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In this paper I suggest that here-and-now transference interpretations can be defensive when they keep the focus on the intrapsychic world of the analysand and neglect the unconscious of the analyst and the unconscious-to-unconscious interaction between patient and analyst. Whilst the concept of the analytic field in psychoanalytic literature provides us with a way back to Freud's original consideration of the intersubjective alongside the intrapsychic, this inclusivity has been sustained within the Developmental School of Jungian Analytic thought. To illustrate this I present an adaptation of Jung's model of the transference. Once we engage in analytic work with an individual we are inevitably drawn into a 'dance' together with its own particular rhythms and harmonies. Each analytic couple creates an analytic field from their idiosyncratic energy flow. Within this field, interruptions to the 'dance' occur; mis-steps and disharmonies involve an unconscious refusal within the analyst as well as the patient. Both the dance and the refusal are crucial for the work, and I suggest that our attention needs to be directed here, to the blocks or 'petrified places'. To illustrate how I believe they can be made use of, I provide material from three case examples.  相似文献   

目的:研究脑干听觉诱发电位(brainstem auditory evoked potential,BAEP)在言语和语言障碍儿童中的变化规律及应用价值。方法:采用MEB-9100型诱发电位仪,对2006年1月至2007年12月间35例言语和语言障碍儿童进行BAEP进行检测分析。结果:言语和语言障碍儿童BAEP正常9例(25.7%),异常26例(74.3%)。其中双耳异常17例,单耳异常9例。结论:BAEP是一种简便、无创伤、阈值稳定、结果可靠、重复性强的检查方法,对于言语和语言障碍儿童听力损害及神经传导经路的异常可为临床提供有价值的客观指标,且特别适用于婴幼儿和难于受测试者。  相似文献   

人脑运动性语言区的优势现象和年龄变化   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
王旭明 《解剖学杂志》1990,13(4):270-273
本文运用快兰焦油固紫染色法观察了7例人脑运动性语言区及右侧相应区的神经细胞密度,胶质细胞密度和指数,以及它们的年龄变化。结果表明:运动性语言区的神经细胞密度与胶质细胞密度较右侧相应区高,反映了左侧优化现象。进一步证明左、右半球在细胞构筑上的差异,并对神经细胞和胶质细胞间的依存关系进行了分析。  相似文献   

abstract Psychoanalysis did not emerge in a vacuum. With hindsight, we can see that it was – at least in part – a response to a dual crisis in the Northern European world at the end of the nineteenth century: a crisis of religious faith, and a crisis about knowledge and the possibility of meaning. With help from Henry Scott Holland and Robert Browning, this paper seeks to evoke these crises, and then to explore the way in which Freud's psychoanalysis, based on the practice of ‘evenly hovering attention’, introduced a secularized world to the practice of ‘unknowing’ which had previously been the preserve of the mystics. Similarities between the work of analysis and the mystical quest are explored, and it is suggested that both are forms of knowing, in which meaning is able to emerge through a process of mutual participation in being.  相似文献   

abstract    There have been many debates about psychoanalytic and Jungian views of homosexuality. As part of these it has often been recognized that analysts have appeared reluctant to comment on their own countertransference responses to gay patients. Yet these responses must inevitably have a significant bearing on the way the work is conceptualized and undertaken. This paper highlights ways in which homophobia and related countertransference difficulties influenced the author's ability to engage with one male patient. It traces the process by which the analyst became aware of his own discomfort and the nature of his struggle to find a more helpful and reflective position in the analytic work. The process was prompted by a dream which depicted some of the difficulties the analytic pair was experiencing and by a heightened scrutiny of the countertransference. The progress of the work is marked by three further dreams which trace the development of the analytic relationship.  相似文献   

本文对5例新鲜成人脑用改良快速Golgi法染色,计算机图象分析仪计量分析,研究了运动性语言区(以下简称左盖部)锥体细胞基树突和树突棘形态的特征,并与右侧相应区(以下称右盖部)和左、右中央前回的相同结构作了对比分析。发现:(1)左盖部第4、5级基树突的平均数量均大于右盖部的同级树突量,第4级基树突量还大于左、右中央前回的同级树突量,(2)左盖部锥体细胞基树突第4—6级分支长度占树突总长度的比例较右盖部和左、右中央前回的所占比较大;(3)第4—6级基树突上L型棘多于右盖部;(4)自第3级起,左盖部的平均树突量、总长度,棘量均较其它部增加,分支级数越高,增加趋势越明显,显示了优化现象。上述的这些形态特征与国外资料相比虽有相似之处,但在低、高级树突所占树突总长度的比例上,有一定差异。  相似文献   

