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Health of women has a profound effect on the health and welfare of communities, countries and the world at large. A large number of social, economic, educational, political and religious dimensions impact the lives of girls and women with repercussions on their health and status in society and welfare of their children. It is a sad reality that a large number of children, adolescents and women worldwide have limited or no access to essential health care services, nutrition and education. Gender inequity and discrimination against girls cannot be bridged unless there are equal opportunities for healthcare and education for boys and girls. The International Day of the Girl Child is celebrated on 11th October to create global awareness about issues of gender inequity, bias, right to education, nutrition, medical care and protection against discrimination, violence, genital mutilation and child marriages. There is a need to provide essential healthcare and nutrition to girls and women throughout their life cycle. Children are the foundation of a nation and mothers are its pillars, and no sensible government can afford to neglect the needs and rights of women and children. The government of India has launched several initiatives like National Plan of Action for the Girl Child, Preconception and Prenatal Diagnostic Techniques (PCPNDT) Act to curb female feticides and “Save Girl Child, Educate Girl Child” Yojana. But the real challenge is effective implementation of these programs without any leakage of funds and resources. The United Nations, through a series of conventions, has declared child marriages as a violation of human right. They have launched an ambitious global strategy for promotion of health of women, children and adolescents for achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030 with a focus on “Every Woman Every Child”.  相似文献   

Honour-based violence is fundamentally different to domestic violence or other forms of violence against women. Honour-based crimes are violent crimes or other forms of abuse that are carried out in order to protect the so-called ‘honour’ of a family or community. The code of ‘honour’ to which it refers is set by the male relatives of a family, and women who break the rules of the code are punished for bringing shame upon the family. Violence against women and girls includes domestic abuse, rape and sexual offences, human trafficking, female genital mutilation, forced prostitution, child abuse and pornography. It also includes honour-based violence and forced marriage that go hand in hand. Honour-based killings are seen as the most extreme form of honour-based violence, however the degree of abuse and violence that women may be subjected to even without or before being killed can be extreme.  相似文献   

The 1994 International Conference on Population and Development developed international consensus amongst health providers, policy makers, and group representing the whole of civil society regarding the concept of reproductive health and its definition. In line with this definition, reproductive health care is defined as the constellation of methods, techniques and services that contribute to reproductive health and well-being by preventing and solving reproductive health problems. Reproductive health care saves lives and prevents significant levels of morbidity through family planning programmes, antenatal, delivery and post-natal services, prevention and management programmes for reproductive tract infections (including sexually trasmitted diseases and HIV/ AIDS), prevention of abortion and management of its complications, cancers of the reproductive system, and harmful practices that impact on reproductive function. Reproductive health care needs are evident at all stages of the life cycle and account for a greater proportion of disability adjusted life years (DALYS) in girls and women than in boys and men. Reproductive health protects infant health by enabling birth spacing and birth limitation to be practiced through family planning. The prevention and early detection of reproductive tract infections, including sexually transmitted diseases and HIV, through the integration of preventive measures in family planning service delivery not only improves the quality of care provided but is also directly responsible for improvement in survival and health of infants. Addressing harmful practices such as son preference, sex selection, sexual violence and female genital mutilation complements the positive impact of planned and spaced children through family planning services on infant mortality and the reproductive health of young girls and women. They are also in addition to prenatal, delivery and postnatal services, positive determinants of low maternal mortality and morbidity and are integral to the promotion of reproductive health in women of child bearing age. Reproductive tract infections, including sexually transmitted diseases and HIV contribute to significant level of ill-health in women of reproductive age and continue to pose a threat through the menopause which in turn brings with it increasing risk of cancers of the reproductive system.  相似文献   

A global overview of reproductive health outlines major challenges for action. Worldwide, 60 million to 80 million couples suffer from infertility. At the same time, there is a striking unmet need for contraception in developing countries. Unsafe abortion practices result in between 115,000 and 204,000 deaths each year. Female genital mutilation in one form or another continues to exist in around 40 countries. A second generation of organisms has now made sexually transmitted diseases the most common group of notifiable diseases in most countries. For the year 2000, it is projected that there will be a cumulative total of about 40 million HIV infections in men, women and children. About half a million women die each year because of complications related to pregnancy and childbirth. A total of about 15 million infants and children die annually, mostly from preventable childhood diseases. At least 17% of all babies in developing countries are born with a low birth weight.  相似文献   

