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中心性浆液性脉络膜视网膜病变的视网膜地形图   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 探讨视网膜地形图在中心性浆液性脉络膜视网膜病变(CSC)诊断方面的应用价值。方法 对26例CSC患者(26眼)和20例正常人(20眼)行光学相干断层成像(OCT)检查,每只眼获得6幅以中心凹为中心的光学切面图像。将6个切面图像转换成伪彩色的视网膜地形图(RM),分析其形态特征。结果 CSC异常分为4种,RM的变化与CSC的严重程度相一致。结论 RM在CSC的诊断和随访观察方面具有较大的临床价值。可以弥补OCT光学切面图像的不足。  相似文献   

目的:观察中心性浆液性脉络膜视网膜病变(中浆)的图形视网膜电图(PERG)和图形视诱发电位(PVEP)的表现。方法:检查92例(120眼)正常人、51例(52眼)中浆患者的PERG和PVEP。结果:患眼的PVEP的P100潜伏期和PERGb波潜伏期延长,PVEP的P100振幅和PERG的b波振幅降低,中浆病情重、视力下降明显者,PVEP和PERG的潜伏期均延长明显,波幅亦下降明显。四个观察指标中,以P100潜伏期改变最明显。结论:中浆患者的PERG和PVEP均有改变,有时较视力更敏锐,可客观反映中浆患者的视功能,检查以PVEP更为简便有效。  相似文献   

李建军 《眼科》2010,19(4):256-256
男性,27岁。右眼视物变形1个月。视力:右眼0.3,左眼1.0。右眼底像显示黄斑区盘状水肿,黄斑区血管弓内小血管走行较左眼明显变直(图A、B)。OCT示右眼黄斑区视网膜神经上皮层脱离及小的色素上皮层脱离(图C)。诊断:右眼中心性浆液性脉络膜视网膜病变。  相似文献   

中心性浆液性脉络膜视网膜病变好发于中青年男性,大多数病例视网膜下积液可自行吸收,视力预后良好,但也有部分患者迁延不愈,生活质量明显下降.目前临床尚无针对性治疗方法,近几年来随着人们对此病的重视和影像学的快速发展,其早期诊断率不断提高,药物、激光及各种新兴治疗方法的应用也使治愈率不断提高.本文就目前对该病的各种治疗方法进行综述,探讨中心性浆液性视网膜脉络膜病变的可行性治疗方案及其利与弊.  相似文献   

中心性浆液性视网膜脉络膜病变139例临床分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李景平  陈建英 《眼科》1996,5(1):36-37
对139只中浆病人进行临床分析,其中男性113例(81.3%),女性26例(18.7%),平均年龄为40.25岁,单眼125例(89.9%),双眼14例(10.1%),根据眼底荧光血管造影所见,将中浆病分为扩散型,喷出型,玻璃膜疣型,分析各型与病程,视力之间的关系,对其中35例中浆病患者行饮水负荷试验,结果表明饮水负荷试验组渗漏出现的频率明显高于未做饮水负荷试验组(P〈0.01)。提出:对欲行激光  相似文献   

单升明 《眼科研究》1998,16(3):224-224
中心性浆液性视网膜脉络膜病变是青壮年常见多发眼病之一,荧光造影揭示了本病的病理本质,系色素上皮渗漏造成。本病虽有自愈倾向,但易复发,有的病程长达数月之久。本文观察了21例中浆病患者经YAG532激光治疗,获得满意疗效,报告如下。1临床资料与方法21例...  相似文献   

李建军  张风 《眼科》2011,20(4):230-234
中心性浆液性脉络膜视网膜病变(csc)系一种主要在男性中青年人患病具有自限性的黄斑部疾病,多数患者可自行恢复,因此对其治疗结果解释时应谨慎。迄今有关CSC治疗的随机对照临床研究很少,主要是基于无对照组的观察性研究。本文对传统激光局部光凝、减量光动力疗法、微脉冲二极管激光阈下光凝、抗血管内皮生长因子药物玻璃体内注射、糖皮质激素拮抗剂、肾上腺素能受体抑制剂、碳酸酐酶抑制剂、小剂量阿斯匹林等CSC治疗方法进行简要介绍与评价。  相似文献   

