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目的 探讨缩宫素对超声消融治疗子宫肌瘤效果的影响.方法 采用MRI引导下的超声消融肿瘤治疗系统,以单点辐照的方式,选择确诊的26例子宫肌瘤患者的29个肌瘤中的82个靶点进行研究,比较使用缩宫素前、后辐照单点达到60℃时所需的能量、时间及升高单位温度(1℃)所需的能量.结果 使用缩宫素前,辐照单点温度达到60℃所需的能量为(5320±910)J,时间为(21±20)s,升高1 ℃所需的能量为(255±302)J;静脉滴注缩宫素后,辐照单点温度达到60℃所需的能量为(2890±325)J,时间为(12±7)s,升高1℃所需的能量为(126±94)J.使用缩宫素前、后,各指标间比较,差异均有统计学意义(P值分别为0.002、0.001、0.002).结论 缩宫素能明显降低超声消融治疗子宫肌瘤所需的能量,缩短治疗时间,从而提高治疗效率,具有很好的临床应用价值.
Objective To explore the effect of oxytocin on uterine fibroids treated by ultrasound ablation. Methods Eighty-two single points in 29 uterine fibroids from 26 patients were sonicated with magnetic resonance imaging guided by high intensity focused ultrasound before and after using oxytocin. The required total energy, sonication time required to reach 60 ℃ and the acoustic energy for increasing 1 ℃ of temperature at the single point before and after using oxytocin were compared. Results Before intravenous infusion of oxytocin, the average total sonication energy required to reach 60 ℃ was (5320 ±910) J and it took (21 ±20) seconds for sonicating a single point, the energy required for increasing 1 ℃ was (255 ± 302) J. In contrast, after intravenous infusion of oxytocin, the average total sonication energy required to reach 60 ℃ was (2890 ±325) J, and it took (12 ±7) seconds for sonicating a single point, the energy required for increasing 1 ℃ was ( 126 ± 94 ) J. Those three index all reached statistical difference ( P = 0.002, P = 0.001, P= 0.002, respectively). Conclusion It seemed that Oxytocin could significantly decrease the energy required for ablating uterine fibroids, shorten treatment time and improve the treatment efficiency.  相似文献   