Female genital mutilation (FGM) is defined as an injury of the external female genitalia for cultural or non-therapeutic reasons. FGM is mainly performed in sub-Saharan and Eastern Africa. The western health care systems are confronted with migrants from this cultural background. The aim is to offer information on how to approach this subject. The degree of FGM can vary from excision of the prepuce and clitoris to infibulation. Infections, urinary retention, pain, lesions of neighbouring organs, bleeding, psychological trauma and even death are possible acute complications. The different long-term complications include the risk of reduced fertility and difficulties during labour, which are key arguments against FGM in the migrant community. Paediatricians often have questions on how to approach the subject. With an open, neutral approach and basic knowledge, discussions with parents are constructive. Talking about the newborn, delivery or traditions may be a good starting point. Once they feel accepted, they speak surprisingly openly. FGM is performed out of love for their daughters. We have to be aware of their arguments and fears, but we should also stress the parents’ responsibility in taking a health risk for their daughters. It is important to know the family’s opinion on FGM. Some may need support, especially against community pressure. As FGM is often performed on newborns or at 4–9 years of age, paediatricians should have an active role in the prevention of FGM, especially as they have repeated close contact with those concerned and medical consequences are the main arguments against FGM.  相似文献   

Each year, two million young girls are at risk of female sexual mutilation. Pediatricians are likely to be confronted with this problem. They must know to identify it as well as the complications to ensure a concerned assumption of the families, in the respect of the law.  相似文献   

Background  Masturbation is a taboo and not discussed openly in Africa. It is still worse when it occurs in an infant and will thus call for a visit to the traditional healers for ‘spiritual intervention’ and prompt female genital cutting/mutilation to reduce the child’s libido and risk of sexual promiscuity as she gets older. Because of its peculiar presentation in children without manual genital stimulation, it is often misdiagnosed. A Medline search showed sparse information on infantile masturbation and none from Africa. Methods  A 15-month-old female was brought into a clinic in Port Harcourt, Nigeria, with a history of unusual rocking with adduction of the thighs noticed since 3 months of age. At 10 months of age, the child would lean forward and rock continuously on a hard surface such as a chair or an adult’s lap. Rocking was accompanied with lip smacking, eye rolling, shaking, “watching of television in the air”, spasm and feeling of fatigue and then resumption of the motions unless she was distracted. The child had been spanked occasionally by both parents with no noticeable change in behavior. Older female relatives had suggested female genital cutting or circumcision, but her father resisted vehemently. Results  Infantile masturbation was viewed by the pediatrician and a 10-minute video recording was taken to confirm the diagnosis. The mother was reassured, counseled about behavioral and environmental modification. There was a marked improvement when the baby was seen 6 weeks later. Conclusions  Infantile masturbation rarely diagnosed in our region is probably due to a low index of suspicion and because mothers are afraid of stigma. We suggest that infantile masturbation should always be considered as a differential diagnosis of strange movement mimicking epilepsy in infants, and when a diagnosis is made parents should be counseled against female genital cutting. A video recording is encouraged fora correct diagnosis.  相似文献   



This study aimed to understand why adolescent girls and young women (AGYW) would seek consultation with a health professional about genital appearance concerns and/or request female genital cosmetic surgery (FGCS). The information derived from these participant interviews can inform clinical practice and help clinicians better navigate consultations with young women and girls requesting FGCS.


A qualitative exploratory study was conducted using in-depth, semi-structured interviews with AGYW (n = 11) in Victoria, Australia. Participants comprised 11 AGYW who sought consultation with a health professional when aged 13–19 years for genital appearance concerns and/or requests for FGCS. Key themes were identified using a thematic analysis approach.


Of 11 participants, five had undergone FGCS between the ages of 13 and 23 years. Key reasons for seeking a consultation identified in the interviews included: ideas about what ‘normal’ genitals look like, experiences of sexual harassment and bullying, and concerns about genital appearance developing before sexual debut.


It is important to understand why AGYW want to access these procedures, given the risks involved, and that FGCS is not recommended by paediatric specialist organisations. Understanding why AGYW seek consultation for FGCS can help inform clinical practice, and the views expressed by participants in this study can help clinicians who work in this area to better support their patients.  相似文献   

