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目的 了解佛山市禅城区小学生家长对儿童牙外伤的认知程度,为牙外伤健康教育提供依据.方法 采用随机抽样方法 ,对禅城区5所小学共320名小学生家长进行关于儿童前牙外伤处理方法 的问卷调查,并采用卡方检验对数据进行统计分析.结果 调查显示有40.6%的家长未能正确判断9岁儿童受外伤的门牙为恒牙;66.2%的家长不能正确回答对全脱位牙的处理方法 ;72.2%的家长不知道如何保存全脱位牙;95.6%的家长认为需要学习更多的牙外伤应急处理的知识.结论 佛山市禅城区小学生家长对儿童牙外伤(脱位)的认知程度低,相关的健康教育活动中需要注意提高人群对牙外伤(脱位)的认知能力和应急处理能力.  相似文献   

目的 了解口腔医生关于牙齿全脱出认知的现状,并对现状进行分析,以便为今后制定全脱出牙处理策略提供参考依据。方法 随机抽取2022年4—5月广东省内不同地区、不同学历以及工作情况的712名口腔医生对儿童牙齿全脱出的认知进行网络问卷调查,Excel软件录入数据,Stata/SE 15.1对数据进行统计分析。结果 共发放问卷712份,回收有效问卷701份(98.46%)。65.9%受访医生来自公立三级医院口腔科或者口腔专科医院。医生平均每年接诊的牙齿全脱出病例总数少于20例。99.7%受访者知晓生理盐水是可使用的清洁介质,但仍分别有3.1%和23.8%受访者错误地认为酒精或自来水可以用来清洁根面;93.4%受访者在再植前牙根表面处理方面作出正确选择;只有10.7%的医生认为全脱出牙齿需弹性固定2~4周;42.9%受访者不同意全脱出牙齿再植后使用破伤风免疫球蛋白。牙齿全脱出应急处理(EM)回答正确的平均得分是14.60±11.85,牙齿全脱出临床处理(CM)回答正确的平均得分是14.48±2.67。多因素线性回归分析结果显示,工作年限与EM、CM得分呈负相关(P<0.05)。医师每年接诊...  相似文献   

目的 调查北京市口腔医生对口腔癌认知情况及接诊情况的现状。方法 采用方便抽样的方式,在北京市口腔医生中开展口腔癌相关知识的掌握及接诊疑似口腔癌患者的诊断、处置措施的问卷调查。结果 完成问卷调查共1183份,受调查者中男性390名(33.0%),女性793名(67.0%),年龄为20~76岁。有64.2%的受调查者在临床工作中接诊过疑似口腔癌的患者,28.5%的受调查者独立诊断过口腔癌。对于口腔癌和癌前病变的图片,医生识别准确率低,分别有1.9%和9.7%完全识别。93.7%的受调查者认为自己有必要进一步接受口腔癌相关培训。结论 不同专业背景的北京市口腔医生对口腔癌的认知程度有差异。开展教育项目,尤其是口腔癌的继续教育是必要的。  相似文献   

口腔医生对牙本质敏感的认知情况抽样调查报告   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的了解成都地区口腔医生对牙本质敏感的认知情况,为进一步做好口腔专业继续教育提供参考。方法用中华口腔医学会预防口腔医学专业委员会2008版《口腔医生牙本质敏感调查问卷》,对成都市5城区及部分郊县227名口腔医生进行抽样问卷调查。结果(1)对牙本质敏感流行病学的认知:对牙本质敏感患病情况认知不足,患病率被低估。(2)对牙本质敏感病因及诊断的认知:①流体动力学理论未被广泛知晓;②酸蚀症引发牙本质敏感的作用被忽略;③除非患者主诉或要求.很少医生主动检查患者是否患有牙本质敏感。(3)在牙本质敏感的治疗上的认知:治疗方法较多,但效果不理想,医生信心不足。(4)宣传教育及随访:①大部分医生对于牙本质敏感的宣教较有信心:②绝大部分医生要求患者随访,但随访率较低。结论口腔医生对牙本质敏感的相关知识及临床诊断治疗上仍然存在欠缺.有必要对口腔医生开展进一步的继续教育以及制定相应的诊治指南。  相似文献   

