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腰椎峡部裂CT扫描技术及CT诊断 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
目的 :探讨腰椎峡部裂CT扫描技术及提高CT征象的认识。方法 :利用GEpaceCT机采用改进的扫描方法自椎弓根下缘向下连续扫描至下位椎弓根上缘 ,并分析 48例腰椎峡部裂的CT表现。结果 :采用改进的扫描方法可显示峡部裂的各种直接征象及间接征象。结论 :采用该改进的扫描方法并认真分析腰椎峡部裂的CT表现可提高CT诊断率减少漏诊。 相似文献
峡部植骨治疗腰椎椎弓峡部裂和腰椎滑脱 总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8
介绍一种治疗腰椎椎弓峡部裂合并轻度腰椎滑脱的手术方法。手术通过在峡部及关节突关节处植骨使快部缺损得到直接修复并使腰椎获得稳定。共治疗46例98处病变,随访7个月~4年2个月,平均13个月。94处获得骨性融合,占95.9%。计优28例,良15例,可3例。作者认为峡部植骨修复融合术与其他融合术式相比,对腰椎的正常生理活动范围干扰及手术创伤均较小,操作技术亦相对简单,对于青少年及多节段推弓峡部裂患者尤为适合,但要求植骨确实可靠,以防骨不连发生。 相似文献
峡部植骨治疗单纯腰椎椎弓峡部裂 总被引:6,自引:5,他引:6
目的 :介绍单纯腰椎椎弓峡部裂行峡部植骨治疗方法。方法 :通过对 12例共 2 4处病变的手术结果进行分析。结果 :随访 6个月~ 2年 2个月 ,平均 13个月。X线片提示所有病例均获得骨性融合 ,优 9例 ;良 3例。结论 :峡部植骨融合术符合生物力学原则 ,对腰椎的正常生理活动范围干扰小、操作简单、创伤也较小 ,是治疗单纯腰椎椎弓峡部裂的理想方法。但要求术中植骨确实可靠 ,术后正确指导康复。 相似文献
腰椎峡部裂型滑脱症矢状位参数分析 总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3
[目的]探讨L5峡部裂型滑脱症病人腰骶部的矢状位参数的相关性及其临床意义。[方法]回顾2000年1月~2005年12月资料完整的L5峡部裂型滑脱症76例,男32例,女44例;年龄12~68岁,排除其他腰椎节段病变及下肢畸形,在包含双侧股骨头的腰椎站立位侧位片上测量腰椎前凸角(LL)、骨盆入射角(PI)、骶骨水平角(SS)、腰骶角(LSA)及滑移度等参数,并与30例健康成人比较,用t检验比较滑脱病人与健康成人、轻度滑脱和重度滑脱病人各参数之间的差异,Pearson相关系数分析各参数间的相关性(P<0.05)。[结果]根据M eyerd ing分类,轻度滑脱53例(Ⅰ、Ⅱ度),重度滑脱23例(Ⅲ、Ⅳ度)。腰椎滑脱患者的PI、LL、SS、LSA均较健康成人高,差别有统计学意义(P<0.001)。重度滑脱病人的PI、LL、LSA均较轻度滑脱的病人高,差别有统计学意义(P<0.001)。PI与滑移度、SS、LL及LSA有显著相关性,LSA与滑移度、SS与LL有显著相关性,但SS与滑移度无显著相关。[结论]骨盆的矢状位形态对滑脱的发展有直接影响,PI越大,发生滑脱的风险越大,PI、LSA越大,滑脱进展的可能性越大。 相似文献
腰椎椎弓峡部裂是下腰痛的常见原因之一。随着椎弓根内固定技术和器械的发展,使该病的手术治疗有了很大的进步。但即使短节段固定对脊柱的生理状况也有影响,并容易造成相邻节段的椎间盘退变。此外,椎弓根内固定器械费用昂贵,手术并发症多,且需要二次手术取出,故并非适合所有患者。我院1998~2 0 0 2年采用单纯峡部植骨治疗腰椎椎弓峡部裂患者10例,疗效满意现报告如下。1 临床资料1.1一般资料 本组共10例,其中,男性7例,女性3例。年龄18~30岁,平均2 5 .6岁。病程2个月~3年。1.2临床表现 所有病例均有程度不等的腰骶部疼痛,站立、行走时加… 相似文献
腰椎椎弓峡部裂病因的生物力学研究 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
腰椎椎弓峡部裂病因的生物力学研究燕好军许胜文范振华陈世益⒇腰椎椎弓峡部裂是一种较为常见的脊柱疾患,在青少年尤其是运动员中有很高的发病率〔1,2〕,是腰腿痛常见病因之一。该症以腰椎椎弓峡部的一侧或两侧断裂为主要病理特征,严重时患椎向前滑脱,使马尾和... 相似文献
腰椎椎弓峡部裂的病因与手术治疗 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
椎弓峡部裂也称为椎弓崩裂(spondylo-ysis),多见于第5腰椎。该症以椎弓峡部(即关节突间部)的一侧或两侧缺损为主要病理特征,严重时还可发生该节椎体、椎弓及上关节突等的向前滑脱,系一种常见的脊柱疾患,尤其在青少年中有较高的发病率。对于腰椎椎弓峡部裂的探讨已有将近一个半世纪的历史,本文就近年来在该症病因及手术治疗方面的研究进展作一综述。 病 因 腰椎椎弓峡部裂的病因目前尚不十分明确,各家观点亦很不一致,归纳起来主要包括以下几个方面的因素。 1 创伤因素 虽然部分患者有明确的外伤史,但大多在伤前即存在腰背疼痛,且伤情并不… 相似文献
Background context
A balanced sagittal alignment of the spine has been shown to strongly correlate with less pain, less disability, and greater health status scores. To restore proper sagittal balance, one must assess the position of the occiput relative to the sacrum. The assessment of spinal balance preoperatively can be challenging, whereas predicting postoperative balance is even more difficult.Purpose
This study was designed to evaluate and quantify multiple factors that influence sagittal balance.Study design
Retrospective analysis of existing spinal radiographs.Methods
A retrospective review of 52 adult spine patient records was performed. All patients had full-column digital radiographs that showed all the important skeletal landmarks necessary for accurate measurement. The average age of the patient was 53 years. Both genders were equally represented. The radiographs were measured using standard techniques to obtain the following parameters: scoliosis in the coronal plane; lordosis or kyphosis of the cervical, thoracic, and lumbar spine; the T1 sagittal angle (angle between a horizontal line and the superior end plate of T1); the angle of the dens in the sagittal plane; the angle of the dens in relation to the occiput; the sacral slope; the pelvic incidence; the femoral-sacral angle; and finally, the sagittal vertical axis (SVA) measured from both the dens of C2 and from C7.Results
