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目的 牙龈退缩常常导致根面敏感、菌斑控制不良和牙龈美学等问题,影响患者的口腔健康和颜面美观。本病例采用根面覆盖术治疗牙龈退缩,以改善患者牙齿敏感问题。诊治经过:手术采用冠向复位瓣联合结缔组织移植瓣双层技术治疗退缩类型(recession type,RT)为1类的牙龈退缩。结果 术后2周,受区龈缘略水肿;术后12个月复诊,龈缘位置趋于稳定,根面覆盖率达100%,角化龈宽度及临床附着水平增加。患者无牙齿敏感、系带牵拉和瘢痕形成等不适症状,牙龈美学效果良好。结论 冠向复位瓣联合结缔组织移植瓣双层技术治疗RT 1类牙龈退缩效果良好,不仅能够获得完全根面覆盖、牙龈美学效果良好,而且增加了术区角化牙龈的宽度和临床附着水平。  相似文献   

牙龈退缩后,由于牙龈变薄和前庭沟变浅.覆盖暴露的牙根变得越来越困难,覆盖的结果也变得更加不可预测。此外,在有高的系带附着或肌肉牵拉的部位,如下颌前部的颏肌牵拉,使用冠向复位瓣术可能会发生牙龈再次退缩。所以,移植的结缔组织很难完全覆盖龈退缩部位。这组病例研究提供了一种技术,即用带上皮的上皮下结缔组织移植物覆盖暴露的根面。移植上皮部分直接复位于暴露的根面以隔绝口腔环境,而避免膜龈联合位置的改变和口腔前庭沟的变浅。  相似文献   

牙龈退缩为牙龈边缘向釉牙骨质界的根方退缩而导致根面暴露,可涉及一个牙面或多个牙面,严重的牙龈退缩常常伴随牙槽骨的缺失,是口腔常见临床症状之一。牙龈退缩在临床上的治疗目标通常为修复退缩部位的解剖结构,最终达到完全覆盖暴露的根面。上皮下结缔组织移植在根面覆盖手术中已被广泛接受和应用,但自体上皮下结缔组织的获取需开辟第二术区,并常常造成患者的痛苦和术后并发症。本文系统性地回顾了胶原基质作为自体组织替代材料在牙龈退缩治疗中的应用。  相似文献   

本文介绍一例年轻患者正畸后下前牙出现严重龈退缩的跨学科治疗病例。MillerⅢ度龈退缩患牙常伴有严重的牙根异位,这类牙的根面覆盖术的预期效果往往是不确定的。治疗方案应包括:①牙齿邻面去釉获得牙弓间隙;②受累牙在颌骨内移动;③膜龈手术根面覆盖。该患者固定矫治后7个月复查时,可见异位牙已得到矫正,根面暴露处的根方角化龈组织已开始形成,变成了Miller度龈退缩,这时可认为根面覆盖术的可预测性将得到改善。根面覆盖术中采用上皮下结缔组织移植技术。术后1年的临床检查见根面已完全覆盖,牙龈颜色与邻近的组织协调,唇侧龈厚度增加。正畸-牙周联合技术,用在严重的膜龈异常牙的治疗上,可以达到理想的牙周美学效果。  相似文献   

目的:在准备进行冠预备的牙齿中存在治疗性牙龈退缩.需要结合牙齿修复和牙周治疗两方面努力达到生物学及美学目的.这需要一个理想的冠修复体和协调的牙龈形状。传统上.先进行牙根覆盖术.之后进行牙体预备,并最终粘结冠修复体。然而,在修复阶段,对移植的脆弱组织的刺激可能导致牙龈退缩,使得冠边缘暴露。为了使修复刺激最小.建议使用“先冠修复.后牙周处理”的方法(CTGA),在最终冠预备后进行牙根覆盖术。方法:左侧上颔中切牙进行最终冠预备并取模后,在患者口中暂时粘结边缘外形较平的丙烯酸塑料冠。结缔组织移植术结合冠向复位瓣术完成牙根覆盖术。不需要进行额外的牙齿预备和取模。6个月后.在印模上制作最终冠,完成粘结。结果:最初.移植组织边缘完全覆盖牙根和1~2mm的临时冠边缘。在术后12个月即最终冠粘结后6个月.牙龈边缘慢慢退缩.达到理想位置。完整的根面覆盖维持5年。结论:在设计进行冠预备结合牙根覆盖术的牙齿,CTGA方法可能使牙根覆盖术后组织的刺激最小.并且能解释边缘组织的长期稳定性。  相似文献   

