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Ischiopubic insufficiency fractures: MRI appearances   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Objective. To evaluate the MRI appearances in insufficiency fractures. Design. A retrospective analysis of spin echo MR images with gadolinium-enhancement was undertaken with the emphasis on the signal change and the shape of the fracture gap and the adjacent bone marrow. Patients. Five elderly women who had ischiopubic insufficiency fractures (pubis, 4; ischium 1) underwent MRI to exclude the possibility of pathologic fractures. Results and conclusions. In no case was contrast enhancement noted at the fracture gap or the adjacent bone marrow, but a cleft-life, elongated bright signal area suggesting “fluid collection” was noted within the fracture gap. Absence of contrast enhancement and “fluid collection” at the fracture gap might suggest nonunion of a fracture, which is additional information provided only by MRI.  相似文献   

Vacuum phenomena in insufficiency fractures of the sacrum   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Objective. Insufficiency fractures of the sacrum are found in women who have undergone radiation therapy to the lower abdomen as well as those suffering from osteoporosis of postmenopausal, steroid-induced, or primary biliary cirrhosis-related origin. Increased up-take in bone scintigraphy and osteolytic changes in these fractures can be misinterpreted as bone metastases, leading to unnecessary biopsies and other procedures in the ensuing search for non-existent primary tumor.Patients. In eight female patients averaging 69.4 years of age, insufficiency fracture of the sacrum was diagnosed by computed tomography (CT) and bone scintigraphy. Three underwent a total of five MRI examinations. Malignancy was excluded by histology in two patients and follow-up of at least 6 months in the remainder. Retrospective analysis of CT scans of 13 patients with metastases in the sacrum revealed no vacuum phenomena.Results. In seven of eight patients with insufficiency fracture of the sacrum, vacuum phenomena were shown on CT examination. The gas was localized centrally within the ventral part of the fracture in three patients; gas was located in ten adjacent sacro-iliac joints of six patients.Conclusions. The vacuum phenomenon may be an incidental finding in osteoarthritis of the sacro-iliac joint, but it has not been previously recognized in IFS. The presence of intra-articular vacuum phenomena in the sacro-iliac joints in combination with a sacral fracture and vacuum phenomena located within the sacral fracture supports a diagnosis of insufficiency fracture or may indeed be the clue by which this diagnosis is established. Insufficiency fractures of the sacrum are a well-known complication in women who have undergone radiation therapy of the pelvis or are suffering from postmenopausal, steroid-induced, or primary biliary cirrhosis-related osteoporosis [1–11]. These fractures are characterized by increased activity on radionuclide bone scans. The lateral masses of the sacrum contain large amounts of hematopoetic bone marrow and are therefore often the site of bone metastasis. Increased uptake in bone scintigraphy in lateral masses of the sacrum and osteolytic destructions on radiographs and computed tomography (CT), especially in patients with a history of a tumor elsewhere, are suggestive of skeletal metastasis, prompting biopsies and additional diagnostic procedures to find a primary tumor [2]. We present seven out of eight patients with insufficiency fractures of the sacrum, in whom we observed vacuum phenomena within the fracture or in the adjacent sacroiliac joints, indicating the benignity of the lesion. This phenomenon has not been recognized previously.  相似文献   

Isolated acetabular insufficiency fractures are relatively uncommon occurrences that are difficult to diagnose if not suspected. Patients may present with variable signs and symptoms including emergent, incapacitating hip pain. Plain radiography is typically negative. Early diagnosis is important because most patients respond well to conservative therapy. This report describes three cases of isolated insufficiency fractures of the acetabulum diagnosed by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).  相似文献   

Insufficiency fractures of the sacrum   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Insufficiency fractures of the sacrum are not uncommon. Shared imaging features on radionuclide bone scan, CT, and MR images include linear vertical abnormalities, and unilateral or bilateral distribution. This pattern may be considered sufficiently characteristic to allow a confident correct diagnosis to be made. Radiologists need to have a greater awareness of this condition.  相似文献   

