFEMG检查发现 :颤抖值 (jitter)为 30~ 178μs,平均 (80 2± 32 6 ) μs ;jitter>5 5 μs占 5 0 %~ 10 0 0 % ,平均 6 0 6 %± 2 9 0 % ;阻滞 (block)所占百分比为 0 0 %~90 0 % ,平均 2 9 3%± 30 0 % ;纤维密度 (FD)为 1 4~ 4 0 ,平均 2 6± 0 6。其中 5 1例确诊和拟诊的肌萎缩侧索硬化患者jitter增宽、block和FD增高最明显。还发现伸指总肌肌无力的程度与jitter增宽和block百分比呈明显的负相关。结论 SFEMG的异常改变在确诊患者组最明显 ;jitter增宽、block百分比升高和FD增高与肌肉无力的严重程度呈明显的负相关 (P <0 0 0 1) ;jitter增宽、block百分比升高和FD增高反映进行性失神经、神经再生和神经肌肉接头处的传递情况  相似文献   

目的 探讨运动神经元病(MND)患者血浆胰岛素生长因子-1(IGF-1)变化的临床意义。方法 应用放射免疫法测定21例MND患者血浆IGF-1水平,同时测定其血清胰岛素和空腹血糖水平,并设立正常对照组。结果 与正常对照组比较,MND患者血浆IGF_1水平显著下降,虽然两组血糖水平无明显差异,但口才组血浆胰钫 水平明显下降。结论 IGF-1系统参与了MND的发病机理,神经营养支持的缺乏是导致髓运动元  相似文献   

运动神经元病(MND)是一组病因未明,选择性侵犯脊髓前角细胞、脑干运动神经元、皮质锥体细胞和锥体束的慢性进行性变性疾病[1].我科2007-2009年共收治3例运动神经元合并重症肌无力的患者,入院后行气管切开术,植入一次性硅胶套管,1周后更换金属套管.因此气管切开术后的护理已成为首要护理问题.  相似文献   

运动神经元病的肌肉病理及其在诊断中的使用价值   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
本文报告67例运动神经元病(MND)患者肌活检组织的光镜及酶组织化学检查的结果,其中22例作过电镜观察;并与其它易混淆病(成年型脊髓性肌萎缩症、青年单侧上肢远端肌萎缩症、颈椎病和某些较慢性的周围神经病)70例作对比研究。结果表明MND的肌肉病理有其特点,认为肌活检可作为MND诊断和鉴别诊断的重要辅助检查手段。  相似文献   

目的探讨运动神经元病(MND)患者胸锁乳突肌(SCM)肌电图的特征。方法回顾性分析461例MND患者及349例非MND患者的临床和肌电图资料。结果MND组SCM肌电图异常率(60.3%)显著高于非MND组(4.6%)(P<0.01);确诊级MND患者SCM肌电图的异常率(77.4%)明显高于其他诊断级(均P<0.01);MND组中,SCM肌电图的异常率(60.3%)低于上、下肢体肌肉的肌电图(93.2%、84.4%)(均P<0.001);MND患者SCM肌电图异常以自发电位(42.5%)和轻收缩时运动单位电位时限增宽(43.2%)最为常见;MND组有延髓症状者SCM肌电图的异常率(71.7%)明显高于无延髓症状者(54.3%)(P<0.05)。结论MND患者SCM肌电图异常率及其特异性高,为延髓肌受累的指征,有助于MND的诊断与鉴别诊断。  相似文献   

20例运动神经元病的误诊及病理分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探讨运动神经元病(MND)的病因,临床及特殊病理改变。方法:总结20例MND既往史,临床表现,肌电图及病理活检等。结果:20例中起病与中毒有关4例,感染有关2例,颈部外伤有关2例,20例中2例肌酶增高。1例脑脊液免疫球蛋白增高。20例中3例病理除表现神经源性肌萎缩外,同时并肌源性损害,20例中2例早期误诊为颈椎病。结论:MND发病可能与中毒、感染、外伤有关,成人型进行性肌脊萎缩症(PSMA)病理可变化多样。有慢性失神经和神经再支配的神经源性肌萎缩外,还有轻微肌病改变。  相似文献   

目的总结运动神经元病(motor neuron disease,MND)患者的肛门外括约肌肌电图(EAS-EMG)特点。方法分析20例不同临床亚型MND患者的EAS-EMG资料,并与无二便障碍症状和体征的阴性对照组(对照组)对比。结果与对照组〔(12.21±2.26)ms、(512.89±363.55)(ms.μV)〕比较,MND患者的肛门外括约肌(EAS)运动单位电位(motor unit potential,MUP)平均时限延长〔(14.55±2.27)ms,P=0.000〕,面积增大〔(718.47±236.57)(ms.μV),P=0.05〕,MUP波幅、多相波比例、平均相在两组间无统计学差异(P>0.05)。结论 MND患者EAS存在临床下神经源性损害,MUP时限、面积是反映MUP特征的敏感指标。  相似文献   