前牙龈下冠折根牵引后的桩冠修复   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
目的 :研究临床龈下冠折低于牙龈 2mm以上断面牙根的桩冠修复方法。方法 :在根管内磷酸锌粘固一个小于根长 1/ 2的 1 0mm不锈钢丝 ,通过橡皮圈 ,固定在唇弓上牵引 ,2~ 4周后 ,当断牙根面与相邻牙龈缘平齐或龈下 0 5mm位置时 ,用金属丝固定 3月后 ,修整断牙根周牙龈组织后 ,桩冠修复。结果 :1988年至 1998年临床前牙冠根折唇断面在龈下 2mm以上且经完善根管治疗后共治疗 12 6例患者 ,14 7颗牙齿 ,通过信函调查发现 4 9例烤瓷桩冠有 3例牙根再次折断后拔除 ,其余患者均满意。结论 :前牙龈下冠折牙根牵引后桩冠修复克服了以往在断根处直接修复易引起牙龈牙周疾病的缺点 ,比切除唇侧牙龈使牙根暴露更能获得较为满意的功能及美学效果。  相似文献   

牙龈退缩常伴有牙颈部的磨损和釉牙骨质界的模糊不清.在这种情况下.龈退缩的诊断和治疗都将变得十分复杂。本研究的目的是提出一种确定釉牙骨质界具体位置的技术.同时基于此技术,通过牙周和修复治疗纠正患者的牙龈退缩。利用此技术.可将对侧同名牙或邻牙釉牙骨质界的位置拷贝至治疗牙的表面。治疗过程中,12名患者的25个龈退缩位点均使用复合树脂重建釉牙骨质界.采用冠向复位瓣术(联合或不联合结缔组织瓣移植术)覆盖根面。2年后.共有20个(80%)退缩位点出现了完全的根面覆盖.龈退缩显著减小(24mm.P〈00001)。  相似文献   

本文将通过病例报告,介绍如何用一种新型的胶原基质块取代结缔组织移植,完成多发性牙龈退缩的修复。对3位女性患者的11个发生了牙龈退缩的上颌牙位.采用“信封”式的龈瓣设计,植入新型的胶原基质块.取代传统的结缔组织移植。随访1年.9颗牙的牙龈退缩达到完全的根面覆盖,平均角化龈宽为31mm,牙根敏感症状完全缓解.美学效果满意。  相似文献   

龈色瓷在前牙烤瓷修复中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
前牙牙龈缺损较多的患者 ,用一般金属烤瓷冠桥修复 ,常导致牙冠长度与对侧同名牙及邻牙明显不协调 ,达不到美观逼真的效果。采用龈色瓷可在一定程度上改善这种情况。1 适应证1.1 唇侧牙龈退缩1.2 唇侧牙周袋切除后牙根外露 ,牙齿无松动1.3 牙体缺损至龈下 ,为暴露出缺损面龈切量较多1.4 缺牙区牙槽骨缺损 ,凹陷2 方 法2 .1 基牙预备邻舌面及切缘预备同一般修复体 ,颈缘肩台预备以前 ,以无蜡牙线浸血管收缩剂压在龈沟内 2 min,待游离龈退缩后 ,用肩台钻沿牙颈部均匀磨切。制备唇侧颈缘肩台时 ,为保证冠边缘龈瓷的强度和美观 ,尤其应…  相似文献   

