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As policy directives gather pace for service provision to be delivered in primary care, district nursing has not been recognised as a valuable asset to facilitate this agenda. Investment in district nursing and specialist district nursing education has fallen. This is concurrent with an ageing district nursing workforce, a lack of recruitment and growing caseloads, as district nursing adapts to meet the challenges of the complexities of contemporary healthcare in the community. The district nurse role is complex and multifaceted and includes working collaboratively and creatively to coordinate care. Redressing the shortages of specialist district nurse practitioners with increased numbers of health care support workers will not replace the skill, knowledge, experience required to meet the complex care needs of today's society. District nursing needs to be reinstated as the valuable asset it is, through renewed investment in the service, research development and in specialist practice education. To prevent extinction district nurses need to be able to demonstrate and articulate the complexities and dynamisms of the role to reinstate themselves to their commissioners as a valuable asset for contemporary practice that can meet current health and social care needs effectively.  相似文献   

With an aging population, the majority of nurses will spend their careers working with older people. Currently, there is scant research about clinical instructors' knowledge and perceptions about nursing care of older people despite their instrumental role in preparing nurses for practice. The purpose of this study was to explore clinical instructors' knowledge and perceptions about nursing care of older people. A mixed methods approach was used. Fifteen clinical instructors and 15 nurse educators employed on specialized units for older people completed questionnaires. Independent t-tests were administered. Five of the clinical instructors also participated in semi-structured interviews, which were analyzed using thematic analysis. Findings indicated that clinical instructors had significantly lower scores on knowledge and perceptions about nursing care of older people than practice-based nurse educators. Further, clinical instructors found it difficult to integrate specialized knowledge about nursing care of older people along with other aspects of their teaching. They also reported that it was challenging to support learning about best practices for older people within the current clinical context, which was complex and fast-paced. This study reinforces the need for professional development opportunities for clinical instructors to support their instrumental role in preparing students for practice with older people.  相似文献   

The Henry Street Consortium, a collaboration of nurse educators from universities and colleges and public health nurses (PHNs) from government, school, and community agencies, developed 11 population-based competencies for educating nursing students and the novice PHN. Although many organizations have developed competency lists for experts, the Consortium developed a set of competencies that clearly define expectations for the beginning PHN. The competencies are utilized by both education and practice. They guide nurse educators and PHNs in the creation of learning experiences that develop population-based knowledge and skills for baccalaureate nursing students. Public health nursing leaders use the competencies to frame their expectations and orientations for nurses who are new to public health nursing. This paper explains the meaning of each of the 11 population-based competencies and provides examples of student projects that demonstrate competency development. Strategies are suggested for nurse educators and PHNs to promote effective population-based student projects in public health agencies.  相似文献   

The health care needs of the homeless are more complex than those of the population at large. The purpose of this qualitative study was to explore undergraduate nursing students’ perceptions of the homeless. Thematic content analysis of responses from 19 undergraduate nursing students yielded four themes describing student experiences with the homeless, their perceptions of homelessness and the health care of the homeless, and their suggestions for best teaching strategies. Students in this study had varying amounts of experience with and knowledge of the homeless. While our participants strongly believed that homeless people deserved compassionate, equitable nursing care, many of their statements suggested an implicit bias toward the homeless. This suggests that student nurses need more comprehensive education concerning the homeless and the health care needs of this vulnerable population. Few interventions aimed at educating student nurses about homelessness and changing their attitudes to mitigate bias are based on research, particularly research conducted from the perspective of the homeless, and few explore the impact of civil interactions on health outcomes. The findings of this study may assist nurse educators in developing education interventions to improve students’ knowledge of homelessness.  相似文献   

社区老人长期护理需要的调查与护理探讨   总被引:47,自引:0,他引:47  
采用问卷的形式,对778名≥65岁社区老人进行了调查,以获得取社区老人身体、心理、社会健康及社区服务利用物现状,结果发现老年人慢性病率高,认知功能减嫁,生活自理能力和社会独立生活能力下降,相当部分老人存在不同程度的抑郁症状和自尊低下,社会支持减少,老人的长期卫生服务需要增加,但社区卫生服务利用率和需求率普遍较低,作为社区老年卫生服务重要组成部分的老年护理鼎待发展。据此提出对我国老年社区护理及与之相应的教学和科研问题的看法和建议。  相似文献   

