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Summary The distributions of five amino acids with well-established neuroexcitatory or neuroinhibitory properties were investigated in the feline vestibular complex. Consecutive semithin sections of plastic-embedded tissue were incubated with antisera raised against protein-glutaraldehyde conjugates of GABA, glycine, aspartate, glutamate and taurine. This approach allowed us to study the relative densities of the different immunoreactivities at the level of individual cell profiles. The results indicate that in the vestibular nuclei, neuronal colocalization of two or more neuroactive amino acids is the rule rather than an exception. Colocalization was found of immunoreactivities for GABA and glycine; glycine, aspartate and glutamate; glycine and aspartate, and glutamate and aspartate. GABA immunoreactive neurons were generally small and were found scattered throughout the vestibular complex. Glycine immunoreactive neurons were similarly distributed, except in the superior nucleus where the latter type of neuron could not be detected. Neuronal profiles colocalizing immunoreactivities for GABA and glycine occurred in all nuclei, but were most numerous in the lateral nucleus. The vast majority of the neurons showed noteworthy staining for glutamate and aspartate, although the level of immunoreactivities varied (e.g., the large neurons in the lateral and descending nuclei were more intensely aspartate immunoreactive than the smaller ones). Taurine-like immunoreactivity did not occur in neuronal cell bodies but appeared in Purkinje cell axons and in glial cell profiles. The functional significance of the complex pattern of amino acid colocalization remains to be clarified. In particular it needs to be distinguished between metabolic and transmitter pools of the different amino acids. The present results call for caution when attempts are made to conclude about transmitter identity on the basis of amino acid contents alone.Abbreviations D descending vestibular nucleus - L lateral vestibular nucleus (Deiters' nucleus) - M medial vestibular nucleus - S superior vestibular nucleus - N. VIII eighth cranial nerve - V spinal trigeminal tract  相似文献   

The distribution of immunoreactivities to six amino acids, possibly related to synaptic function, was investigated in the motor nucleus of the cat L7 spinal cord (laminae VII and IX) using a postembedding peroxidase-antiperoxidase technique. Consecutive 0.5 m transverse sections of plastic-embedded tissue were incubated with antisera raised against protein-glutaraldehyde conjugates of -aminobutyric acid (GABA), glycine, aspartate, glutamate, homocysteate, and taurine. This method allowed localization of the different immunoreactivities in individual cell profiles. The results showed that all these amino acids, except homocysteate, could be clearly detected in either neuronal or glial elements in the ventral horn. In cell bodies of neurons in lamina VII, immunoreactivity was observed for aspartate, glutamate, GABA, and glycine. Adjacent section analysis revealed that combinations of immunoreactivity for glycine/glutamate/aspartate, GABA/glycine/glutamate/aspartate and glutamate/aspartate, respectively, may occur in one and the same cell. In the motor nuclei (lamina IX), immunoreactivity to amino acids was observed in two types of neuron. Large cells, probably representing -motoneurons, were harboring immunoreactivity to both glutamate and aspartate, while a few small neurons in this area displayed a colocalization of glycine, glutamate, and aspartate. Dendrites and axons in the motor nuclei cocontained glycine/glutamate/aspartate, GABA/glycine/glutamate/aspartate, and glutamate/aspartate immunoreactivities. In both laminae VII and IX, taurine-like immunoreactivity was absent in neuronal cell bodies, but highly concentrated in perivascular cells and small cells with a morphology resembling that of glial cells. A punctate immunolabeling, in all probability representing labeling of nerve terminals, could be demonstrated in the ventral horn for GABA, glycine, and glutamate, but not with certainty for aspartate or taurine. A quantitative estimate of the covering of cell bodies of -motoneuron size by immunoreactive puncta revealed that glycine immunoreactive terminal-like structures were most abundant (covering 26–42% of the somatic membrane), while glutamate immunoreactive terminals were seen least frequently (5–9% covering). GABA-immunoreactive terminals covered from 10 to 24% of the soma surface. A colocalization of GABA and glycine immunoreactivities in putative nerve terminals could be shown both in the neuropil and in close relation to cell bodies of motoneurons. These results suggest that among the studied amino acids probably only three, namely GABA, glycine, and glutamate, can be considered to be neurotransmitter candidates in the ventral horn of the cat spinal cord.  相似文献   