目的:观察上皮下结缔组织移植术在牙龈退缩手术治疗中的疗效. 方法:对8 例上下前牙及前磨牙牙龈退缩的病例行上皮下结缔组织移植术,并进行了12 个月的随访观察.结果:治疗前平均龈退缩为4.3 mm,平均探诊深度为2.3 mm.治疗后12 个月复查时,平均根面覆盖为3.0 mm(即平均71%的根面覆盖,自60%~80%不等),探诊深度平均为1.6 mm,表明有3.6 mm的临床附着增加(从2~5 mm不等).结论:皮下结缔组织移植术可以在保持浅袋的同时取得可靠的根面覆盖和临床附着增加.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Clinical studies and recent histological evidence following mucogingival surgery for the treatment of gingival recession have documented that when closely adapted to a previously exposed root surface, connective tissue is capable of forming a new attachment. Despite these findings, no clinical tests have been conducted to examine the ability of connective tissue to reduce probing depth (PD) and increase clinical attachment levels (CAL) when it is implanted into periodontal osseous defects. The purpose of this paper is to report the clinical results on a patient following 2 subperiosteal connective tissue grafts. METHODS: Subperiosteal connective tissue grafts were placed in 2 sites of periodontal bone loss and deep pocketing in one patient. Following flap reflection and root preparation, a connective tissue graft 1.5 to 2.0 mm in thickness was draped and sutured over each osseous defect and then completely covered by the external flap. RESULTS: Ten months following subperiosteal connective tissue grafting, tooth #7 had 4 mm of CAL gain. Tooth #10 had 3 mm of CAL gain 8 months postoperatively. Both teeth had 1 mm gain in gingival recession. Both teeth probed 3 mm postoperatively. CONCLUSIONS: When connective tissue was grafted into 2 periodontal osseous defects, there were significant reductions in probing depth and gains in CAL. There was minimal postoperative gingival recession. The new clinical attachment gain remained stable for 8 to 10 months following subperiosteal connective tissue grafting.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: There has been great interest in the treatment of gingival recession defects, especially with subepithelial connective tissue grafting. Recent advances have focused on subepithelial connective tissue grafting by the tunnel technique. In this clinical study, a modified periodontal plastic surgery technique for coverage of adjacent gingival recessions was performed. This surgical modification was based on the tunnel technique without vertical incisions, where the partial dissection was converted to a full-thickness dissection at the mucogingival area to supply more blood vessels. METHOD AND MATERIALS: Patients, each contributing at least two adjacent buccal gingival recessions, were treated. Subepithelial connective tissue grafting was used to cover the defects. Gingival recession, probing depth, and attachment level were measured at baseline and 8 months posttreatment. RESULTS: There were statistically significant improvements in attachment level and gingival recession after 8 months; the mean gain in attachment was 3.67 mm and the mean root coverage was 3.28 mm, which translated to mean root coverage of 95%. CONCLUSION: These findings suggest that subepithelial connective tissue grafting with a modified tunnel approach, in which the partial-thickness flap is converted to a full-thickness flap in a coronoapical direction, results in adequate early healing and highly predictable root coverage in adjacent gingival recessions.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Coverage of roots exposed by gingival recession is one of the main objectives of periodontal reconstructive surgery. A variety of highly predictable and esthetically acceptable mucogingival grafting procedures are available for treating intact root surfaces. One of the indications for root coverage procedures is prevention of root caries. However, little is known about the ability to treat previously carious roots by mucogingival grafting, and even less is known about the outcome of such treatment. METHODS: Sixty patients with gingival recession were treated with subepithelial connective tissue grafts. During initial examination, 33 intact teeth with longstanding gingival recessions of 4.09 +/- 0.16 mm (mean +/- SEM) and 27 teeth with carious roots (restored and unrestored) and longstanding gingival recessions of 3.44 +/- 0.22 mm (mean +/- SEM) were found. Prior to grafting, any carious dentin and plastic restorations were removed. The exposed roots were thoroughly planed and covered by a subepithelial connective tissue graft without any further root treatment or conditioning. Patients were evaluated periodically between 1 and 6 years. Residual recession, defect coverage, and caries incidence were assessed. RESULTS: Recession was reduced to a similar extent on all teeth whether root caries was present (0.31 +/- 0.11 mm) or not (0.15 +/- 0.04 mm). This resulted in comparable defect coverages of 92.41 +/- 2.38% for previously carious roots and 97.46 +/- 0.79% for intact roots. In 44 cases, complete coverage of the recession was achieved. The results were stable, and no further recessions or recurrent caries were found during the periodic evaluations. CONCLUSIONS: These results indicate that coverage of previously carious roots with subepithelial connective tissue grafts is a very predictable procedure with results similar to those found on intact roots. This procedure may provide a definitive biological alternative for conventional restorative treatment modalities for root caries. Moreover, the results are more esthetic, biologically acceptable, and maintainable.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: One of the main objectives of periodontal reconstructive surgery is the coverage of exposed roots due to gingival recession. A large variety of mucogingival grafting procedures are available that give highly predictable and esthetically acceptable results when treating intact root surfaces. However, these procedures call for a second surgery site in the palate. The present study examines a series of cases in which connective tissue, obtained from the tuberosity during pocket reduction procedures in the posterior region of the maxilla, was used for root coverage. METHODS: Forty-four teeth from 25 patients with gingival recession of 3.30 +/- 0.14 mm (mean +/- SEM) were treated with subepithelial connective tissue grafts using connective tissue obtained from the tuberosity area during pocket reduction procedures in the posterior region of the maxilla. RESULTS: The mean root coverage recession after treatment was 0.16 +/- 0.06 mm, with effectiveness of coverage at 95.0% +/- 1.84 and a predictability of 84.1%. Periodontal probing depth reduction at the donor site was 4.08 +/- 0.24 mm. CONCLUSIONS: These results indicate that the subepithelial connective tissue graft obtained from the tuberosity area during pocket reduction procedures in the posterior region of the maxilla provides a very predictable and esthetic root coverage without the need for a second surgical site.  相似文献   

