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1概要小鼠遗传命名标准化国际委员会(International Committee on Standardized Genetic Nomenclature for Mice)关于小鼠命名规则的最新版本是1993年9月通过的。小鼠基因组数据库(The Mouse Genome Database,MGD)(http://www.informatics.jax,org/)基因(基因座)基因全名不用斜  相似文献   

引自《ILG遗传命名指南》共等基因品系(co-isogenic strains)除了在单基因座中有所不同之外,具有遗传一致性,例如发生在近交品系中的突变。它们的名称由品系符号、适当的次代品系符号、连字符及不同等位基因的基因符号组成,如:DBA/Ha-Mya5ad 表示DBA/Ha品系中肌球蛋白5稀释突变  相似文献   

共等基因品系(co-isogenic strains)除了在单基因座中有所不同之外,具有遗传一致性,例如发生在近交品系中的突变。它们的名称由品系符号、适当的次代品系符号、连字符及不同等位基因的基因符号组成,如:DBA/Ha-Mya5a^d+表示DBA/Ha品系中肌球蛋白5稀释突变的回复。  相似文献   

易位和插入的命名,可用分号将涉及的两个染色体分开,如果是插入,则将插入部分所在染色体的序号排列在前,如:T(4;X)37H。  相似文献   

连锁基因每一条染色体的单元型按顺序书写,两条染色体用斜线隔开;位于同一染色体上的基因按从着丝粒到端粒的排列顺序书写,如:Esl^aD8Mit40^b/Esl^bD8Mit40^c。  相似文献   

经DNA序列分析发现的基因和基因座的命名:由未知序列的DNA探针发现的基因座,它的命名可按以下规则:首字母用斜体D,数字1~19,X或Y表示该基因所在的染色体(0表示未定位的基因座),两到三个实验室注册代码字母(首字母大写)和一个特别的实验室序号(有关实验室代码可以完整的命名指南中查找,请参阅MGD Nomencla-ture网址),如:D17Leh48、D4Rp1。  相似文献   

在已知等位基因中发生的突变或变异的命名可以在原来的等位基因名称的上标中用连字符连接m和适当的序列符号,如:Modla^-mlLus表示由Lewis发现的Modl^a基因的第一个突变等位基因。  相似文献   

等位基因 等位基因的命名通常是在基因座的名称后加上斜体上标,如:Gpil^a;对于尚未克隆到的突变,其突变等位基因的符号与基因符号相同。  相似文献   

H2复合物的不同基因座或亚组分用连字符与“H2”隔开,例如Ⅰ类基因座(class Ⅰ loci)的命名采用“家族”符号与一个序号表示,如:H2-K2、H2-LM1。  相似文献   

(125)~Ⅰ是一种重要的放射性核素,随着科学技术的发展,它越来越被广泛应用于疾病的诊断和治疗、生物科学及其它领域的研究。(125)~Ⅰ能发射最大能量为35kev的软γ射线及各种内转换电子和歇电子。在广泛使用过程中,(125)~Ⅰ能否引起对人体的遗传危害愈来愈受到人们的重视。本文选用ICR小鼠为实验动物,腹腔注射不同剂量的(125)~Ⅰ,研究其对小鼠精子畸形发生率和小鼠初级卵母细胞存活率的影响以及染毒后睾丸、卵巢的放射性强度变化。  相似文献   

自从白细胞介素2(IL 2)最初被认为是一种活化的T细胞克隆连续增殖所需的体液因素以来,人们相继报道了这种淋巴激活素(lymphokine)的各种生物活性。现已证明它可增强天然杀伤细胞(NK)的活性,产生同种异体抗原特异的细胞毒T淋巴细胞(CTL)以及诱导出其它淋巴激活素,如γ-干扰素和B细胞生长因子。近年来,人们对用这种物质进行肿瘤免疫治疗的可能性颇为关注。而且迄今有报道认为,在免疫化疗中,当与环磷酰胺合并应用时,IL 2能  相似文献   