运动神经元病是一组散发或遗传的神经变性病。主要累及运动神经元,病程进展而死亡。文中就其临床表现和诊断标准、流行病学和遗传学进行综述。  相似文献   

运动神经元病162例的节段性运动神经传导测定分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的探讨运动神经元病(motor neuron d isease,MND)常规节段运动神经传导和位移技术检测的特点。方法对162例MND患者和60名健康对照进行常规节段运动神经传导测定,同时对部分神经采用位移技术测定,并进行分析比较。结果(1)健康人常规节段运动神经传导测定显示:近端与远端比较,波幅和面积下降程度均小于20%,时限增宽小于15%;(2)在MND患者,常规节段测定共有76个节段(5.57%)波幅下降超过20%,45个节段(3.30%)面积下降超过20%,76个节段(5.57%)时限延长超过15%。仅有4例(2.5%)患者4条神经的4个常规节段(0.29%)达到运动神经部分性传导阻滞标准,但采用位移技术测定时均未达到短节段传导阻滞的诊断标准。结论在大部分MND患者常规节段运动神经传导测定正常,在部分患者也可以出现“传导阻滞样”的电生理表现,但其发生率极低,进一步采用位移技术测定有助于鉴别。  相似文献   

运动神经元病血清特异抗原成分的检测   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的检测运动神经元病(MND)病人血清中是否存在运动神经元特异抗原成分,并探索MND潜在的诊断标志物。方法制备5株抗运动神经元单克隆抗体,并证明其对大鼠脊髓前角运动神经元具有高度特异的免疫组织化学反应。应用抗运动神经元单克隆抗体24B0-McAb,用ELISA法对25例运动神经元病病人血清中的特异抗原成分进行检测。根据临床表现将25例病人分为肌萎缩侧索硬化(ALS)、脊肌萎缩症(SMA)及进行性球麻痹(PBP)3组,再按年龄段分3个亚组(<20岁组、20~39岁组、>40岁组)。结果发现85%(22/25)临床确诊的MND病人存在较高浓度的特异抗原成分,MND病人与正常对照组对24B0-McAb的反应性差异有显著性意义(P<0.05),ALS、SMA及PBP亚型之间差异也有显著性意义(P<0.05),而年龄组之间差异虽有显著性意义,其临床意义尚需进一步研究。性别组之间的差异无显著性意义。结论MND病人血清中存在运动神经元特异抗原成分。用抗运动神经元单克隆抗体以ELISA法检测运动神经元特异抗原可以作为诊断MND的辅助检查。  相似文献   

Summary Pathological changes of the fusimotor endings in parkinsonism, motor neuron disease and myasthenia were examined by the acetylcholinesterase technic on serial sections. In parkinsonism, the diffuse endings, which are thought to be supplied by the static gamma nerve fibers, showed remarkable enlargement, while en plaque and en grappe endings were atrophic. In motor neuron disease, en plaque and en grappe endings, which are thought to be innervated by the beta nerve fibers and dynamic gamma nerve fibers respectively, revealed marked atrophy. However the diffuse endings were normal. In myasthenia gravis and myasthenic syndrome (Eaton-Lambert syndrome), en plaque and en grappe endings were atrophic, though only the diffuse endings were spared. The significance of these changes in the fusimotor endings is discussed.
Zusammenfassung In Serienschnitten wurden die motorischen Endplatten der intrafusalen Muskelfasern in Muskelspindeln von Patienten mit Parkinsonismus, myatrophischer Lateralsklerose und Myasthenia gravis mittels Acetylcholinesterasereaktion untersucht. Beim Parkinsonismus erschienen die diffusen Endigungen, von welchen angenommen wird, daß sie die Endigungen des Gammafasersystemes darstellen, nennenswert verbreitert, während die en-plaque- und en-grappe-Endigungen atrophisch erschienen. In den Fällen von myatrophischer Lateralsklerose erwiesen sich en-plaque- und en-grappe-Endigungen, von welchen angenommen wird, daß sie zu den Betaneuronen und den dynamischen Gammafasern gehören, als ausgesprochen atrophisch. Die diffusen Endigungen allerdings waren normal. Bei Myasthenia gravis und dem myasthenischen Syndrom von Eaton-Lambert zeigten en-plaque- und engrappe-Endigungen Atrophien, während einzig die diffusen Endigungen ausgespart blieben. Es wird die Bedeutung dieser Veränderungen diskutiert.

