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Cerebra1accidentisalsocalledasapoplexy.Whateverhemorrhagicorischemicapoplexy,tocuretheirsequelaeisanimportantproblemwhichpeoplehavebeenmakinggreateffortstoexplore.TheauthorofthepresentpaperadoptedcombinedacupunctureandChinesemedicinalherbstotreat54casesof…  相似文献   

Ninety-nine patients with apoplectic sequel were randomly divided into scalp elec-tro-acupuncture group,body electro-acupuncture group and scalp and body electro-acupuncturegroup.The therapeutic results were evaluated according to the criteria adopted from″12 gradingmethods for evaluating function in hemiplesia″ by Shang Tianmin and scoring methods of Barthelindex of ADL(activities of daily living).It was found that the total effective rate was 96.96%and three methods of acupuncture were all effective(P>0.05)to the hemorrhagic and ischemicapoplectic sequel.The satisfactory therapeutic effects were seen mainly in the young patientswith short duration of disease(less than 3 months)and without notable complications.  相似文献   

According to a statistical data ,the incidence of apoplexyin China is 120 ~180 per 0 .1 million,and there were about 1 .5 million of newly occurredstroke cases per year ,and the disabled rate is up to 75 %in 6 million surviving patients[1]. Apoplectic hemiplegia is one of the most commonly-encountered sequelae , severely affectsthe patients’dailyself-living abilities , and brings heavy burden to the patients’family and society. At the early stage of hemiplegia ,the acute lesion of the upper …  相似文献   

缴勇武  陈光 《中医正骨》1999,11(6):13-14
为探讨自由基所致损伤对骨折愈合的影响,利用放射免疫分析方法检测骨折前后及手术所致的人体内超氧化物歧化酶含量变化及随后骨折愈合过程中超氧化物歧化酶含量变化,并观察治疗组在使用外源性自由基清除后相应阶段超氧化物歧化酶变化,间接说明人体内自由基量的变化。  相似文献   

From 1980 on, under the guidance of Professor Wei Jia, a well-known acupuncturology specialist, we have been conducting clinical and experimental researches on acupuncture treat -ment of diabetes mellitus (DM) and explored its action mechanisms[1~2I, including observation on the clinical therapeutic effect of acupuncture in the treatment of complications of the heart, brain and peripheral nerve, etc. of diabetes typeii~~~' and a series of studies on acupoint tissue transplantation derived fro…  相似文献   

Hemiplegiaisacommoncomplicationofcraniocerebraloperationinclinic.Acupuncturetherapycaneffectivelyraisethemyodynamiaoftheparalyzedlimbandaccelerateitsfunctionalrecovery[1 - 4 ] .FromJanuaryof 2 0 0 2toDecem berof 2 0 0 3 ,theauthorsofthepresentpapertreated 2 0casesofpostoperativehemiplegiapa tientswithacupuncturetherapyandachievedsatisfiedresults.Itisreportedasfollows.1 CLINICALDATAFortyhemiplegiapatientsundergoingcran iocerebraloperationwererandomlyandevenlydividedintocontrolgroupandtre…  相似文献   

Inrecentseveralyears,therelationshipbetween theleptinandinsulinlevelsandobesityhasbecomea hotspotinthemedicalresearchfieldaboutprevention andtreatmentofobesity.Leptin,apolypeptidehor monesecretedbyadiposetissuecells,hasfunctionsof reducingappetite,regulatingenergybalance,resist ingobesityandsensitizingactionsofinsulin,andis themostimportantfeedbacksignaloffat[1].Insulin,secretedbyβcellsofpancreaticislettissue,canim provetheanabolism,regulateblood sugarsteadiness,andpromotefatdeposition,andise…  相似文献   

Objective: To observe the effect of acupuncture of Fengchi (风池 GB 20) on blood pressure, serum IL-6 and plasma endothelin (ET) contents in patients with hypertension. Methods: Thirty cases of hypertension patients were made up of treatment group and treated with acupuncture of Fengchi (GB 20); while 20 healthy subjects were made up of control group. Blood pressure was determined before and after the treatment. Fasting blood samples were taken from the cubital venous vessel for detecting serum interleukin (IL)-6 and plasma ET contents with radioimmunoassay before and after acupuncture treatment. Results: Before the treatment, in hypertension patients, serum IL-6 and plasma ET levels were significant higher than those in healthy subjects (P<0.01); while after the treatment, blood pressure of treatment group declined significantly (P< 0.01), serum IL-6 and plasma ET levels decreased considerably (P<0.01). Conclusion: Acupuncture of Fengchi (GB 20) can lower blood pressure, regulate cellular immunity and secretion functions of the vascular endothelial cells in hypertension patients.  相似文献   

