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Lumbago is a commonly encountered disorder in clinic, characterized by pain in the lumbar region and possible involvement of either the spine, or one side or both sides of the lumbar region.  相似文献   

Enuresisisreferredtoinvoluntarydischargeofurineinchildrenwhoaremorethanthreeyearsattheageandhavenormalfunctionofmic turition .Ifbed wettinghappensoccasionallyduetofatigueordrinkingtoomuchwaterbeforesleep ,itdoesn’tbelongtopathologicalstate .PathogenicFac…  相似文献   

Urolithiasis is the general designation of urinary calculus occurring in every part of the urinary system, and is a commonly encountered disease in clinic. It is closely related to the environmental factors, systemic diseases and urinary diseases. It may mainly manifest lumbo-abdomi-  相似文献   

Melancholy is a general term for diseases resulting from emotional depressign and stagnation of qi. Disorder of qi-circulation can disturb functional activity of the blood system and result in many pathological changes. In this section, only hysteria is discussed. If you want to treat headache, insomnia, palpitation, seminal emission and globus hystericus, the relative sections in other lectures can be referred to.  相似文献   

Cervical spondylopathy, also known as cervical syndrome, is a commonly encountered disease in the middle-aged and elderly people. This disease mostly results from the retrograde affection of the cervical intervertebral disc and hyperosteogeny of the cervical vertebrae. This hyperplastic substance may stimulate and give rise to oppression to the surrounding spinal cord, nerve roots, blood vessels and sympathetic nerves, re-  相似文献   

Hysteria usually refers to a neuropsychosis caused by excessive mental stimulation or adverse suggestion. In majority of the patients, it breaks out suddenly, manifested as transient amentia or sensory and kinetic disturbance but without organic pathologic change. The clinical symptoms may occur or disappear or are changed under suggestion. This disease is often seen in young people especially in women.  相似文献   

Epilepsy is a kind of paroxysmal mental disorder and is characterized by sudden and repeated attack, and short duration. When it attacks, the patient falls unconscious suddenly with tic of the limbs or crying; after waking up, his or her condition is the same as normal person. In clinic it is generally divided into primary and secondary types, and each of them has manypatterns.  相似文献   

Case 1HuangXX ,male,50 yearsold.HisfirstvisitwasonNov.7th ,2 0 0 2 .Chiefcomplaint:Having gotafrequentstomachachefor 3 years.Historyofdisease:Threeyearsago,thepa tienthad gotgastricdistensionand painthatwereworsenedifhadcoldfoodordrinksormetcoolweather,accompaniedwithpoorappetite.Gastroscopeexaminationshowedmoderatesu perficialgastritis.Atthattreatmenttime,hisstomachacheoftenoccurred ,accompaniedwithdifficultyindefecation ,restlessness,insomnia,wakingupearlierintheearlymorning ,drythroat,bi…  相似文献   

Insomnia refers to a disorder in which patient can not have normal or enough sleep. Clinically, it has different manifestations. In mild cases, it is manifested as difficulty in getting to sleep, easy to wake up and unable to sleep again after waking. In severe cases, it is manifested as sleeplessness during the whole night.  相似文献   

Cervical spondylopathy, also known as cervical syndrome, is a commonly encountered disease in the middle-aged and elderly people. This disease mostly results from the retrograde affection of the cervical intervertebral disc and hyper osteogeny of the cervical vertebrae. This hyper plastic substance may stimulate and give rise to oppression to the surrounding spinal cord, nerve  相似文献   

If the food intake is more than the food consumption, the extra food will be stored in the body in the form of fat. And if the fatty degree is over 20% of weight, it is called obesity. Over weight means the fatty degree is 10% over the normal body weight. When the weight (quality)index is over 24[weight(kg)/height^2(m^2)],obesity can appear.  相似文献   

Asthmaisanallergicdisease ,characterizedbyparoxysmaldyspneawithwheezingsoundinthethroatandinabilitytolieflat .Itmayattackinpeoplewithdifferentagesandindifferentsea sons,especiallyincoldandcoolseasonsordur ingsuddenchangesoftheweather .TCMthinksthatasthmaisoftencausedbyretentionofphlegmandfluidinthelungsduetodisturbanceofactivitiesofqi .Intheearlystageofthisdis ease ,itgenerallybelongstoexcesssyndrome .Ifattackingrepeatedly ,itmaybringdisasterstodifferentzangfu organsincludingspleen ,lung ,kid…  相似文献   

Facial pain,also called“Mian Feng Tong”(面风 痛) or“Mian Jia Tong”(面颊痛) in traditional Chi- nese medicine ,is a kind of radiating, burning and twitching pain and would start in the temple and progress inthrobbing wavesintothe eye socket ,then the ear canal ,the upperjawandteeth.Thenit would fade and start over fromthe temple to the eye ,ear and into the jaw. Over and over again for 30 ~40 minutes ,then disappear .It is seen mostlyin patients above 40 years of age ,and more frequently…  相似文献   

“Xiongbi“ chest (or precordial) pain with stuffiness, or chest pain syndrome is referred to choking pain in the chest due to stagnation of chest -yang, failure of qi and blood in warming and nourishing the local meridians. It is usually caused by stagnation of dampness and phlegm in the interior, or by insufficiency of qi and blood stasis, leading to impeded flow of qi and blood in the heart vessels. Its pathological characteristics are deficiency (chest-yang) in origin and excess (i.e., qi stagnation) in superficiality. The therapeutic principles are promoting blood circulation to remove blood stasis, getting rid of blockage and dredging the passages of yang-qi.  相似文献   

Omalgia is characterized by pain in the shoulder and should-joint and limited movement.It occurs mostly due to attack of the body by wind-cold and is often seen in the middle-aged and old people, so it is termed as Wushi Jian(五十肩 shoulder-joint dysfunction when people are about fifty years old ). The omalgia patients may also experience chilly feeling in the shoulder joint with muscle stiffness, so it is termed as Jianning (肩凝 frozen shoulder) in traditional Chinese medicine. In modern medicine, it refers to scapulohurneral periarthritis.  相似文献   

Cough ,amainsymptomofthelungprob lems,mayresulteitherfrominvasionoftheex ogenousfactorsinduceddysfunctionofthelung qiindispersionorfromdisordersofthelungit selforfromdysfunctionofotherzang fuorgansaffectingthelung .Therearedifferentfactorsleadingtocough .T…  相似文献   

Constipationreferstoaconditionofdifficul tyindefecationwithdischargeofdryandim pactedstool.Thepatientmayhavenodefecationforquiteafewdays.Inviewofthedifferencesinitsetiologyandpathogenesis,constipationcanbedividedintofourtypes:heattype,qistagna tiontype,qi blooddeficiencytypeandcoldtype.Constipationisoftenseeninvariousacuteandchronicdiseases.Also ,forthedifferentiationofsyndromesandtreatment,thesimplehabitualconstipationmaybereferredtointhissection .EtiologyandPathogenesis1 .Constipationdueto…  相似文献   

Melancholyisageneraltermfordiseasesresultingfromemotionaldepressionandstagna tionofqi.Disorderofqi circulationcandisturbfunctionalactivityofthebloodsystemandresultinmanypathologicalchanges.Inthissection ,onlyhysteriaisdiscussed .Ifyouwanttotreatheadache,…  相似文献   

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