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Goutyarthritisresultsfromdisordersofthemetabolismofpurine .Inclinic ,highlithemiaisoftenusedasthekeypointfordiagnosisandoc cursmostlyinthemiddle agedandsenilemen .Itisoftencharacterizedasurgentattack ,baryo dyniaoftheunilateralfirstmetatarsophalangealjoin…  相似文献   

76 patients of impotence were randomly divided into two groups.Of 28 cases inacupuncture group,18 were cured,5 effective and 5 ineffective.Of 48 cases in acupuncture plus acu-point-injection group,41 were cured,5 effective and 2 ineffective.The curative effect in the acupunc-ture plus acupoint-injeetion group was superior to that in the acupuncture group(P<0.01).  相似文献   

Objective: To observe the therapeutic effect of acupuncture plus manual reposition for treatment of acute lumbar vertebral articular dyskinesia for choosing a better remedy. Methods: 66 cases of acute lumbar vertebral articular dyskinesia were randomly divided into acupuncture plus manual reposition group (treatment group, n= 33) and routine manual reposition group (control group, n = 33). Yaotong-point was punctured, when, the patient was asked to move his or her waist simultaneously. Results: After one session of treatment, of the two 33 cases in treatment and control groups, 28 (84.85%) and20 (60.61%) were cured, 4 (12.12%) and 9 (27.27%) were improved, and 1 (3.03%) and 4 (12.12%) failed in the treatment. The therapeutic effect of treatment group was significantly superior to that of control group ( P< 0.05). Conclusion: Acupuncture combined with manual reposition is apparently superior to simple routine manual reposition in relieving acute lumbar vertebral articular dyskinesia.  相似文献   

Hemiplegiaisacommoncomplicationofcraniocerebraloperationinclinic.Acupuncturetherapycaneffectivelyraisethemyodynamiaoftheparalyzedlimbandaccelerateitsfunctionalrecovery[1 - 4 ] .FromJanuaryof 2 0 0 2toDecem berof 2 0 0 3 ,theauthorsofthepresentpapertreated 2 0casesofpostoperativehemiplegiapa tientswithacupuncturetherapyandachievedsatisfiedresults.Itisreportedasfollows.1 CLINICALDATAFortyhemiplegiapatientsundergoingcran iocerebraloperationwererandomlyandevenlydividedintocontrolgroupandtre…  相似文献   

1 CLINICAL DATA1. l Subjects: All the patients were from theOut-patient Department (SPecialist Clinic foracupuncturesreducing body weight) of NanjingTCM and Pharmacy University and from theout-patient department (Specialist Clinic forAcupuncture-reducing Body Weight) of our hos-pital. They were diagnosed as simple obesitythrough clinical examination.l. 2 General data: In this series of treatment,l95 cases of simple obesity including 8 males andl87 females were observed. The oldest …  相似文献   

48 cases of optic atrophy were treated with acupuncture. Qiuhou (EX-HN 7), Jing-ming (BL 1), Ganshu (BL 18), Pishu (BL 20), Fengchi (GB 20), Cuanzhu (BL 2), Yiming (EX-HN 14), Guangming (GB 37), Taiyang (EX-HN 5), Yanglao (SI 6), Sibai (ST 2), Tongziliao(GB 1) were selected as main points, of which three to five points were punctured each time, but thefirst two were used necessarily. According to an overall differentiation of symptoms and signs auxiliarypoints were supplemented. The treatment was given once everyday with the manipulations of twirlingneedles plus slow or rapid insertion for reinforcing or reducing to make the needling sensation reach theeye regions. Twelve treatments made a course with an interval of 3 days between the two courses. Itwas shown that 15 cases were markedly effective (3l. 25 % ), 26 improved (54. 17% ), and 7 ineffec-tive (14. 58 % ). The total effective rate was 85.42%.  相似文献   

