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Studies were conducted to assess potential handling hazards from the pesticidal use of HCN-liberating "cyanide fumigation powders". Simulations were conducted in enclosed chambers on the release of HCN vapor from wetted powder containing 40% NaCN/60% kaolin at application rates of 1 g powder/m3 of space (usual rate) and 5 g/m3 (overuse condition). With the overuse situation, HCN vapor concentrations may be rapidly attained that produce serious or lethal toxicity; with the lower application rate minor signs and symptoms of HCN vapor exposure toxicity may develop. The acute peroral LD50 (rat and rabbit) of fumigant formulation is reduced in proportion to the kaolin content, but kaolin does not modify the inherent toxicity of NaCN. A typical cyanide hazard exists from swallowing cyanide fumigant powder formulations. Lethal systemic toxicity was produced by contamination of the eye (rabbit) with powder formulation, which also caused a rapid onset of moderately severe conjunctivitis and keratitis. Applied to dry intact skin (rabbit) neither NaCN nor its kaolin formulation produced systemic toxicity. However, on moistened intact skin lethal amounts of cyanide were absorbed; but the kaolin content reduced the hazard in comparison with NaCN-alone applied to moist skin. With abraded dry skin there was no difference in lethal toxicity between NaCN-alone and its formulation; also, the toxicity of the formulation on abraded skin was three times that on intact moist skin. These finds indicate that the use of cyanide fumigant powder formulations may be hazardous by contact of powder with moist or abraded skin, contamination of the eye, swallowing, and inhalation of evolved HCN. There is a clear need for respiratory, cutaneous, and ocular protection when handling cyanide fumigant powder formulations.  相似文献   

Endosulfan is persistent in the environment and toxic to wildlife. Legal mandates necessitate that a risk assessments be performed for endosulfan by the California Department of Pesticide Regulation (CDPR) and the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). This hazard identification (hazard ID) compared critical no-observed effect levels (NOEL) for acute, subchronic and chronic exposure intervals between the agencies. NOELs were discussed in light of their application to numerous exposure scenarios (occupational, general population and dietary). Only the acute oral NOELs differed between CDPR (0.7 mg/kg/day) and USEPA (1.5 mg/kg/day). Pregnant rabbits were considered by CDPR to be more responsive to low gavage doses of endosulfan than non-pregnant female or male rats in the acute study selected by USEPA. NOELs for other exposure routes and durations were similar between agencies. CDPR and USEPA concurred that a Food Quality Protection Act (FQPA, 1996) Safety Factor is not needed after evaluating all studies including a Developmental Neurotoxicity study. The SF was reduced to 1×. NOELs generated from this hazard ID will be used to calculate the Margins of Exposure for all scenarios and subsequently the risk characterization for endosulfan.  相似文献   

临床静脉输液安全隐患与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的为病人提供安全、有效的输液护理,提高静脉输液治疗质量。方法对存在的静脉输液安全问题进行分析。开展静脉输液知识培训与考核,规范操作流程,消除静脉输液不安全因素。结果对静脉输液安全隐患采取积极有效防范措施,降低了外周静脉炎和外渗的发生率,输注方式的合理率提升,病人对静脉输液的满意度提高。结论加强护士安全意识,健全输液管理制度,可提高医疗服务质量,改善护患关系,减少护理缺陷。  相似文献   

目的对医院消毒供应中心的安全隐患进行分析,并制定相应的护理对策。方法于2014年1~12月,分析该阶段内消毒供应中心存在的安全隐患,并针对安全隐患制定相应的护理对策,实施于2015年1~12月。对比2014年1~12月和2015年1~12月消毒供应中心的质量达标率、质量评分、工作人员幸福感指数以及满意度。结果与2014年1~12月相比,2015年1~12月消毒供应中心实施护理管理措施后的质量达标率、质量评分、工作人员幸福感指数以及满意度均明显提高(P0.05)。结论针对消毒供应中心存在的安全隐患进行分析,并采取相应的护理对策,可有效提高消毒供应中心的工作质量,提高其他科室对消毒供应中心工作的满意度。  相似文献   

Trifluralin, a herbicide used to protect many arable and horticultural crops, was evaluated for its potential toxicity on the mammalian ovary. To this end, adult female mice were fed or not (control) with a trifluralin‐enriched diet (150 mg/kg body weight/day) during gestation and lactation. After weaning, 3‐week‐old female mice from either trifluralin‐treated or control groups were used to evaluate whether the exposure to this herbicide in utero and during lactation could induce stress responses in the ovary. It was found that trifluralin exposure caused a significantly higher level of p53, but not of pRb, in the whole ovary, and in particular in granulosa cells. TUNEL staining showed that herbicide treatment did not increase the apoptotic index of the somatic compartment. Also oocyte fertilizability was unaffected, as metaphase II oocytes retrieved from treated mice were capable of forming male and female pronuclei after in vitro fertilization as control mice. However, trifluralin determined a slightly higher number of oocytes with cytoplasmic degeneration compared with control animals. In conclusion, our results suggest that exposure to a low trifluralin dose during pregnancy and lactation does not impair oocyte quality, but can induce a stress response in ovarian somatic cells. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Environ Toxicol, 2013.  相似文献   

