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Wehavereportedthatsatisfactoryeffectswereachievedinthetreatmentofcerebralinfarc tionmainlywith“NieSanZhen”and“SiShenZhen”[1 ] .Atthepresent ,“NieSanZhen”and“SiShenZhen”arewidelyadoptedintheclinic .Inordertoacquirereliableexperimentaldata ,weinvestigatedcha…  相似文献   

Acutecerebralinfarctionisoneofthemostcommonlyencounteredcerebrovasculardiseases,acccountingfor75%[1].Resentyears’researchesindicatethatthecontentsofcyclicnucleotidesinplasmaandcerebrospinalfluidchangeobviouslywhendisordersofcentralnervoussystemoccur.This…  相似文献   

Acupuncturehasbeenwidelyusedfortreating cerebralhemorrhage(CH)atthestationary,recovery andsequelaestages,anditstherapeuticeffecthas beenconfirmedclinically.Withthegraduallydeep enedexperimentalstudiesonthemechanismsof acupunctureandtheincreaseofknowledgeabout cerebralphysiologyandpathology,experimentalre searchonclinicalapplicationofacupuncturetherapy foracuteCHhasbeenmadeatmultiplelevelsahead ofclinicalstudy.Inaddition,withtheexpansionof clinicalapplication,acupuncturetherapyhasbeenal readyu…  相似文献   

目的:观察针灸推拿为主改善急性脑梗塞患肢肩关节活动度的作用.方法:选择急性脑梗塞惠者120名,按随机数字表法分为针灸推拿治疗组、西医对照组.针灸推拿组治疗取穴:涌泉、劳宫、后溪、公孙、风池、肩髑、曲池、合谷、环跳、足三里、太冲,项颞前斜线、顶颞后斜线;推拿采用滚揉放松,拿法、弹拔、摇法.西医对照组采用甘露醇 低分子右旋糖苷 胞二磷胆碱治疗.结果:针灸推拿治疗组与西医对照组比较,能显著提高患肢肩关节活动度和降低损伤百分率(P<0.01),能显著提高临床效果(P<0.05).结论:针灸推拿治疗方法能改善急性脑梗塞患肢肩关节的功能,提高临床疗效.  相似文献   

WithuniversalapplicationofCT(comput-erizedtomography)technique,diagnosticleve1ofcerebrovasculardiseasesincreasesgreatly.CTtechniquemakesdiagnosisofcerebralinfarctionofthecorticalsystemandthepenetratingbranchsystempossible.Inresentyearsstudieshaveprovedtha…  相似文献   

Wehavereportedthetherapeuticeffectofacupunctureintreatmentofcerebralcerebrovas culardisease[1 ,2 ] .Inordertostudythemecha nismsofacupunctureintreatmentofcerebralapoplexy ,weobservedtheeffectofacupunctureonstresshormonesofthehypothalamus pitu itary adrenalax…  相似文献   

With the rapid development of research onthe treatment of cerebrovascular diseases withscalp acupuncture, ear1y or earlier treatment ofacute cerebral infarction with acupuncture thera-py has become a common endeavor direction forall the medical workers in the field of acupunc-ture and moxibustion. In accordance with thescalppoint. distribution in different meridiansand 'their clinical indications and combing thedistributive area of blood flow of the cerebral an-terior and middle arteries and ce…  相似文献   

Acute cerebral infarction is a common cere-brovascular diseaseinclinic.Researches of recent sev-eral years demonstrated that in the early stage of a-cute cerebral infarction,acupuncture treatment couldrapidly relieve vascular spasm,promote the establish-ment of the collateral circulation,increase topicalcerebral blood flow volume and effectively lighten is-chemic cerebral injury.From2002to2004,the au-thors of the present paper applied acupuncture com-bined with medicines to the treatment of ac…  相似文献   