Thegreateroccipitalneuralgiaischieflymanifestedasprominentstabbing throbbingpainintheoccipitalr transmittedtothelateraltemproparietalregion.Thepainattackscontinuouslyorintermittently,associate paroxysmalaggravationofspinalnervedisorder.Thediseaseiscommonl…  相似文献   

The writer had applied the theory of meridlians and collaterals to differentiation ofsyndrome,type classification,principle of treatment and selection of points.120 cases of blepharoptosis were treated with acupuncture therapy.The results showed that 90 cases were cured(75.0%),21 cases improve(17.5%)and 9 without effect(7.5%),with the total effective rate of 92.5%.  相似文献   

TheauthorsappliedacupuncturecombinedwithTDPlampirradiation ,andlocalmassagefordrainingmilkin 6 0 0casesofnon pusformedmastitis,satisfiedtherapeuticresultshavebeenobtained,followingisthereportofthetreat ment.1 CLINICALINFORMATIONIntheobservationthebreastfeed…  相似文献   

Externalhumeralepicondylitis ,alsocalledastenniselbow ,isacommondiseaseinclinic ,usuallymanifestedasachingpainattheposteriorexternalsideoftheelbowparticularlywhenthepatientismakingrotatingbackwardextension ,lifting ,pulling ,pushingorholdingactions.Inrecentyears,theauthorsofthepresentpapertreated 3 0casesofbyconsultingProfessorHEPu ren’sexperiences.Itissummarizedasfol lows .1 GENERALDATAAmongthe 3 0casesoftenniselbow ,18weremaleand 12female ;theyoungestwas 2 6yearsandtheoldest 5 6years…  相似文献   

We had treated 134 cases of sequelae of poliomyelitis with acupuncture and acu-point-injection from 1989 to 1991. The patients' ages ranged from 3 months to 2 years, and thecourses of disease were 3 days to 2 years. For most of cases, we had got a satisfactory effect after 3curative courses. The total effective rate was 91%. It indicates that the acupuncture plus acupoint-in-jection is a good method for treating the sequela of poliomyelitis.  相似文献   

Facial spasmis a common disease present especiallyinthe middle and agedfemale marked by paroxysmal ,invo-luntarytic which starts fromthe eyelid orbicular muscle like eyelid twitching at the beginning,and developswith other facial muscles involved graduall…  相似文献   

Facialspasmorblepharospasmisanintractable disease,characterizedbyparoxysmal,irregular,in voluntaryconvulsionoffacialmusclesononeside,whichusuallystartsfromtheeyeorbicularmuscleof thelowereyelidandgraduallyextendsdownwardto thelowermusclesoftheface.Forseverepatients,vi olentmuscularspasmappearsinthewholeface.However,modernmedicinelackseffectivetherapyfor thisdiseaseatpresent.Theauthorsofthepresentpa peradoptedscalpacupuncturetotreat34casesofthis diseasefromSeptember2003toJuly2004,and achieveda…  相似文献   

In the present paper, the therapeutic effect of acupuncture in treatment of 42 cases of epigastralgia was observed using multiple objective indexes, including electrogastrogram (EGG), output of gastric acid and pepsase, plasma prostaglandin (PG) E and gastrin contents, the number and morphological structure of gastrin (G) cells of the antrum mucosa. These 42 cases included 18 cases of deficiency syndrome type, 13 excess syndrome type and 11 mixed type of deficiency and excess. Zhongwan (CV 12), Neiguan (PC 6) and Zusanli (ST 36) were punctured combined with other acupoints according to syndrome patterns. After treatment, 32 cases (76.19% ) were cured, 6( 14.29% ) had remarkable improvement and 4 (9.52%) had improvement, with a cure plus markedly effective rate of 90.48 %. Gastroscopic and EGG examination suggested that the function and structure of the stomach returned to normal after acupuncture. In addition, acupuncture stimulation had a bi-directional regulative action on gastric acid secretion, gastrin content, EGG activity, etc. Conclusion: Acupuncture treatment has a good regulative action on gastric function and structure in epigastraigia patients.  相似文献   