Although boys engage in more delinquent and criminal acts than do girls, female delinquency is on the rise. In 1980, boys were four times as likely as girls to be arrested; today they are only twice as likely to be arrested. In this article, Elizabeth Cauffman explores how the juvenile justice system is and should be responding to the adolescent female offender. Cauffman begins by reviewing historical trends in arrest rates, processing, and juvenile justice system experiences of female offenders. She also describes the adult outcomes commonly observed for female offenders and points out that the long-term consequences of offending for females are often more pronounced than those for males, with effects that extend to the next generation. She also considers common patterns of offending in girls, as well as factors that may increase or decrease the likelihood of offending. She then reviews what is known about effective treatment strategies for female offenders. Female delinquents have a high frequency of mental health problems, suggesting that effective prevention efforts should target the mental health needs of at-risk females before they lead to chronic behavior problems. Once girls with mental health problems come into the juvenile justice system, says Cauffman, diverting them to community-based treatment programs would not only improve their individual outcomes, but allow the juvenile justice system to focus on cases that present the greatest risk to public safety. Evidence is emerging that gender-specific treatment methods can be effective for female offenders, especially when treatment targets multiple aspects of offenders' lives, including family and peer environments. But it is also becoming clear that female offenders are not a homogeneous group and that treatment ultimately should be tailored to suit individual needs defined more specifically than by gender alone. Despite myriad differences between male and female offending, many of the primary causes of offending, says Cauffman, are nevertheless similar. The most effective policies for reducing juvenile crime, she argues, will be those that foster development in a safe and nurturing environment throughout childhood. Cauffman concludes that female offenders are likely to require continued support long after their direct involvement with the juvenile justice system.  相似文献   

Epidermoid cysts are slowly growing tumors arising from invagination of the epidermis into the dermis traumatically or spontaneously. This implantation in the clitoris is most commonly induced by female genital mutilation. The reported cases with spontaneous onset of this clitoral lesion are scarce. Trauma other than female circumcision predisposing to the onset of the cyst has not been mentioned before. A nine-year-old girl was presented for swelling in the pubic region with the onset following an accidental trauma; the diagnosis was determined to be epidermoid cyst of the clitoris after a brief preoperative evaluation and an accurate surgical management.  相似文献   

Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) due to 21-hydroxylase deficiency results in excessive androgen exposure in the gestational period and various degrees of masculinization of the external genitalia in female foetuses. Intrauterine gonadal steroids are not only essential for the development of the genital organs but also affect some other extragenital organ development.

The second to fourth digit (2D/4D) ratio shows a sexually dimorphic pattern with longer fourth digit from second digit in men compared to women. A low 2D/4D ratio is associated with high sperm count, testosterone levels and reproductive success in men. A high 2D/4D ratio is associated with high oestrogen levels in women. Second and fourth digit ratio has also found to be correlated with sexual orientation, left hand preference autism and some adult onset diseases such as breast cancer and myocardial infarction.

We found lower 2D/4D ratio in female patients with 21-hydroxylase deficiency compared to healthy girls (p=0.000) and equal 2D/4D ratio for female patients when compared to male controls. Male patients with 21-hydroxylase deficiency had significantly lower 2D/4D ratio than female and male controls in the right hand. Healthy boys had lower 2D/4D ratio than healthy girls.

It is concluded that 2D/4D ratio established by intrauterine androgen levels influences the sexually dimorphic digit pattern.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Female genital mutilation (FGM) is widely practised in Sudan, despite many decades of attempts to prevent it. AIMS: To estimate the prevalence of FGM, identify the types performed in Khartoum and investigate whether FGM is associated with various social factors. METHODS: Girls aged 4-9 years (n=255) presenting to a paediatric emergency ward were recruited. A detailed history was obtained and full examination, including inspection of the genitalia, was performed to verify the type and extent of FGM. RESULTS: Twenty per cent of the study group had undergone FGM, 50% of guardians indicated that it would be done later, and 29% stated that the child would not undergo FGM. In 66% of those who had undergone FGM, it was WHO type III. All operations had been performed by health professionals, mainly midwives. Those who had allowed or intended to allow their daughters to undergo FGM were of significantly lower socio-economic status (p=0.0008) and had spent significantly fewer years in school (both mothers, p=0.0015, and fathers, p=0.0266) than those who had not/would not. All who had undergone FGM were Muslims. None of the 16 Christians had undergone FGM. In girls over 7 years of age, there was a higher risk of having FGM in those who attended school than in those who did not. CONCLUSION: FGM is still practised widely in Khartoum and probably in many parts of northern Sudan and the type undertaken is often the most severe. Parental education, socio-economic level and religion are important determinants of the practice, but social pressure on parents and girls seems to play an important role.  相似文献   