Various clinical reports on the reconstruction of gingival recession defects have been published in the past decade. Several techniques have been used to achieve root coverage, including creation of free gingival grafts, laterally positioned flaps or semilunar coronally positioned flaps, as well as guided tissue regeneration and connective tissue grafting. This article focuses on the importance of connective tissue grafting, combined with a recent approach known as the tunnel procedure, in managing gingival recession defects with a single operation. This procedure originated in 1985 with an envelope design and a subepithelial connective tissue graft for single gingival recession defects and is used today for coverage of multiple adjacent gingival recession defects. Histological evaluation of such connective tissue grafts demonstrates periodontal regeneration in human subjects. Clinical trials have yielded good results, including early tissue healing because of increased blood supply, good esthetic results, excellent patient cooperation and avoidance of secondary periodontal plastic surgery. These benefits underline the appropriateness of this technique, which improves the success rate of connective tissue grafting and increases the amount of root coverage.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Connective tissue grafts and guided tissue regeneration (GTR) are the most current procedures in the treatment of gingival recession, but very few clinical comparative studies have been conducted. METHODS: The purpose of this study was to compare 2 types of treatment of gingival recession in the same patients. Fourteen pairs of Miller Class I defects were selected in 14 patients. In each pair, one recession was randomly assigned for treatment by GTR using a bioabsorbable membrane, and the other treated by subepithelial connective tissue graft (CTG). Height of recession (HR), clinical attachment level (CAL), probing sulcus depth (PSD), height of keratinized tissue (HKT), and distance from the cemento-enamel junction to the mucogingival junction (CEJ-MGJ) were recorded before surgery and 6 months postoperatively. RESULTS: The initial width and height of recession were, respectively, 3.73 mm (SD 0.56) and 3.85 mm (SD 1.15) for the CTG group, and 4.04 mm (SD 0.92) and 4.28 mm (SD 1.20) for the GTR group. The differences were not significant. CAL changes were not different. Both in the CTG group and in the GTR group, mean HR reduction was 2.89 mm (SD 1.18), representing a mean root coverage of 76% and 70.2%, respectively. The difference was not significant. HKT mean gain was significantly greater (P = 0.0001) with CTG (2.03 mm, SD 0.92) than with GTR (0.42 mm, SD 0.91). The GTR technique displaced the mucogingival junction significantly (P = 0.007) more coronally (2.35 mm, SD 1.44) than the CTG technique (0.78 mm, SD 1.23). CONCLUSIONS: Within the limits of this study, no difference could be found between subepithelial connective tissue graft and GTR with a bioabsorbable membrane with regard to root coverage, but the GTR technique did not increase the height of keratinized tissue and displaced the mucogingival junction more coronally at 6 months.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: During the last decade, there have been great strides in the treatment of gingival recession defects, especially with subepithelial connective tissue graft and guided tissue regeneration (GTR) procedures. Gingival recession represents a significant concern for patients. It is necessary to choose the most appropriate procedure in order to obtain more root coverage while avoiding clinical disadvantages. The purpose of this randomized clinical trial was to evaluate the use of a bioabsorbable bilayer collagen membrane with GTR compared to a connective tissue graft in the treatment of gingival recession defects. METHODS: Twenty patients each contributing a pair of Miller Class I or II buccal gingival recessions were treated. In each pair, one recession was randomly assigned for treatment with GTR using a bioabsorbable bilayer collagen membrane and the other treated with subepithelial connective tissue graft (CTG). Clinical measurements taken at baseline (D0) and 3 and 6 months post-treatment included recession depth (RD), recession width (RW), probing depth (PD), and clinical attachment level (CAL). RESULTS: Data were analyzed using the non-parametric Wilcoxon matched pair test. All results were statistically significant. Both treatments resulted in a significant gain of root coverage (P<0.0001), amounting to an average of 2.80 mm at 3 months in the GTR group and 3.34 mm in the CTG group. At 6 months, the decrease of the mean RD remained statistically significant: 2.70 mm (74.59% root coverage) in the GTR group and 3.19 mm (84.84% root coverage) in the CTG group. The mean RW also decreased from 4.48 mm at D0 to 