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This is a retrospective study done on 83 patients admitted to surgical department of Timi?oara Emergency Hospital in the period between 01/01/1992 and 31/03/1995; 47 patients were males, 36 females with mean age 56.1 years. All patients suffered from jaundice mainly conjugated hyperbilirubinemia. The causes of jaundice were: malignant tumours in 19 (22.9%), chronic diffuse parenchymatous liver disease in 24, stone common bile duct 22, benign biliary strictures and papillary stenosis in 6, extrinsic biliary compression and inflammation in 12. Surgery was done in 47 patients and medical treatment in 36 patients. During hospitalization, complications occurred in 19 patients. The condition of patients at discharge was considered: cured in 30, improved in 38, stationary in 2 and deteriorated in 12. Mortality occurred in one patient.  相似文献   

The present paper analyzes the liver trauma, underlying efficient diagnostic methods and treatment approaches. Liver trauma is frequent in Surgical Emergency Units and it is a challenge for the surgeon who has to deal with diagnosis and treatment problems and also to treat the associated lesions. The study analyzes 49 cases of liver trauma admitted in Emergency Surgery Clinic from Timisoara City Hospital between January 1995 and April 2005. A very good trained team specialized in liver surgery but also a multidisciplinary team is very important in liver trauma.  相似文献   

In the human feeding an important role is realized by the feeding customs, not always being related with a healthy feeding. In our study we wanted to realize a qualitative and quantitative estimation of the nutritive factors in Timi?oara medical students food intake. As method we used nourishment investigation with a feeding notebook (the memory technique), distributed individually, 7 days consequently in a sample formed from 50 students of Timi?oara Medical School, sample which was homogenous and statistically representative. We realized analysis and statistically interpretation of data. Obtained results: The average values per consumer and day of the nutritive factors of feeding were: proteins--78.4 g, fats--83.3 g, carbohydrates--274.4 g, minerals (macro elements: potassium--2.7 g, calcium--0.5 g, magnesium--0.2 g, phosphorus--1.4 g, chlorine--3.6 g and microelements: iron--17 mg, iodine--0.15 mg, fluoride--2.3 mg, copper--3.6 mg). Vitamins (fat-soluble: A--1370 u.i. D--43.6 u.i,. E--7 mg, K--6300 uDam and hydro soluble: B1--1.1 mg, B2--1.1 mg, B6--2.5 mg, C--39.1 mg, PP--19.3 mg). Average energetic intake per consumer and day was 2244 calories. In conclusion, in the medical students feeding in Timi?oara there is a decreased intake of proteins,carbohydrates, a little increased intake of fats, decreased energetic intake, an increased intake of potassium, decreased of calcium, increased of iron, fluoride and copper, decreased of A, D, C vitamins.  相似文献   

In the following study we've proposed to realize a comparison between the results obtained from two previous studies, regarding to smoking in 17 years of age adolescent population from Timisoara, along 10 years, in the period 1994-2004. We've revealed that the presence of this behavior is real in both studies and the trend is in an ascendant evolution. Compared with the boys, the girls have an increased tendency of daily smoking and smoke a greater number of cigarettes per day.  相似文献   

The ovarian fibroma, thecoma and fibro-thecoma are a rare benign tumors growing from the connective tissue of the ovarian cortex. The general surgeon may confront in his practice solid ovarian mass, sometimes in emergency. Between 1995 and 2005, we report thirteen cases of ovarian fibroma (two bilateral) and two ovarian thecoma with mean age 53 years operated in First Surgical Clinic Iasi. Four of them were operated on as emergencies. Clinical ascites are found in three patients with large tumors. The early symptoms were pelvic pain and abnormal uterine bleeding. Patients with large tumors or ascites were admitted with compression symptoms or abdominal distension. Ultrasonography showed a solid uniformly hypo-echogenic mass, with very marked sound attenuation. We performed oophorectomy in six cases (laparoscopic approach in four cases) and salpingo-oophorectomy in nine cases (using laparoscopic stapler in three cases). There were no conversions to laparotomy. In all cases the diagnosis was established by histological examination. Laparoscopic approach is associated with significantly less operative morbidity, less postoperative pain, shorter hospital stays and shorter recovery periods, best cosmetic results.  相似文献   

