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The aim of this analysis was to describe the pharmacokinetics of oral lamotrigine (LTG) in Indian epileptic patients using a population pharmacokinetic (PPK) modeling approach to confirm that the PK is similar to that of the Caucasian population, and to evaluate and confirm the impact of covariates predictive of inter-individual variability using a simulation platform.


Blood samples were obtained from 95 patients, and LTG plasma concentrations were determined. Population PK modeling was performed using NONMEM. A one-compartment PK model with first-order absorption and elimination was used to describe the LTG PK. Log-likelihood profiling and normalized prediction distribution errors (NPDE) were used for model evaluation. A simulation study was performed to investigate dose regimens.


Clearance (CL) was estimated to be 2.27 L/h with inter-individual variability (IIV) of 29 CV%. Volume of distribution (V) was estimated to be 53.6 L (31 CV% IIV). Body weight and concurrent use of carbamazepine and valproate were identified as significant covariates on clearance. Log-likelihood profiling indicated that parameters could be estimated with adequate precision, and NPDE indicated that the model adequately described the data observed. The simulation study illustrated the impact of carbamazepine and valproate on LTG PK, and negligible differences in PK between Indian and Caucasian patients.


This is the first PK analysis of LTG in Indian patients. The population PK model developed adequately described the data observed. Comparison of identified PK parameters with previous PK analyses in Caucasian patients indicates that CL of LTG is similar, while V is somewhat lower compared with Caucasian patients, but this is not expected to lead to relevant differences in PK profiles during steady state.  相似文献   

目的建立丙戊酸钠在癫痫患者治疗中的群体药动学模型,为临床个体化给药提供参考。方法收集我院门诊60名癫痫患者丙戊酸钠稳态血药浓度监测数据和相应的人口学数据,应用非线性混合效应模型(non linearm ixed-effectmodel,NONMEM)程序对收集的数据进行分析,建立群体药动学模型。结果建立了癫痫患者口服丙戊酸钠群体药代动力学模型:CL/F=0.959×1.04x,(x=0,1),V/F=1.35,ka=2.38 h-1,说明丙戊酸的清除率与患者性别相关,即男性患者的清除率大于女性。结论初步建立癫痫患者口服丙戊酸钠群体药动学模型,为丙戊酸钠个体化用药提供理论基础。  相似文献   

AIMS: To document the population pharmacokinetics of carbamazepine in patients with epilepsy living in Singapore, the majority of whom are of Chinese origin and others of minority races. METHODS: Steady-state plasma carbamazepine concentration data were gathered during routine care from various hospitals in Singapore for patients with epilepsy. Age, body weight, gender, race, formulation and concurrent medication (for other illnesses) were the fixed effects (covariates) tested simultaneously for their influence on the population mean of carbamazepine clearance, using the nonlinear mixed-effects model, in the NONMEM program. RESULTS: No age, gender, race, or formulation-related effect was found. Body weight (W), age (A) and concurrent medication with phenobarbitone (PB) emerged as the determinants of carbamazepine clearance (CL). The final regression model for carbamazepine clearance found best to describe the data was CL = 40.7 x A(0.494) x W(-1.17) x 1.44PB where CL is in l day(-1) kg(-1), A is in years, W is in kg and PB = 0 for a patient on carbamazepine only and PB = 1 for a patient on concomitant PB. The corresponding interindividual variability (CV%) in CL, described by using an exponential model, was 21.4%, and the residual error, described by using an exponential error model, was 18.2%. Predictive performance of this population covariate model was evaluated by Bayesian forecasting in a similar, but independent cohort of patients. There was no statistically significant bias between predicted and measured plasma carbamazepine concentrations. The population mean value of carbamazepine clearance obtained was similar to that previously reported for patients with a very different ethnic (Caucasians and Blacks) or geographical background (South Africa, Europe and USA). CONCLUSIONS: The derived covariate regression model reasonably predicted concentrations in the separate validation Singapore patient data set. The correlation between carbamazepine clearance and patient-specific characteristics may thus allow dosage adjustment to be made to achieve target steady-state plasma concentrations.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to define the pharmacokinetic profile of free carbamazepine (F-CBZ) in adult Omani epileptic patients in order to improve on dosing schedules through population pharmacokinetic analysis using the NONMEM program. METHOD: Steady-state trough F-CBZ serum concentrations, carbamazepine (CBZ) dosing history and associated information were collected prospectively. RESULTS: Forty-eight patients with two or more available F-CBZ serum concentrations (total of 149 dose/serum concentration pairs) met our inclusion criteria. Patients were taking CBZ (200-1200 mg/day) in monotherapy. The analysis assumed a one-compartmental open model with first-order absorption and elimination. The apparent clearance (CL/F) and apparent volume of distribution (V/F) and their interindividual variabilities were estimated using the program. The population estimates for clearance (CL; modelled independently of dose) and volume of distribution were 13.2 +/- 0.6 l/h and 525 +/- 44 1, respectively. However, CL increased as a function of dosing rate and consequently was modelled as a linear function of steady-state concentration. In order to validate these results, the predictions of the population model were tested against data from 13 further patients subjected to the same inclusion criteria but who were not included in the original analysis. The predictions were good, being unbiased (P=0.31), and had an average deviation from the observed values of 18%. CONCLUSION: In order to establish steady-state dosage regimens, a population pharmacokinetic model is proposed, based on the patient's dose, to estimate the individual CL for an Omani epileptic patient receiving CBZ in monotherapy.  相似文献   