中心性浆液性脉络膜视网膜病变的微视野检查   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的:探讨中心性浆液性脉络膜视网膜病变(Centralserouschorioretinopathy,CSC)的微视野检查特征。方法:应用MP-1微视野计(MP-1NidekTechnologies,Vigonza,Italy)检测了19例(21只眼)CSC患者,年龄30~50岁,平均(39.3±6.8)岁。其中迁延型5只眼、急性型6只眼、恢复型5只眼、复发型5只眼。其中视力≥1.0的10只眼、0.6~0.9的6只眼、≤0.5的5只眼。正常对照20例(20只眼),年龄30~50岁,平均年龄(37.6±6.7)岁。记录患眼和正常眼的固视情况,以及中心20°的光敏感度。结果:不同类型及不同视力的患眼与正常眼的2°固视率和4°固视率差异无显著性意义。不同类型及不同视力的患眼与正常眼相比,黄斑20°视网膜平均光敏感度(Meansensitivity,MS)明显下降,差异具有显著性意义(P<0.05)。不同类型及不同视力患眼之间的视网膜MS差异具有显著性意义(P<0.05)。结论:MP-1微视野计检查可以量化地评价CSC患眼的固视情况和黄斑区MS,进一步提高了患眼的功能评价。  相似文献   

中心性浆液性视网膜脉络膜病变的激光治疗   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
中心性浆液性视网膜脉络膜病变 (central serouschorioretinopathy,CSC)为常见的眼底疾患 ,病因未明。其特征为后极部视网膜感觉神经层和色素上皮层间浆液性脱离 ,色素上皮亦受到损害 ,通常累及黄斑区。目前无特殊药物治疗 ,本文将探讨氪红激光治疗 CSC的疗效。1 对象和方法1.1 对象  CSC患者均为 1997年度本院门诊的连续病例因CSC有自愈倾向 ,故选反复发病时间大于 4mo的患者。本组6 4例 6 8眼分 2组 ,其中治疗组 30例 32眼 ,男 30眼 ,女 2眼 ,平均年龄 35 .8a;对照组 34例 36眼 ,男 32眼 ,女 4眼 ,平均年龄 37.6 a。本组病例均能…  相似文献   

目的探讨分析中心性浆液性脉络膜视网膜病变误诊为交感性眼炎和其他眼底疾病,误诊为中心性浆液性脉络膜视网膜病变的原因。方法对初诊为交感性眼炎的2例和初诊为中心性浆液性脉络膜视网膜病变的5例患者进行散瞳眼底检查和眼底荧光血管造影,部分行靛青绿血管造影检查,观察病情追踪随访。结果2例初诊为交感性眼炎的患者为中心性浆液性脉络膜视网膜病变;5例初诊为中心性浆液性脉络膜视网膜病变的患者中2例为脉络膜转移癌,1例为老年黄斑变性合并陈旧性大泡性视网膜病变,2例为下方渗出性视网膜脱离伴黄斑浅脱离。结论对眼底病患者要重视散瞳详细检查眼底,对激素引起的色素上皮屏障功能损害,要注意与交感性眼炎相鉴别。  相似文献   

Reports of tobacco-induced electrocortical activation and decrements in ocular blood flow in the acute faze indicated that this effect is mediated via nicotin’s action or neuronal systems. In this study, pattern visual evoked potentials were investigated in a group of male smokers (22 right eyes of 22 subjects) in separate real smoking and sham smoking sessions. On each session, pattern visual evoked potentials were recorded before smoking, immediately after smoking, and five minutes after smoking. Latency and amplitude values for P100 peaks were assessed and analyzed in each smoking condition for both real smoking and sham smoking sessions. Real smoking significantly decreased P100 latency values (p value related to difference between pre-smoking and immediately after smoking conditions is 0.009) and increased P100 amplitude values (p value related to difference between pre-smoking and fifth minute after smoking is 0.039). Statistically no significant difference was observed in sham smoking sessions. Our results are consistent with smoking-induced stimulant effects on pattern visual evoked potentials.  相似文献   

弱视儿童治疗前后图型视诱发电位的改变   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
于秀浚  张晓 《眼科研究》1991,9(2):116-118
对14例28只眼功能性弱视儿童治疗前后图型视诱发电位进行了观察。治疗前28只眼的视诱发电位与视力正常儿童的视诱发电位比较,前者有N_1、P_2、N_2各波潜伏期延迟、波幅降低,治疗后潜伏期无明显变化,波幅明显增高(P<0.05),有统计学意义。  相似文献   

曹伟  严密 《眼科研究》1990,8(3):163-165
研究16例正常人PVEP半球分布的变异发现:3例头部二侧全视野反应对称的P100振幅下降至正常范围(2.5μV),但同侧和对侧半视野反应振幅相似而极性相反;12例全视野非对称P100振幅大于2:1,可由于半视野对侧成分的减小或抵销所致;5例半视野正常P100潜伏期和全视野延迟P100潜伏期与在P100和N105总合后出现的较大振幅P135被P100代替有关,1例全视野双侧反应的P100反向极性可由于N105振幅较P100的为大所引起。  相似文献   