We present the clinical and radiological features of two children with fatigue fractures of the sacrum. Both patients were active, had no underlying bone disease and presented with insidious onset of low back pain. Plain radiography was non-contributory to the diagnosis. In both patients a focal area of increased activity was present in the lateral aspect of the sacrum on bone scintigraphy, which corresponded to linear medullary sclerosis in the sacral ala demonstrated by computed tomography. Magnetic resonance imaging in one patient revealed a linear signal void in the sacral ala on T1- and T2-weighted images. This was surrounded by diffuse low marrow signal on T1-weighted images, and increased marrow signal on T2-weighted images. Fatigue fractures of the sacrum should be considered in the differential diagnosis of low back pain in children. An awareness of their appearance on magnetic resonance imaging is important as this modality is increasingly utilised, particularly in children.  相似文献   

Osseous hemangiopericytoma is rare. We present a case of a 30-year-old woman with low-back pain with radiation to the left buttock for 1 month. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) showed a tumor mass with areas of serpentine signal void pattern in the sacrum suggestive of a vascular tumor. Neither calcifications nor layered blood serum were noted. Histological diagnosis was compatible with osseous hemangiopericytoma.  相似文献   

 The burst fracture of the spine was first described by Holdsworth in 1963 and redefined by Denis in 1983 as being a fracture of the anterior and middle columns of the spine with or without an associated posterior column fracture. This injury has received much attention in the literature as regards its radiological diagnosis and also its clinical managment. The purpose of this article is to review the way that imaging has been used both to diagnose the injury and to guide management. Current concepts of the stability of this fracture are presented and our experience in the use of magnetic resonance imaging in deciding treatment options is discussed.  相似文献   

Magnetic resonance appearance of sacral insufficiency fractures   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Insufficiency fractures of the sacrum are a commonly recognized form of stress fracture typically occurring in elderly patients. As such patients usually present with low back pain, MR imaging is often performed initially as a means of evaluation. We present 5 patients with sacral insufficiency fractures imaged with MR. Metastatic disease was a leading clinical suspicion as all patients were elderly and three had known primary neoplasms. T1-weighted sequences demonstrated bands of decreased signal intensity, usually paralleling the sacral aspect of the sacroiliac joints and occasionally occurring as a horizontal band across the sacral body. Four of five patients underwent further evaluation with computed tomography (CT) or nuclear bone scanning, which confirmed the diagnosis of sacral insufficiency fracture. We conclude that MRI is sensitive but not specific in detecting sacral insufficiency fractures. As MR imaging is rapidly becoming the method of choice for evaluating back pain, it is important to consider this diagnosis in elderly persons.  相似文献   

MR appearance of parasymphyseal insufficiency fractures of the os pubis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Objective. To clarify the MRI features of parasymphyseal insufficiency fractures of the os pubis. Design and patients. MRI was performed in four postmenopausal women with parasymphyseal insufficiency fractures. The diagnosis was confirmed with plain films in every patient. T1-weighted and T2-weighted images were obtained in four patients using a 1.5-T unit. Postcontrast T1-weighted imaging was also done in three patients. Results and conclusions. MRI of pubic parasymphyseal insufficiency fracture characteristically demonstrates a hyperintense mass lesion with a hypointense rim on T2-weighted imaging, showing peripheral and septal enhancement after contrast administration. It is important to have this entity in mind in patients with osteoporosis, especially in patients with a history of pelvic irradiation for malignant disease, so as not to misinterpret it as a chondroid tumor or bone metastasis.  相似文献   

MRI of complete rupture of the pectoralis major muscle   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
 Rupture of the pectoralis major muscle is a rare clinical entity. Only few reports have discussed its MRI or CT features. We have reviewed the imaging features of four cases of complete rupture of the pectoralis major muscle. One case of acute injury underwent surgical repair. MRI is useful in delineating the site and extent of the rupture in relation to the musculotendinous junction, which will help the surgeons with possible treatment options and surgical planning. Because of the complex anatomy of the pectoralis major muscle near its insertion on the humerus and the signal characteristics of hematoma and edema in the muscle, axial T2-weighted images were most valuable for the evaluation of acute and subacute injuries. Axial T1-weighted images were helpful in delineating chronic injuries. CT is inferior to MRI for direct visualization of muscle rupture.  相似文献   