Incidence of chlamydial infection depends on maternal colonization during pregnancy, which is different in each population. The trans mission is not obligatory but when present, it occurs at birth through the genital tractus. Chlamydia trachomatis infection is the first cause of neonatal conjunctivitis, with no influence of eye lotion application at birth. C. trachomatis is also responsible for interstitial pneumonia with possible consequences on the lung function. The laboratory diagnosis relies on the identification of intracellular bacteria in patient samples by the mean of culture or PCR. Systemic antibiotherapy by macrolides is always necessary, with local application in the case of conjunctivitis. The key point is the detection of colonization of pregnant women with identified risk factors. In positive case, oral treatment of both parents is recommended.  相似文献   

ObjectiveFemale congenital abnormalities and concomitant ambiguous genitalia constitute the primary reason for female genital reconstruction, however, objective data describing normal female anatomy is lacking. The aim of this study is to describe the normal anatomical relationships and size of the external genital structures in prepubescent females.Materials and methodsData were collected prospectively from consecutive Tanner stage 1 females undergoing surgery unrelated to the genitalia. Recorded measurements included: clitoris length and width, length from clitoris to anus, clitoris to urethra, clitoris to posterior labia majora, mucosa behind vagina or posterior fourchette, and radius to labia minora at vagina. Patients were stratified by age into four age groups: <2 years, 2–5 years, 5–11 years and >11 years.ResultsFifty-six patients met inclusion criteria. Clitoral width was similar in all age groups. The regression plots for the remaining measurements modeled on age all show a significant linear growth distribution.ConclusionsThe average clitoral width was 3.8 mm, which remained constant between age groups. Clitoral length, length from clitoris to anus, clitoris to posterior labia majora, clitoris to urethra and posterior fourchette length increased across age groups. This study provides insight into the dimensions of normal external genitalia in tanner stage 1 females.  相似文献   

Six 46,XX patients with congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) presented with genital ambiguity, five so severe that initial gender assignment was male. Once diagnosis was realized, parents were involved in evaluation and chose sex re-assignment as female. To date, these girls and their parents all indicate satisfaction with their decision for a female sex of rearing. The girls have a female gender identity with behavior characteristics known for females with CAH. Thus, while outcome is satisfactory, it is realized that for most, expression of sexual orientation and adult life adjustments have not yet occurred.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Despite the global outcry against female genital cutting (FGC), the practice continues in many African communities. The morbidity of this practice on the girl child deserves more attention. OBJECTIVE: To determine the genital lesions complicating childhood FGC and the underlying factors that sustain this practice among the Igbos in south-east Nigeria. METHODS: Prospective evaluation of girls with genital complications of FGC between January 2003 and June 2005 at the Federal Medical Centre, Owerri, south-east Nigeria. The girls' mothers were interviewed at presentation and subsequent visits to determine their perception and attitudes towards FGC. RESULTS: The average age at presentation was 3.5 years (range 1-5) and the genital cutting procedures were performed 8-90 days after birth. The procedure was undertaken by traditional practitioners in 14 (66.7%) girls and by nurses in 7 (33.3%) girls. Twelve girls (57.1%) had type I genital cutting and nine (42.9%) type II. Inclusion clitoral dermoid cyst and labial fusion were the complications in 13 (61.9%) and eight (38.1%), respectively. Treatment involved complete excision of the cysts and operative division of the labial fusion. Post-operative complications were wound infection (5) and labial adhesion (2). With duration of admission ranging from 3 to 5 days, the average cost of managing each child was $120. Of the girls' mothers, 15 (71.4%) had been educated to secondary level and 17 (80.1%) were aware of the campaign against FGC. Regrettably, all the mothers had genital cutting themselves during childhood and 13 (61.9%) stated that they would like to perpetuate the practice for socio-cultural reasons. Despite this, they all volunteered that FGC is enforced by the child's paternal relations. CONCLUSION: Childhood FGC contributes to appreciable morbidity among girls, a large proportion of whom are not managed in a hospital setting. The cost of managing these complications can be enormous, especially in low-resource settings. Girl child education to tertiary level and the involvement of traditional rulers and local decision-makers in the campaign against FGC might help to eradicate the practice.  相似文献   