Previous studies suggest that sensory information conveyed through trigeminal afferents is more strongly controlled at the level of the first synapse by GABA-mediated presynaptic mechanisms in the trigeminal principal sensory nucleus (Vp) than other sensory nuclei. However, it is unknown if such a mechanism is common to functionally different classes of primary afferent in the same nucleus or across the nuclei. To address these issues, the present study focused on synaptic microcircuits associated with slowly adapting (SA) mechanosensory afferents innervating the periodontal ligaments in the cat Vp and attempted to examine GABA, glycine, and glutamate immunoreactivity in axon terminals involved in the circuits. Afferents were physiologically characterized before injection of horseradish peroxidase (HRP) and preparation for electron microscopy. HRP-labeled afferent boutons were serially sectioned and immunostained with antibodies against GABA, glycine, and glutamate using a postembedding immunogold method. All the afferent boutons examined contacted non-primary dendrites and they were frequently postsynaptic to unlabeled axons (p-endings). Axodendritic and axoaxonic contacts per afferent bouton were 1.3 (46/35) and 2.0 (70/35), respectively. Most p-endings were immunoreactive for GABA (63/70) and also glycine was co-stained in the majority of the p-endings (49/63). Thirty percent of p-endings with the colocalization of GABA and glycine participated in synaptic triads where a p-ending formed a synapse with the same dendrite as the afferent bouton. None of the p-endings was immunoreactive for glutamate. Most afferent boutons were enriched with glutamate but were immunonegative for GABA and glycine. This study provides evidence suggesting that transmission from SA afferents is strongly controlled presynaptically by GABAergic interneurons with colocalized glycine, and that a proportion of these interneurons, involved in synaptic triads, may also have postsynaptic inhibitory actions on target neurons of the SA afferents.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to evaluate the expression of two high affinity GABA transporters (GAT-1 and GAT-3) in the rat cerebellum using immunocytochemistry and affinity purified antibodies. GAT-1 immunoreactivity was prominent in punctate structures and axons in all layers of the cerebellar cortex, and was especially prominent around the somata of Purkinje cells. In contrast, the deep cerebellar nuclei showed few if any GAT-1 immunoreactive puncta. Weak GAT-3 immunoreactive processes were present in the cerebellar cortex, whereas GAT-3 immunostaining was prominent around the somata of neurons in the deep cerebellar nuclei. Electron microscopic preparations of the cerebellar cortex demonstrated that GAT-1 immunoreactive axon terminals formed symmetric synapses with somata, axon initial segments and dendrites of Purkinje cells and the dendrites of granule cells. Astrocytic processes in the cerebellar cortex were also immunolabeled for GAT-1. However, Purkinje cell axon terminals that formed symmetric synapses with neurons in the deep cerebellar nuclei lacked GAT-1 immunoreactivity. Instead, weak GAT 1 and strong GAT-3 immunoreactivities were expressed by astrocytic processes that enveloped the Purkinje cell axon terminals. In addition, GAT-3-immunoreactivity appeared in astrocytic processes in the cerebellar cortex. These observations demonstrate that GAT-1 is localized to axon terminals of three of the four neuronal types that were previously established as being GABAergic, i.e. basket, stellate and Golgi cells. GAT-1 and GAT-3 are expressed by astrocytes. The failure to identify a GABA transporter in Purkinje cells is consistent with previous data that indicated that Purkinje cells lacked terminal uptake mechanisms for GABA. The individual glial envelopment of Purkinje cell axon terminals in the deep cerebellar nuclei and the dense immunostaining of GAT-3, and to a lesser extent GAT-1, expressed by astrocytic processes provide a compensatory mechanism for the removal of GABA from the synaptic cleft of synapses formed by Purkinje cell axon terminals.  相似文献   