Zonisamide (CI-912) is an experimental antiepileptic drug. Since this drug is to be evaluated initially as an add-on medication, an investigation was conducted to study its kinetics in the presence of two standard antiepileptic drugs. Patients in two groups, one on maintenance phenytoin (PHT) monotherapy and the other on maintenance carbamazepine (CBZ) monotherapy, each received a single dose of four 100-mg capsules of zonisamide; and blood samples were obtained at periodic intervals. Plasma and red blood cell (RBC) concentrations of zonisamide were measured by high performance liquid chromatography. Plasma and RBC areas under the curve produced by single doses of zonisamide in patients receiving CBZ were significantly higher than those receiving PHT (p less than 0.05). Clearance values, although not statistically significantly different, were lower for the CBZ group; and consistent with this, plasma and RBC concentrations decreased more rapidly in the PHT group. The approximate values for t1/2 were 36.4 h in plasma and 54.2 h in RBC for patients treated with CBZ, and 27.1 h in plasma and 35.8 h in RBC for patients treated with PHT. The RBC/plasma ratio varied eightfold within a given curve. These findings suggest that the dosage of zonisamide in epileptic patients might need to be varied depending on the comedication.  相似文献   

Aims To examine the population pharmacokinetics of lamotrigine in patients newly diagnosed with epilepsy and receiving oral lamotrigine monotherapy for up to 48 weeks.
Methods The population consisted of 158 Caucasians and 5 Asians of whom 81 were males and 82 females. Age and weight ranged between 14 and 76 years and 41–107  kg, respectively. A one-compartment compartment model with first-order absorption and elimination was fitted to plasma lamotrigine concentration-time profiles from retrospective drug monitoring, using non-linear mixed effect modelling (NONMEM), with first-order estimation. Oral clearance (CLo ), apparent volume of distribution ( V  / F ) and absorption rate constant ( K a ) were the main pharmacokinetic parameters.
Results CLo was not significantly influenced by body weight, age, gender, oral contraceptives and dose. However, due to auto-induction CLo increased by 17.3% during the 48 weeks of therapy, from 1.94 to 2.28  l h−1, and was 28.7% lower in Asians than Caucasian. The final magnitude in interpatient variability was 32%. The effect of the covariates weight, age, race and gender on V  / F was examined and none was statistically significant. The final population estimate of V  / F was 77.4  l with an interpatient variability of 34%.
Conclusions In view of the wide therapeutic margin of lamotrigine and the 21% residual variability in plasma concentrations, the modest significant effects of race and auto-induction on clearance are unlikely to be clinically significant and, thus, no dosage adjustment is warranted for these effects.  相似文献   

1 To assess the effect of enzyme inducing anticonvulsants on ethosuximide pharmacokinetics, plasma ethosuximide concentrations after a single oral dose (500  mg) of the drug were compared in 12 healthy control subjects and 10 epileptic patients receiving chronic therapy with phenobarbitone, phenytoin and/or carbamazepine.
2 Compared with controls, epileptic patients showed markedly shorter ethosuximide half-lives (29.0±7.8 vs 53.7±14.3  h, means±s.d., P< 0.001) and higher apparent oral clearance (CL/ F) values (15.3±3.8 vs 9.2±1.9  ml  kg−1  h−1, P< 0.001). The apparent volume of distribution ( V/F) of ethosuximide was slighty lower in the patients than in controls (0.6±0.1 vs 0.7±0.1  l  kg−1, P< 0.05).
3 These findings provide evidence that ethosuximide elimination is increased by enzyme inducing anticonvulsants, the effect probably being mediated by stimulation of cytochrome CYP3A activity.
4 The enhancement of ethosuximide clearance in patients comedicated with enzyme inducing anticonvulsants is likely to be clinically relevant. Higher ethosuximide dosages will be required to achieve therapeutic drug concentrations in these patients.  相似文献   