Alcohol, cocaine and cannabis are the substances most commonly abused in Brazil. There is limited evidence on the perceptions of undergraduate nursing students towards substance misuse. Negative attitudes, in combination with the lack of appropriate knowledge and skills, may result in minimal care provided to substance misusers. The aims of the study are to examine the knowledge and attitudes of undergraduate nursing students towards substance misusers and consider the implications of these attitudes for nursing education. The Nurse Education in Alcohol and Drug Educational Faculty Survey (NEADA) questionnaire on knowledge and education, nursing interventions, attitudes and values was distributed to undergraduate nurses (n = 227) in the south and south-eastern part of Brazil. The findings showed that there is a lack of adequate education in drug and alcohol use and misuse, including competency skills, but the participants were positive about treatment interventions. A paradigm shift in nurse education curricula and further research studies on attitudes and values towards substance misuse should be on the educational agenda. These are challenges faced by nurses to meet the healthcare needs of substance misusers.  相似文献   

Transcultural knowledge and competency have become a critical need for nurses to accommodate the global trends in cultural diversity and health care disparities. Today, nurses are increasingly taking on leadership roles in community settings. This article addresses the application of Leininger's culture care theory with the sunrise model and Hersey and Blanchard's tri-dimensional leader effectiveness model as potential collaborating theories for capacity building and community transformation from a global, transcultural nursing perspective. The two theories, used in collaboration, view the provision of competent leadership as the delivery of effective, culturally congruent nursing care in promoting health and health equity at the community level.  相似文献   

This study focused on the great shortage of registered nurses (RNs) in primary health care in Rajasthan, India. It dealt especially with the nurses' own opinions about working in primary health care and their reasons for not working in it. Nurses at different levels in the health care organization were interviewed. The study was based on interviews with six RNs individually, three groups of six to eight nursing students each, and three policy-making chief nurses individually. The Minister of Health in Rajasthan also participated in the study. The study showed that the reasons for the lack of RNs in community health care were as follows: a government policy decision to place less educated nurses in the communities; the great shortage of nurses in general; the system whereby a nurse is not able to choose her/his place of work; unwillingness on the part of the nurses to work in community health care because of the great security problems; lack of support from authorities and lack of equipment. In general, community health care nursing as a work area was despised by society at large in Rajasthan.  相似文献   

深圳市社区护士公共卫生护理知识掌握及需求情况的调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的对深圳市社区卫生服务中心,社区护士公共卫生护理知识掌握及需求情况进行调查,为社区公共卫生护理的发展定位与护士的培养提出方法和对策。方法采用问卷调查,随机整群抽取辖区33家社康中心150名护士作为调查对象,了解社区护士对公共卫生知识的掌握情况和培训需求的顺位。结果深圳市社区护士学历和职称偏低,掌握知识较少的为现场流行病学与统计的应用,社区公共卫生护理模式,最需要培训的是社区突发性公共卫生事件紧急救护,常见传染性疾病的预防与护理。结论社区护士对公共卫生护理知识缺乏,社区护理工作应均衡发展,根据社区护士对公共卫生护理知识不足及需求,有针对性加强培训。  相似文献   

The universal phenomenon of immigration is a continuous reality in many developed countries. As a consequence, nurses and other health professionals are expected to recognize, understand, take action and interact favourably with people from diverse cultural backgrounds . Nurses need to become culturally competent and develop their knowledge, skills, behaviours and values in transcultural nursing in order to deliver optimum care to the multiethnic cultures accessing health care. However, the combination of a paucity of systematic research and the lack of formal education programmes has resulted in poor development in this area. Many concepts relevant to cross‐culture are poorly understood, valued and studied. The first author describes how she established a urology/continence nurse‐led clinic for local non‐English speaking Chinese residents in South East Sydney. The authors give recommendations for nurses who wish to establish similar clinics to provide culture‐specific urological and continence care required for multiethnic populations.  相似文献   