子宫肌瘤的血液供应特征对超声消融治疗剂量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探讨子宫肌瘤的血液供应特征对超声消融治疗剂量的影响.方法 2006年12月至2009年1月,对重庆医科大学附属第一医院妇产科就诊的142例患者的168个肌瘤行超声消融治疗.治疗前采用彩色多普勒超声将靶肌瘤血液供应分为0~4级(因有3例患者的3个肌瘤未完成治疗后1个月内的增强MRI评估,故165个肌瘤纳入分析),血液供应为0级的肌瘤9个、1级34个、2级35个、3级55个、4级32个.治疗后1个月内增强MRI检查测量无灌注区的面积并计算肌瘤体积消融率及其能效因子(EEF,即单位体积肌瘤行超声消融治疗所需能量),比较不同血液供应状态对治疗剂量的影响.根据国际介入放射治疗学会(SIR)的标准,评价治疗相关的副反应发生情况并进行治疗过程中的疼痛评分.结果 (1)体积消融率:0~4级血液供应肌瘤体积消融率分别为79%、89%、92%、86%、71%,0级与2、3级血液供应肌瘤的体积消融率比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);4级与1、2、3级血液供应肌瘤的体积消融率比较,差异也有统计学意义(P<0.05).(2)EEF:0~4级血液供应肌瘤消融所需EEF分别为13.19、9.54、12.91、17.83、28.10 J/mm3,4级血液供应肌瘤消融所需EEF明显高于1、2、3级血液供应肌瘤,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);肌瘤血液供应与消融所需EEF呈正相关关系(r=0.354,P<0.01).(3)治疗过程中疼痛评分及副反应发生情况:近85%(120/142)的患者对治疗过程可以较好耐受,治疗过程中疼痛评分均为0~4分.全部病例均无延长住院时间等SIR标准中C~F并发症发生.结论 子宫肌瘤超声下的血液供应特征可用于预测超声消融剂量,为临床选择超声消融治疗子宫肌瘤的适宜剂量提供依据.
Objective To explore the relationship between therapeutic dosage of ultrasound ablation in treatment of uterine fibroids and imaging characteristics of bloody supply of uterine fibroids by color Doppler ultrasound imaging. Methods One hundred and forty-two patients with 168 fibroids were treated by ultrasound ablation. Before treatment, bloody supply of fibroids were classified into grade 0 -4 by ultrasonography. Three patients lost follow-up with contrast MRI exam within 1 month after treatment, so 165 fibroids were enrolled in this study. Bloody supplies were 9 fibroids in grade 0, 34 fibroids in grade 1, 35 fibroids in grade 2, 55 fibroids in grade 3 and 32 fibroids in grade 4. After 1 month treatment, the treated area without blood supply and ratio of ablation were measured by contrast MRI to evaluate the efficacy of thermal ablation and compare status of blood supple based different therapeutic dosage. According to International Reditherapy for Society ( SIR ) standard, adverse effect and score of pain were evaluated. Results ( 1) Ratio of ablation based; ratios of ablation were 79% in grade 0, 89% in grade 1, 92% in grade 2, 86% in grade 3, 71% in grade 4. It reached statistical difference when blood supply of grade 0 compared with those of grade 2 and 3 (P < 0. 05 ) and blood supply of grade 4 compared with those of grade 1, 2, 3 ( P < 0. 05). (2) Factor of energy efficiency:factor of energy efficiency were 13.19 J/mm3 in degree 0, 9. 54 J/mm3 in degree 1, 12. 91 J/mm3 in degree 2, 17. 83 J/mm3 in degree 3 and 28. 10 J/mm in degree 4. Factor of energy of ablation in degree 4 was significantly higher than those in degree 1, 2 and 3 blood supply (P < 0. 05). It exhibit the positive relationship between blood supply and factor of energy of ablation ( r = 0. 354 ,P < 0. 01). ( 3 ) Score of pain and adverse effect: nearly 85% ( 120/142 ) patients could tolerate this treatment very well. Those scores of pain were in range of 0 to 4. All patients did not extend their hospitalization and C to F of SIR standard was not recorded. Conclusion blood supply of myoma measured by ultrasound could predict dosage of ultrasound ablation, it could help select indicated well patients.  相似文献   

超声消融治疗子宫肌瘤的近期并发症及其影响因素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Yang WW  Zhu BR  Li J  Xia WX  Liu Y  Gai LH  Zhou JM  Sun JF 《中华妇产科杂志》2010,45(12):913-916
目的 探讨超声消融治疗子宫肌瘤的近期常见并发症及其影响因素,为合理选择适应证、减少并发症提供理论依据.方法 回顾性分析超声消融治疗的子宫肌瘤患者171例(共231个肌瘤)的临床资料,分类总结治疗后近期的常见并发症,分析其影响因素.结果 超声消融治疗子宫肌瘤的常见并发症有:下腹疼痛71.9%(123/171)、阴道血性分泌物17.5%(30/171)、骶尾部和(或)臀部疼痛8.2%(14/171)、治疗区域皮肤水疱7.6%(13/171)、下肢疼痛4.7%(8/171)、血尿2.9%(5/171)、发热1.8%(3/171)等,无严重并发症发生.多重logistic回归多因素分析显示,下腹疼痛的影响因素有:肌瘤体积、治疗时间、平均功率(P<0.05);骶尾部和(或)臀部疼痛的影响因素有:肌瘤的位置[子宫后壁肌瘤治疗后,骶尾部和(或)臀部疼痛发生率高于肌瘤位于其他位置者,P<0.05];阴道血性分泌物的影响因素有:治疗时间、肌瘤类型(黏膜下>肌壁间>浆膜下,P<0.05);治疗区域皮肤水疱的影响因素有:治疗时间(P<0.05);下肢疼痛、血尿、发热的各影响因素间比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05).结论 超声消融治疗子宫肌瘤最常见的并发症为下腹疼痛,治疗功率和治疗时间可能是影响并发症发生的重要因素.  相似文献   