It was found that the SVA when measured from the dens was on average 16 mm farther forward than the SVA measured from C7 (p<.0001). The dens plumb line (SVAdens) was then used in the study. An analysis was done to examine the relationship between SVAdens and each of the other measurements. The T1 sagittal angle was found to have a moderate positive correlation (r=0.65) with SVAdens, p<.0001, indicating that the amount of sagittal T1 tilt can be used as a good predictor of overall sagittal balance.When examining the other variables, it was found that cervical lordosis had a weak correlation (r=0.37) with SVAdens that was unexpected, given that cervical lordosis determines head position. Thoracic kyphosis also had a weak correlation (r=0.26) with SVAC1, which was equally surprising. Lumbar lordosis had a slightly higher correlation (r=0.38), p=.006, than the cervical or thoracic spine.A multiple regression was run on the data to examine the relationship that all these independent variables have on SVAdens. SPSS (SPSS, Inc., Chicago, IL, USA) was used to create a regression equation using the independent variables of T1 sagittal angle, cervical lordosis, thoracic kyphosis, lumbar lordosis, sacral slope, pelvic incidence, and femoral-sacral angle and the dependent variable of SVAdens. The model had a strong correlation (r=0.80, r2=0.64) and was statistically significant (p<.0001).The T1 sagittal angle was the variable that had the strongest correlation with the SVAdens Spearman r=0.65, p<.0001, followed by pelvic incidence, p=.002, and lumbar lordosis, p=.006. We also observed that when the T1 tilt was higher than 25°, all patients had at least 10 cm of positive sagittal imbalance. In addition, patients with negative sagittal balance had mostly low T1 tilt values, usually lower than 13°. The other variables were not shown to have a statically significant influence on SVA.Conclusions
This analysis shows that many factors influence the overall sagittal balance of the patient, but it may be the position of the pelvis and lower spine that have a stronger influence than the position of the upper back and neck. Unfortunately, to our knowledge, there are no studies to date that have established a normal sagittal T1 tilt angle. However, our analysis has shown that when the T1 tilt was higher than 25°, all patients had at least 10 cm of positive sagittal imbalance. It also showed that patients with negative sagittal balance had mostly low T1 tilt values, usually below 13° of angulation.The T1 sagittal angle is a measurement that may be very useful in evaluating sagittal balance, as it was the measure that most strongly correlated with SVAdens. It has its great utility where long films cannot be obtained. Patients whose T1 tilt falls outside the range 13° to 25° should be sent for full-column radiographs for a complete evaluation of their sagittal balance. On the other hand, a T1 tilt within the above range does not guarantee a normal sagittal balance, and further investigation should be performed at the surgeon’s discretion. 相似文献12.
