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森林脑炎灭活疫苗是由森林脑炎病毒接种地鼠肾细胞培育后再以甲醛溶液灭活制成的死疫苗,用于预防森林脑炎,以林区工作人员为重点接种对象,接种后6~8周抗体水平达高峰,免疫力可维持1年左右。我院在集中为学生接种森林脑炎疫苗过程中,出现2例过敏反应,现报道如下。1病例资料患者1,男,20岁,既往健康,否认药物及食物过敏史,1周内无饮酒史,预防接种史正常,无接种森林脑炎灭活疫苗(长春生物制品研究所有限责任公司生产,批号:国药准字S20040055)禁忌证。于学生上臂外侧三角肌肌内注射本疫苗lmL,嘱其留院观察30min。  相似文献   

注射乙脑疫苗后免疫效果观察   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
流行性乙型脑炎 (乙脑 )是一种严重危害人体健康的由蚊媒传播的病毒性传染病。我省发病率为 0 .2 /10万 ,患者多为 10岁以下儿童。解放后 ,由于乙脑疫苗预防接种的普及 ,乙脑的发病率明显下降。为了解免疫后血清抗体水平 ,结合预防接种工作 ,以微量血凝抑制法测定 10 0例 1~ 2岁儿童注射疫苗后的血清效价 ,现将结果报告如下 :1 对象与方法1.1 对象 本站门诊部由 SA 14- 14- 2疫苗按严格接种程序接种后取 2岁以下儿童血清 ,均无乙脑病毒接触史 ,也未曾患过乙脑或接种过乙脑疫苗的健康儿童。1.2 材料 乙脑抗原及免疫血清由省防疫站提供…  相似文献   

成人接种乙型肝炎疫苗9年免疫效果观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 了解成人接种乙型肝炎疫苗免疫的效果及持久性 ,探讨加强免疫接种的适时性。方法 采用单纯随机抽样方法 ,动态观察免疫人群抗 -HBs阳性率变化及HBsAg携带情况。 结果 免疫接种后 9年间观察人群抗 -HBs有效阳转率从 80 .4 9%逐年降至 2 1 .4 3% ;在免疫接种后第九年HBsAg阳性率达 2 .0 4 %。结论 成人接种乙型肝炎疫苗可获得良好的免疫效果 ,在免疫接种 5年后应适时开展加强免疫接种  相似文献   

为了解乙肝血源疫苗免疫效果,我们于1993~1994年分别对我校93和94级学生进行乙肝疫苗接种,并在接种后两年进行免疫效果追踪观察,结果报道如下:  相似文献   

两种流行性乙型脑炎疫苗的安全性和免疫效果观察   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的观察乙型脑炎(乙脑)减毒活疫苗和Vero细胞乙型脑炎纯化疫苗(Vero细胞乙脑疫苗)的安全性和免疫效果。方法在湖南省沅江市和衡东县筛选8~20月龄无乙脑疫苗免疫史(基础免疫组)和1.5~3岁完成了基础免疫(加强免疫组)的二组健康儿童作为观察对象。沅江市的观察对象接种乙型脑炎减毒活疫苗,衡东县的观察对象接种Vero细胞乙脑疫苗。然后从每个市县的二组观察对象中抽取部分对象检测免疫前和免疫后1个月血清乙脑中和抗体滴度,并观察其接种不良反应。结果乙型脑炎减毒活疫苗接种不良反应总发生率为5.2%;Vero细胞乙脑疫苗接种不良反应总发生率为8.8%。两种疫苗的接种不良反应以全身发热为主,分别占不良反应的95.4%和92.3%,发热72h后恢复正常。乙型脑炎减毒活疫苗基础免疫后抗体阳性率为82.5%,抗体几何平均滴度(GMT)为1:23.1;加强免疫后抗体阳性率为93.2%,GMT为1:28.6。Vero细胞乙脑疫苗基础免疫后抗体阳性率为83.2%,GMT为1:25.1;加强免疫后抗体阳性率为93.7%,GMT为1:32.4。结论乙型脑炎减毒活疫苗和Vero细胞乙脑疫苗安全、有效,可在预防控制乙脑工作中推广使用。  相似文献   