Localization and possible co-localization of glutamate, aspartate and GABA immunoreactivities was examined in the anterior thalamic nuclei, retrosplenial granular cortex, thalamic reticular nucleus and mammillary nuclei of the rat by double antigen immunohistochemistry using diaminobenzidine and benzidine dihydrochloride in one series and double immunofluorescence labelling with rhodamine and fluorescein in a second series of animals. In three of these regions, retrosplenial granular cortex, anterior thalamic nuclei, and mammillary nuclei, glutamate immunoreactivity was co-localized with aspartate immunoreactivity in a majority of the projection neurons (pyramidal neurons, predominantly in layers V and VI in retrosplenial granular cortex; rounded polygonal multipolar neurons throughout the rostrocaudal extent of the anterior thalamic and mammillary nuclei). None of the cells showing glutamate and/or aspartate immunoreactivity in these regions also displayed GABA immunoreactivity, which was present in non-pyramidal cells in the retrosplenial granular cortex (chiefly in layers I–III) and in small numbers of cells within the anterior thalamic nuclei. In the thalamic reticular nucleus, in contrast, most neurons were immunoreactive for GABA and in the majority of these neurons glutamate (and/or aspartate) immunoreactivity was co-localized with GABA.  相似文献   

The localization of GABA-like immunoreactivity in the locus ceruleus of rats was studied by the peroxidase-antiperoxidase (PAP) method using a purified antibody raised against GABA applied to paraffin sections, with counterstaining by cresylecht violet, and to floating sections for preembedding immunoelectron microscopy. A few medium-sized and some small neurons showed GABA-like immunoreactivity in both nuclei and perikarya. The preferential localization of these immunopositive neurons in the marginal parts of the locus ceruleus suggests that they are inhibitory local circuit neurons located between this center and the afferent fiber systems. Some of the immunoreactive neurons displayed homogeneous and heterogeneous ( paired cells) patterns. Occurrence of the GABA-GABA interaction is indicated. Immunopositive bouton forms are located close to every positive and negative neuron. Electron microscopy confirms GABA-like immunoreactivity in both medium-sized and small neurons of the locus ceruleus and demonstrates that immunoreactive boutons are axosomatic and axosoma spine symmetric synapses on immunopositive and immunonegative cell bodies. These immunocytochemical results support the existence of inhibitory interneurons in the locus ceruleus.  相似文献   

Summary The ultrastructure of the centromedian nucleus of the monkey thalamus was analysed qualitatively and quantitatively and projection neurons, local circuit neurons, and synaptic bouton populations identified. Projection neurons were mostly medium-sized, with oval-fusiform or polygonal perikarya, few primary dendrites, and frequent somatic spines; local circuit neurons were smaller. Four basic types of synaptic boutons were distinguished: (1) Small- to medium-sized boutons containing round vesicles (SR) and forming asymmetric contacts, identified as corticothalamic terminals. (2) Heterogeneous medium-sized boutons with asymmetric contacts and round vesicles, similar to the so-called large round (LR) boutons, which were in part of cortical origin. (3) Heterogeneous GAD-positive small- to medium-sized boutons, containing pleomorphic vesicles and forming symmetric contacts (F1 type), which included pallidothalamic terminals. (4) Presynaptic profiles represented by GAD-positive vesicle-containing dendrites of local circuit neurons. Complex synaptic arrangements, serial synapses and triads with LR and SR boutons engaging all parts of projection neuron dendrites and somata, were seen consistently, whereas classical glomeruli were infrequent. LR and SR boutons also established synapses on dendrites of local circuit neurons. F1 boutons established synapses on projection neuron somata, dendrites and initial axon segments. Compared to other previously studied motor-related thalamic nuclei, differences in synaptic coverage between proximal and distal projection neuron dendrites were less pronounced, and the density of synapses formed by local circuit dendrites on projection neuron dendrites was lower. Thus, compared to other thalamic nuclei, the overlap of different inputs was higher on monkey centromedian cells, and centromedian inhibitory circuits displayed a different organization.  相似文献   