Female patients with bladder exstrophy frequently suffer from uterine prolapse, which is due to a defective pelvic floor anatomy. Different techniques for the correction of procidentia in this patient population have been described; however, since the numbers of patients are very small and no series with long-term follow-up exists, it is unclear which technique yields superior results. We describe here a new technique for uteropexy in girls and women with bladder exstrophy. In the rotundum psoas hitch procedure (RPH), the round ligaments are detached from the inner inguinal ring and fixed to the psoas muscle on both sides, thereby fixing the uterus in a more cranial and dorsal position. This procedure has been applied successfully in nine patients with a mean follow-up of 23.8 months. In six cases RPH was done prophylactically and in three cases therapeutically to correct an existing uterine prolapse. The mean age at operation was 9.6 years. In all but one case, RPH was combined with continent urinary reconstruction. No postoperative morbidity due to this technique has been described. RPH is an effective means of preventing or correcting procidentia in patients with bladder exstrophy; we emphasize that it should be combined with other abdominal operations, such as continent reconstruction, in girls or women with this condition.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The female genital exam is often omitted from the routine physical. This limits familiarity with normal findings and represents a missed opportunity to evaluate girls for urogenital abnormalities. Continuity clinic offers an opportunity to develop and test a teaching intervention to address this problem. OBJECTIVE: To describe the effect of precepted genital exams on resident confidence and comfort with the exam as well as knowledge and documentation of genital anatomy. METHODS: A controlled trial was conducted in 10 continuity clinics at Children's Hospital, Columbus, Ohio. Residents in 5 clinics reviewed genital anatomy, exam positions, and documentation examples. They were asked to complete 6 precepted exams of girls aged 1-6 years during well-child care over a 6-month period. Residents were given pre- and posttests assessing knowledge of, confidence, and comfort with the genital exam. Pre- and poststudy genital exam documentation was reviewed. RESULTS: Ninety-seven percent of the intervention group, compared to 73% of the control group, answered 4 or 5 on a 5-point scale of confidence with regard to recognizing a normal exam (5 = highest) following the intervention (P = .01). Ninety-four percent of the intervention group and 64% of the control group answered 4 or 5 with regard to how comfortable they were performing genital exams (P = .01). Knowledge scores and documentation of genital anatomy did not differ between groups. Thirty-two percent of residents had the full intervention. CONCLUSIONS: Resident confidence and comfort increase with precepting. Precepting did not improve knowledge or documentation of genital anatomy. We advocate use of this preliminary data to design and test future educational interventions.  相似文献   

The Standing Committee on vaccination (STIKO) in Germany has been recommending HPV vaccination for girls aged 9 to 14 years, with catch-up vaccination up to 17 years of age, since 2007. The aim is to reduce the burden of disease by cervical carcinoma and its precursors. Until recently, a 2-valent HPV vaccine (HPV genotypes 16 and 18) and a 4-valent vaccine (adding HPV genotypes 6 and 11, primarily causing genital warts) were available. A new 9?valent vaccine, licensed in July 2015, provides approximately 15% more coverage (approximately 90% instead of 75%) for HPV-associated (pre)malignant diseases and has a genotype-specific vaccine efficacy of >95%. However, its use in patients who have already been fully immunized with 2? or 4?valent HPV vaccines has not yet been approved (but is not formally contraindicated) or recommended by STIKO, which hinders its sequential application. Medical professionals, therefore, are not obliged to inform girls and women who have already been vaccinated against HPV about this new vaccine. However, if asked by women or girls, facts related to this new vaccine can be explained on the basis of published study results and its off-label application approved. Reimbursement of related costs should be individually assessed.  相似文献   

Severe genital bleeding during adolescence can occur in the event of thrombocytopenia related to chemotherapy. Preventive hormonal treatment to induce therapeutic amenorrhea is recommended by some clinicians. Nevertheless, the adverse effects of oestroprogestative treatment, such as thromboembolic risk or hepatic toxicity, could potentialize the adverse effects of some chemotherapies. AIM OF THE STUDY: To assess retrospectively the risk of genital bleeding associated with thrombocytopenia secondary to chemotherapy in a population of adolescent girls for whom therapeutic amenorrhea was induced or not. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Among 140 girls, 12 to 18 years old, who were subjected to chemotherapy between 1991 and 1998, 24 girls presented at least one thrombocytopenic event (platelet level < 20 x 10(9) l(-1)) and were included. RESULTS: Six out of 24 adolescent girls received hormonal therapy to induce amenorrhea. Only one bleeding event was observed, in a girl who had not received preventive oestroprogestative treatment. Vital prognosis was preserved. Furthermore, spontaneous amenorrhea occurring before chemotherapy was observed in 33% of the patients and permanent secondary ovarian insufficiency in 17% of the patients. CONCLUSION: The risk of genital bleeding among adolescent population at risk of chemotherapy-induced thrombocytopenia is low. The high frequency of amenorrhea, secondary to weight loss or to chemotherapy toxicity, should raise questions as to the usefulness of preventive oestroprogestative treatment.  相似文献   

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