Three cases of granular cell tumor (GCT) of the subcutis are presented. Computed tomography showed a mass isodense with muscle with an ill-defined margin. Magnetic resonance imaging showed a mass with inhomogeneous low signal intensity on both T1- and T2-weighted images. Another characteristic feature of subcutaneous GCT is its attachment in part to muscle. Histological examination confirmed the diagnosis in all cases. Received: 20 July 1998; Revision requested: 12 October 1998; Revision received: 30 October 1998; Accepted: 16 November 1998  相似文献   

Objective. Previous works describe magnetic resonance (MR) imaging characteristics of stress fractures. Diagnosis of the atypical, longitudinal type of stress fracture has been reported using computed tomography (CT). This report focuses on MR imaging of longitudinal stress fractures of the tibia. Materials and methods. Six cases are presented in which a longitudinal linear abnormal marrow signal was detected in the middle and distal parts of the tibial shaft. Five patients were imaged using a 1.5 Tesla MR unit. Axial, sagittal and coronal T1 and T2-weighted or fat suppressed proton density fast spin echo images were obtained in all but one patient. One patient was imaged using a 0.5 Tesla MR unit with axial and coronal T1- and T2-weighted sequences. Initial conventional radiographs seen at clinical presentation were interpreted as normal in all cases. Two patients underwent radionuclide bone scan, and one patient was imaged with CT prior to MR imaging. Results. In each instance, MR imaging demonstrated linear marrow signal abnormalities orientated along the long axis of the tibial shaft. Endosteal and periosteal callus was identified on axial images. In all cases, MR imaging clearly demonstrated a fracture extending through one cortex with abnormal signal in both the marrow cavity as well as adjacent soft tissues indicating edema. Conclusion. MR imaging was shown to be excellent for demonstration of fracture lines, callus, and marrow and soft tissue abnormalities seen in association with longitudinal stress fractures.  相似文献   

MR imaging of supra-acetabular insufficiency fractures   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Objective. Diagnosis of insufficiency fractures in the pelvis is difficult, especially in patients with prior malignancy, irradiation, steroid therapy or osteoporosis. This report shows the MR imaging appearance of supra-acetabular insufficiency fractures and how they can be differentiated from metastatic disease. Design and patients. Twelve patients (four men, eight women, average age 72.8 years) at risk for pelvic insufficiency fractures and who had pelvic or hip pain were studied with MR imaging. Indications were possible recurrent tumor or previous radiation to the pelvis (7 patients); osteoporosis from steroid use in rheumatoid arthritis (two patients); to exclude osteonecrosis of the hip (two patients); or to rule out a hip fracture (one patient). Results. A characteristic linear region of low signal intensity on both T1- and T2-weighted sequences was found in the supra-acetabular region paralleling the superior acetabulum in a curvilinear arc in 92% (11/12) of cases, and oblique in origin in 8% (1/11). Diffuse bands of high signal on T2-weighted images indicated surrounding edema. In two cases, MR findings obviated biopsy. One patient underwent a biopsy prior to the imaging studies being reviewed. All patients were treated conservatively and did well. Discussion. Attention to insufficiency fractures has previously focused on characteristic locations in the sacrum and pubic bones. Supra-acetabular insufficiency fractures also occur and are difficult to diagnose without a high degree of suspicion. MR imaging is a useful tool for diagnosing supra-acetabular insufficiency fractures. The characteristic MR imag-ing appearance of these fractures can preclude additional diagnostic studies and therapy in most instances.  相似文献   

Blunt abdominal trauma is a leading cause of trauma related mortality. Currently, the gold standard in the radiographic evaluation of intra-abdominal injury is computed tomography (CT) with iodinated contrast material. However, in the setting of renal failure or a previous anaphylactic reaction to contrast material, radiographic evaluation of the trauma patient may prove difficult. Without contrast material, the sensitivity of CT in the diagnosis of solid organ injury is diminished. We present a case report and literature review of magnetic resonance imaging in the evaluation of blunt abdominal trauma.  相似文献   