Alongwiththeriseofmorbidityofcere-brovasculardisease,thenumberofvascularde-mentia(VD),patientsisincreasingdaybyday.Uptonow,thereisnoriperemediesfortreat-mentofVD.Forseekingeffectivewaysltheau-thorsofthepresentpaperadoptedacupuncture,moxibustionplusChinesemedicinalherbstotreatVDpatientsandtoobservetheirc1inicalef-fectandinfluenceonbloodanti-oxidasesandlipidperoxide.ItisreportedasfolloWs.CLINICALDATAInthispaper,VDpatientswereselectedac-cordingtothediagnosisstandardsDSM-III[1Jformulat…  相似文献   

Subjective: To observe the therapeutic effect of acupuncture in treatment of acute peripheral facial paralysis. Methods: A total of 80 cases of facial palsy were randomly divided into acupuncture group (n=50) and Western medicine (control) group (n = 30). In acupuncture group, Cuanzhu (BL 2), Sibai (ST 2), Yangbai (GB 14), etc. were punctured, combined with TDP radiation, cupping or administration of Chinese medicinal herbs according to the concrete situations. Acupuncture treatment was given once daily, with 6 days being a therapeutic course, continuously for 4 courses. In control group, patients were treated with intravenous injection of “energy mixture“, dexamethasone, compound Danshen injectio, etc.. Results: After treatment, in acupuncture group, of the 50 cases, 48 were cured and 2 had improvement, with the effective rate being 100% ; among them, 12 cases were cured in 7 days, 23 cured in 8~14 days, 10 cured in 15~21 days and 3 cured in 22~28 days. In control group, of the 30 cases, 19 were cured, 8 had improvement and 3 had no apparent changes, with the effective rate being 90%. Of the 19 cured cases, 5 were cured within 8~14 days, 10 cured in 15-21 days and 4 cured in 22~28 days. Conclusion: In treatment of acute periphery facial palsy, acupuncture is obviously superior to Western medicines in the therapeutic effect and cure duration.  相似文献   

1 CLINICAL DATA1. l Subjects: All the patients were from theOut-patient Department (SPecialist Clinic foracupuncturesreducing body weight) of NanjingTCM and Pharmacy University and from theout-patient department (Specialist Clinic forAcupuncture-reducing Body Weight) of our hos-pital. They were diagnosed as simple obesitythrough clinical examination.l. 2 General data: In this series of treatment,l95 cases of simple obesity including 8 males andl87 females were observed. The oldest …  相似文献   

为探讨关节止痛胶囊治疗膝骨性关节炎的作用机理,将32只新西兰兔随机分为A正常组、B模型组、C对照组、D治疗组,B、C、D三组按照Hulth造模方法造成膝骨性关节炎模型.治疗组给予关节止痛胶囊,对照组给予壮骨关节丸.给药8周后测定兔血清和关节液中超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、一氧化氮(NO)的含量.结果显示,各组血清中SOD和№含量变化比较,无显著性差异(P<0.05);而治疗组关节液中SOD升高及NO含量降低的程度与模型组、对照组比较,差异显著(P<0.05、P<0.01);与正常组比较无显著性差异(P>0.05).表明关节止痛胶囊通过提高关节液SOD含量,降低№含量,从而达到保护关节软骨,防治膝骨性关节炎的目的.  相似文献   

Acupuncturehasbeenwidelyusedfortreating cerebralhemorrhage(CH)atthestationary,recovery andsequelaestages,anditstherapeuticeffecthas beenconfirmedclinically.Withthegraduallydeep enedexperimentalstudiesonthemechanismsof acupunctureandtheincreaseofknowledgeabout cerebralphysiologyandpathology,experimentalre searchonclinicalapplicationofacupuncturetherapy foracuteCHhasbeenmadeatmultiplelevelsahead ofclinicalstudy.Inaddition,withtheexpansionof clinicalapplication,acupuncturetherapyhasbeenal readyu…  相似文献   

Objective: To observe clinical therapeutic effect of magnetic resonance imaging (MRl)-aided enclosure needling in the treatment of stroke patients and changes of the related blood rheology. Methods: A total of 61stroke patients were randomized into MR I-aided enclosure needling group (MRI-aided acupuncture group) (n = 31 ) and conventional acupuncture group (n= 30). For patients of MRl-aided acupuncture group, acupuncture needles were inserted into the subcutaneous tissues around the focus-projection scalp area displayed by MRI, with the needle tips toward the center of the projection region and with two needles being about 2 crn apart, combined with other acupoints according to the concrete syndromes or symptoms. For patients of conventional acupuncture group, Motor Area (MS 6)and Sensory Area (MS 7) on the contralateral side of the focus were punctured. The treatment was conducted once daily, continuously for 30 days. Results: After treatment, of the 31 cases in MRl-aided acupuncture group, 20 werecured basically, 10 responded with significant improvement of symptoms and signs, one case had some improvement.While in conventional acupuncture group, of the 30 cases, 11 were cured basically, 15 responded with striking amelioration of symptoms and signs and 4 had some amelioration. Ridit analysis showed that the therapeutic effect of MRI-aided acupuncture group was significantly superior to that of conventional acupuncture group (P < 0.05). After treatment,the whole blood viscosity, plasma viscosity, hematocrit, whole blood reduction viscosity, hemagglutination index, and the total score of the two groups all decreased significantly in comparison with those of pre-treatment of each group,while whole blood viscosity, hematocrit, vascular sclerosis index and the total score of MRl-aided acupuncture group were obviously lower than those of conventional acupuncture group ( P< 0.05- 0.01 ), suggesting that the effect of theformer group in bettering blood rheology was pronouncedly superior to that of conventional acupuncture group. Conclusion: MRl-aided acupuncture group is obviously superior to that of conventional acupuncture group in improving clinicalsymptoms and signs and blood rheology in stroke patients.  相似文献   