Theuniversalclinicalapplicationofcrhasmadetheobservationofproperty,positionandextentofthefocusesinacutecerebralinfarctionpatientsmoreclearanddirect.Atthesametimeitenablesthecliniciantocarryoutthetreatr-nentandtheprognosismoreaccuratelyandscientifi-cally.Inordertostudythecurativeeffectonapoplexyofacutestage,weperfOrmedelec-troacupuncturetherapyasearlyasPOssiblefOrtheacutepatients(within24hours),somese-verecasesofwhichreceivedsupportingandex-pectanttreatmentaswellasvolurneextendingatthesarnetim…  相似文献   

Cerebrovasculardiseaseisoneofthedis-easeswhichseriouslyendangerhumanhealth.Theconventionalscalpacupuncturehasanactiveeffectontherecoveryofpromotingthelinguisticfunction,mentalityandthefunctionofextremi-tiesofthepatients,butthetherapeuticeffectofacupunctureatacupointsofGovernormeridianonthisdiseaseremainstobefurtherstudied.Inordertosystematicallyobservethetreatmentac-tionofacupunctureatacupointsofGovernormeridianoncerebralinfarctionandpreliminarilyunderstanditstreatmentmechanism,wehavestudied14…  相似文献   

<正> 近年来,许多作者报告内源性鸦片样物质(Endogenons Opiate Like Substan-ces,OLS)可以抑制腺苷酸环化酸,使脑内环化-磷酸腺苷(cAMP)含量降低。设法提高脑内cAMP的水平,则可对抗吗啡的镇痛作用。现已证明,内源性鸦片样物质在针刺镇痛过程中具有重要作用。在针刺过程中,脑内鸦片样物质亦明显升高。我们实验室还发现,给大鼠脑室注射cAMP,  相似文献   

“The application of combined Acupuncture andmedication”is recorded earlyinNeijing(《内经》TheYellow Emperor’s Internal Classic),in which it isadvocated that medicineisinternally used and needlesexternally used,and its superiority has been con-firmed by a great number of clinical studies.To in-vestigate the mechanisms of acupuncture combinedwith medication,the authors of this paper observedthe influence of acupuncture on the distribution ofspecific medicine in rats,and found that acupunctu…  相似文献   

目的:观察针刺对大鼠局灶性脑缺血再灌注损伤后海马神经元内细胞周期因子(cyclin D1,CDK4)和神经元凋亡的影响。方法:大脑中动脉线栓法建立脑缺血再灌注损伤模型,应用免疫印迹法和流式细胞计数分别检测细胞周期因子和细胞凋亡。结果:再灌注48小时后海马细胞周期因子(cyclin D1,CDK4)表达升高,凋亡细胞增多,针刺组cyclin D1,CDK4表达和凋亡细胞明显减少(P〈0.01)。结论:针刺对脑缺血再灌注损伤有防护作用,其机制可能与调控细胞周期因子从而抑制凋亡有关。  相似文献   

观察不同穴位针刺对暂时性局部脑缺血的作用,采用皮层体感诱发电位测定和TTC染色法,结果表明,电针能促进皮层体感诱发电位的恢复,可使脑缺血后脑梗塞体积减小,且督脉穴位针刺在促使脑缺血后皮层体感诱发电位恢复上可能具有相对较强的作用。  相似文献   

Objective: To observe the effect of acupuncture on images in autism children. Methods: A total of 27 cases of autism children were subjected into this study. By using a SPECT, the cerebral images were collected before and after acupuncture treatment and analyzed according to the recommended methods in 《Clinical Nuclear Medicine》 for assessing the state of blood flow, radioactivity quantity distribution and radioactivity count in bilateral hemispheres. "JIN's three-needling" was employed. The acupuncture treatment was given once every other day, with 4 months being a therapeutic course and an interval of one month between two courses. Results: After acupuncture treatrnent, of the 22 cases, 20 had remarkable improvement and 2 had improvement in cerebral blood flow, with the total effective rate being 90.8%. Before the treatment there were significant differences between the left and right cerebrum (P<0. 001), and between the left and right frontal lobes in radioactive areas (P<0.01); however, after trea  相似文献   