Sacral insufficiency fractures develop over a period of time and show time-dependent changes. We report on 15 CT examinations of 5 patients with early-stage insufficiency fractures of the sacrum. In 4 patients only irregular sclerosis without distinct fracture lines was present in 7 of 8 fractures. Of these 4 patients; 3 exhibited intraosseous gas inclusions in a ventral part of a lateral mass; 5 of 8 fractures disclosed a ventral cortical break. When distinct fracture lines had developed in 1 patient, intraosseous vacuum phenomenon had disappeared. Fracture lines evolve over weeks to months and show central bone absorption. The fractures can heal as demonstrated in 4 of 6 fractures in 3 patients, can persist over 1 year without significant changes or can progress to pseudoarthrosis with bone destruction similar to neuropathic joint disease. Intraosseous vacuum phenomena can persist to this stage. Intraosseous vacuum phenomenon is recognized as a potential finding in the early stage of sacral insufficiency fracture, which also is true for irregular sclerosis and ventral cortical disruption. Correspondence to: A. Stäbler  相似文献   

目的:讨论腹壁外韧带样瘤的MRI平扫及增强扫描的表现,评价MRI对该病的诊断价值。方法:回顾分析5例经手术切除及病理证实的腹壁外韧带样瘤的术前MRI平扫及增强扫描表现,其中2例同时行CT平扫,3例同时行血管造影。结果:5例腹壁外韧带样瘤均位于四肢肌肉及软组织,年龄11岁~28岁,其病灶MRI表现为在T1WI上,肿物呈中等信号,其间可见条片状及斑点状低信号,在T2WI上则呈高信号,其间夹杂中等、稍低及更低的条片状、斑点状信号,后与在T1WI上所见的低信号相吻合。增强扫描后在平扫中呈等T1、长T2或长T1、长T2信号改变的区域均强化非常明显,而在T1WI及T2WI上均呈条片状、斑点状低信号区域则未见强化,5例病灶周围组织均未见水肿,3例邻近骨出现压迫性改变,2例CT显示病灶密度欠均匀,边界清晰,3例血管造影可见肿瘤染色明显。结论:MRI可以较为精确的显示腹壁外韧带样瘤的病灶形态及范围,对韧带样瘤的诊断与鉴别诊断有重要价值,是目前最好的影像学检查方法。  相似文献   

As populations age osteoporosis becomes an increasingly important public health issue. Among osteoporotic fractures vertebral fractures are of particular relevance: they are the most common fractures, frequently are asymptomatic but have an important influence on prognosis and morbidity in the osteoporotic patient. Previous studies have suggested that these fractures are frequently not diagnosed and that radiologists miss a high percentage of osteoporotic, vertebral fractures present on lateral chest radiographs. The aims of this review are (1) to emphasize the important role that radiologists play in the accurate and clear reporting of vertebral fractures, (2) to provide guidance in assessing these fractures in radiographs, MRI and computed tomography imaging of the vertebral spine and (3) to sensitize the radiologist in diagnosing fractures in chest radiographs.The authors are members of the Osteoporosis Group of the European Society of Skeletal Radiology (ESSR).  相似文献   

