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背景:随着VTK 和ITK 两个软件开发包的研制成功,医学影像领域内的研究人员越来越重视本领域内的软件开发问题.目的:开发一种结合VTK 和ITK 的医学影像软件系统.方法:首先对可视化软件包和图像处理包整合,进而基于整合框架对体数据进行处理、同步可视化和测量分析,最后结合病历信息与医学影像分析数据建立管理系统,在linux 平台上对该软件系统进行了实现,利用上气道CT 体数据对系统进行了测试.结果与结论:该系统能够结合VTK 和ITK 对体数据进行可视化和图像处理,基于MySQL 数据库对病历信息和医学影像数据进行合理管理,体积、长度等测量精度都在1%之内.  相似文献   

背景:ITK主要提供医学图像处理、分割与配准算法,但其缺少可视化的功能,缺乏灵活实用的用户界面,VTK提供了丰富的医学影像处理与分析工具,具有强大的图形处理和可视化功能。目的:利用以前的确诊病例和医生的诊断经验以及患者的相关病史,对确诊的医学影像资源进行管理,归档,并检索,以减少人工干预,提高图像的查全率和查准率。方法:以视觉感知机制为基础,在ITK平台上进行图像平滑去噪和分割的预处理过程,利用Tamura算法完成纹理特征提取,最后通过实验采集、计算数据,完成对比分析。结果与结论:基于图像分割的Tamura纹理特征算法在基于图像纹理检索应用上便于相似性度量,进而可提高检索的准确率。  相似文献   

背景:DICOM文件不仅包含了图像本身的信息,同时在文件头中还携带了大量的医疗相关信息,这使得DICOM标准图像的正确读写和显示工作变得尤为重要。目的:有效地综合利用工具包和开发平台的优点,借以达到一个实现DICOM标准图像的正确读写和显示。方法:首先将ITK工具包、VTK工具包与MFC深度集成,然后在该集成环境下利用这两个工具包所提供的类和函数读写和显示DICOM文件。结果与结论:在ITK、VTK与MFC深度集成环境下,通过其所提供给用户的一个灵活、友好、实用的交互界面,采用文中所述具体的方法实现了DICOM图像文件的正确读写及显示,为三者集成环境下的软件开发做了一个初步的尝试,为在此基础之上三者在医学图像处理方面更多功能的实现打下良好的基础。  相似文献   

背景:DICOM文件不仅包含了图像本身的信息,同时在文件头中还携带了大量的医疗相关信息,这使得DICOM标准图像的正确读写和显示工作变得尤为重要.目的:有效地综合利用工具包和开发平台的优点,借以达到一个实现DICOM标准图像的正确读写和显示.方法:首先将ITK工具包、VTK工具包与MFC深度集成,然后在该集成环境下利用这两个工具包所提供的类和函数读写和显示DICOM文件.结果与结论:在ITK、VTK与MFC深度集成环境下,通过其所提供给用户的一个灵活、友好、实用的交互界面,采用文中所述具体的方法实现了DICOM图像文件的正确读写及显示,为三者集成环境下的软件开发做了一个初步的尝试,为在此基础之上三者在医学图像处理方面更多功能的实现打下良好的基础.  相似文献   

集成化三维虚拟手术系统的设计   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
目的解决虚拟手术系统中图像处理与三维可视化等方面的关键问题。方法利用VTK的可视化功能与ITK强大的图像处理功能,将它们集成起来,研究图像分割、图像配准与融合、三维重建与虚拟切割等关键技术。结果利用VTK与ITK,实现了图像的准确分割、多模态图像配准、三维重建与显示,并能进行三维虚拟切割。结论这种集成化的三维虚拟手术系统,可以使医生直观地观察手术过程与效果,提高手术的安全性与质量。  相似文献   