Ji LL  Qian XW  Tan XL 《癌症》2008,27(7):703-709
BACKGROUND & OBJECTIVE: Our previous study found that BALB/c mice are highly susceptible to transplanted SP2/0 tumors, whereas C57BL/6J mice are barely susceptible. This study was to detect genetic modifier loci that would influence the size of transplanted SP2/0 tumors using these two inbred mouse strains and their F2 progenies. METHODS: A total of 5x106 SP2/0 cells were inoculated subcutaneously in the left hide legs of 208 F2 mice derived from BALB/c and C57BL/6J strains. At the 17th day since inoculation, all mice were killed, the number and weight of transplanted tumors were recorded. A whole genomic scan using 85 microsatellite markers covering all chromosomes of the mouse, and composite interval mapping analysis were conducted in 208 F2 mice. RESULTS: Eight loci, with the percent of the total variance explanation of >/= 10% and P value of 相似文献   

背景与目的:我们的研究发现BALB/c小鼠是SP2/0细胞移植瘤的敏感小鼠,而C57BL/6J小鼠则是抗性小鼠.本研究利用这两种近交系小鼠和它们杂交的F2代进行移植肿瘤重量遗传修饰位点的检测.方法:对208只BALB/cxC57BL/6J的F2代小鼠左后腿皮下注射5.0×106个SP2/0细胞,在注射后第17天处死小鼠,记录移植瘤的数量和重量.采用覆盖小鼠所有染色体的85个微卫星标记,对208只F2代小鼠进行全基因组扫描,并进行复合区间作图.结果:发现8个变异解释率>10%的位点与肿瘤生长有关(P<0.01),它们分别位于1号(DIMit113,55cM和D1Mit407,52 cM)、4号(D4Mit226,41cM)、9号(D9Mit302,55cM)、10号(D10Mit264,42cM)、11号(D11Mit115,35cM)、14号(D14Mit125,45cM)和18号染色体(D18Mit123,31cM)上.结论:个体对SP2/0细胞移植瘤的易感性受多位点变异控制,找到目标位点有助于基因单倍型确认和肿瘤易感性/抗性基因的精细研究.  相似文献   

<正>1.指导值:年平均:40微克/立方米;1小时平均:200微克/立方米。目前世卫组织的指导值40微克/立方米(年平均),是为保护公众避免气体造成的健康影响而设定。2.定义和主要来源:作为一种空气污染物,二氧化氮具有几个相关联的活动:短期浓度超过200微克/立方米时,它是一种引起呼吸道严重发炎的有毒气体。二氧化氮是硝酸盐气溶胶的主要来源,构成PM2.5和在紫外线下臭氧的主要  相似文献   


The new rhodium(II) complex Rh2(Form) (02CCF3)2(H20)2 (Form = N, N’ — di-p-tolyl formamidinate) was evaluated for its toxicity on the rat and for its efficacy against two tumors of this animal: the Yoshida ascites sarcoma and the T8 sarcoma of Guérin.

The rhodium(II) formamidinate shows very low toxicity: in fact 150 mg/kg (the highest quantity of drug soluble in 4 ml of dimenthyl sulfoxide) is not toxic for rats. We were unable to establish the lethal dose or the highest nontoxic dose since larger mounts of complex require a dose of dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) that is itself toxic and the compound is insoluble in other solvents such as water or Tween.

Doses of rhodium(II) formamidinate, varying from 3 to 30 mg/kg, were administered once by i.p., i.v., i.m. and intratumor (i.t.) route from 1 to 7 days after i.p. injection of 106 Yoshida ascites sarcoma cells and subcutaneous (s.c.) implantation of ? 300 mg (corresponding to 2-3 × 107 living tumor cells) of T8 sarcoma of Guérin. The compound is active when administered i.p. 24 hours after Yoshida ascites sarcoma at the smallest dose tested (3 mg/Kg), increasing the average life span of 62.3% and allowing the survival of 50% of the rats. It is also active when administered i.p. at the highest dose tested (30 mg/Kg) 7 days after tumor cell challenge, increasing the average life span in 43.8% and allowing survival in 20% of the rats; it is not active after i.v. or i.m administration. The title complex exhibits anticancer activity against T8 sarcoma of Guérin, increasing significantly the average life span of 17% and 25.9% of rats if administered by i.v. and i.m. routes respectively at the dose of 30 mg/Kg the day following implantation of the neoplasia, and of 12.2% of rats by i.t. route at the dose of 10 mg/Kg five days after tumor challenge.

A comparison between the therapeutic properties of the title complex with those of the complexes Rh2(O2CCH3)4 and cis-Pt(NH3)2Cl2(CDDP) reveals that the rhodium(II) formamidinate derivative exhibits the same antitumor activity associated with considerably reduced toxicity.  相似文献   

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