目的 探讨超声消融治疗突入宫腔体积<50%的子宫黏膜下肌瘤的安全性及疗效.方法 前瞻性选择2006年10月至2009年9月在解放军总医院妇产科就诊有明显临床症状的、经MRI确诊的突出官腔体积<50%的子宫黏膜下肌瘤患者66例(68个肌瘤),行超声引导下的聚焦超声消融治疗,记录消融治疗过程中及消融治疗后出现的不良反应;消融治疗后即刻采用超声造影评价消融治疗的疗效,消融治疗后第3、6、12和24个月,超声评价肌瘤体积变化;采用子宫肌瘤相关症状评分表(SSS)和月经期症状评分表评估症状变化.结果 共66例患者的68个黏膜下肌瘤消融治疗前肌瘤平均体积为(151±134)cm3,消融治疗后即刻超声造影中无灌注区平均体积为(114±104)cm3,肌瘤体积消融率为(77±16)%.所有患者均顺利完成治疗,随访时间为6~44个月,中位随访时间24个月,至今未出现显著并发症.消融治疗后有52%(34/66)的患者出现阴道排液症状,均于消融治疗3~4个月经周期后自行恢复正常.消融治疗后第3、6、12和24个月时,SSS评分与消融治疗前比较,分别降低20.9%、38.0%、45.1%、47.1%;月经期症状评分与消融治疗前比较,分别降低42.0%、63.8%、64.2%、68.8%,分别与治疗前比较,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05),坏死肌瘤逐渐吸收缩小,肌瘤体积较消融治疗前平均缩小44.7%、66.0%、77.7%和89.8%.结论 超声消融治疗突入宫腔体积<50%的子宫黏膜下肌瘤安全、有效,黏膜下肌瘤相关症状改善显著.
Objective To evaluate the efficacy and safety of focused ultrasound ablation in the treatment of submucosal fibroids which broke into uterine cavity less than 50%. Methods From Oct. 2006 to Sept. 2009, 66 patients with 69 submucosal fibroids broke into uterine cavity less than 50% diagnosed by MRI in Chinese People's Liberation Army General Hospital were enrolled in this study. They were treated by ultrasound-guided focused ultrasound ablation in the outpatient department, which using the contrast enhanced ultrasonography to assess the efficacy after ablation immediately, to measure reduction of fibroids volume and record adverse effect before and after ultrasound ablation. At 3, 6, 12 and 24 months after treatment, ablation outcome and fibroids volumes were evaluated by contrast ultrasound. The changes of clinical symptom were evaluated by the symptom severity score ( SSS) of the uterine fibroid quality-of-life instrument( UFS-QOL). Results The average volume of fibroids in 66 patients with 68 submucosal fibroids were (151 ±134) cm3 before treatment and (114 ± 104) cm3 no enhanced regional after treatment. The ablation rate of target fibroids was (77 ±16)%. All patients completed this treatment successfully, they were followed up for 6 - 44 months, the median follow-up time was 24 months. No serious complication was observed. However, there were 52% (34/66) patients presented vaginal discharge after ablation, it disappeared gradually after 3 to 4 menstrual cycles. The SSS and the menstrual period symptom scores were significantly lower than that before ablation at the follow-up of 3,6, 12 and 24 months, the rates were 20. 9% , 38. 0% , 45. 1% , 47. 1% and 42. 0% , 63. 8% , 64. 2% , 68. 8% , which all reached statistical difference (P < 0. 05 ). The necrotic fibroids were absorbed gradually, the reduction rates of fibroid volume were 44. 7% ,66. 0% ,77. 7% and 89. 8% . Conclusion It was safe and efficacy that focused ultrasound ablation was used in treatment of submucosal fibroids which broke into the uterine less than 50%.  相似文献   

随着近年来医疗水平的提高及妇科常规体检的普及,子宫肌瘤发病率居高不下。目前子宫肌瘤的治疗有多种方法,其中射频消融是一种临床显著有效的微创治疗手段。其通过破坏肌瘤组织缩小肌瘤体积,同时不伤害其他组织及器官,作为一种简便、安全、有效的治疗方式正逐渐受到临床医生的认可。现从原理、适应证及禁忌证、术中麻醉及手术方法、并发症及其处理、疗效评价、术后病理变化及实用性等方面对射频消融治疗子宫肌瘤作一简要概述。  相似文献   

