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In this study a brain MRI long-term follow-up of 19 patients at presentation with Acute Isolated Optic Neuritis (AION), who did not develop further neurological disturbances, was performed to evaluate the frequency of subclinical evolution of the pathological process. At presentation, the brain MRI in nine patients was abnormal and in 10 normal. CSF oligoclonal bands were found in 11 patients, five of whom had normal basal MRI. All patients with abnormal basal MRI had new lesions on follow-up scans, while only one of the patients with a normal basal brain MRI had multiple lesions on the second scan. Our data suggest that about 50% of patients with AION had subclinical activity, even though there were no new clinical relapses.  相似文献   

Spinal cord MRI in clinically isolated optic neuritis   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
BACKGROUND/METHODS: One hundred and fifteen patients with clinically isolated optic neuritis underwent magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the brain and spinal cord within 3 months of the onset of symptoms. RESULTS: Eighty one (70%) patients had brain lesions and 31 (27%) had cord lesions. Cord lesions were seen in 12% with a normal brain MRI, 21% with between one and eight brain lesions, and 45% with nine or more brain lesions. When the new diagnostic criteria for MS were applied, MRI cord imaging used for evidence of dissemination in time and space allowed a diagnosis of MS in only one additional asymptomatic patient at 1 year, two additional asymptomatic patients at 3 years. CONCLUSIONS: Using existing criteria, spinal cord imaging rarely contributes to the diagnosis in patients with clinically isolated optic neuritis.  相似文献   

Magnetic resonance imaging revealed asymptomatic lesions in white matter regions corresponding with the optic radiations in 20 of 28 patients (71%) with clinically isolated optic neuritis. In contrast to the findings with symptomatic lesions, there was no relationship between the latency of the visual evoked potential and the presence of these asymptomatic posterior visual pathway lesions.  相似文献   

D M Jacobson  J J Marx  A Dlesk 《Neurology》1991,41(5):706-711
We evaluated antibody reactivity against Borrelia burgdorferi in 20 consecutive patients with newly diagnosed isolated optic neuritis who resided in a region endemic for Lyme disease. Four (20%) patients had positive serology. All three patients who had follow-up serologies showed rising convalescent levels of Borrelia-specific IgM. One patient refused lumbar puncture, one had normal CSF constituents except for an elevated Lyme antibody index, and two had CSF lymphocytic pleocytosis that remained unexplained after extensive evaluations for causes other than Lyme disease. We treated both patients who had CSF pleocytosis with intravenous ceftriaxone; the pleocytosis and optic nerve function improved. The other two patients received oral antibiotics and showed excellent recovery of visual acuity. We believe that serologic testing for Lyme disease is warranted for individuals with optic neuritis who reside in an endemic region, and patients with rising convalescent antibody levels or unexplained CSF pleocytosis should receive antibiotic treatment for Lyme disease.  相似文献   

When assessing and managing a patient with optic neuritis (ON), the risk of future development of multiple sclerosis (MS) is an important issue, as this can be the first presentation of the disease. Although the presence of lesions on baseline brain MRI is the strongest predictor of MS conversion, some patients with normal imaging also develop MS. We aimed to estimate MS risk in patients with ON and a normal baseline MRI and identify individuals with higher risk of conversion. We performed a retrospective study including patients with idiopathic ON and normal baseline brain MRI who presented to our hospital over an 8 year period. Of a total of 42 patients, 10 converted to MS: five during the first follow-up year, seven during the first 2 years and all of the patients within the first 5 years, with a 5 year MS conversion rate of 23.8%. MS conversion rates were significantly higher in patients with history of previous symptoms suggestive of demyelination (p = 0.002), cerebrospinal fluid oligoclonal bands unmatched in serum (p = 0.004) and incomplete visual acuity recovery (⩽6/12) after 1 year (p = 0.002). Lower conversion rates were found in patients with optic disc edema (p = 0.022). According to these results, a significant proportion of patients with idiopathic ON and a normal baseline brain MRI will develop MS, with a higher risk during the first 5 years. Therefore, in the presence of factors in favor of MS conversion, close follow-up, including semestral medical consultations and yearly brain MRI, can be recommended. Early immunomodulatory treatment may be individually considered as it can delay conversion and reduce new lesion development rate.  相似文献   



Optic neuritis (ON) is a frequent initial manifestation of multiple sclerosis (MS). Autonomic failure affecting the pupillary function is known to exist in ON patients, and patients with MS are known to have more widespread autonomic dysfunction. For example, sudomotor dysfunction is well known in MS. We carried out a study investigating sudomotor abnormalities in ON patients, and later followed these patients at risk of developing MS.  相似文献   