2.42 mm at 6 months in the GTR group, and from 4.38 mm at D0 to 1.35 mm at 6 months in the CTG group, representing a percentage of coverage of 45.98% and 69.18%, respectively. Mean CAL gain obtained between D0 and 6 months with the GTR procedure and CTG was 3.31 mm and 3.09 mm, respectively, and was significant within groups. At 3 and 6 months, the differences in the results for RD, CAL, and RW were not statistically significant between the 2 groups. However, the difference was significant for PD at 3 and 6 months. CONCLUSIONS: The results suggest that a bioabsorbable bilayer collagen membrane can be used in the GTR treatment of human buccal recession defects, with no statistically significant differences between this procedure and connective tissue grafts.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The present study was designed to evaluate the effect, if any, of citric acid root demineralization in the outcome of subepithelial connective tissue grafts performed to cover localized gingival recessions. METHODS: Thirty-six patients participated, each providing one gingival recession; 19 received citric acid demineralization, while 17 did not. All were treated surgically with subepithelial connective tissue grafts and followed for 6 months. At baseline and 6 months, the following parameters were recorded: plaque index, gingival index, recession height, probing depth, recession width, and amount of keratinized tissue. Data were analyzed statistically to 1) evaluate the results achieved with each procedure individually over time and 2) compare the results obtained with the 2 procedures after 6 months. RESULTS: Results showed significant reductions in recession height after 6 months independently of whether citric acid was applied or not (2.79+/-0.79 versus 2.56+/-0.73). Similarly, recession width was significantly reduced (3.74+/-1.19 versus 3.50 +/-0.73), and the width of keratinized tissue was significantly increased (2.47+/-1.6 versus 2.3+/-1.2). No significant changes in probing depth were found (-0.16+/-0.06 versus -0.13+/-0.81). No significant differences were found when both techniques were compared in any one of the parameters analyzed (all P >0.30). CONCLUSIONS: It is concluded that: 1) the subepithelial connective tissue graft procedure provides a satisfactory solution in the treatment of localized gingival recessions, and 2) citric acid demineralization does not affect the clinical outcome of the surgical technique.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The clinical outcome of connective tissue grafts in the treatment of gingival recessions has been documented in numerous studies. However, no attempt has been made to correlate the postoperative mucogingival changes with the surgical parameters. The present retrospective clinical study was undertaken to 1) evaluate root coverage and mucogingival changes 1 to 1.5 years following treatment of Miller's Class I and II recession defects using 2 variants of the subepithelial connective tissue graft (SCTG) procedure, and 2) assess the effect of the surgical parameters on the postoperative gingival width. METHODS: Thirty-one recessions in 10 patients treated with the envelope technique (E) and 31 recessions in 11 patients treated with coronally positioned flap combined with connective tissue graft (CP) were retrospectively analyzed to evaluate: 1) percentage of root coverage obtained with the 2 procedures and variations in width of keratinized tissue (KT) 1 to 1.5 years postsurgery, and 2) the effect of the surgical parameters on the postoperative gingival width. RESULTS: Results showed a mean root coverage percentage of 89.6 +/- 15% for the E group and 94.7 +/- 11.4% for the CP group; the difference between groups was statistically insignificant (P = 0.1388). Mean KT increased significantly from 1.4 +/- 1.1 mm presurgery to 4.5 +/- 1.1 mm postsurgery for the E group while a minor increase in KT was observed in the CP group (2 +/- 1.5 mm presurgery versus 2.7 +/- 1.6 mm postsurgery). For both treatment groups, the mean postsurgical width of keratinized tissue (POSTKT) was found to be mathematically correlated with the mean presurgical width of keratinized tissue (PREKT) and the corono-apical height of the graft that remained exposed (GE) coronal to the flap margin in the recipient site. CONCLUSIONS: Treatment of human gingival recession defects by the 2 variants of SCTG resulted in significant recession reduction. When SCTG is grafted beneath alveolar mucosa using the combined technique (CP), transformation of the mucosa into keratinized tissue does not seem to occur, at least within 1 to 1.5 years postsurgery. The treatment outcome in terms of keratinized tissue width seems to be correlated with the presurgical gingival dimensions and the height of the graft that remains exposed at the end of the surgical procedure.  相似文献   