Objective: To observe the effect of acupuncture on simple obesity and cellular hemorheology. Methods: Thirty-two cases of simple obesity patients were enrolled into this study. Acupoints of the Stomach Meridian and Spleen Meridian as Zhongwan (中脘 CV 12), Liangmen(梁门 ST 21), Tianshu (天枢 ST 25), Guanyuan(关元 CV 4), etc. were punctured, once daily in the first 5 days, and once every other day afterwards, with 10 sessions being a therapeutic course. Before treatment and after 3 courses of treatment, the body weight, waistline, weight index, serum cholesterol (CH), triglyceride and aggregation index of red blood cell (RBC) were detected. Results: After acupuncture treatment, all the indexes of body weight, waistline, weight index, serum CH, triglyceride and aggregation index of RBC decreased significantly in comparison with those of pre-treatment (P< 0.05). Conclusion: Acupuncture can apparently improve cellular hemorheology, reduce body weight, serum cholesterol and TG levels in simple obesity patien  相似文献   

In the present paper,the clinical therapeutic effect of acupuncture therapy for treat-ment of primary prosopalgia was observed and its influencing factors were analyzed in 2656 patients.Yuyao(EX-HN4),Touwei(ST8),Sibai(ST2),Quanliao(SI18),Xiaguan(ST7)and Ji-achengjiang were punctured selectively according to the involvement of different branches of the trigeminal nerve.After treatment,of the 2656cases,the trigeminal neuralgia disappeared in 1469(55.31),727(27.37%)had marked improvement,430(16.19%)had improvement and 30(1.13%)had no any significant effect.The three years‘follow-up visit in 245cases showed a relapse in 187cases(76.3%).We think that the therapeutic effect is closely related to the needling manipula-tions.Only when an electric shock-like needing sensation appeared(i.e.“qi reaching th affected area”)after inserting the acupuncture needle into the chief acupoints,a better therapeutic effect would be achived.  相似文献   

Thegreateroccipitalneuralgiaischieflymanifestedasprominentstabbing throbbingpainintheoccipitalr transmittedtothelateraltemproparietalregion.Thepainattackscontinuouslyorintermittently,associate paroxysmalaggravationofspinalnervedisorder.Thediseaseiscommonl…  相似文献   

<正> 乙酰胆碱(Ach)是一种具有神经生理活性的物质。众所周知,Ach 是许多外周神经的神经递质。关于 Ach 及其合成和分解的酶的代谢,受到众多的关注。它们的改变与神经系统的多种疾病有关(如神经——肌肉疾病、癫痫、脑外伤及脑炎等)。据报道,肌强直病人的肌组织中 Ach 的含量增高(正常肌肉中含量很少),同时胆碱酯酶(ChE)活性比正常人低;癫痫发作时,脑脊液和血液中都能见有 Ach 的含量增多。曾有人发现癫痫患者脑 Ach 较正常人增加250%,而ChE 增加35%。小儿麻痹后遗症是因神经因素引起的肌肉萎缩疾病,其体内胆碱能系统活动情况如何呢?为此我们对针刺治疗小儿麻痹后遗症病人血中胆碱酯酶的活力变化进进了观察,结果如下。  相似文献   

Inapoplexypatients,dyskinesiaexistsinmajorityofthemandseverelyaffectspatients’lifequality .Theauthorofthepresent paperadoptedacupunctureandlargedoseofmoxibus tionofYongquan (KI 1 )andachievedsatisfac toryresults.Hereisthesummary .1 CLINICALDATAAtotalof 78apop…  相似文献   

Constipation is one of the common disorders ofthe digestive systemin daily life and is increasing inthe sick rate due to stress,lower physical activity,quickened rhythms of people’s daily living activitiesand changes of the diet habits.Administration ofmedicines for catharsis can relieve its symptoms tem-porarily though;the secondary constipation aftermedication may worsen the state further.Acupunc-ture therapy works well in the treatment of constipa-tion.It is recorded early in Chinese class…  相似文献   

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