乳牙外伤是儿童口腔急诊的常见病,与恒牙外伤相比,其处理存在特殊性,且国内在其诊疗方面存在不规范等问题。文章参考2012年国际牙外伤协会指南,全面系统地阐述乳牙外伤的概念、分类、临床特征以及各类型乳牙外伤的应急处理原则,为乳牙外伤的诊疗提供参考 。  相似文献   

目的:调查分析上海市12岁儿童家长对外伤全脱位牙应急处理的认知水平,为相关的健康教育项目的设计和实施提供依据。方法:采用分层等容随机抽样方法,抽取上海六个区,每个区随机抽取2所中学,每所学校随机抽取50名12岁儿童,共对548名儿童家长进行问卷调查。应用SPSS16.0软件包进行卡方检验。结果:3.28%家长的孩子发生过全脱位牙外伤,10.58%的家长采取即刻牙再植的全脱位牙应急措施,只有6.75%的家长选择牛奶作为全脱位牙的储存介质,38.87%的家长选择外伤全脱位牙最佳治疗时间是即刻,87.96%的家长从没有接触过牙外伤的急救知识。结论:上海市12岁儿童家长对外伤全脱位牙认知水平较低,应加强对家长的牙外伤健康教育,以促进提高家长对外伤全脱位牙的应急处理能力。  相似文献   

目的了解北京地区口腔医生对门诊突发医疗事件及处理的认知水平,探讨提高口腔医生急救处理能力的方式。方法采用自行设计调查问卷,对北京696名口腔医生进行常见门诊突发医疗事件及紧急处理能力的调查,对数据进行描述和统计分析。结果口腔医生门诊常遇到的13项突发医疗事件中,晕厥、低血糖、轻度过敏反应、体位性低血压发生频率位居前4位,分别为65.92%、51.27%、34.53%、21.08%。不足30%的口腔医生充分了解基础生命支持-心肺复苏(BLS-CPR)的相关知识。非营利性、二或三级医疗机构的口腔医生急救能力高于在营利性、规模小的医疗机构的口腔医生。结论应提高口腔医生应对突发医疗事件的认识和预防意识,加强基本急救能力的培养,口腔医学院应开展急救实践操作训练以提高口腔医生综合执业能力。  相似文献   

目的:了解患者对口腔美容修复的认知与需求,为临床提供参考。方法:将自行设计的结构化调查问卷发放给在中南大学湘雅二医院口腔门诊就诊的调查年龄范围内的患者,问卷由专人发放,发放问卷800份,回收有效问卷775份,将调查结果导入SPSS 19.0软件进行统计分析,对计量资料采用均数及标准差进行统计,采用独立样本t检验及方差分析进行统计学分析。结果:女性对口腔美观的关注度、重视程度得分显著高于男性(P<0.05);年龄差异对患者口腔美观的重视程度差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),35-44岁年龄段得分最高(P<0.05),55-64岁年龄段得分最低(P<0.05);年龄差异对患者口腔美观自身满意度差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);55-64岁年龄段患者对于口腔美观的关注度最低,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);本科及以上学历患者对口腔美观的关注度及重视程度得分高于大专及以下患者(P<0.5);部分患者希望“就诊时间控制在30min-1h”、“在与医师意见产生分歧时听从医师意见”。结论:性别、年龄、学历、收入等社会背景影响患者口腔美容修复的认知和需求。医院及医师应根据患者的主观及客观需要为其安排临床过程,制定治疗计划。  相似文献   