This report concerns an ultrastructural investigation of the synapses of anterior horn neurons in the lumbar spinal cord of four patients with lower motor neuron disease (LMND) who had no upper motor neuron and corticospinal tract involvement. Anterior horn neurons of five normal individuals served as controls. The cell body area and the number of synapses of the normal-appearing neurons of the LMND patients were significantly reduced (P < 0.0001). These findings suggest that synaptic changes of anterior horn neurons could be ascribed to the degeneration of lower motor neurons rather than to the influence of upper motor neuron system degeneration. On the other hand, the lengths of individual synapses (P < 0.0001) and of their active zones (P < 0.05) were significantly increased in the patients. These increases would indicate that synapses on anterior horn neurons of individuals with LMND appear to have the capacity to react to progressive degeneration and loss of other synapses by means of a compensatory response or plasticity that enhances their efficiency. Received: 4 September 1995 / Revised: 3 November 1995 / Accepted: 16 November 1995  相似文献   

目的探讨MND患者ALSFRS与运动传导改变的相关性及其对预后评估的价值。方法2007年8月~2008年7月间符合Escorial诊断标准不同确定性水平的MND患者40例,健康志愿者102名为对照组。对所有患者均进行ALSFRS,并分别测量尺神经(腕部)-小指展肌以及胫神经(踝部)-[足母]展肌的复合肌肉动作电位(CMAP)波幅和末端运动潜伏期(DML),分析ALSFRS与运动传导参数的关系。结果(1)肯定型ALS20例,拟诊型ALS10例,可能型ALS4例,进行性脊肌萎缩6例;(2)与对照组比较,患者组小指展肌和[足母]展肌CMAP波幅(mV)减低,尺神经DML延长(P〈0.01);(3)ALSFRS与小指展肌和[足母]展肌CMAP波幅以及尺神经DML均呈显著相关(r分别为0.653,0.446和-0.592;P分别为0.000、0.004和0.000);ALSFRS%30分的9例(100%)患者CMAP波幅均异常减低,31例ALSFRS≥30分的患者有17例(54.8%)的CMAP波幅异常减低(Х^2=6.25,P=0.012);(4)随访的8例患者中6例ALSFRS在30分以下;与首次就诊相比,随访的8例患者其ALSFRS以及小指展肌CMAP波幅均减低(P〈0.05)。随访者的ALSFRS与小指展肌及[足母]展肌CMAP波幅均呈正相关(r分别为0.836和0.822;P分别为0.01和0.012),与DML无相关(P〉0.05)。结论MND患者可出现CMAP波幅减低及DML延长;ALSFRS与CMAP波幅显著相关,二者同时减低提示预后差,可作为客观反映MND患者严重程度的可靠指标。  相似文献   

Summary We investigated hyaline inclusion bodies (HI) immunocytochemically and ultrastructurally in six cases of sporadic motor neuron disease (MND). All HI contained large amounts of ubiquitin and some HI were stained at the core or the center with anti-neurofilament antibody, with the surrounding halo unstained. No HI were stained with antibodies raised against cytoskeletal proteins such as high-molecular weight microtubule-associated proteins and phosphorylated tau. Ultrastructurally, HI were chiefly composed of filaments measuring about 20 nm in diameter thicker than neurofilaments, and contained fine granules and frequently one or more of four characteristic profiles, i.e., small electron-dense materials resembling Bunina bodies, bundles of tubular filaments measuring approximately 20 nm in diameter, large electron-dense cores, and focal accumulations of randomly arranged neurofilaments. Hyaline inclusions can be regarded as one of the characteristic markers for sporadic MND as well as familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Hyaline inclusions have a markedly heterogeneous ultrastructure and, therefore, differences in immunoreactivity with antineurofilament antibodies are not unexpected.  相似文献   

To determine whether there are oculomotor abnormalities in motor neuron disease (MND), electrooculographic recordings were performed prospectively in 16 MND patients and the results compared with age-matched healthy controls. Parameters analysed included random and fixed saccades (latency, velocity and accuracy), smooth pursuit (gain, total harmonic distortion and number of saccadic intrusions) and optokinetic nystagmus (maximal and mean slow component velocity). Increased saccadic latencies and decreased smooth pursuit gain were the main alterations in the MND group. Correlation with clinical variables showed a positive relationship between smooth pursuit saccadic intrusions and the bulbar clinical score and the rate of progression and a lower optokinetic nystagmus maximal velocity in patients with pseudobulbar syndrome. Our results demonstrate the presence of subclinical supranuclear abnormalities in MND, and support the notion that MND is not merely a degeneration of the motor system.  相似文献   

This study concerns the synaptophysin expression in anterior horn neurons of 15 patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and of 4 patients with lower motor neuron disease, who had no upper motor neuron and corticospinal tract involvement. Immunohistochemical procedures were employed and specimens from 13 patients without neurological disease served as controls. A decrease in synaptophysin expression was observed in the anterior horn neuropil of all motor neuron disease patients and this reduction was correlated with the degree of degeneration or neuronal loss of anterior horn cells. Synaptophysin immunoreactivity was preserved in the proximal dendrites and around the somata of the remaining normal-appearing neurons, but it was reduced around the somata and dendrite, especially the distal portion of the proximal dendrites of small degenerated neurons with central chromatolysis, pigmentary atrophy, or simple neuronal atrophy. These observations suggest that presynaptic terminal loss is not secondary to motor cortical neuronal loss, but that the synaptic alterations in anterior horns occur in the wake of motor neuron degeneration.Supported by a Grant-in-Aid for General Scientific Research (C) from the Japanese Ministry of Education, Science and Culture, and a research grant for New Drug Development in ALS from the Ministry of Health and Welfare in Japan  相似文献   

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