目的:观察针刺配合中药雾化治疗腰椎间盘突出症的临床疗效。方法:将腰椎间盘突出症患者211例,随机分为治疗组106例,对照组105例,治疗12天为一疗程,共治疗2疗程观察疗效,进行对比。结果:治疗组痊愈率为97.1%,对照组痊愈率81.0%。结论:针药并用治疗腰椎间盘突出症,较单纯针刺效果显著。  相似文献   

Subjective: To observe the therapeutic effect of acupuncture in treatment of acute peripheral facial paralysis. Methods: A total of 80 cases of facial palsy were randomly divided into acupuncture group (n=50) and Western medicine (control) group (n = 30). In acupuncture group, Cuanzhu (BL 2), Sibai (ST 2), Yangbai (GB 14), etc. were punctured, combined with TDP radiation, cupping or administration of Chinese medicinal herbs according to the concrete situations. Acupuncture treatment was given once daily, with 6 days being a therapeutic course, continuously for 4 courses. In control group, patients were treated with intravenous injection of “energy mixture“, dexamethasone, compound Danshen injectio, etc.. Results: After treatment, in acupuncture group, of the 50 cases, 48 were cured and 2 had improvement, with the effective rate being 100% ; among them, 12 cases were cured in 7 days, 23 cured in 8~14 days, 10 cured in 15~21 days and 3 cured in 22~28 days. In control group, of the 30 cases, 19 were cured, 8 had improvement and 3 had no apparent changes, with the effective rate being 90%. Of the 19 cured cases, 5 were cured within 8~14 days, 10 cured in 15-21 days and 4 cured in 22~28 days. Conclusion: In treatment of acute periphery facial palsy, acupuncture is obviously superior to Western medicines in the therapeutic effect and cure duration.  相似文献   

At present, for treatment of narcotics abstinence, methadone replacement decremental remedy is most commenly applied. But if used for a longer time, it will lead to a new psychological dependence and tolerance. For avoiding this, we adopted acupuncture plus administration of methadone to treat 50 cases of heroin addition patients from July to September of 2 000 and achieved a good therapeutic effect. Here is the report.  相似文献   

In the present paper,the clinical therapeutic effect of acupuncture therapy for treat-ment of primary prosopalgia was observed and its influencing factors were analyzed in 2656 patients.Yuyao(EX-HN4),Touwei(ST8),Sibai(ST2),Quanliao(SI18),Xiaguan(ST7)and Ji-achengjiang were punctured selectively according to the involvement of different branches of the trigeminal nerve.After treatment,of the 2656cases,the trigeminal neuralgia disappeared in 1469(55.31),727(27.37%)had marked improvement,430(16.19%)had improvement and 30(1.13%)had no any significant effect.The three years‘follow-up visit in 245cases showed a relapse in 187cases(76.3%).We think that the therapeutic effect is closely related to the needling manipula-tions.Only when an electric shock-like needing sensation appeared(i.e.“qi reaching th affected area”)after inserting the acupuncture needle into the chief acupoints,a better therapeutic effect would be achived.  相似文献   

Pseudobulbarparalysisisalsocalledascen tralparalysisandmanifestsmainlyasdysphagia ,lallationandcoughingwhiledrinkingwaterwhichareoftenseenin patientswithwind strokerecurrence .Inrecentyears ,theauthoradoptsotopoint pellet pressingtherapytotreat63casesofinp…  相似文献   

FromJanuaryof1998toDecemberof2001,the authorsofthepresentpaperadoptedacu moxibustion therapytotreat39casesofsimpleobesitycomplicated withpremenstrualtensionsyndromeandachievedsat isfactoryresults.Followingisthereport.1CLINICALDATA1.1Generaldata Allthe39casesofsimpleobesitywithconcur rentpremenstrualtensionsyndromewereoutpatients fromtheAmbulantClinicofNanjingUniversityof TCM.Theyoungestwas16yearsandtheoldest38years,withanaverageof25.4years.Theshortest durationofdisease(obesity)was4yea…  相似文献   

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