陶治江  黄华  曾军 《中国临床康复》2011,(30):5604-5606
背景:VTK是一个免费的图像三维重建和处理的专业开发平台,其功能强大,源代码开放,用户可以根据自己的需求灵活的定制和开发。目的:介绍图像三维可视化中常用的面绘制和体绘制两类可视化技术的原理,以及其典型的Marching Cubes和Ray Casting三维重建算法,并对重建的三维医学图像的应用和扩展进行了探讨。方法:基于免费的VTK可视化开发包平台和Visual C++6.0IDE开发工具,使用C++语言,采用真实人体CT数据集,实现CT图像的三维重建和应用扩展。结果与结论:基于VTK平台,采用面绘制和体绘制不同绘制原理实现了医学图像的三维可视化。重建得到的三维医学图像,显示效果清晰直观,并且可以配合进行三维医学图像的测量、虚拟切割等操作,取得了较好的效果。  相似文献   

医学图像三维重建是利用二维图像序列重建出三维模型,提供直观的视觉信息,供医务工作者参考.大多数重建都是利用CT图像序列进行重建,对超声图像的重建研究很少.文章首先介绍ITK(Insight Segmentation and Registration Toolkit)和VTK(The Visualization Toolkit),接着利用ITK和VTK进行了超声图像的三维重建,最后给出了实验结果,重建结果表明,利用ITK、VTK和改进的Herman插值法,超声血管图像可以获得很好的重建效果.  相似文献   

黄韫栀  刘奇 《中国临床康复》2011,(35):6559-6562
背景:医学图像的三维模型,能够准确的三维结构在临床诊断上凸显重要性。目的:对连续多帧的超声图像进行三维结构重建。方法:利用可视化工具VTK和图像的配准分割工具ITK,在VC++的平台下,采取直接体绘制的方法,对连续多帧的DICOM医学超声图像进行了三维重建,并且用户可以利用鼠标与图片进行交互,实现任意角度的旋转。结果与结论:合成体绘制在重建中的效果较优,相对而言更适合超声图像的三维重建。  相似文献   

基于Visualization Toolkit的脑模型三维重建方法研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
目的利用可视化工具包VisualizationToolkit(VTK)结合VC++实现医学图像三维可视化。方法基于头部CT测量数据,采用MarchingCubes算法和Raycasting算法重建出头模型的表皮和颅骨。结果和结论VTK使用灵活,功能强大,利用它进行图像重建,具有重建步骤简单、效果好、速度快、交互能力强等优点,可以被广泛应用于医学图像的重建中。  相似文献   

背景:VTK是一个免费的图像三维重建和处理的专业开发平台,其功能强大,源代码开放,用户可以根据自己的需求灵活的定制和开发。目的:介绍图像三维可视化中常用的面绘制和体绘制两类可视化技术的原理,以及其典型的Marching Cubes和Ray Casting三维重建算法,并对重建的三维医学图像的应用和扩展进行了探讨。方法:基于免费的VTK可视化开发包平台和Visual C++6.0IDE开发工具,使用C++语言,采用真实人体CT数据集,实现CT图像的三维重建和应用扩展。结果与结论:基于VTK平台,采用面绘制和体绘制不同绘制原理实现了医学图像的三维可视化。重建得到的三维医学图像,显示效果清晰直观,并且可以配合进行三维医学图像的测量、虚拟切割等操作,取得了较好的效果。  相似文献   

Thoroughly designed, open-source toolkits emerge to boost progress in medical imaging. The Insight Toolkit (ITK) provides this for the algorithmic scope of medical imaging, especially for segmentation and registration. But medical imaging algorithms have to be clinically applied to be useful, which additionally requires visualization and interaction. The Visualization Toolkit (VTK) has powerful visualization capabilities, but only low-level support for interaction. In this paper, we present the Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK). The goal of MITK is to significantly reduce the effort required to construct specifically tailored, interactive applications for medical image analysis. MITK allows an easy combination of algorithms developed by ITK with visualizations created by VTK and extends these two toolkits with those features, which are outside the scope of both. MITK adds support for complex interactions with multiple states as well as undo-capabilities, a very important prerequisite for convenient user interfaces. Furthermore, MITK facilitates the realization of multiple, different views of the same data (as a multiplanar reconstruction and a 3D rendering) and supports the visualization of 3D+t data, whereas VTK is only designed to create one kind of view of 2D or 3D data. MITK reuses virtually everything from ITK and VTK. Thus, it is not at all a competitor to ITK or VTK, but an extension, which eases the combination of both and adds the features required for interactive, convenient to use medical imaging software. MITK is an open-source project (www.mitk.org).  相似文献   