接种狂犬疫苗免疫效果分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
狂犬病是一种自然疫源性疾病 ,病死率极高 ,临床上尚无特效疗法。因此被犬咬伤后及时预防接种狂犬疫苗尤为重要 ,为了解人群接种狂犬疫苗后的免疫效果 ,现就 2 0 0 2年接种疫苗的 332 0人血清抗体检测结果作如下分析1 材料与方法1.1 样品及材料来源 血清样本来自被动物咬伤后 ,到我站接种狂犬疫苗并进行抗体测定的患者 332 0例。疫苗分别为吉林亚泰生物药业有限公司 (疫苗 ) ,长春长生实业科技股份有限公司 (疫苗 )和沈阳安迪生物高科技公司 (疫苗 )生产 ,三者均为地鼠肾细胞纯化疫苗。患者在全程接种疫苗 15 d后来我站抽血进行抗体测…  相似文献   

目的评价成人接种不同种类10μg乙肝疫苗后的免疫效果。方法选择寿光市年龄在20岁以上的乙肝表面抗原(HBsAg)、乙肝表面抗体(抗-HBs)均阴性的居民505人,分别按照0-1-6方案接种重组乙肝疫苗(CHO细胞)和重组(汉逊酵母)乙型肝炎疫苗。结果接种CHO乙肝疫苗后阳转率为96.22%,GMT为414.2 mIU/ml,汉逊乙肝疫苗分别为95.88%和383.3 mIU/ml,两种疫苗阳转率和抗体滴度均无统计学差异。接种者的年龄对免疫效果有影响,随年龄增长免疫效果下降。60岁以上的人群接种CHO乙肝疫苗后阳转率为87.0%,GMT为385.89 mIU/ml。结论成人接种同等剂量10μg的CHO和汉逊酵母乙肝疫苗后免疫效果相当,按年龄组比较,高年龄组人群接种CHO细胞乙肝疫苗免疫效果良好。  相似文献   

成人接种重组酵母乙型肝炎疫苗免疫效果观察   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
Shi J  Wang X  Wang G  Xu Z  Yang Z  Zheng L  Li Z  Guo N  Wu X  Liang Z 《中华预防医学杂志》2002,36(6):366-369
目的:探讨重组酵母乙型肝炎(乙肝)疫苗(YDV)对厉人的免疫效果及其安全性,方法:在辽宁省北票市部分学校随机选择一般健康状况良好、乙肝表面抗原(HBsAg)、乙肝表面抗体(抗-HBs)及乙肝核心抗体(抗-HBc)三项指标均为阴性且体温正常的22-58岁的教师124名,按0、1、6个月程序,每次5μg/0.5ml接种国产重组酵母乙肝疫苗。结果:免疫后3、7、12和24个月时,抗-HBs阳转率分别为35.0%,83.3%,65.5%和32.7%,抗抗-HBs平均滴度分别为12.6、402.0、70.3和20.3mIU/ml;抗-HBs阳转率及其滴度均在7个月时达到高峰,以后又急剧下降,免疫后各月女性抗-HBs阳转率和滴度均高于男性;<35岁组的抗体阳性率高于≥35岁组,但12个月时,二比较差异有显意义;免疫3d后未出现局部和全身不良反应。结论:重组酵母乙肝疫苗对成人具有良好的免疫原性和安全性,其抗-HBs持续时间有待进一步观察。  相似文献   

王红 《现代预防医学》2002,29(2):131-131,136
本文采用免疫荧光法测定了自贡地区 1997年 3月~2 0 0 1年 3月 5 5 3名犬伤者 ,经狂犬疫苗常规五针法接种后第 45 d时的狂犬病毒中和抗体水平。现将结果分析如下 :1 方法1.1 疫苗为≥ 2 .5 IU浓缩人用狂犬疫苗1.2 对犬伤者按 0、 3、 7、 14、 30日免疫程序各臀部或三角肌肌肉注射狂犬疫苗 2 m l。1.3 对犬伤者于注射完第 1针疫苗后 45天左右采静脉血1m l,并按登记表逐项登记。1.4 用免疫荧光法检测狂犬病毒中和抗体 (简称狂抗 ) ,以1∶ 10或 1∶ 10以上血清稀释滴度为阳性者 ,判为狂抗阳性 ;未观察到狂犬病毒包涵体及 1∶ 10以下血…  相似文献   

目的 为合理利用流行性乙型脑炎 (乙脑 )灭活疫苗和减毒活疫苗各自的优点 ,降低预防接种反应的发生率 ,提高免疫学效果 ,开展了乙脑灭活疫苗与减毒活疫苗相结合的免疫策略研究。方法 观察比较两种疫苗单一使用与联合使用的免疫学效果及安全性。结果 联合使用组在疫苗接种后 2 4h的全身中强以上发热反应发生率为 0 .73 % ,局部红晕反应为 1 .46 % ,而单一使用灭活疫苗组的发热反应发生率为 2 .8%。不同观察组疫苗接种后中和抗体几何平均滴度由免疫前的 1∶1 .0 5~1∶3 .35上升至 1∶47.34~ 1∶1 0 1 .30 ,联合使用组的中和抗体阳转率为 97.67% ,明显高于单一使用灭活疫苗组 86 .2 7%的阳转率 (χ2 =3 .89,P <0 .0 5) ,但与单一使用减毒活疫苗组 93 .75 %的阳转率差异无显著性 (χ2 =0 .74,P >0 .0 5)。结论 研究表明对婴幼儿使用乙脑灭活疫苗基础免疫、减毒活疫苗加强免疫有很好的免疫学效果及安全性 ,也是切实可行和比较理想的免疫策略  相似文献   

