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目的:观察远红外消喘康贴穴位贴敷疗法防治支气管哮喘的临床疗效。方法:将366例支气管哮喘患者随机分为治疗组185例和对照组181例,治疗组使用远红外消喘康贴治疗,对照组使用传统“三伏灸”药物外贴,治疗前后分别测定肺功能(FEV1、PEF)和观察主要症状与体征的变化情况。结果:两组疗法均能有效改善肺功能并控制症状,减少哮喘发作,治疗组和对照组在疗效之间差异无显著性意义(P〉0.05)。结论:远红外消喘康贴防治支气管哮喘,疗效与传统三伏灸疗法无明显差异,可以替代传统三伏灸疗法。  相似文献   

In the present paper, 32 cases of hiccup are treated with acupoint digital pressing and massage. According to syndrome differentiation, hiccup is divided into 5 types including stomach-cold, reversed rising of the stomach-fire, adverse flow of qi and phlegm obstruction, deficiency of both spleen-yang and kidney-yang and insufficiency of the stomach-yin. Acupoints used are Zusanli (ST 36), Neiguan (PC 6), Zhongfu (LU 1), etc. and pressed with fingers repeatedly. Then, massage manipulations are performed by tapping the patient's back repeatedly for 5 - 6 times; tapping Jiuwei (CV 15) area, and pressing the tender-point beside the left side of T3_4 spinous processes and Geshu (BL 17). After treatment, of the 32 cases of hiccup, 23 cases are cured, 6 have remarkable improvement and 3 are failed in treatment, with the effective rate being 90.6% .  相似文献   

In the present paper,the author reports the results of acupuncture of Houding (GV 19) and other acupoints selected along the meridian for teating sciatica.A total of 92 sciatica patients were randomly divided into Houding group (n=62) and control group (n=30).In Houding group,patients were treated mainly with puncturing Houding (GV 19),combined with Huantiao (GB 30) when necessary.In control group,patients were treated with Huantiao (GB 30),Yanglingquan (GB 34) or Zhibian (BL 54),Weizhong (BL 40),Chengshang (BL 57),Kunlun (BL 60),etc.which were selected along the route of meridian.Results indicated that following 10 sessions of treatment,in Houing and control groups,of the 62 and 30 cases,44 and 15 were basically cured,18 and 10 were improved,0 and 5 failed in the treatment,with the total effective rates being 100% and 83.3% respectively.The therapeutic effect of Houding (GV 19) is significantly superior to that of acupoints selected along the meridian.  相似文献   

Epilepsyisaclinicalsyndromeandmainlyresultsfromdysfunctionofthebrainduetore peatedattackinducedabnormaldischargeofthecerebralneurons .InTraditionalChinesemedicine,itiscalledas“XianSyndrome”andmanifestedbyparoxysmaltrance ,disturbanceorlossoftheconscious…  相似文献   

In the present paper, the author used acupoint intradermal embedding of ringheaded thumbtack-needle therapy combined with herbal medicine therapy to treat 110 cases of hyperplasia of mammary glands, and compared its therapeutic effect with that of herbal therapy alone. The observed indexes of the treatment were pain relief degree, the size of hyperplasic glands and the time of occurrence of marked effect. Following 3 courses of treatment, the results showed the therapeutic effect of the ringheaded thumbtack-needle needle plus herbal medicine therapy was superior to that of herbal medicine therapy alone in the above-mentioned 3 indexes (P<0.01).  相似文献   

Acupointthroughacupointacupunctureisalsocalledpenetrationneedlingmethod.Itisanacupuncturetechniqueperformedbyneedlingtwoormoreadjoiningpointssimultaneouslyinoneinsertionusingdifferentneedlingdirectionsanddepths.HISTORICALORIGINAcupointthroughacupointacupuncturehasalonghistoryanditsoriginisfromtheancienttime.ThereweresomerandomnotesaboutitinMraculousPicot(LingShuJing)longago.Forexamp1e,itwassaidinLingShuGuanZhen,"Whenthespasmoffingerslikechickenspawsonbothsides,Heguisstimulat-ed,then…  相似文献   

Objective: To observe the therapeutic effect of auricular plaster (otopoint-pressure) therapy in the treatment of insomnia. Methods: In this paper, 61 cases of insomnia patients including 16 males and 45 females were treated with Ershenmen (MA-TF 1), Zhen (MA-AT), Yuanzhong (MA-AT), Nao Dian and E (MA-AT), confined with other otopoints according to symptoms. The otopoint was stuck with a piece of plaster adhered with vaccaria seeds and pressured by the patient him- or her-self. The treatment was given twice a week, with 7 times being a therapeutic course. Results. After 1-2 courses of treatment, 19 (31.15%) cases were cured, 34 (55.74%) had improvement and 8 (13.11%) had no ~, with the total effective rate being 86.9%. Conclusion: Auricular plaster therapy works well in the treatment of insomnia patient.  相似文献   

Acupoint to acupoint penetrative needling method has a long history in traditional Chinese medicine. Chinese physicians in various dynasties hold that this type of needling method can strengthen the needling sensations and raise the therapeutic effect in clinical practice. This needling method can be divided into straight penetration, oblique penetration and transverse penetration. In clinical application, it can also be divided into external-medial meridian penetration, a single meridian penetration, neighboring meridians penetration, and neighboring aoupoints penetration, etc. in accordance with the involved acupoints and meridians. Clinical practice demonstrates that penetrative needling possesses advantages of stronger needling sensations, better therapeutic effect and fewer aoupoints selection. For this reason, it is extensively applied in clinic.  相似文献   