Summary The localization of five neuroactive amino acids in the rat area postrema was studied by postembedding immunocytochemistry in semithin and ultrathin sections. Antisera to GABA, glycine, glutamate and aspartate produced labelling of cells that were identified as neurons in the electron microscope. GABA-like and glycine-like immunoreactivities occurred in about 20% and 60% of the neurons, respectively, and a minor proportion of the cells displayed both immunoreactivities, suggesting a cellular colocalization of GABA and glycine. Immunoreactivities for glutamate and aspartate were found in a large majority of the neurons, including most of the cells that were positive for GABA and/or glycine. Taurine immunoreactivity was highly concentrated in a few small cells with ultrastructural features typical of microglial cells, and in processes that were probably derived from these. Taurine also appeared to be abundant in cells confined to the perivascular space. The electron microscopic, immunogold analysis of the neuropil revealed numerous nerve terminals that were enriched in GABA or glutamate immunoreactivity, compatible with a transmitter role of these amino acids. Glycine immunolabelling was found preferentially in post-synaptic elements, suggesting that the glycine-containing cells lack locally ramifying axon collaterals, and that they mainly project outside the area postrema. Aspartate immunolabelling was also generally low in axon terminals. This is similar to the situation in several other brain areas and could indicate that the latter amino acid primarily serves metabolic functions in the area postrema.  相似文献   

A light and electron microscopic study of GABA-immunoreactive neurons and profiles in the ventroanterior-ventrolateral and ventromedial nuclei of rat dorsal thalamus was conducted using antiserum raised against GABA. Less than 1% of the neurons in these motor-related nuclei exhibited GABA immunoreactivity, confirming previous reports that these nuclei are largely devoid of interneurons. Immunoreactive neurons in the ventral anterior-ventral lateral complex and ventromedial nucleus were bipolar or multipolar in shape, and tended to be smaller than non-immunoreactive neurons. GABA immunoreactivity in the neuropil consisted of labeled axon terminals and myelinated and unmyelinated axons, and was lower in the ventral anterior-ventral lateral complex and ventromedial nucleus than in neighboring thalamic nuclei. The density of neuropil immunolabeling was slightly higher in ventral anterior-ventral lateral complex than in ventromedial nucleus. GABA-immunoreactive axon terminals, collectively termed MP boutons for their medium size and pleomorphic vesicles (and corresponding to "F" profiles of some previous studies of thalamic ultrastructure), formed symmetric synapses and puncta adhaerentia contacts predominantly with large and medium-diameter (i.e. proximal) non-immunoreactive dendrites. Approximately 12 and 18% of boutons in the ventral anterior-ventral lateral complex and ventromedial nucleus, respectively, were GABA-immunopositive. Many of these immunoreactive profiles probably arose from GABAergic neurons in the thalamic reticular nucleus, substantia nigra pars reticulata and entopeduncular nucleus. Two types of non-immunoreactive axon terminals were distinguished based on differences in morphology and synaptic termination sites. Boutons with small ovoid profiles and round vesicles that formed prominent asymmetric synapses onto small-diameter dendrites were observed. Mitochondria were rarely observed within these boutons, which arose from thin unmyelinated axons. These boutons composed approximately 82 and 74% of boutons in the ventral anterior-ventral lateral complex and ventromedial nucleus, respectively, and were considered to arise predominantly from neurons in the cerebral cortex. In contrast, boutons with large terminals that contained round or plemorphic vesicles and formed multiple asymmetric synapses predominantly with large-diameter dendrites were also observed. Puncta adhaerentia contacts were also common. Mitochondria were numerous within large boutons with round vesicles, which arose from myelinated axons. Many of the large boutons were likely to have originated from neurons in the cerebellar nuclei. Approximately 6% of the boutons in the ventral anterior-ventral lateral complex and 8% in ventromedial nucleus were of the large type.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