髋关节MR造影在髋臼唇撕裂诊断中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探讨髋关节MR造影在髋臼唇撕裂诊断中的应用价值.方法 临床高度怀疑髋臼唇撕裂的15例20个髋关节在透视下行髋关节穿刺造影,采用SE T1WI加脂肪抑制技术,进行髋关节冠状面、矢状面、斜轴面及放射状位扫描.其中12例行关节镜检查.结果 在行髋关节镜检查的12例14个髋关节中,11例13个髋关节MR造影诊断为髋臼唇撕裂,与关节镜诊断相符;1例MR造影示正常,关节镜检查亦未发现髋臼唇撕裂.13个髋臼唇撕裂中位于前上象限12个髋关节,后上象限1个髋关节.在关节镜诊断髋臼唇撕裂的13个髋关节中,MR造影冠状面诊断髋臼唇撕裂3个髋关节,矢状面诊断10个髋关节,斜轴面及放射状位诊断髋臼唇撕裂均为13个髋关节.15例20个髋关节中有5例6个髋关节在后下象限有髋臼唇下沟表现.结论 MR髋关节造影是诊断髋臼唇撕裂的可靠方法,扫描方法应选择T1WI加脂肪抑制的矢状面及斜轴面或矢状面加放射状位.后下象限撕裂的诊断中应注意正常变异的存在.
Objective To investigate the application value of MR rthrography (MRA) in the diagnosis of acetabular labral tears. Methods Fifteen patients with a high degree of suspected acetabular labral tears received fluoroscope-guided injection of the contrast media into the hip joint ( hip arthrography) and fat-saturated spin-echo T1-weighted images were obtained in the coronal, sagittal, oblique-axial and radial planes. Hip arthroscopy was performed on 12 of them. Results Labral tears which were diagnosed in 11 patients by hip MRA were confirmed at hip arthroscopy. One patient showed no MRA indication of labral tear, also showed normal on arthroscopy. Tear in the anterior-superior quadrant 10 cases of 12 joints ( 12/13), posterior-superior quadrant 1 case of a joint (1/13). In 11 patients who underwent arthroscopy, hip MRA diagnosed 3 (3/13) joints labral tears in coronal planes, 10 (10/13) joints in sagittal planes and 13 (13/13) labral tears in axial-oblique and radial planes. In 15 patients with 20 hip joints, 5 cases 6 joints (6/20) with normal acetabular sublabral sulcus were performed. Conclusions MR arthrography of hip is a reliable method in the diagnosis of acetabular labral tears. Scanning method should be included fat-saturated spin-echo T1-weighted images in sagittal and oblique-axial planes or sagittal plus radial planes. The diagnosis of tor posterior-inferior quadrant should pay attention to the existence of a normal variation.  相似文献   

Objective. To characterize the radiologic features of postradiation sarcomas arising in the pelvic bones following treatment for uterine cervical carcinoma. Design and patients. Five patients who developed postradiation sarcomas in the pelvic bones following radiation therapy for carcinoma of the uterine cervix within the irradiated field were evaluated. Pelvic radiographs, computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance (MR) imaging were undertaken in all patients. Histologic confirmation of the tumor type was obtained. Results. Three patients whose tumors were characterized as an osteosarcoma, an angiosarcoma and a malignant fibrous histiocytoma (MFH) showed a large round or oval mass mainly in the sacroiliac joint which extended into the posterior gluteal soft tissues. In a fourth patient an osteosarcoma developed in the central ilium extending widely into the soft tissues both anteriorly and posteriorly, with calcified areas within the extraosseous mass. The fifth patient had a MFH which showed osteolytic destruction of the cortex of the acetabulum, and minimal soft tissue extension. There were no specific features or signal intensity changes on MR imaging to differentiate these cases from primary sarcomas. Conclusion. Postradiation sarcoma must be considered in patients with uterine carcinoma when a soft tissue mass is seen in the previously irradiated field, especially if the mass is posterior to the sacroiliac joint and the latent period is more than 5 years. Received: 3 May 2000 Revision requested: 14 July 2000 Revision received: 28 July 2000 Accepted: 20 November 2000  相似文献   

甲状腺癌的影像学诊断进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前,甲状腺癌主要的影像学检查方法包括计算机体层扫描成像(CT)、磁共振成像(MRI)、放射性核素显像(FNI)及超声等。通过查阅近几年大量文献,对各种方法进行比较后认为:超声检查是甲状腺癌的首选检查手段,CT检查可作为补充,还可以选择MRI、放射性核素扫描及超声引导下穿刺活检。甲状腺癌的最终确诊只能依靠细胞学或组织学检查。  相似文献   

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