背景:目前通过二维断层图像信息来判断病变组织的具体性状其难度仍然较大,而运用医学三维重建技术,将能够显著改善医务工作者对相关疾病诊断的工作效率和准确率。 目的:开发一套医学三维可视系统,能够通过读取髋关节DICOM数据重建相应部位三维模型,并通过重建模型直观观察病变髋关节的形态。 方法:使用个人电脑在WindowsXP操作系统,开发环境为VC++6.0,安装VTK 5.6并进行必要设置,使用MFC开发一套医学三维可视化系统,具体步骤如下:①创建一个绘制对象。②创建一个绘制窗,将绘制对象加入绘制窗口。③读取CT图像序列,设置读取图像序列的路径。④使用MC算法抽取等值面(生成三角面片),根据灰度的不同,分别从切片数据中提取出皮肤和骨骼。设置输入图像序列数据;设置抽取的组织轮廓线灰度值。⑤建立三角带对象和数据映射对象。⑥实现图形的绘制,接收几何数据的属性,并分别对骨骼和皮肤设置不同的颜色和透明度。⑦设置视角位置,观察对象位置和焦点。⑧创建人机交互功能。 结果与结论:使用VC++6.0及VTK可以满足医学三维可视系统开发的需求,开发的三维可视系统软件能通过对髋关节DICOM格式的CT图像序列进行三维重建,重建的髋关节三维模型可以使用旋转、缩放、平移来直观的观察髋关节的骨性结构,骨折形态及类型,对相关治疗及手术有一定参考作用。  相似文献   

Purpose Open source software (oss) development for medical imaging enables collaboration of individuals and groups to produce high-quality tools that meet user needs. This process is reviewed and illustrated with OsiriX, a fast DICOM viewer program for the Apple Macintosh. Materials and methods OsiriX is an oss for the Apple Macintosh under Mac OS X v10.4 or higher specifically designed for navigation and visualization of multimodality and multidimensional images: 2D Viewer, 3D Viewer, 4D Viewer (3D series with temporal dimension, for example: Cardiac-CT) and 5D Viewer (3D series with temporal and functional dimensions, for example: Cardiac-PET-CT). The 3D Viewer offers all modern rendering modes: multiplanar reconstruction, surface rendering, volume rendering and maximum Intensity projection. All these modes support 4D data and are able to produce image fusion between two different series (for example: PET-CT). OsiriX was developed using the Apple Xcode development environment and Cocoa framework as both a DICOM PACS workstation for medical imaging and an image processing software package for medical research (radiology and nuclear imaging), functional imaging, 3D imaging, confocal microscopy and molecular imaging. Results OsiriX is an open source program by Antoine Rosset, a radiologist and software developer, was designed specifically for the needs of advanced imaging modalities. The software program turns an Apple Macintosh into a DICOM PACS workstation for medical imaging and image processing. OsiriX is distributed free of charge under the GNU General Public License and its source code is available to anyone. This system illustrates how open software development for medical imaging tools can be successfully designed, implemented and disseminated. Conclusion oss development can provide useful cost effective tools tailored to specific needs and clinical tasks. The integrity and quality assurance of open software developed by a community of users does not follow the traditional conformance and certification required for commercial medical software programs. However, open software can lead to innovative solutions designed by users better suited for specific tasks.  相似文献   

The Insight Toolkit (ITK) initiative from the National Library of Medicine has provided a suite of state-of-the-art segmentation and registration algorithms ideally suited to volume visualization and analysis. A volume visualization application that effectively utilizes these algorithms provides many benefits: it allows access to ITK functionality for non-programmers, it creates a vehicle for sharing and comparing segmentation techniques, and it serves as a visual debugger for algorithm developers. This paper describes the integration of image processing functionalities provided by the ITK into VolView, a visualization application for high performance volume rendering. A free version of this visualization application is publicly available and is available in the online version of this paper. The process for developing ITK plugins for VolView according to the publicly available API is described in detail, and an application of ITK VolView plugins to the segmentation of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms (AAAs) is presented. The source code of the ITK plugins is also publicly available and it is included in the online version.  相似文献   

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