Visual acuity and contrast sensitivity are lower in children with Down's syndrome than in those developing normally. In many cases, this difference might be accounted for by the relatively high incidence of ocular abnormalities (including refractive error and strabismus) in Down's syndrome. However, abnormal spatial vision persists in children with Down's syndrome in the absence of ocular abnormality, suggesting that abnormal retino-cortical visual processing explains reduced visual function in this group. The aim of the present study was to assess retino-cortical function in children with Down's syndrome by recording transient visual evoked potentials (VEPs) in response to pattern stimuli. Responses from children with Down's syndrome were compared with those recorded from children developing normally. Response latency is similar in the two groups, but morphology differs, with the N75 component being clearly present in the normal responses, but diminished or undetectable in responses from children with Down's syndrome. Our findings may suggest a cortical abnormality specific to the source of the N75 component of pattern-reversal achromatic VEPs.  相似文献   

Purpose: To study pattern reversal visual evoked potential (PVEPs) and determine the developmental character and mature time of visual function in normal infants at different months of age.Methods: PVEPs were recorded from 115 normal infants at 3,6,9,12 moths age. P1 latency for different checks (1°40', 25', 6') was analyzed and compared to those of normal adults. Changes of N15 N2 latency of PVEPs were also exam-ioned.Results: P1 latency for all checks (1°40', 25', 6') was significantly longer at 3 months than at 6 months of age (P<0. 05) > but no significant differences can be seen after 6 months of age for larger (1°40') and intermediate (25') checks (P> 0. 05). P1 latency for larger checks (1°40') reached adult level after 3 months of age, but not for the intermediate check (25'), while P1 latency for small check (6') presented the character of fluctuation.Conclusion : The visual system continued to develop after birth and appeared a certain regularity. Our results showed that P1 latency for lar  相似文献   

Purposes: To observe the characteristics of local electroretinogram (LERG) in normal subjects and patients with maculopathies, and to evaluate the applied worth of LERG and pattern visual evoked potential (PVEP) in maculopathies. Methods: LERGs at 5° and 15° macular regions were recorded from 27 normal subjects (54 eyes). The factors of age, different eyes and stimulate areas for LERG influence were observed. Meanwhile, the LERG and PVEP were recorded from 25 patients (35 eyes) with maculopathies for making contrast study. Results: In normal subjects, there was no significant influence of age to LERG. As the stimulated areas increased, the a- and b-wave amplitudes of LERG increased. In the patients with maculopathies, the a- and b-wave amplitudes of LERG at 5°, 10°and 15° macular regions were significantly lowered and the mean values of P1 latency were prolonged and N1-P1 amplitudes of VEP were lowered, comparing with the control group. In the nearing stimulated area (5°LERG and 14. 9×19°PVEP.),  相似文献   

王颂科  文峰  戴祖优 《眼科学报》2002,18(4):214-216
目的:探讨中心性浆液性脉络膜视网膜病变(CSC)患眼的屈光变化幅度及其与视力预后的关系。方法:对23例原为正视眼的单眼活动期CSC患眼作随访前后屈光状态及矫正视力的检测。随访时间3至12个月(平均7.2个月)。结果:随访前15只患眼(65.2%)呈轻度远视状态,而对侧健眼呈远视状态的为5只眼(21.7%),远视率在患眼与健眼的分布上差异有显著性意义(P<0.01)。随访后仅5只患眼(21.7%)仍呈远视状态,随访前后患眼远视率比较差异有显著性意义(P<0.01)。随访前经验光矫正视力增进3行或以上的患眼90.9%在随访后矫正视力可达到1.0或以上。结论:大部分CSC患眼由于黄斑区神经上皮脱落、水肿而呈暂时性的轻度远视;通过活动期患眼屈光状态及矫正视力的检测,对患眼视力预后的评价有一定的价值。  相似文献   

We report two cases with a variant of chronic central serous chorioretinopathy (CSC) resulting in curious visual field defects which are aligned with the vertical meridian and correspond exactly to the abnormalities seen in the fundus on both fundus photography and fluorescein angiography.  相似文献   

Pattern and flash visual evoked responses (VERs were recorded from a large group of ophthalmologically normal subjects during two conditions: in one they were instructed to attend to the stimulus and in the other they were instructed to ignore the stimulus but maintain their gaze on the stimulus. Pattern VERs were recorded from 42 subjects. Fixation was constantly monitored during both attend and ignore conditions and no changes of fixation were noted at any time. The amplitude of the major positive wave of the pattern VERs produced by both 50- and 25-min checks was reduced significantly during the ignore condition. The implicit time of this positive wave did not differ significantly during the two conditions. The pattern VERs of eight subjects were extinguished and the VERs of another three subjects were unrecognizable during the ignore condition. Flash VERs produced by 10 flashes per second were recorded from 38 of the 42 subjects. There were no significant differences between the amplitudes recorded during the attend and ignore conditions.  相似文献   

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