TheauthorofthepresentpaperemployedacupuncturetheraPytotreat52casesofsiffneckandcomareditseffectwiththatofrnaSSagtherapyfortreathentofanother3Ocases.Hereisthereport.cratunRanOfthe52casesinacupuncturegroup,l8werernaleand34fernale-TheyoungestwaslOyearoldandtheoldest58yearold,withanaverageageof33yearS.Theshortestdurationofdiseasewas1dayandthelongest3days.A-mongthe3OcasesofthemaSSagegroup,9wereInaleand21ede.TheyOungestwas16yearsoldandtheoldest62yearsold,withanaverageageof37years.Theshortestdu…  相似文献   

Bronchial asthma ,or asthmainsi mple term,is a chronicinflammatory disease of the air passages .It is also oneof the commonly-seen diseases severelythreateningthe human s healthinthe world.Accordingto an assessmentfrom World Health Organization ( WHO) ,about 100 -150 million people suffer fromasthma in the world andabout 180 000 asthma patients died every year[1]. Up to now,there have been no any effective drugs or reme-dies to cure it[2].In the treatment of asthma acu-moxibustion not only …  相似文献   

Glucocorticoid (GC) ,theusuallyfirstse lectedmedicinefortheattackofasthma,mayef fectivelyrelievethesymptomsofasthma,reducetheinflammationofairwayandimprovepul monaryfunction ,therefore,beingofgreatsig nificanceinthemanagementofasthma.Howev er,atpresentthecon…  相似文献   

Vacuumextractionforartificialabortioniswidelyusedinclinicalpracticeatpresent.Itisalsoanearlymeasuretoterminatepregnancy .Thisoperationhassomeadvantages,suchasslighttrauma ,lessbleedingandquickrecovery .However ,itoftenbringsthegravidawithdiffer entdegrees…  相似文献   

It is reported that 245 cases of peptic ulcer were treated with catgut implantationat Pishu(BL 20)-through-Weishu(BL 21),Shangwan(CV 13)-through-Xiawan(CV 10)and Zusanli(ST 36)points.Catgut was embedded subcutaneously and left for 15 days as a course.As a resuit,121 cases(49.39%)were cured and 124(50.61%)improved.The total effective was 100%.  相似文献   

In the present paper, a total of 109 asthma patients were randomly divided into treatment group (redhot needle, n=62) and control group (conventional acupuncture, n=47). The treatment was conducted beginning from the first day of the first 10-day period of the Dog Days. After successive two years‘ treatment, results showed that of the 62 and 47 cases in treatment and control groups, 16 and 7 were cured basically, 37 and 16 had remarkable improvement, 8 and 12 were ameliorated, 1 and 10 failed in the treatment, with the effective rate being 98.4% and 78.7 % respectively, displaying that the therapeutic effect of treatment group was significantly superior to that of control group (P<0.01).  相似文献   

In the present study,the therapeutic effect of penetration needling was observed in 120cases facial paralysis patients and compared with that of the routine needling in another105cases.Re-sults showed that though no significant difference was found between these two groups in the therapeu-tic effect,the acupoints used were fewer in penetration needling group and its effect on tear and poste-rior-auricular pain was superior to that of routine needling.  相似文献   

Acne or common acne is termed as “Fen Ci“ (粉刺) or “Fei Feng Fen Ci“(肺风粉刺)in traditional Chinese medicine. It is a common dermatosis in adolescence, characterized as needle-tip- or millet-like skin rashes with or without black heads sparsely distributing on the face,chest and back. If treated improperly, the rash-es will form abscess or scars to spoil the patient‘s looks. The author of the present paper adopted blood-letting therapy to treat it and achieved satisfied results. Here is the report.  相似文献   

Remarkable curative effects were obtained in the treatment of acute mastitiswith acupoint Lieque(LU 7).202 cases out of 230 patients were cured and 20 cases were basicallycured,occupying 96.4%of the total.The manipulation was simple and easy to master.The crux layin controlling the time of treatment.The shorter the course of the disease,the better the curative ef-feet.The cure rate was 51.5%after one treatment if the patients were treated within 24 hours of theoccurrence of the disease.  相似文献   

Neurastheniaisacommonchronicdiseaseinclinic.Theauthorsofthispaperhavetreated1 0 0casesofthisdiseaseusingotopoint pelletpressingtherapyandachievedsatisfactoryre sults.Itissummarizedasfollows.1 CLINICALDATAInthepresentpaper,patientswhoaresuf feringfromtempor…  相似文献   

With the rapid development of research onthe treatment of cerebrovascular diseases withscalp acupuncture, ear1y or earlier treatment ofacute cerebral infarction with acupuncture thera-py has become a common endeavor direction forall the medical workers in the field of acupunc-ture and moxibustion. In accordance with thescalppoint. distribution in different meridiansand 'their clinical indications and combing thedistributive area of blood flow of the cerebral an-terior and middle arteries and ce…  相似文献   

Theauthortreatedover36ocasesofchron-icbronchitisandbronchialasthmausing"moxi-bustionindogdays"from1991to1997,withgoodshort-andlong-termtherapeuticeffects,whichareintroducedinthefollowing.CLIN1CALDATAIntheseries,21ocasessufferedfromchronicbronchitis,1O8mal…  相似文献   

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