本文作者曾证明,三叉神经感觉主核背内侧区和三叉上核尾外侧部是大鼠三又神经本体觉三级传入通路中继站。为证实此二处的GABA能丘脑投射神经元和中间神经元是否参与三叉神经本体觉的传导和初级整合并阐明其整合机制,用Ricin毁损三叉神经中脑核神经元及其终末,HRP逆行标记此区的丘脑投射神经元以及抗GABA免疫组化三者结合的方法,在电镜下发现:(1)中脑核神经元的溃变终末与该二区神经毯中的GABA能三叉—丘脑投射神经元的胞体和树突形成轴—体和轴—树突触。(2)溃变终末与GABA样中间神经元形成突触。(3)GA—BA样终末与GABA能三叉—丘脑投射神经元形成突触。(4)GABA样终末也与GABA样神经元的胞体和树突形成自突触。此外还观察到GABA能三叉—丘脑投射神经元的回返侧支与GABA能中间神经元间的突触连接和大的“贝壳状”GABA样终末与周围的神经成分形成复杂的突触复合体。证实该二区的GABA能三叉—丘脑投射神经元直接参与三叉神经本体党的向心传导;同时,GABA能中间神经元和其它来源的GABA能神经成分也参与本体觉传导的初级整合作用,其间存在着突触前、后抑制,去抑制,突触前易化,回返抑制等复杂整合机制的结构基础。  相似文献   

An antiserum was raised in a rabbit by immunization with taurine bound to bovine serum albumin. The antibody was purified by passage over an immunoabsorbent column (formyl-cellulofine-taurine) and it did not cross-react significantly with glutamate, aspartate, glycine, GABA (0.4%), glutamine, proline, cysteine, beta-alanine, cysteic acid, carnosine or homocarnosine in enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays and nitrocellulose paper immunoblots. Immunocytochemical studies employing the peroxidase-antiperoxidase immunohistochemical technique revealed that many cerebellar Purkinje cells showed taurine-like immunoreactivity. Labelled axons could be followed within the white matter up to the deep cerebellar nuclei, where numerous puncta were observed. Immunoelectron microscopic examination revealed that labelled puncta were presynaptic terminals, and axo-dendritic or axo-somatic symmetrical synapses were observed on deep cerebellar nuclear neurons.  相似文献   

P Somogyi  I Soltész 《Neuroscience》1986,19(4):1051-1065
To identify the putative transmitter of large basket and clutch cells in the cat's visual cortex, an antiserum raised against GABA coupled to bovine serum albumen by glutaraldehyde and a postembedding, electron microscopic immunogold procedure were used. Two basket and four clutch cells were revealed by intracellular injection of horseradish peroxidase. They were identified on the basis of the distribution of their processes and their synaptic connections. Large basket cells terminate mainly in layer III, while clutch cells which have a more restricted axon, terminate mainly in layer IV. Both types of neuron have a small radial projection. They establish type II synaptic contacts and about 20-30% of their synapses are made with the somata of other neurons, the rest with dendrites and dendritic spines. Altogether 112 identified, HRP-filled boutons, the dendrites of three clutch cells and myelinated axons of both basket and clutch cells were tested for the presence of GABA. They were all immunopositive. The postsynaptic neurons received synapses from numerous other GABA-positive boutons in addition to the horseradish peroxidase-filled ones. Dendritic spines that received a synapse from a GABA-positive basket or clutch cell bouton also received a type I synaptic contact from a GABA-negative bouton. A few of the postsynaptic dendrites, but none of the postsynaptic somata, were immunoreactive for GABA. The fine structural characteristics of the majority of postsynaptic targets suggested that they were pyramidal and spiny stellate cells. These results provide direct evidence for the presence of immunoreactive GABA in identified basket and clutch cells and strongly suggest that GABA is a neurotransmitter at their synapses. The laminar distribution of the synaptic terminals of basket and clutch cells demonstrates that some GABAergic neurons with similar target specificity segregate into different laminae, and that the same GABAergic cells can take part in both horizontal and radial interactions.  相似文献   