下颌角测量与下颌角半盲视下改良截骨术 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
目的探索下颌角肥大的手术适应证及在半盲视下行经口下颌角肥大截骨术。方法对39例随机取样成年人群头颅X线片侧位像进行了下颌角角度的测量,初步判定肥大的角度标准,并自行设计和预制截骨模板(又称“制子”)。选用相应预制的合适截骨模板,对6例下颌角肥大者实行了半盲视下的口内入路改良截骨并去除肥大咬肌的术式,其中3例同时行肥大的下颌骨体外层骨皮质截骨去薄术。结果初步判定肥大的角度标准。下颌角截骨均取得了满意的效果。结论本术式的优点是:①手术在半盲视下进行,解决了因口内下颌角暴露不清楚而不易准确截骨的问题,可完全达到术前设计的要求。②由于手术操作进入“程序化”,截骨手术时间大为缩短,创伤减少,术后肿胀消失快 相似文献
Standing posture is made possible by hip extension and lumbar lordosis. Lumbar lordosis is correlated with pelvic parameters, such as the declivity angle of the upper surface of the sacrum and the incidence angle, which determine the sagittal morphotype. Incidence angle, which is different for each individual, is known to be very important for upright posture, but its course during life has not yet been established. Incidence angle was measured on radiographs of 30 fetuses, 30 children and 30 adults, and results were analysed using the correlation coefficientr and Student's t test. A statistically significant correlation between age and incidence angle was observed. Incidence angle considerably increases during the first months, continues to increase during early years, and stabilizes around the age of 10 years. Incidence is a mark of bipedism, and its role in sagittal balance is essential. 相似文献
目的:比较W角、ANB角和Wits值评估错患者上下颌骨矢状位置关系的可靠性。方法:选取2011年1月~2012年8月就诊于新疆医科大学第一附属医院口腔正畸科的15~25岁错畸形患者共157例,所有患者治疗前头颅侧位定位片均由同一医师严格按照要求在同一台机器上拍摄,由笔者用Adobe PhotoshopCS3图像处理软件对导入计算机的图片进行定点,测量Ⅲ类错畸形患者的W角、ANB角和Wits值,每项指标测量3次,最后取平均值,对测量结果进行变异系数分析。结果:安氏Ⅰ类错患者W角为(60.25±1.57)°,安氏Ⅱ类错患者W角为(54.21±3.65)°,安氏Ⅲ类错患者W角为(68.08±2.98)°,各组W角在性别上无显著性差异。3组错患者的W角较ANB角及Wits值相比变异系数均为最小。结论:W角、ANB角和Wits至在评价错患者颌骨矢状向位置关系时均有一定的可靠性,而W角的可靠性更好。 相似文献
目的:探讨脊柱-骨盆矢状位参数及关节突关节角度对退变性腰椎滑脱的影响及相关性研究。方法:以2016年7月至2019年9月确诊的120例L4-L5单节段退变性滑脱患者为观察对象(滑脱组),以性别和年龄相匹配的120例L4-L5节段退变性椎管狭窄患者为对照(对照组)。通过影像学资料测量如下参数:骨盆入射角(pelvic incidence,PI),骨盆倾斜角(pelvic tilt,PT),骶骨倾斜角(sacral slope,SS),腰椎前凸(lumbar lordosis,LL),胸椎后凸(thoracic kyphosis,TK),矢状面平衡(sagittal vertical axis,SVA),L4-L5头侧关节突关节角,尾侧关节突关节角及小关节不对称性。比较两组患者参数的差异并对有意义参数行Logistic回归分析。对退变性腰椎滑脱患者关节突关节方向与脊柱-骨盆参数进行相关性分析。结果:两组患者在PI、PT、LL、SVA、头侧关节突关节角、尾侧关节突关节角差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);Logistic回归分析发现PI、PT及头侧关节突关节角是腰椎滑脱程度的危险因素(P<0.05)。滑脱组头侧关节突关节矢状化与PI、PT呈现显著相关(P<0.05)。结论:高PI、PT及头侧关节突关节矢状化是腰椎滑脱的危险因素,并且关节突关节矢状化程度和大PI、PT密切相关。 相似文献