The objective of this systematic review was to answer the following question: ‘Can subepithelial connective tissue grafts (SCTG) be considered the gold standard procedure in the treatment of recession-type defects?’

Data and source

An electronic search (MEDLIINE, EMBASE and CENTRAL) for randomized controlled clinical trials with at least 6 months’ follow-up comparing SCTG with other procedures for the treatment of gingival recession was performed up to December 2007.

Study selection

To be eligible to this review patients had to present a diagnosis of gingival recession with the following characteristics: (a) recession areas selected for treatment classified as Miller [Miller Jr PD. A classification of marginal tissue recession. International Journal of Periodontics &; Restorative Dentistry 1985;5:8–13.] Class I or Class II of at least 2 mm; (b) recession areas containing teeth with no caries or restorations; and (c) at least 10 participants per group at final examination. From a total of 568 references, 23 studies were considered relevant. The results indicated a statistically significant greater reduction in gingival recession for SCTG, when compared to acellular dermal matrix grafts and guided tissue regeneration with resorbable membranes (GTR rm). For clinical attachment level changes, differences between all groups were not significant. For changes in the keratinized tissue (KT), the results showed a statistically significant gain in the width of KT for SCTG when compared to GTR rm.


The results of this review show that subepithelial connective tissue grafts provided significant root coverage, clinical attachment and keratinized tissue gain. Overall comparisons allow us to consider it as the ‘gold standard’ procedure in the treatment of recession-type defects.  相似文献   

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