Japanese encephalitis (JE) is the most severe form of viral encephalitis in Asia and no specific treatment is available. Vaccination provides an effective intervention to prevent JE. In this paper, surveillance data for adverse events following immunization (AEFI) related to SA-14-14-2 live-attenuated Japanese encephalitis vaccine (Chengdu Institute of Biological Products) was presented. This information has been routinely generated by the Chinese national surveillance system for the period 2009–2012. There were 6024 AEFI cases (estimated reported rate 96.55 per million doses). Most common symptoms of adverse events were fever, redness, induration and skin rash. There were 70 serious AEFI cases (1.12 per million doses), including 9 cases of meningoencephalitis and 4 cases of death. The post-marketing surveillance data add the evidence that the Chengdu institute live attenutated vaccine has a reasonable safety profile. The relationship between encephalitis and SA-14-14-2 vaccination should be further studied.  相似文献   

BackgroundJapanese Encephalitis (JE) virus occurs in wide regions of Asia with over 3 billion people living in areas at risk for JE. An estimated 68,000 clinical cases of JE occur every year, and vaccination is the most effective prophylactic measure. One internationally licensed vaccine containing the inactivated JE virus strain SA14-14-2 is Ixiaro® (Valneva, Austria). According to recommendations, basic immunization consists of vaccinations on day 0, day 28, and a booster dose 12–24 months later. Protection in terms of neutralizing antibody titers has been assessed up to 12 months after the third dose of the vaccine. The current investigation was designed to evaluate antibody decline over time and to predict long-term duration of seroprotection after a booster dose.MethodIn a preceding trial, volunteers received basic immunization (day 0, day 28) and one booster dose against JE 15 months later. A follow up blood draw 6 years following their booster dose was carried out in 67 subjects. For antibody testing, a 50% plaque reduction neutralization test (PRNT50-test) was used. PRNT50 values of 10 and above are surrogate levels of protection according to WHO standards.ResultSeventy-six months following the booster dose, 96% of the tested subjects had PRNT50 titers of 10 or higher. Geometric mean titer (GMT) was 148 (95% CI confidence interval: 107–207). Antibody titers were lower in volunteers 50 years of age and older. Vaccination history against other flaviviruses (yellow fever or tick borne encephalitis) did not significantly influence PRNT50 titers. A two-step log-linear decline model predicted protection against JE of approximately 14 years after the booster dose.ConclusionSix years after a booster dose against JE, long-term protection could be demonstrated. According to our results, further booster doses should be scheduled 10 years following the first booster dose.  相似文献   

Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) is a leading cause of viral encephalitis worldwide and vaccination is one of the most effective ways to prevent disease. A suitable live-attenuated JEV vaccine could be formulated with a live-attenuated tetravalent dengue vaccine for the control of these viruses in endemic areas. Toward this goal, we generated chimeric virus vaccine candidates by replacing the precursor membrane (prM) and envelope (E) protein structural genes of recombinant dengue virus type 4 (rDEN4) or attenuated vaccine candidate rDEN4Δ30 with those of wild-type JEV strain India/78. Mutations were engineered in E, NS3 and NS4B protein genes to improve replication in Vero cells. The chimeric viruses were attenuated in mice and some elicited modest but protective levels of immunity after a single dose. One particular chimeric virus, bearing E protein mutation Q264H, replicated to higher titer in tissue culture and was significantly more immunogenic in mice. The results are compared with live-attenuated JEV vaccine strain SA14-14-2.  相似文献   

The efficiency of production of purified Japanese encephalitis (JE) vaccine from mouse brains was increased by reprocessing the brain material after recovery of the virus and by pooling of a few extra fractions after zonal ultracentrifugation. By the routine production method, one mouse yielded ≈ 2.5 doses of the vaccine while the improved method gave about five doses from each mouse. All the batches of purified JE vaccine made by improved technology passed all the quality control tests as specified by the Minimum Requirements for biological products of the Japanese Government and World Health Organization.  相似文献   