Accidental spills resulting in severe pollution can occur during transportation or handling of large volumes of chemicals. To address this problem, chemicals are classified according to the level of hazard to man and the environment in order to then define graduated technical standards. Three regulatory examples (enforced or drafted for transport and industrial installations in Europe) covering aspects of limnic as well as sea water are discussed in regard to health aspects of pollution. Whereas for the safety of seagoing tankships an exposure orientated combination of health and environmental aspects is used, for industrial plants in Germany a scoring system based on the European Union's Risk Phrase system is applied. The health-related parameters primarily used for hazard classification are repeated-dose toxicity and acute oral and dermal toxicity. Acute oral toxicity is most widely used because of the ready availability of data. Carcinogenicity is treated as the most important hazard. The report discusses the importance of dermal exposure, aspiration, and endocrine disruption as parameters as well as the importance of health criteria for the protection of aquatic organisms.  相似文献   

S31Nutrient geneinteractionsinchronicarse nicpoisoning GUOXin Biao(DepartmentofOccupationalandEnvironmentalHealth Sciences,SchoolofPublicHealth,PekingUniversity,Bei jing100083,China;E mail:xguo@bjmu.edu.cn)Arsenicexposurehasbeenassociatedwiththede velopmentofskinlesionssuchashyperpigmentation,hypopigmentationandhyperkeratosis,whichmaybe harbingersofincreasedriskforcancersoftheskin,bladder,lungandotherorgans.Theprimarymetabolic pathwayofingestedinorganicarsenicinhumansis methylation.Inh…  相似文献   

甲基苯丙胺的毒性及危害   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
苯丙胺类物质是一组具有类似化学结构的中枢神经系统兴奋剂,包括苯丙胺(amphetamine)、甲基苯丙胺(methamphetamine,MA,俗称冰毒)、亚甲基二氧甲基苯丙胺(MDMA,俗称摇头丸)及其它一些精神兴奋剂.90年代以来,苯丙胺类中枢兴奋剂(amphetamine-type stimuants,ATS)滥用增长势头迅猛,超过海洛因、可卡因等传统非法精神活性物质,滥用人数达3 020万,呈全球蔓延之势.专家们预测,ATS将成为21世纪最广泛滥用的药物,甲基苯丙胺和亚甲基二氧甲基苯丙胺将是其中最常被滥用的物质[1-4].鉴于现今ATS滥用日趋严重(尤其是冰毒和摇头丸)且中毒和致死时有发生,本文结合相关文献对ATS中的甲基苯丙胺的毒性及危害作一综述报导.  相似文献   

烟碱毒理学与吸烟   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
烟碱毒理学与吸烟郑明祺龚旭龄(重庆医科大学药理学教研室,重庆,400046)吸烟有三害:(1)烟碱:依赖性(成瘾);(2)焦油:致癌;(3)一氧化碳:缺氧。本文重点介绍烟碱代谢动力学,烟碱受体及其毒理学效应,以及烟碱制剂的戒烟新用途。1烟碱代谢动力学...  相似文献   

Amines have potential to be used in CO2 capture and storage (CCS) technology, but as they can be released into the environment and be degraded into more toxic compounds, such as nitrosamines and nitramines, there have been concerns about their negative impact on human health. We investigated the potential toxic effects from acute exposure to dimethylnitramine (DMA–NO2), methylnitramine (MA-NO2), ethanolnitramine (MEA-NO2) and 2-methyl-2-(nitroamino)-1-propanol (AMP-NO2). The eye irritation, and skin sensitization, irritation and corrosion potential of these substances have been evaluated in vitro using the Bovine Corneal Opacity and Permeability (BCOP) assay, VITOSENS® assay, Reconstructed Human Epidermis (RHE) skin irritation test and Corrositex Skin corrosion test, respectively. Exposure to DMA–NO2 induced a mild eye irritation response, while MA-NO2, MEA-NO2 and AMP-NO2 were shown to be very severe eye irritants. MA-NO2 and MEA-NO2 were tested for skin sensitization and found to be non-sensitizers to the skin. In addition, none of the four test substances was irritant or corrosive to the skin.  相似文献   

Toxicology of Saccharin. Arnold, D. L. (1984). Fundam. Appl.Toxicol. 4,674–685. Saccharin, like most of the artificialsweeteners, was discovered quite by accident. The controversyregarding its use as a food additive is reflected by the numberof chronic/carcinogenic studies conducted to assess its safety.Two chronic studies were conducted prior to the ban of cyclamatesin 1969, at which time 10 additional single-generation studieswere initiated using the mouse, rat, and hamster. None of thesestudies resulted in overt regulatory action. However, subsequentto completion of three two-generation chronic rat feeding studies,saccharin was banned as a food additive in Canada, but a moratoriumwas placed on its proposed ban in the United States. These eventsgave rise to a great deal of scientific research into the possiblemechanism(s) by which saccharin elicited bladder tumors in rats,and efforts to find epidemiologjcal evidence that saccharincaused cancer in man. At the present time neither effort hasproduced unequivocal results; however, it seems certain thatthis latest saccharin controversy may result in changes to theregulations dealing with food additives.  相似文献   

探讨手术室搬迁工作中的护理安全隐患,通过建立健全的护理安全管理机制、参与洁净手术部的装配、建立手术室标识、明确分工、加强培训等方法,保证了手术室的顺利搬迁,确保了护理安全。  相似文献   

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