Aim. To report the development and psychometric testing of the Behavioral Health Care Competency survey, designed to measure hospital nurse perceptions of behavioral healthcare competency. Background. Hospital nurses working in general or other non‐psychiatric units may lack behavioral healthcare competency to manage disruptive behaviours associated with mental illnesses. Design. Instrument development. Method. A nurse study team including clinical experts and nurse researchers from three community hospitals in southern California (USA) reviewed content validity of each item and the 31‐item instrument and created a behavioral health care competency conceptual model based on the nursing process. Separate institutional review board permissions were obtained from each hospital. The study team collaborated in the timing of survey administration (November 2010), analysis of the results and survey validation. Results. A total of 844 nurses completed the survey, representing approximately 23–41% of eligible nurses from each hospital. Using principal component analysis with varimax rotation, 23 items led to a factor structure with four components. Four subscales with adequate alpha coefficients were formed: Resource Adequacy, Patient Assessment, Practice/Intervention Competency, and Psychotropic Recommendation. Conclusion. The 23‐item hospital nurse Behavioral Health Care Competency survey is an adequate and valid newly developed instrument. Further testing with diverse samples is needed to strengthen generalizability and address unique and specialized nursing care needs.  相似文献   

The native community Shonori is made up of Ashaninka families of the Peruvian Amazon. This paper addresses community health through an assessment and nursing care plan based on the Purnell cultural competency model and the standardized nurse taxonomy (NANDA, NIC, NOC). The assessment is based on 12 domains related to inheritance and biocultural ecology, communication, roles and family organization, risk behaviours, nutrition, pregnancy, death and spirituality rituals, and health care providers and practices. A diagnosis of «Poor health of the community r /t insufficient resources m/b health problems suffered by the community» is detected. The expected results criteria in the care plan are: social competence, community health status and control of social risk related to communicable diseases. The interventions consist of promoting community health, analyzing and identifying the health situation and risks, and controlling and protecting from communicable diseases and environmental risks. Interventions of the public water supply network and subsidies for agricultural and housing support, allowed vectors to be reduced, costs of safe water supply to be covered, and food to be bought to improve child nutrition. The use of traditional medicine was enhanced and health and sexual education campaigns were carried out in coordination with the official health system. A follow-up was carried out for 40 days, corroborating the improvement of community health, and the need for a group approach with all actors.  相似文献   

Positive and effective consumer outcomes hinge on having in place optimal models of nursing care delivery. The aim of this study was to ascertain the experience and views of mental health nurses, working in hospitals in an area mental health service, regarding nursing care delivery in those settings. Surveys (n = 250) were sent to all mental health nurses working in inpatient settings and 118 (47%) were returned. Results showed that the quality of nursing care achieved high ratings (by 87%), and that two-thirds of respondents were proud to be a mental health nurse and would choose to be a mental health nurse again. Similarly, the majority (71%) would recommend mental health nursing to others. Concern was, however, expressed about the continuity and consistency of nursing work and information technology resources. Nurses with community experiences rated the importance of the following items, or their confidence, higher than those without previous community placements: the importance of interdisciplinary teamwork; the importance of participating in case review; the importance of collaborating with community staff; confidence in performing mental state examinations; and confidence in collaborating with community staff, suggesting that this placement had positive effects on acute care nursing.  相似文献   

目的:了解社区老年护理人才现状及需求,为高校培养社区老年护理人才提供依据。方法自设问卷对浙江省284家社区卫生服务中心(站)进行调查。结果72.5%认为现有社区老年护理人才数量不能满足老年护理工作需求,67.6%认为专业素质不能满足工作需求;现有老年护理人才大专学历占44.5%,中专学历占39.8%,未来2年招聘以大专学历为主,达61.2%;社区老年护理人才需要老年护理和技术等12方面知识,社区老年护理人才应具备老年常见病和用药反应护理观察能力等9项核心能力。结论目前社区老年护理人才数量和专业素质不能满足老年护理需求,需以社区老年护理知识、核心能力需求为导向,通过专业设置、构建课程体系,改革教学及实践方式等进行培养,以适应人口老龄化需求。  相似文献   

Hispanic elders use skilled home care nursing (SHCN) services less often than Anglo elders. The purpose of this study was to identify factors that influence whether disabled Mexican American elders decide to use SHCN services. The research process included reviewing the historical context in one Mexican American community, interviewing key and primary informants, presenting a report to the community and getting feedback, and assessing whether the community perceived a need for increased use of SHCN services by their disabled elders. Seven barriers to the use of SHCN services were identified: expectations of discrimination, lack of knowledge about services, expectations embedded in familism, lack of sense of prevention, lack of health insurance, preference for traditional remedies, and neglect/abuse. A community advisory committee validated the barriers identified during interviews and the need for increased use of SHCN services. Results provide new insight into the sociopolitical and cultural complexities that influence health care utilization decisions by Mexican American elders and their families and uncover traditional, oversimplified beliefs and practices by mainstream professionals and policymakers. Interventions that decrease inequities in a southern Arizona community may be transferable to other vulnerable populations in the United States and globally.  相似文献   