目的:比较高强度聚焦超声(HIFU)消融治疗子宫腺肌病时,病灶出现团块状灰度变化及整体灰度变化的意义。方法:回顾性研究60例行超声消融治疗的子宫腺肌病患者的灰度变化情况,并与治疗后1 d的增强核磁共振成像(MRI)进行比较,分析团块状灰度变化及整体灰度变化与治疗剂量、治疗时间、治疗强度及MRI非灌注区的关系。结果:MRI显示团块状变化组和整体灰度变化组的腺肌病病灶大小差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。治疗后1 d增强MRI检查发现,团块灰度变化组与整体灰度变化组在消融率、消融体积及治疗强度等方面差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);但整体灰度变化组的治疗剂量、治疗时间明显高于团块状灰度变化组(P<0.05)。两组患者治疗后即刻不良反应差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论:HIFU治疗子宫腺肌病时,整体灰度变化也能明确反映消融效果,只要治疗强度达标,为降低过度治疗的风险,不必强求团块状灰度变化。  相似文献   

子宫肌瘤是女性生殖系统最常见的良性肿瘤。传统的治疗方法主要有期待治疗、药物治疗和开腹手术治疗,近年微创手术治疗子宫肌瘤因有效、安全、不良反应小而备受医生和患者青睐。目前在临床上使用的微创方法主要分为两大类:肌瘤切除术及缩瘤术或者消融术。前者主要有腹腔镜下子宫肌瘤剔除术、宫腔镜下子宫肌瘤剔除术和经阴道子宫肌瘤剔除术;后者主要有子宫动脉栓塞术、子宫肌瘤热消融术、超声聚焦及超声引导下肌瘤内注入细胞灭活剂等。简要介绍微创手术治疗子宫肌瘤的现状与进展。  相似文献   

子宫肌瘤又称平滑肌瘤或肌瘤,是女性生殖器官最常见的良性肿瘤,由平滑肌和结缔组织组成,常见于30~50岁妇女,发病率约20%。子宫肌瘤的治疗包括保守治疗及手术治疗,其中射频消融(RFA)是一种微创治疗手段,目前已应用于多种疾病,在治疗妇科良性疾病方面的价值也得到了充分的认可。理想的RFA是运用热能以微创的方式、不损伤邻近正常组织的前提下,使靶组织遭受到彻底的破坏。现从作用机制、超声造影技术的临床应用、疗效评价、对生育功能的影响、安全性和有效性、影响因素等方面对RFA治疗子宫肌瘤进行简要概述。  相似文献   

Li GT  Wen TR 《中华妇产科杂志》2006,41(10):697-700
目的 评价子宫动脉栓塞术(UAE)治疗有症状的子宫肌瘤的有效性及安全性.方法 检索医学在线索引PubMed及中国知网(CNKI)中UAE治疗子宫肌瘤的临床资料,按治疗措施不同将患者分为两组,试验组采用UAE治疗,对照组采用子宫肌瘤剔除术治疗.将符合纳入标准的所有报道UAE治疗子宫肌瘤相关结果的临床试验进行荟萃分析,评估其安全性和有效性.结果 有8个临床试验共计680例有症状的子宫肌瘤患者纳入本研究.荟萃分析显示,各个临床试验对本研究结果的贡献大小与样本量呈正比,而与试验质量的评价等级无关(P>0.05).纳入的8个临床试验分别在患者年龄、一般情况及治疗方法方面比较,差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05).本研究以3个月为判断患者治疗有效性和安全性的界点,纳入本研究的8个临床试验中,试验组与对照组之间的相对危险度(RR)值=0.95,95%CI为0.92~0.99,总效应检验z=-2.33、P=0.02,试验组相对于对照组的成功率为95%;试验组总的有效率为92.3%,对照组为96.7%,两组比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);两组总的并发症发生率(分别为1.4%、1.2%)比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05).结论 治疗子宫肌瘤,传统的手术切除方法效果更为可靠,成功率更高.若适应证选择准确,UAE可使95%的患者避免了手术及其相关风险,但UAE的远期效果尚需进一步大样本资料的长期随访方能定论.  相似文献   

目的:比较子宫肌瘤聚焦超声消融手术(FUAS)与子宫肌瘤剔除术的远期临床疗效差异。方法:回顾性分析2007年1月至2015年1月在解放军总医院第一医学中心行FUAS(FUAS组,763例)及子宫肌瘤剔除术(子宫肌瘤剔除术组,1 205例)的子宫肌瘤患者的临床资料,收集两组患者术前基本情况、影像学数据、手术情况,随访两组...  相似文献   



To study the correlation between the predicted thermal dose volume (TDV) and the actual ablation volumes in MR-guided focused ultrasound surgery (MRgFUS) for symptomatic uterine fibroids, and to follow up the outcome for 12 months post-treatment.