The neuronal localization of the CB1 cannabinoid receptor in the rat basolateral amygdala was studied using peroxidase and fluorescence immunohistochemical techniques. All nuclei of the basolateral amygdala contained a large number of lightly stained pyramidal neurons and a small number of more intensely stained non-pyramidal neurons. Most of the latter cells had medium-sized to large multipolar somata and three to four aspiny dendrites, but some exhibited smaller oval somata. The axon initial segments of some of these non-pyramidal neurons exhibited large swollen varicosities in colchicine-injected animals, suggesting that much of the CB1 receptor protein is transported down the axons of these cells. Double-labeling studies using immunofluorescence histochemistry combined with confocal laser scanning microscopy revealed that the great majority of non-pyramidal neurons with CB1 receptor immunoreactivity belonged to a cholecystokinin-containing subpopulation. Whereas none of the other subpopulations of non-pyramidal neurons (exhibiting immunoreactivity for calretinin, parvalbumin, or somatostatin) expressed high levels of CB1 receptor immunoreactivity, a small percentage of these cells exhibited low levels of immunoreactivity.The results indicate that cannabinoids may modulate the activity of pyramidal projection neurons as well as a subpopulation of cholecystokinin-containing non-pyramidal neurons in the basolateral amygdala. Previous studies indicate that most of the latter are inhibitory interneurons that utilize GABA as a neurotransmitter. The intense staining of the cholecystokinin-containing interneurons and the evidence that large amounts of CB1 receptor protein are transported down the axons of these cells suggests that, as in the hippocampus, cannabinoids may inhibit the release of GABA from the axon terminals of these neurons.  相似文献   

Moon YS  Paik SK  Seo JH  Yi HW  Cho YS  Moritani M  Yoshida A  Ahn CD  Kim YS  Bae YC 《Neuroscience》2008,152(1):138-145
The goal of this study was to analyze the synaptic interaction of primary afferents with GABA- and/or glycine-immunopositive presynaptic endings in the cat trigeminal interpolar nucleus (Vi). Fast adapting vibrissa afferents were labeled by intra-axonal injections of horseradish peroxidase. Postembedding immunogold labeling on serially cut ultrathin sections and quantitative ultrastructural analysis of the labeled boutons and their presynaptic endings (p-endings) in the Vi were performed. The majority of p-endings presynaptic to labeled boutons (83%) were immunopositive for both GABA and glycine and 8% were immunopositive for glycine alone. A small fraction of p-endings were immunopositive for GABA alone (4%) or immunonegative for both GABA and glycine (4%). Ultrastructural parameters related to synaptic release, i.e. bouton volume, mitochondrial volume, and active zone area, were significantly larger in the labeled boutons of primary afferents than in the p-endings. The volume of labeled boutons was positively correlated with the number of the postsynaptic dendrites and p-endings. In addition, fairly large-sized labeled boutons and p-endings were frequently observed in the Vi. These results reveal that large majority of vibrissa afferents in the Vi are presynaptically modulated by interneurons immunopositive for both GABA and glycine, and suggest that the Vi plays a distinct role in the processing of orofacial sensory information, different from that of other trigeminal sensory nuclei.  相似文献   