Optic neuritis (ON) is linked to multiple sclerosis (MS). The presence of white matter lesions on cerebral magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) predicts the risk of MS after ON with considerable accuracy. Oligoclonal bands (OCB) are present in 95?% of MS patients, and a lumbar puncture can also be valuable in the evaluation of patients with ON. We analyzed CSF findings in patients referred with ON in the context of MRI and visual evoked potential (VEP) pathology. We assessed the possible contributory role of a lumbar puncture and weigh this against disadvantages of the procedure. Between February 2003 and November 2011, 505 patients were referred by ophthalmologists to the Clinic of Optic Neuritis, Glostrup Hospital, University of Copenhagen. None had MS prior to referral. A total of 437 were included in the study, and all underwent MRI, a lumbar puncture and VEP. Patients with other organic causes of their symptoms and patients with >3?months between onset and tests were excluded. All files were reviewed retrospectively. CSF leukocytes and the IgG index were elevated in 33 and 41?%, respectively, and OCBs were detected in 61?% of patients. CSF abnormalities correlated strongly with VEP and MRI (p?<?0.0001). Patients with normal VEP and MRI had a 96?% probability of a normal lumbar puncture. The contributory role of a lumbar puncture in the evaluation of ON seems negligible when patients have a normal VEP and MRI. We suggest that all patients should be evaluated with VEP and MRI before deciding on a lumbar puncture.  相似文献   

Interferon-alpha and interferon-gamma production by idiopathic isolated optic neuritis (ON) patients was studied. The production capacity was compared with that in two control groups: patients with iritis and healthy control subjects. A sensitive and reliable interferon bioassay was applied for interferon level measurements. Statistically significant differences were not found between patients and control groups in either interferon-alpha production or interferon-gamma production.  相似文献   

The volume of cortical activation as detected by functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) in the visual cortex has previously been shown to be reduced following optic neuritis (ON). In order to understand the cause of this change, we studied the cortical activation, both the size of the activated area and the signal change following ON, and compared the results with results of neuroophthalmological testing. We studied nine patients with previous acute ON and 10 healthy persons served as controls using fMRI with visual stimulation. In addition to a reduced activated volume, patients showed a reduced blood oxygenation level dependent (BOLD) signal increase and a greater asymmetry in the visual cortex, compared with controls. The volume of visual cortical activation was significantly correlated to the result of the contrast sensitivity test. The BOLD signal increase correlated significantly to both the results of the contrast sensitivity test and to the Snellen visual acuity. Our results indicate that fMRI is a useful method for the study of ON, even in cases where the visual acuity is severely impaired. The reduction in activated volume could be explained as a reduced neuronal input; however, the greater asymmetry might point to a cortical reorganization as a consequence of neuronal damage. Future fMRI studies in ON will add to the understanding of the neural adaptive behaviour following ON.  相似文献   

Introduction - Serial brain MRIs with and without Gadolinium (Gd)-DTPA were performed in acute optic neuritis (ON). Material and methods - Fifty-nine untreated patients (44 female) aged 20–57 years with ON underwent MRI median 16 d from onset of symptoms of ON and at 1 and 12 months follow-up. Results - At onset of monosymptomatic ON (AMON), 13 of 40 (33%) patients had lesions on MRI without Gd-DTPA compared with 15 of 19 (79%) patients with ON as part of clinically definite multiple sclerosis (CDMS). An initially abnormal MRI never normalized, whereas 3 patients with AMON with initially normal MRI had lesions at follow-up. In AMON enhancing lesions were seen in 5% of patients at onset, in 12% after 1 month, and in 11% after 12 months. The corresponding figures in CDMS were 21 %. 38%, and 33%. All enhancing lesions were also seen on MRI without Gd-DTPA. The number of lesions on MRI without Gd-DTPA increased significantly with time in the 8 patients with AMON with enhancing lesions at one or more MRIs. New enhancing lesions appeared in 11 patients (6 AMON), of whom 3 (2 AMON) had an exacerbation. In contrast. 12 (5 AMON) patients had an exacerbation, being accompanied by new enhancing lesions in only 3 (2 AMON) patients. Conclusion - Gd-DTPA did not increase the sensitivity of MRI, which was significantly higher in CDMS than in AMON, but improved the understanding of the natural history of AMON and CDMS. The dynamics of enhancing lesions did not correlate well with exacerbations. Serial MRI and clinical assessment are supplementary in monitoring disease activity.  相似文献   