Nonlinear pharmacokinetics of CI-912 in adult epileptic patients   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
We studied the pharmacokinetics of CI-912 (1,2-benziosoxazole-3-methanesulfonamide) in 10 adults with refractory partial seizures during an open-label pilot study. Plasma and whole blood concentrations were measured by a high-performance liquid chromatograph method after a single dose and up to and at steady state with one or two dosage regimens. Steady-state clearances averaged only 42% (range 20-60%) of single-dose clearances. Vm and Km values of the Michaelis-Menten equation were calculated for 9 of the 10 patients by a new method: Vm averaged 1,272 (range 500-1,973) mg/day and Km averaged 25.1 (range 9.23-52.5) micrograms/ml. The best initial dosage for a new patient is 300 mg CI-912 every 12 h.  相似文献   

Population pharmacokinetics of cyclosporine (CsA) in clinical renal transplant patients has been reported in the present study. A total of 2,548 retrospective drug monitoring data points were collected from 120 renal transplant patients receiving CsA. Population modeling was performed using the NONMEM (nonlinear mixed-effect modeling) program, using a one-compartment model with first-order absorption and elimination. The final regression model for CsA clearance (CL/F) with the influence of six significant covariates, comprising postoperative days (POD), total bilirubin level (TBIL, micromolar concentration), current body weight (CBW, kilograms), age (years), concurrent metabolic inhibitors of cyclosporine (INHI), and hematocrit (HCT, percentage), has been established and expressed as CL/F=28.5 -- 1.24 . POD -- 0.252 . (TBIL -- 11)+0.188 . (CBW -- 58) --0.191 . (Age -- 42) -- 2.45 . INHI -- 0.212 . (HCT-- 28) (liters per hour). The values in parentheses represent the median level for each of the corresponding covariates. The population estimates for CL/F (28.5 l/h), V/F (volume of distribution, 133 l), and interpatient variability (CV%=19.7%) for CL/F were achieved, respectively. The population model was further validated by internal and external approaches, and was demonstrated to be effective and stable. Moreover, simulation was conducted to facilitate the individualized treatment based on patient information and the final model.  相似文献   

中国患者异丙酚群体药代动力学(英文)   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
目的:用NONMEN程序分析中国患者群体药代动力学,并定量研究性别、年龄和体重对异丙酚药代参数的影响。方法:研究了76例择期手术的患者(男37例、女39例、年 龄19-77岁、体重39-86kg),共收集1459个血液标本。用NONMEN方法分析清除率和分布容积的个体间变异以及年龄、体重和性别的影响。结果:可用三室模型模拟异丙酚的药代动力学参数。体重可影响异丙酚的中央室、浅外周室和深外周室的清除率以及中央室的分布容积,而浅外周室和深外周室的分布容积保持不变。体重60kg的成人的上述药代参数的估计值分别为:1.56L/min、0.737L/min、0.360L/min、12.1L、43L、213L。老人随年龄的增大而清除率和中央室的分布容积减少。结论:中国人的异丙酚的药代动力学可用标准三室模型描述,年龄和体重可影响模型参数。因此根据患者的个体药代参数可改善靶控输注的精密度。  相似文献   

目的:构建中国成年患者替考拉宁(teicoplanin,TEC)群体药动学(population pharmacokinetics,PPK)模型,探讨TEC药动学参数的影响因素。方法:收集患者的用药信息、血药总浓度、性别、年龄、血清肌酐水平等信息,采用非线性混合效应模型法(nonlinear mixed effect model,NONMEM)建立替考拉宁PPK模型。用图形法、非参数自举法(bootstrap)、正态化预测分布误差法(normalized predictive distribution error,NPDE)进行模型评价。结果:共收集111例成年患者的149个替考拉宁血浆总浓度数据,建立了替考拉宁的一房室PPK模型:CL (L·h-1)=1.26×(eGFR/82)0.431,V(L)=83.1,协变量分析显示肌酐清除率(CKD-EPI公式)是影响替考拉宁清除率的重要因素,未发现影响替考拉宁表观分布容积的因素。经验证,最终模型具有良好的拟合优度、稳健率及预测性能。结论:临床可根据患者肌酐清除率(CKD-EPI公式)制定个体化给药方案。  相似文献   