The first binaural integration within the auditory system responsible for sound localization depends upon commissural neurons that connect the two symmetrical cochlear nuclei. These cells in the deep polymorphic layer of the rat dorsal cochlear nucleus were identified with the electron microscope after injection of the retrograde tracer, Wheat Germ Agglutinin conjugated to Horseradish Peroxydase, into the contralateral cochlear nucleus. Commissural neurons are multipolar or bipolar with an oval to fusiform shape. Few commissural neurons, most inhibitory but also excitatory, connect most of the divisions of the rat cochlear nuclei. The most common type is a glycinergic, sometimes GABAergic, moderately large cell. Its ergastoplasm is organized into peripheral stacks of cisternae, and few axo-somatic synaptic boutons are present. Another type of commissural neuron is a medium-sized, spindle-shaped cell, glycine and GABA-negative, with sparse ergastoplasm and synaptic coverage. A giant, rare type of commissural neuron is glycine-positive and GABA-negative, with short peripheral stacks of ergastoplasmic cisternae. It is covered with synaptic boutons, many of which contain round synaptic vesicles. Another rare type of commissural neuron is a moderately large cell, oval to fusiform in shape, immunonegative for both glycine and GABA, and contacted by many axo-somatic boutons. It contains large dense mitochondria and numerous dense core vesicles of peptidergic type. Some labelled boutons, mostly inhibitory and probably derived from commissural neurons, contact pyramidal, cartwheel, giant and tuberculo-ventral neurons. The prevalent inhibition of electrical activity in a cochlear nucleus observed after stimulation of the contralateral cochlear nucleus may be due to commissural inhibitory terminals which contact excitatory neurons such as pyramidal and giant cells. Other inhibitory commissural terminals which contact inhibitory neurons such as cartwheel and tuberculo-ventral neurons, may explain the stimulation of electrical activity in the DCN after contralateral stimulation.  相似文献   

Within the circuits of the acoustic nuclei, the inferior colliculus sends descending (collicular) terminals to control with a feedback mechanism, part of the activity of the dorsal cochlear nucleus (DCN). It is not known whether this descending projection is prevalently excitatory or inhibitory. Using the neuronal tracer Wheat Germ Agglutinin conjugated to Horse Radish Peroxidase (WGA-HRP) the connections between the inferior colliculus and the DCN of the rat have been investigated. By far most retrograde labelled large neurons were glycine and GABA negative (pyramidal and giant neurons) and rare medium-size cells were glycine positive. The ultrastructural immunocytochemical analysis for glycine and GABA shows that mainly large, excitatory, neurons innervate the inferior colliculus. Rare medium-size glycine-positive cells with intermediate characteristics between pyramidal and cartwheel cells, seem also to project to the colliculus. Few WGA-HRP labelled boutons contact the large cells or their dendrites, have symmetric pre- and post-synaptic thickenings, contain pleomorphic and/or flat vesicles, and are labelled for GABA or glycine. Since no GABA labelled cells in both the dorsal and ventral cochlear nucleus were retrograde labelled from the colliculus, the source of these intrinsic anterograde labelled boutons must be external to the cochlear nucleus. GABA positive neurons are both present in the inferior colliculus (injected with the tracer) and superior olivary complex (not injected with the tracer). This suggests that the double labelled boutons (WGA-HRP and GABA) are inhibitory GABA-ergic collicular terminals contacting the excitatory neurons of the DCN. Other few boutons or mossy fibers containing round vesicles and immunonegative for both glycine and GABA, were also seen contacting the large neurons and their dendrites in the DCN. As the round vesicles boutons may be derived from other retrograde cells of the cochlear nucleus (pyramidal and stellate cells) and those glycine positive from the glycinergic neurons in paraolivary nuclei, it is more likely that only the WGA-HRP and GABA labelled boutons are true collicular terminals.  相似文献   