Homer's epic tale of the 20-year return of Odysseus from the Trojan War is investigated with particular reference to Jung's theory of individuation. Odysseus' meetings with 'the anima' in the form of goddesses, sirens and female monsters and his visit to Hades demonstrate the confrontation and humanization of aspects of the archetypal level of the psyche, central to Jung's theories of psychic growth and development. Jung's important ideas of the psychoid level and the transcendent function are explored and linked both to his investigations into medieval alchemy and with findings from contemporary neuroscience. The importance of Jung's constructive method of the interpretation of dreams and myths is shown to be central.  相似文献   

本文主要研究P物质(substance P,SP)免疫反应神经纤维与猴垂体前叶促甲状腺素(thyroid stimulating hormone,TSH)细胞和促皮质素(ACTH)细胞之间的关系。恒河猴垂体前叶切片分别用抗SP和抗TSH,或抗SP与抗ACTH抗体双标记染色。研究中出现SP免疫反应神经纤维与TSH、ACTH细胞非常接近。结果提示,SP能神经纤维可能直接支配TSH或ACTH细胞,并可能参与其分泌的调节。  相似文献   

本实验根据跨神经节溃变的机理,利用酸性磷酸酶(AcP)法研究了大鼠腓浅、腓深神经纤维对脊髓胶状质投射的节段和区域定位。大鼠腓浅、腓深神经纤维向胶状质投射的节段,都是L_(2~5),在每节段都投至胶状质的中间部。在L_2节段,腓浅神经投到胶状质中线的外侧;腓深神经投到中线两旁内外侧对称。在L_3节段,腓浅神经也投到胶状质中线外侧,但紧靠中线;腓深神经投到中线内侧。在L_(4,5)节段,腓浅神经投到胶状质的中线两旁,其内区大于外区;腓深神经投到胶状质内侧半的中间部。从L_2至L_5,腓浅、腓深神经纤维对胶状质的投射区都逐渐内移。两神经相比,腓深神经纤维的投射区在腓浅神经者的内侧。  相似文献   

Simple auditory reaction time (RT) and an auditory RT task requiring a disjunctive reaction were investigated in a group of 110 boys aged 46—207 months. Electroencephalograms (EEGs) were recorded during actual performance of these tasks to determine the extent to which differences in RT associated with development could be accounted for by developmental changes in the EEG. Measures of average EEG period were derived from peaks and troughs of all waves recorded in the time interval between stimulus and response of each trial. Results confirmed previous findings of a significant relationship between RT, σRT, and development. RT and σRT followed a reciprocal power-law function with age, and hence both measures decreased more rapidly in the earlier years. Choice RT showed a more rapid decline with increasing age than simple RT. Correlations were high, with log simple RT vs log Age =?.874, and log choice RT vs log Age =?.861. Developmental changes in EEG period could account for only a small fraction of these high correlations. The possible role of EEG half waves as time quanta in information processing was discussed in relation to development.  相似文献   

The development of a strong cellular immune response is critical for the control of the intracellular pathogen Toxoplasma gondii. This occurs by activation of a complex, integrated immune response, which utilizes cells of the innate and adaptive immune systems. In the last two decades there have been major advances in our understanding of the role of cytokines in the initiation and maintenance of protective immunity to T. gondii, and IFN-γ has been identified as the major mediator of resistance to this pathogen. This article provides an overview of the biology of toxoplasmosis and focuses on the pivotal role of cytokines and their signaling pathways during infection. It also addresses the role of cytokines in modulating other immune functions that are critical in determining the balance between a protective and a pathological immune response.  相似文献   

The original histomorphological diagnoses in a series of 34 mycotic lesions from 23 patients with haematological malignancies were re-evaluated by immunohistochemistry. A panel of antibodies was used to identify the agents of aspergillosis, candidosis, fusariosis, scedosporiosis (pseudallescheriosis), and zygomycosis. Apart from improving the diagnosis of aspergillosis, candidosis, and zygomycosis, the application of immunohistochemistry also disclosed three lesions of aspergillosis which had been overlooked during the original screening. It is concluded that the use of immunohistochemistry for the diagnosis of common opportunistic mycoses will not only increase diagnostic specificity, but will also reveal more tissue infections than the conventional histomorphological examination of traditionally stained sections. © 1997 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