The interindividual variability of tenofovir pharmacokinetics in HIV+ patients is quite large, but the sources of variability are incompletely understood. Intraindividual variability has not been characterized, although it may have an impact on efficacy and therapeutic drug monitoring. The aims of the study were to estimate intraindividual variability of tenofovir clearance and to assess interactions with associated antiviral drugs. Tenofovir concentrations (median 2; range, 1-5) were measured in 175 patients during several dosing intervals. Covariates and dosing regimen of associated antiretroviral drugs were recorded prospectively. The data were analyzed by a population approach. The final model was a 2-compartment model with first-order absorption rate. The elimination clearance was found to be related to the ratio of body weight to serum creatinine. Among the 15 drugs coadministered, no interaction on tenofovir kinetics was significant. The global variability of CL/F, after accounting for variability to variation of body weight and serum creatinine, was about 50%, with 20% due to interindividual variability and 30% due to interoccasion variability. In a few patients, clearance (and AUC) could vary by a factor of 2 between occasions. The interoccasion variability was not related to the delay between occasions. In the context of drug monitoring, for a given patient, the dose should not be adapted unless the variation of concentration between 2 occasions is large, or the 24-hour trough concentration at steady state is lower than 12 microg/L.  相似文献   

AIM: Digoxin possesses a narrow therapeutic index and shows a large inter-patient pharmacokinetic variability. The purpose of this study was to develop a population model for the pharmacokinetics of digoxin in Korean patients. METHODS: Plasma concentrations of digoxin after multiple administration at varying dosing schedules in Korean patients were used for population modeling. Data analysis was performed with the P-Pharm software. The data were best fitted by a one-compartment model. The effect of demographic and clinical factors like sex, age, weight, disease state, and renal function on the pharmacokinetic parameters of digoxin was investigated. RESULTS: The study indicated that the clearance of digoxin was influenced by creatinine clearance, while body weight and creatinine clearance were the covariates for its volume of distribution. The population mean estimates for CL and V were 4.4 l/h and 535 l, respectively. Absorption rate constant was lower in females and in the presence of concomitant drug treatment. CONCLUSION: A population pharmacokinetic model for the digoxin pharmacokinetics in a section of Korean patients was developed. The relationships between the pharmacokinetic parameters and the demographic data and the patient-specific covariates were established.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to characterize ciprofloxacin population pharmacokinetics in pediatric patients. A total of 150 pediatric patients (including 28 patients with cystic fibrosis [CF], ages 0.27-16.9 years) received ciprofloxacin by the oral and/or intravenous routes. Population pharmacokinetic analyses were performed with NONMEN software. Exponential error models were used to describe the interindividual variance in pharmacokinetic parameters, and the residual error model included both proportional and additive components. Based on principles of allometry, the patient's body weight was used as a covariate, along with appropriate allometric exponents, in the construction of the base model. Model building was accomplished by a stepwise forward inclusion procedure, and the final model was evaluated by multiple techniques, including bootstrap, leverage analysis, and cross-validation. With body weight included in the model (two compartments with first-order absorption), ciprofloxacin clearance was influenced by age, and the absorption rate constant was altered in CF patients. The final model is summarized as follows: CL(L/h) = 30.3 x (WT/70)0.75 x (1 + 0.045 [AGE-2.5]), VC(L) = 56.7 x (WT/70)1.0, VP(L) = 89.8 x (WT/70)1.0, Q(L/h) = 37.5 x (WT/70)0.75, Ka (1/h) = 1.27 x (1 + [-0.611 x CF]), absorption lag time = 0.35 hours, and bioavailability fraction = 61.1%, where WT and AGE are the patient's body weight (kg) and age (years), respectively, and the variable CF equals 1 for CF patients and 0 for non-CF patients. The interpatient variability in pharmacokinetic parameters (percentage coefficient of variation [%CV]) ranged from 22.5% to 49.8%. The residual variabilities (%CV) for the oral and intravenous data were 40% and 27%, respectively. The shared additive residual variance component was small (SD = 0.04 mg/L). Model evaluation by the different methods indicated that the final model was robust and parameter estimates were precise. A small difference (< 6%) was noted when the patient's age was not used in dose calculation. Therefore, in routine clinical use, for pediatric patients older than 3 months, ciprofloxacin dose may be calculated solely based on body weight.  相似文献   