Glycine-like immunoreactivity was localized to a number of sites in the rat brain which are involved in processing sensory information. In the auditory and vestibular systems, glycine immunoreactivity was seen in dorsal and ventral cochlear nuclei, superior olive, trapezoid body, medial and lateral vestibular nuclei, and inferior colliculus. Staining in the visual system was seen in retina, dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus, and superior colliculus. The olfactory system exhibited staining in the olfactory bulb and accessory olfactory formation. Somatosensory centers with glycine immunoreactivity included the dorsal column nuclei, spinal trigeminal nucleus, principal sensory nucleus of V, reticular formation, and periaqueductal gray. Glycine-immunoreactive neurons were also seen in cerebellar cortex, deep cerebellar nuclei, hippocampus, cerebral cortex, and striatum. The distribution of staining indicates that glycine plays a major role in sensory centers with actions at both strychnine-sensitive and strychnine-insensitive receptors.  相似文献   

N Garin  G Escher 《Neuroscience》2001,105(2):431-441
Using confocal laser scanning microscopy and immunohistochemistry, this study shows the complete morphological development of GABAergic synaptic contacts between Purkinje cells and neurons of the deep cerebellar nuclei of the mouse. Firstly, presynaptic varicosities visualized with antibodies against synaptophysin, synapsin or glutamic acid decarboxylase, were detected when the postsynaptic GABA(A) receptors were not yet aggregated in the membrane but had a diffuse cytoplasmic distribution, which indicated a lead in maturation of presynaptic terminals over target cells. Secondly, receptor aggregates developed suddenly after an initial week of diffuse expression and these clusters matured into more numerous and larger synaptic aggregates. During this postsynaptic maturation, the presynaptic varicosities develop into numerous and well-defined spots. As soon as both pre- and postsynaptic clusters were detectable, these sites are always colocalized. We therefore consider the aggregation of postsynaptic receptor during development as a landmark of synapse formation. Our observations are consistent with a developmental model in which the presynaptic neuron differentiates its axon before the target neuron expresses the mature form of its receptors on the membrane. The presynaptic neuron can therefore instruct the target neuron about the distribution and aggregation of the postsynaptic receptors at the synapse.  相似文献   

The neurons of the central cervical nucleus (CCN) convey information about the position and movements of the head, and receive excitatory input from dorsal neck muscles and the labyrinth. Both of these afferent sources form glutamatergic synaptic contacts with CCN neurons. However, these sensory afferent sources can also inhibit CCN neurons. To further elucidate the synaptic organization, we made an electron microscopic investigation, identifying and evaluating the relative frequency of bouton profiles containing the inhibitory transmitters GABA and glycine in apposition to identified CCN neurons. In addition, labeling for glutamate was performed. The identification of the CCN neurons was made possible by injections of retrograde tracer substances into the cerebellum. These substances were made visible by preembedding immunocytochemistry or postembedding immunogold staining. Such staining was also used to detect the three amino acids that were found in boutons apposed to the identified neurons (cf. Ornung et al., J. Comp. Neurol. 1996;365:413-426; Lind? et al., J. Comp. Neurol. 2000;425:10-23). Due to the relatively poor transport of the tracer substances into dendrites of the CCN neurons, the analysis was restricted to the cell body and included bouton profiles in direct apposition to the soma membrane. Data from 10 CCN neurons revealed that about 50% of the apposing bouton profiles were immunoreactive for GABA, and about 34% for glycine. In four neurons, the degree of colocalization of GABA and glycine was determined to be close to 30%. Thus, the vast majority of glycine-labeled profiles also contained GABA, while a considerable fraction of the profiles were immunoreactive for only GABA. The values for glycine immunoreactive bouton profiles presented here may represent somewhat low estimates, depending on the method used. Data from four neurons showed that about 18% of the profiles were labeled for glutamate. The large fraction of purely GABA immunoreactive profiles, or at least a substantial group of them, is suggestive of their derivation from axons descending from the brainstem.  相似文献   

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