目的:探讨EEG对脑干损伤性昏迷的诊断和预后价值。方法:对1987-1998年间,我们收集54例脑干损伤性昏迷病人,并进行了16只不同平面脑干实验性损伤家犬的脑电图动态观察,分析。结果:初步获得具有诊断和判断预后价值的特征性变化,结论:动态2脑电图观察对昏迷病人及脑干损伤病人的诊断和预后有参考价值。  相似文献   

用免疫组化双标记法研究了29例不同胎龄人胎儿垂体前叶P物质免疫反应阳性神经纤维与促甲状腺素免疫反应阳性细胞的关系。人胎儿垂体前叶存在少量粗细不等的P物质反应神经纤维,多成丛分布于前叶的中央区及其与外侧部的交界区。随着发育,P物质反应纤维增多、增长,分布趋于集中。促甲状腺素反应细胞在早期多有短粗突起,中期增长、增多,晚期又减少;细胞主要位于背腹缘及中央区,晚期较密集。在P物质反应纤维与促甲状腺素反应细胞的分布重叠区域内可有较密切接触,随发育其接触数量及其密切程度均有增加。结果提示人胎儿垂体前叶内P物质反应神经纤维与促甲状腺素反应细胞可能存在功能方面的联系。  相似文献   

abstract While the film The Night Porter, which was originally released in 1974, ostensibly portrays a detailed account of the development of a sado‐masochistic relationship, it may also be read as a political metaphor. The film’s director and writer, Liliana Cavani, explicitly links the two protagonists’ obsession with each other as originating in an earlier shared experience within a concentration camp. This is to become re‐enacted years later following a chance meeting. This paper is a detailed psychoanalytic exposition of the development and nature of that relationship, but read within the context of a political and sociological framework. It notes how Cavani uses visual symbolization to represent the increasing perverse control and symbiotic complicity between Max, the Nazi guard, and Lucia, the young Jewish woman. The film’s power lies in the implicit: it is an allegory of a society’s descent into barbarism, and a portentous critique of authoritarianism, however expressed.  相似文献   

应用赖氨酸钴复合物顺行、逆行标记方法,分别研究了鲤鱼脊髓上升的和下降至脊髓的纤维联系。把赖氮酸钴复合物注入脊髓第1——3节段,然后分别观察标记纤维与标记细胞。标记纤维主要在三叉神经脊剩束、网状结构、迷走神经运动核和半圆隆起。发现标记细胞主要于脊髓的前角和后角、脑的迷走神经运动核、网状结构和内耳侧线区等部位。本文与其他鱼类、其他脊椎动物及哺乳类动物进行了比较。  相似文献   

用HRP顺行追踪法研究黄喉鵐延髓层状核向脑桥及中脑的投射.将HRP微电泳入层状核,在同侧上橄榄核,对侧脑桥外侧丘系腹核及中脑背外侧核等处见到密集的顺行标记纤维或终末;在对侧层状核同时见到许多标记细胞和终末;在双侧巨细胞核出现了密布的逆行标记细胞.结果说明层状核投射至同侧上橄榄核,并终止于对侧的外侧丘系腹核及中脑背外侧核;双侧层状核之间有许多的往返联系.此外,层状核接受巨细胞核的传入投射.因此层状核可能是听觉上行通路中在脑干的第二级中继站.  相似文献   

Heart rate and skin resistance were recorded from male and female children five to seven years of age during the following conditions: low arousal (rest), high arousal (auditory and visual stimulation), and administration of a Word Association Test (WAT) and the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test (PPVT). Children who gave a mature response pattern (paradigmatic) on the WAT tended to have lower conductance levels than immature responders. Heart rate decreased during environmental intake (high arousal), increased during environmental rejection (WAT), and was unchanged during a combined intake and rejection situation (PPVT). The skin conductance data were interpreted as being consistent with recent theories concerning the development of mature cognitive behaviors in children and the psychophysiological correlates of complex and simple behaviors.  相似文献   

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