Between 01.01.1997-31.12.1997 in the Infections Diseases Clinical Hospital of Ia?i were admitted 492 patients suffering from measles. The above mentioned number of patients represents 4.92% of all the patients (10097) who were admitted during this period of time. More than half of the patients (56.9%) are residents in suburban arias. Teen-agers and young adults (15-24 years) were involved in most of the cases, followed by new born babies (0-11 months). The clinical signs were prevalent minor and the atypical exanthema was found in 1/4 of all cases. The most frequent complications were pneumonia, bronchopneumonia and otitis media. Of all the patients, two children (average age 1-4 years) died.  相似文献   

Experience with benign breast disorders has been analyzed in 3 nonwestern populations: Hong Kong, India, and Northern Nigeria. Similarities to and differences from Western experience are found, but of great interest are notable differences between these populations which, as yet, lack explanation. All show fibroadenosis and fibroadenoma as common conditions, but the frequency with which phyllodes tumor is diagnosed varies between different centers in India as well as between different racial groups. Tuberculosis is another interesting example—wide differences in the frequency of breast infection are found although tuberculosis itself is common in all 3 countries. The value of prospective studies was shown when mastalgia was studied in this way in India. Often considered a Western affliction, these authors have been able to study 112 cases of mastalgia and found it to be twice as common as cancer as a presentation. These differing experiences between populations have been little explored and must hold promise for unravelling some of the enigmas of benign breast disorders in all countries.
Resumen Se analizó la experiencia con enfermedades mamarias benignas en 3 poblaciones no occidentales: Hong Kong, India, y Nigeria Septentrional. Se hallaron similitudes y también diferencias con relación a la experiencia occidental; pero de mucho interés son algunas notorias diferencias entre estas poblaciones para las cuales no existe explicación. Todas exhibieron adenosis y fibroadenoma como entidades comunes, pero la frecuencia en el diagnóstico de tumores filodes varía en diferentes centros en la India, así como en los diferentes grupos raciales. La tuberculosis constituye otro ejemplo de interés; se encuentran grandes variaciones en la incidencia de infección mamaria, aunque la tuberculosis es común en las 3 naciones. La utilidad de los estudios prospectivos fue demostrada cuando se estudió la mastalgia en esta forma en la India. Frecuentemente considerada como una entidad nosológica occidental, los autores pudieron estudiar 112 casos de mastalgia y encontraron que es 2 veces más común que el cáncer como forma de presentación. Estas diferencias entre poblaciones han sido escasamente investigadas y son promisorias en cuanto a clarificar algunos de los enigmas de las enfermedades mamarias benignas prevalentes en todos los países.

Résumé L'expérience de 3 équipes de pays non occidentaux (Hong Kong, Inde, et Niger du Nord) avec des maladies bénignes du sein a été analysée. On a trouvé peu de similitudes, mais aussi des différences par rapport aux pays occidentaux. C'est surtout pour ces dernières, qui sont les plus intéressantes, qu'on manque d'explications. Dans les 3 pays, on voit fréquemment des fibroadénomes et des patientes avec une fibroadénose, mais la fréquence des tumeurs phyllodes varie parmi les différents centres de l'Inde, ainsi que parmi les groupes de races différentes dans ce pays. La tuberculose est un autre exemple. De grandes variations de l'incidence des infections du sein sont retrouvées alors que la tuberculose est fréquente dans les 3 pays. La valeur des études prospectives a été démontrée par une étude sur les mastalgies en Inde. Les auteurs ont étudié 112 cas de mastalgie, souvent considérée comme une maladie occidentale. Ils ont trouvé qu'elle était deux fois plus fréquente que le cancer. Ces expériences entre populations différntes n'ont pas été explorées en totalité et pourraient éclaircir un jour quelques unes des énigmes qui entourent les maladies bénignes du sein dans tous les pays du monde.

This is a continuation of a 3-part series.  相似文献   

49 of 57 dialysis patients were included in CAPD programs. The age of these patients was ranged between 20-65 years. The mean dialysis interval was 19.7 months, the number of hospital admission being 182 (mean 1.7 +/- 1.2). The mean hospitalization interval was 26.2 +/- 2.0 days. The infectious abdominal wall complications included: exit site infections (10%), trumel infections (10%), properitoneal sepsis (21%). The inflammatory processes were resolved after conservator treatment using antibiotics and antiinflammatory drugs (8%). Catheter removal was necessary in 2% of cases and the passage to hemodialysis was decided in other 2%. Peritonitis occurred in 0.73% patients (1 episode per 6 months of CAPD). These clinical data are better than those reported since now.  相似文献   

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