Study design

Phase-difference fast spoiled gradient-echo MR images were used to analyze thermal change during the energy deliveries of MRgFUS in 60 consecutive patients treated for symptomatic uterine fibroids. The TDV obtained through analysis of these MR images was compared with the non-perfused volume (NPV) measured on post-treatment contrast enhanced T1-weighted images. Final values of TDV ratio and NPV ratio were obtained by dividing these values by original fibroid volume. Patients were followed for 12 months post-treatment to assess symptomatic relief using the symptom severity score (SSS).


Treatments in which we managed to reach a TDV ratio larger than 27% of the treated fibroid yielded a ratio of NPV to TDV of 1.1 ± 0.5, indicating accurate control of the non-invasive procedure. Patient symptoms, as measured by the SSS, continuously decreased from a mean baseline score of 50 ± 22 to 19 ± 12 (P < 0.0001) 12 months post-treatment.


At large treatment volumes (exceeding 27% TDV ratio), thermal dose estimates correspond very closely to non-perfused volumes measured immediately post treatment. These large treatment volumes result in continuous clinical improvement throughout the first 12 months after MRgFUS.  相似文献   

曲普瑞林治疗子宫肌瘤的临床疗效及安全性研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
目的 观察曲普瑞林治疗子宫肌瘤的临床疗效及安全性。方法 采用多中心的前瞻性随机对照临床研究,于2002年12月—2004年3月,将确诊的125例子宫肌瘤患者随机分为研究组,63例,接受臀部肌内注射曲普瑞林3.75mg治疗;和对照组,62例,接受前臂皮下注射亮丙瑞林3.75mg治疗。两组均为每28d注射药物1次,共治疗3个月。观察月经情况、子宫与子宫肌瘤体积以及血清雌二醇水平等变化。结果 125例均完成治疗。两组治疗前子宫及最大子宫肌瘤体积比较,差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05)。但两组治疗后子宫及最大子宫肌瘤体积较治疗前均明显缩小,两组组内治疗前后比较,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.01)。研究组和对照组治疗后子宫体积较治疗前分别平均缩小51%(中位数,下同)和49%,最大子宫肌瘤体积分别平均缩小50%,和48%,两组间比较,差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05)。研究组和对照组治疗后血清雌二醇达到去势水平(<183pmol/L)的比例均为94%(59/63,58/62)。研究组和对照组治疗3个月时的闭经率分别为97%(61/63)和95%(59/62)。患者治疗后痛经、非经期下腹痛和压迫症状等均迅速缓解,两组比较,差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05)。两组药物副反应总的发生率均为71%(45/63,44/62);主要副反应为注射药物后2周左右发生阴道出血及低雌激素症状;研究组和对照组分别有9例和6例因症状明显给予替勃龙1.25~2.50mg/d口服治疗。结论 曲普瑞林治疗子宫肌瘤3个月的临床疗效确切,无严重副反应。  相似文献   

目的比较促性腺激素释放激素激动剂(GnRH-a)与米非司酮治疗子宫肌瘤的临床疗效及副作用。方法将75例根据临床症状、妇科检查及B超诊断为子宫肌瘤患者,随机分为两组,GnRH-a组30例,每天用GnRH-a150μg肌内注射或皮下注射3个月;米非司酮组45例,用米非司酮每天12.5mg口服3个月,比较两组治疗的疗效与副反应。结果两组患者临床症状均有明显改善。肌瘤体积,GnRH-a组缩小20.0%以上者有27例,占90.0%;米非司酮组肌瘤缩小20.0%以上者有41例,占91.1%。复发率,GnRH-a组为40.0%,米非司酮组为17.8%。结论米非司酮较GnRH-a对子宫肌瘤有更好的治疗效果  相似文献   

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