AIM: The aim of this study was to characterize, via a population pharmacokinetic approach, the pharmacokinetics of ceftazidime in burn patients who were not in the acute post-injury phase. METHODS: The development of the pharmacokinetic model was based on data from therapeutic drug monitoring (41 patients, 94 samples). The estimation of population pharmacokinetic parameters and the selection of covariates (age, gender, body weight, size of burn and creatinine plasma concentration) that could affect the pharmacokinetics were performed with a nonlinear mixed effect modelling method. RESULTS: No relationship between covariates and the pharmacokinetic parameters was established with the exception of an inverse-linear relationship between creatinine plasma concentration and ceftazidime total clearance. The total clearance of ceftazidime was 2.72 l h-1[coefficient variation (CV) = 56.3%] and the distribution volume of the central compartment was 0.28 l kg-1 (CV = 13.2%) The transfer rate constants (k12, k 21) between the central and peripheral compartments were 0.06718 h-1 (CV = 87.2%) and 0.001823 h-1 (CV = 82.7%), respectively. From these parameters, the total ceftazidime volume of distribution (10.64 l kg-1) was calculated. CONCLUSION: The population parameters were different from those obtained in a previous study performed in fewer patients and in the early period after burn injury. In our study, the lower ceftazidime clearance could be explained by the relative decrease in ceftazidime elimination in relation to the burn area, and the higher ceftazidime volume of distribution in the presence of interstitial oedema, which could act as a reservoir from which ceftazidime returns slowly to the circulation.  相似文献   

Population pharmacokinetics of digoxin in pediatric patients   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Digoxin pharmacokinetics were studied in a pediatric population with an age range of 6 days to 1 year using the population pharmacokinetic approach. Digoxin data were analyzed by mixed-effects modeling according to a one-compartment steady-state pharmacokinetic model using NONMEM software. The final model selected for the population prediction of digoxin clearance in pediatric patients was as follows: [equation: see text] Individual empirical Bayesian estimates were generated on the basis of the population estimates and were used to correlate the optimum dose of digoxin and patient age according to the following equation: [equation: see text] This equation and its derived nomogram may be used for the initial dosing of digoxin in children aged between 0 and 1 year. The use of this nomogram in routine monitoring requires further pharmacokinetic and clinical validation.  相似文献   

Lamotrigine is being used more frequently in elderly patients. Dosing of lamotrigine in elderly patients is based largely on studies from younger adults and not evidence-based data from elderly patients. The goal of this study is to determine the pharmacokinetic parameters, such as clearance, and the factors that have a significant effect on these parameters to provide evidence-based information that can be used to dose elderly patients taking lamotrigine. Lamotrigine plasma concentrations from 148 elderly patients (aged 59-92 years) were used to develop a population pharmacokinetic model. Data were analyzed using NONMEM. Model evaluation was performed using the bootstrap approach and predictive check. The results showed that the blood urea nitrogen/serum creatinine ratio, weight, and phenytoin use significantly affect apparent clearance of lamotrigine. These results show that clinicians may need to take into account these covariates when dosing lamotrigine in this population.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to estimate the pharmacokinetics (PK) of arbekacin in burn patients using a population–PK approach. Therapeutic drug monitoring data consisting of 126 plasma concentrations (including 17 values that were below the quantitation limit) from 47 burn patients were retrospectively analyzed using a mixed effect method (NONMEM, ver. 6.0). Covariates, such as burn index, age, sex, among others, were tested on the basic one-compartment model. In the basic model, positive correlations of body weight (WT) and creatinine clearance (CLcr) on total clearance (CL) and volume of distributions (V) were assumed. In the final model, V increased with burn index (BI). The final model was: ;. Between-subject variability in terms of CL and V were 35 and 39%, respectively. The CL of our burn patients was significantly greater than that reported in unburned patients, and V increased proportionally with increasing BI.  相似文献   

丙戊酸钠治疗癫痫的血药浓度监测   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
目的研究丙戊酸钠治疗癫痫的疗效与血药浓度的关系.方法以荧光偏振免疫法测定135例癫痫患者丙戊酸钠血药浓度.结果丙戊酸钠单一用药的总有效率为80.6%,血药浓度在40~100μg  相似文献   

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