We studied 88 patients with isolated idiopathic optic neuritis (IION) in order to evaluate the rate of progression to multiple sclerosis (MS) in Brazil. The patients were reassessed from one month to nine years after the development of the IION (mean follow-up was 4.6 years). There were 52 men and 36 women with ages ranging from three to 59 years (mean 24.3 years). Bilateral optic neuritis occurred in 19 patients whereas sequential involvement of the fellow eye after an interval longer than four weeks occurred in other 19 patients. Recurrences in the same eye occurred in seven cases. Nine patients (10.8%) developed clinically definitive MS--13.9% of the women and 7.7% of the men with IION. The median age at the time of diagnosis of MS was 25 years. The mean interval between IION and the emergence of other MS signs varied from one month to five years--median one year. Sixty-seven percent of these patients developed signs of spinal cord involvement. Our findings when compared to published series in different countries are closer to figures reported in Japan than those in the West.  相似文献   

We examined untreated 60 patients with acute monosymptomatic optic neuritis (ON). Patients examined early after onset showed increased expression of HLA-DR and CD45R0 on CD4 and CD8 T cells. Expression of HLA-DR on CD4 T cells was higher in patients without IgG oligoclonal bands. Expression of HLA-DR on CD4 and CD8 T cells correlated negatively with measures of disease activity and positively with measures of good visual function, and expression of CD45R0 on CD4 T cells correlated negatively with measures of disease activity. We hypothesize that HLA-DR expression may characterize a protective T-cell subset in ON.  相似文献   

To investigate optic neuritis as a model for atrophy in multiple sclerosis (MS) lesions we performed serial magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) on 10 patients with a history of optic neuritis using a fat saturated short-echo fast fluid-attenuated inversion recovery (sTE fFLAIR) sequence. The first study was performed a median of 19.5 months after the onset of optic neuritis and the second 1 year later. Using a computer-assisted contouring technique, a blinded observer calculated the mean area of the intro-orbital optic nerves. The mean area of affected optic nerves decreased over 1 year by 0.9 mm2 from 11.1 to 10.2 mm2 (p = 0.01). Poor visual acuity and decreased visual-evoked potential (VEP) amplitude were associated with atrophy. These findings suggest that atrophy is a feature of focal demyelinating lesions, it may evolve over several years, and may have functional significance. Optic neuritis provides a model to study the effect of inflammatory demyelination through the ability to accurately measure visual function and to visualize and measure the optic nerves using magnetic resonance imaging.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate the risk of visual outcome after acute optic neuritis (ON) in relation to clinical and MRI findings. Fifty cases of acute ON within one month were retrospectively studied. MRI with Short Tau Inversion Recovery (STIR) sequence of the optic nerve were obtained with a median time onset of 9 days after ON. Mean age of patients was 32.8 years, mean initial visual acuity was 3/10 and orbital pain was present in 86 percent100 of patients. The STIR sequence revealed lesion in 88 percent 100 of acutely symptomatic optic nerves. An initial low visual acuity (less than 2/10), the absence of orbital pain and involvement of the intracanalicular portion of the optic nerve on STIR sequence were statistically correlated with a poorer visual outcome (respectively p=0.0041, p=0.035 and p=0.011).  相似文献   

Disseminated lesions at presentation in patients with optic neuritis.   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
Thirty five adults and two children with clinically isolated optic neuritis were examined by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to determine the presence of disseminated lesions within the brain at presentation and to compare these findings with the results of evoked potential studies. Of the adult patients, 61% showed lesions on the scans whereas the evoked potentials suggested the presence of lesions outside the visual system in 30%. MRI is a sensitive method for the demonstration of clinically unsuspected lesions in patients with uncomplicated optic neuritis.  相似文献   

Electrophysiological tests (visual and somatosensory evoked potentials, flicker fusion test) and electrophoretic examination of cerebrospinal fluid were performed in 17 patients who previously suffered from one or more attacks of optic neuritis. The association of the tests revealed the demyelinating inflammatory pathogenesis in eight cases. In the remaining nine cases the CSF oligoclonal pattern was absent. The evidence that a bilateral delayed VEP, suggesting a subclinical contralateral involvement of optic pathways, could be related to multiple sclerosis, is discussed. A case was finally ascertained as being affected by Leber's optic atrophy.  相似文献   

Acute monosymptomatic optic neuritis (AMON) may be an initial symptom of multiple sclerosis (MS). Coronaviruses have been implicated in the etiology of MS. The objective of the present study was to look for coronaviral RNA in AMON, which could be present in the initial stages of the development of MS. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Spinal fluids from 37 patients with AMON and 15 surgical control patients with protrusion of the intervertebral disk were assayed with a nested multiplex polymerase chain reaction with primers specific for human coronaviruses strain (HCV) 229E and OC43. RESULTS: Four patients and 1 control were positive for HCV-229E. No evidence of HCV-OC43 was found. The frequency of positive samples was low and there was no statistical difference between AMON and controls. CONCLUSION: This study does not provide evidence for an etiological role of human coronaviruses in acute monosymptomatic optic neuritis.  相似文献   

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