目的 :测量分析我国健康成人枕颈角(occipital-C2 angle,OC2A)和后枕颈角(posterior occipitocervical angle,POCA)影像学参数,分析两者与性别、年龄之间差异的变化情况,为后路枕颈固定融合术提供参考。方法:在我院体检中心随机筛选健康(无颈椎疾病及相关症状)志愿者,行标准颈椎正侧位X线平片检查,按照不同性别分为男女组各75例,各性别组根据不同年龄段分5个组:20~29岁、30~39岁、40~49岁、50~59岁、60~69岁各15例。3名脊柱外科主治医生2次不同时间分别独自对健康体检者OC2A和POCA进行测量,采用组内相关系数评价观察者间和观察者内测量的可信度。获取我国健康成人OC2A和POCA参数值并进一步行两者随性别、年龄之间变化的统计学分析和两参数组内相关系数(intraclass correlation coefficient,ICC)分析。结果:150例健康成人OC2A、POCA分别为14.14°±3.70°、108.53°±7.80°,95%置信区间(confidence intervals,CI)分别为6.89°~21.39°、93.24°~123.82°;男性组OC2A和POCA分别为14.63°±3.10°、108.05°±7.48°,女性组OC2A和POCA分别为13.66°±4.18°、109.01°±8.14°,男女组之间OC2A和POCA差异无统计学意义(P0.05)。各性别组年龄段之间OC2A差异无统计学意义[男P=0.129,女P=0.160,One-Way ANOVA(LSD)],男性组60~69岁组POCA较20~29岁组和50~59岁组低(P0.05);女性组30岁以后POCA持续减小,60~69岁组小于20~29岁组,差异均有统计学意义(P0.05)。Pearson相关分析显示OC2A与POCA负相关(r=-0.386,P0.001)。OC2A和POCA测量值在观察者间组内ICC分别为0.933和0.971,观察者内的ICC分别为0.916和0.935,P0.001。结论:我国健康成人OC2A和POCA值在性别之间无差异;OC2A值在各年龄段之间无变化,但POCA值随年龄增大而减小。术者可结合患者年龄,参考两参数的CI值及其负相关,确立后路枕颈固定融合术中OC2A和POCA角度的选择。 相似文献
双侧下颌角突出合并小颏畸形的治疗 总被引:12,自引:4,他引:12
目的 提高双侧下颌角突出伴有小颏畸形的手术治疗效果。方法 用口内入路行双侧下颌角连续弧线截骨术,同时行颏部水平骨前徒延长、小夹板坚强内固定、自体下颌角骨质断端间植骨术,不作咬肌部分切除手术。结果 1996-1999年共收治20例,术后下面部宽短畸形明显改善。咬肌虽未行部分切除,但术后随着咬肌附着点的上移、肌张力降低而发生部分萎缩,下颌角部曲线圆滑,形态自然。结论 双侧下颌角突出伴有严重小颏者,只有同时行双侧下颌角有和颏部水平截骨整形,才能达到全面矫治畸形的目的。下颌角连续弧线截骨术截骨设计灵活、向上可达下颌升支后缘、向下可延续至下颌体下缘,截骨量大;一次完成;截央后的下颌角更加圆滑自然;结合颏部截骨整 术,不仅提高了术后的整体效果,而且可利用截除的下颌角骨质充填于颏部水平截骨断端间,可以保证骨质的愈合,一举两得。 相似文献
背景:强直性脊柱炎(ankylosing spondylitis,AS)的股骨近端形态学参数,包括前倾角(femoral proximal anteversion angle,FPA)和颈干角(neckshaft angle,NSA),可能随脊柱-骨盆-髋关节整体结构的变化而发生改变,进而影响全髋关节置换术(total hip arthroplasty,THA)术后的生物力学机制和关节稳定性。目前相关临床研究甚少且不够深入。目的:测量AS股骨近端形态学参数结果,分析其对于THA股骨假体选择的提示意义。方法:选择2010年9月至2011年10月行THA的AS患者30例和健康对照者30例。分别通过双髋关节正位X线片和股骨CT扫描测量FPA和NSA。结果:AS组平均NSA显著高于对照组(138.00°±12.67°vs132.23°±5.88°,P=0.002),两组FPA无显著性差异(13.41°±10.02°vs11.55°±9.11°,P=0.29)。AS组中融合组平均NSA显著高于非融合组(145.29°±15.27°vs133.46°±8.07°,P〈0.001),两组FPA无显著性差异(14.99°±11.08°vs12.43°±9.33°,P=0.674)。结论:AS组与对照组相比呈明显髋外翻趋势,但并未表现出FPA增大趋势。AS组中融合组患者髋外翻趋势更加明显,但FPA并未显著增大。个别AS患者FPA过大或股骨近端后倾,可能是AS自身炎症、骨化过程以及胸腰段后凸畸形继发骨盆、髋关节和膝关节代偿变化而综合影响的结果,提示AS髋关节融合的位置和角度具有较大的变异度,需要术者具体分析,选择合理的股骨假体。 相似文献
目的 分析胸椎及胸腰段角状后凸畸形对骨盆形态及序列的影响.方法 2002年5月至2010年6月收治的胸腰椎角状后凸患者32例,年龄13~56岁,平均29.6岁.详细记录患者病史以及病因.患者发生后凸畸形的年龄为1~17岁,平均6.1岁,陈旧结核性后凸畸形20例,先天性后凸畸形12例.全部患者接受后路截骨矫形手术.术前术后行全脊柱负重位X线侧位片检查(包括双侧髋关节),测量后凸畸形Cobb角、腰椎前凸(LL)、骨盆入射角(PI)、骶骨倾斜角(SS)、骨盆倾斜角(PT)以及脊柱的矢状位平衡(C7铅垂线与S1后上缘的水平距离,SVA).将测量结果与既往报道的正常值进行比较.比较中上胸椎后凸和下胸椎或胸腰段后凸的PI值.比较术前术后的各测量参数.分析PI的独立影响因素.结果 32例患者中,后凸角度平均为90.1°(31°~138°).术前PI平均为34.8°,SS为35.8°,PT为-0.7°,其中PI和PT明显小于对照组(P<0.001).术后后凸角度改善至27.9°.