Insulinresistance (IR)isreferredtode creasedbiologicaleffectofinsulincomparedwiththenormalcondition .IRoccursinmanykindsofdiseaseandunderliesacommonpathogenesisinsomediseases[1 ] .IRisfoundinobesitypa tients,whichmakesobesitybecloselyrelatedtodiabetes,hyper…  相似文献   

When the effects of acupuncture were compared with those of naloxone (Nx)and the control in rats,the immunoreactivity (IR) of substance P (SP),5-hydoxytryptamine (5HT),vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP)and somatostatin (SOM),natural cytotoxicity,α-naphthylacetate esterase-focal pattern (ANAE-F) subpopulation and the ratio of cGMP-IR/cAMP-IR in thecirculating lymphocytes were elevated.After incubation of the lymphocytes in vitro with exogenousligends:SP,5-HT,VIP and SOM,an enhanced effect on their respective receptors,a dual regula-tion effect on NC were exhibited.The increase or decrease in NC depended on the basic level of NCprior to incubation.Both the acupuncture effect and the above incubation effect could be inhibited bynaloxone.The way in which acupuncture affected NC is discussed in this paper.  相似文献   

Objective: To observe the effect of acupuncture of Shuigou (GV 26), Neiguan (PC 6), Zusanli (ST36), etc. on neurological defects and daily life ability in patients with acute cerebral hemorrhage. Methods: Fifty-eight cases of acute cerebral hemorrhage patients were randomized into control group (n = 28) and treatment group (n =30). Patients of two groups were both treated with intravenous infusion of Mannitol and other expectant medicines. In addition, patients of treatment group were also treated with acupuncture therapy, once daily and continuously for one month. Before and after treatment, the scores of neurological defects and daily life ability (Barthel Index) were givenfor assessing the therapeutic effect. Results: Following treatment, both scores of neurological defects of two groups decreased significantly (P < 0.05), and the score of treatment group was strikingly lower than that of control group (P<0.05). After treatment, values of Barthel Index (BI) of two groups increased considerably in comparison with pretreatment (P< 0.01 ), and the value of BI of treatment group was bigger than that of control group (P< 0.05). Conclusion: Acupuncture can improve acute cerebral hemorrhage patients‘ nervous function and daily life ability.  相似文献   

Mentalretardation (MR)isalsocalledasoligophreniaormentaldefectoccurringduringdevelopmentstage .Itmanifestsmainlyasdis turbanceinperception ,memory ,speechandfinemovement ,etc ..Thetherapeuticeffectof“JINSanZhen”therapymainlyfortreatmentofin fantileMRhasbeenc…  相似文献   

Subjective: To identify the practicability and clinical values of acupuncture in the treatment of child cerebral paralysis, try to provide visualized evidence and mechanisms for acupuncture treatment of this disease. Methods: 13 cerebral palsy children including 9 cases of spasmodic type, 2 cases of ataxia type and 2 cases of mixed type, 9 males and 4 females were subjected into this study. Acupoints used were Hegu (LI 4), Quchi (LI 11 ), Zusanli (ST 36) and Sanyinjiao (SP 6) that were punctured and stimulated electrically with parameters of frequency 2/15 Hz, electric current 5 mA, and duration of stimulation 30 min. Under monitoring of Siemens ECAM/ICON SPECT System, blood flow volumes of different brain regions were observed before, during and after elctroacupuncture (EA) stimulation of the above-mentioned acupoints. Results: SPECT revealed that in these 13 infantile patients, 18 regions of the brain in-cluding 12 in the frontal lobe and 6 in the temporal lobe presented insufficiency of blood perfusion and hypofunction; during EA, these cerebral regions and parietal lobe, visual cortex, thalamus, basal ganglion and cerebellum showed improvement in blood perfusion and function in different degrees. Results of the quantitative analysis on blood flow function changing rate (BFCR)% showed a significant increase in 83.3 % of the focal regions during EA. Conclusion: Acupuncture therapy can effectively improve cerebral blood perfusion of the focus and is of clinical value in treatment of infantile cerebral paralysis.  相似文献   

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