流行性乙型脑炎减毒活疫苗血清学效果观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为进一步考核用SA14-14-2株生产的流行性乙型脑炎(乙脑)减毒活疫苗接种儿童后的血清学效果,在湖北省乙脑流行区,对某山区小学从未接种过乙脑疫苗的97名7~13岁健康小学生接种该疫苗。免疫前和免疫后1个月采血检测乙脑中和抗体,结果:免前中和抗体阳性者86人(88.66%),中和指数GMT为1:695.32,免疫1针后1个月,抗体阳性率达到100%,中和指数GMT为1:2778.27;免疫前抗体阴性的11名儿童,免疫后1个月全部阳转;免疫前中和指数≥11000者54人(占55.67%),免疫后1个月增至81人(83.51%);60.82%的儿童免疫后1个月中和抗体滴度较免疫前增长≥2倍。这证明该疫苗免疫效果良好  相似文献   

BackgroundJapanese Encephalitis chimeric virus vaccine (JE-CV) and SA14-14-2 vaccine are live-attenuated JE vaccines produced from the same virus strain. Data on interchangeability is limited.ObjectivesTo evaluate the immunogenicity and safety of JE-CV booster after primary vaccination with SA14-14-2 vaccine.MethodsThis study was an open-label clinical trial in Thai children who had received a primary SA14-14-2 vaccination at 12–24 months before enrollment (ClinicalTrials.gov NCT02602652). JE-CV was administered. A 50% plaque reduction neutralization test (PRNT50) against three virus strains; JE-CV, SA-14-14-2 and wild-type JE virus was measured before and 28-days post vaccination. The laboratory was performed at PRNT50 titers ⩾10 (1/dil) were considered seroprotective against JE. Geometric mean titer (GMT) of PRNT50 was calculated. Adverse events were observed for 28 days.ResultsFrom March 2014 to June 2015, 50 children (64% male) were enrolled. Mean age and duration after primary vaccination was 26.9 (SD 4.6) and 12.8 (SD 2.7) months, respectively. The proportion of participants who had PRNT50pre and post-booster vaccination were 92% and 96% against JE-CV virus, 56% and 98% against SA-14-14-2 strain and 70% and 98% against wild-type JE virus, respectively. Solicited injection site reactions including erythema, pain and swelling occurred in 18%, 10% and 4% of subjects, respectively. Four children (8%) had fever (⩾37.7 Celsius). Eight children (16%) had adverse events, which were not related to the vaccine.ConclusionsAJE-CV booster dose is highly immunogenic and safe among children who previously received SA14-14-2 vaccine.  相似文献   

In tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) endemic areas, consumption of unpasteurized milk or milk products from grazing domestic ruminants (goats, cattle, and sheep) represents a risk of TBE virus (TBEV) infection for humans. In addition to vaccination of humans, human alimentary TBEV infections can be avoided by pasteurizing milk or by vaccination of the ruminants. However, there is presently no TBEV vaccine for veterinary use. Here, we developed a new veterinary TBE vaccine candidate based on cell culture-derived, purified, and formaldehyde-inactivated TBEV (strain Hypr). The safety and immunogenicity of the vaccine was evaluated in mice and sheep and was well-tolerated while eliciting the production of high levels of virus-neutralizing antibodies. Vaccination provided full protection against lethal TBE in mice, prevented development of viremia in sheep and presence of TBEV in milk of lactating ewes. This vaccine is a good candidate for immunization of ruminants to prevent alimentary milk-borne TBEV infections in humans.  相似文献   

Novel live-attenuated V4020 vaccine was prepared for Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus (VEEV), an alphavirus from the Togaviridae family. The genome of V4020 virus was rearranged, with the capsid gene expressed using a duplicate subgenomic promoter downstream from the glycoprotein genes. V4020 also included both attenuating mutations from the TC83 VEEV vaccine secured by mutagenesis to prevent reversion mutations. The full-length infectious RNA of V4020 vaccine virus was expressed from pMG4020 plasmid downstream from the CMV promoter and launched replication of live-attenuated V4020 in vitro or in vivo. BALB/c mice vaccinated with a single dose of V4020 virus or with pMG4020 plasmid had no adverse reactions to vaccinations and developed high titers of neutralizing antibodies. After challenge with the wild type VEEV, vaccinated mice survived with no morbidity, while all unvaccinated controls succumbed to lethal infection. Intracranial injections in mice showed attenuated replication of V4020 vaccine virus as compared to the TC83. We conclude that V4020 vaccine has safety advantage over TC83, while provides equivalent protection in a mouse VEEV challenge model.  相似文献   

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