术后PI平均为37.5°±9.4°,与术前比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05).12例患者后凸畸形位于中上胸椎(T1~8),20例位于下胸椎(T8以下)及胸腰段.两组相比,前者的PI值(40.5°)明显大于后者(31.5°,P<0.05),前者SS(45.1°)亦明显大于后者(30.3°,P<0.05).后凸角度和后凸部位是PI的独立影响因素,而年龄和LL对PI无影响.结论 胸腰椎角状后凸畸形若发生在儿童少年时期,将影响骨盆的形态发育(PI明显减小).后凸部位越低、后凸角度越大对骨盆形态的影响越大.手术可改变脊柱的序列,但骨盆的矢状位形态一旦形成将无法改变.早期治疗不仅可恢复脊柱的序列,亦有益于骨盆的正常形态的形成以及骨盆的正常矢状位序列.Abstract: Objective To analyze the impact of thoracic and thoracolumbar angular kyphosis on pelvic shape and sagittal alignment. Methods From May 2002 to June 2010, the sagittal spinopelvic parameters were analyzed in lateral standing radiographs of 32 patients (mean age 29.6 years ) with thoracolumbar angular kyphosis. The parameters included Cobb angle of kyphosis, lumbar lordosis ( LL),pelvic incidence ( PI ), sacrum slope ( SS), pelvic tilt ( PT ) and sagittal vertical axis ( SVA ). All pelvic parameters in the patients were compared with those reported in historical normal subjects. All patients were treated by using kyphotic correction and fusion. The preoperative and postoperative parameters were compared. The pelvic parameters were also compared between the patients with kyphotic apex located at T1-8 and those located at T9-12 and thoracolumbar junction. The linear regression analysis was used to investigate the independent factors of PI. Results The mean kyphosis was 90. 1 ° (31°-138°). The mean age of kyphosis occurrence was 6. 1 years. The mean PI, SS and PT were 34. 8° ,35.8° and -0. 7° respectively. The PI and PT were significantly smaller( P < 0. 001 ) in the patients than those in normal subjects while the SS was similar. The kyphosis was improved to 27.9° post-operatively. There was no difference in PI values between preoperation and postoperation ( P > 0. 05 ). The PI and SS in patients whose kyphosis located at thoracic spine(T1-8) were significantly higher than those at T9-L2. Instead of patients' age and LL, the preoperative Cobb angle of kyphosis and the levels where kyphosis located were two independent impact factors of PI. Conclusions The kyphosis occurred at childhood may influence pelvic shape and alignment significantly. The lower kyphotic apex located and the bigger kyphosis, the greater impact on the pelvic morphology. The surgery can improve the kyphosis, but can not change the sagittal pelvic morphology. Early treatment of thoracolumbar angular kyphosis is beneficial not only to reconstruction of spine alignment but also to the formation of sagittal pelvic morphology. 相似文献