Mental health issues are common and contemporary nursing students need to be well prepared to meet the mental health care needs of Australians. This study explored the influence of the mental health component of a Bachelor of Nursing course on second-year undergraduate nursing students' self-reported knowledge, skills, and attitudes in relation to mental health nursing. The study used a quasiexperimental research design involving questionnaires and individual interviews to determine nursing students' self-reported knowledge, skills, attitudes. Questionnaires were administered prior to undertaking the mental health theory, repeated prior to undertaking a clinical placement in either a community or inpatient mental health setting, and again after the clinical placement. The findings of the study indicated that a positive clinical placement had the greatest influence on nursing students' self-reported knowledge, skills, and attitudes and interest in nursing people experiencing mental health problems; however, the quantity of theoretical education also emerged as an influencing variable.  相似文献   

This study examined personal attitudes of 152 Bachelors of Science in Nursing (BSN), registered nurse (RN) to BSN, and master's students enrolled in a school of nursing in the southwestern United States toward culturally diverse patients and their perceived knowledge of specific cultural practices and culture-specific skills. Three instruments were used to collect data: the Ethnic Attitude Scale-Part I, the Transcultural Questionnaire, and a demographic survey. Findings reveal that students in all three programs had a relatively low knowledge base about specific cultural groups. The only statistically significant difference found in attitudes, perceived knowledge of cultural patterns, or perceived cultural skills by program was the slightly higher perceived ability of generic BSN students to distinguish between concepts such as ethnocentrism and discrimination, intra- and intercultural diversity, and ethnicity and culture. Similar to other studies of measurement of provider attitudes and perceived cultural knowledge, the results of this study reinforce the struggle experienced by educators and the challenges faced by health care administrators grappling with teaching and delivering culturally competent care. The findings imply that nurse educators need to examine alternate models and teaching strategies to move students along the continuum of cultural learning.  相似文献   

Purpose: To identify issues and describe strategies used in developing a successful program of clinical research focused on the vulnerale populations served by one urban academic nursing center. Academic community nursing centers provide ideal settings to implement programs of research. Understanding the challenges when integrating research into these practices and the strategies used is important.
Setting and Scope: The University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Silver Spring Community Nursing Center has provided primary health care services to a low-income urban population since 1987. A team of advanced practice nurse clinicians, community health nurses, and other health care professionals and community residents implemented a broad range of innovative, community-focused, clinical inteventions that are routinely studied throughan integrated program of nursing research. Their strategies for research implementation are analyzed.
Conclusions and Implications: Factors affecting the integration of research into the center include (a) community mistrust, (b) the need for participatory recruitment strategies, and (c) the need for multiple data collection methods. Meeting these challenges requires that research agendas and methods are consonant with community goals. The inclusion of clinicians, other providers, and community residents as active members of research teams is critical to success. Reframing research and practice roles in terms of team effort that incorporates the community can strengthen research and practice-and benefit professionals and the populations they serve.  相似文献   

Aim. This paper reports a project investigating the potential role of the nurse practitioner in aged care across residential, community and acute care venues in the Australian Capital Territory. Background. Australia, like many other countries, faces unprecedented challenges in the provision of health care. Escalating health care costs, an ageing population, increasing prevalence of comorbidities and chronic illnesses, inefficient health care delivery, changing models of health care and shifting professional role boundaries are factors that have contributed to the development of advanced practice roles for nursing. Design. This was a mixed methods study using multiple data sources. Methods. Student aged care nurse practitioners were examined across the continuum of care in the acute, community and residential aged care settings. The potential role of the nurse practitioner in these areas was evaluated qualitatively and quantitatively to identify a model of care to enhance the delivery of efficient and effective health care. Results. The project findings have demonstrated that there is potential for significant improvement in client outcomes arising from a transboundary aged care nurse practitioner model. The improved outcomes are associated with a decrease in acute hospital admissions for residential care clients, timely intervention for a range of common conditions and strengthened multidisciplinary approaches to care provision for older people. Conclusions. Overall the project findings strongly support the potential of a transboundary aged care nurse practitioner role. This role would focus on skilled assessment, timely assessment and intervention, brokering around access to care and clinical leadership and education for nurses. Relevance to clinical practice. This paper offers further evidence of support for the role of nurse practitioners in complementing existing health services and improving delivery of care.  相似文献   

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