目的了解青岛市市南区小学教师对学龄儿童外伤全脱出牙应急处理的认知水平现状。 方法2019年3—4月,利用青岛市第一次口腔流行病学调查的机会,采用分层随机抽样的方法,抽取青岛市市南区12所小学597名小学教师,对其进行问卷调查,应用卡方检验对结果进行统计分析。 结果本调查共回收有效问卷540份,85.9%教师为女性,15.2%的教师接受过牙外伤相关教育,89.6%的教师没有见过外伤全脱出牙。15.2%的教师知道全脱出牙齿的正确紧急处理方式;对全脱出牙采用良好保存介质的教师,58.7%选择0.9%氯化钠溶液,8.3%选择牛奶,6.3%选择含在孩子口中;关于全脱出牙的就诊时间,认为应该即刻就诊的教师人数比例为56.5%。86.9%的教师问卷得分低于4。不同教龄教师间问卷得分差异有统计学意义(χ2 = 9.445,P = 0.002),是否接受过牙外伤教育的教师间问卷得分差异也有统计学意义(χ2 = 13.148,P<0.001)。 结论青岛市市南区小学教师对学龄儿童外伤全脱出牙应急处理认知水平不高,应加强小学教师牙外伤知识的宣教。  相似文献   



To report the experience of wrong-site tooth extraction among Nigerian dentists.

Study design

A self-administered questionnaire was distributed among a cross-section of Nigerian dentists. Information requested included personal experience on wrong-site tooth/teeth extraction and its after-effect, possible reasons for wrong-site tooth extraction and documentation of the event in patients’ case. Respondents were also asked if they were aware of any colleagues who had previously experienced wrong-site tooth extraction and possible legal implication of the event, and if they aware of the universal protocol for preventing wrong site, wrong procedure, and wrong person surgery.


Twenty-two (13%) of the respondents reported having extracted a wrong tooth. The event occurred within 5 years after graduation in most cases. Most respondents (53.6%) informed the patient immediately after the event. Only 68% of the respondents documented the event in patient’s case record. Most common reasons for wrong-site tooth extraction were heavy workload, presence of multiple condemned teeth and miscommunication between dentists. Fifty-five percent of respondents were aware of a colleague who had extracted a wrong tooth. The most probable legal implication of wrong-site tooth extraction according to the respondents was litigation by the patient. Only 25% of dentists were aware of a universal protocol for preventing wrong-site surgery.


Wrong tooth/teeth extraction is not an uncommon event in the studied environment. The need to be familiar with universal protocol on wrong-site surgery and its legal implications are highlighted.  相似文献   

Intrusions occur frequently in the primary dentition. It has been reported that conservative treatment of the intruded primary tooth is preferred if the apex is away from the permanent tooth germ. Conservative treatments include waiting for spontaneous re-eruption, and surgical re-positioning and fixation. Few papers have been published in Japan comparing the prognoses of intruded primary teeth between these two different modes of treatment. Therefore, optimal treatment for intruded primary teeth has been a topic of controversy among clinicians. The aim of this study was to compare the outcomes of intruded primary teeth between these two modes of treatment. Moreover, we examined the issue of treatment of choice for intruded primary teeth. The subjects consisted of 17 children referred to the Hiroshima University Hospital Department of Pediatric Dentistry for the treatment of 21 intruded primary teeth. Fourteen teeth were allowed to spontaneously re-erupt (group W), and 7 teeth were repositioned and fixed (group R). Antibiotic therapy and irrigation were performed in all intruded teeth. Treatment outcomes were evaluated using the following parameters: re-eruption, pathological pulp changes, increased mobility, discoloration, pulp canal obliteration, pathological root resorption, and disturbances of permanent teeth. In group W, root canal treatment or extraction were not performed since re-erupted teeth reveal no signs of infection. On the other hand, in group R, 57% of teeth required endodontic treatment or extracted due to signs of infection. The result showed treatment outcomes in group R were worse than those in group W. Our study indicates that most intruded primary teeth re-erupt with a favorable prognosis. Therefore, observation with irrigation and antibiotic therapy should be the treatment of first choice.  相似文献   

Abstract –  The objective of this study was to assess the knowledge of dentists working in the city of Tubarão, southern Brazil, about the immediate treatment of traumatic dental injuries. A cross-sectional study was carried out involving all dentists who were working in the city in 2004 ( n  = 108). Data were collected through self-applied questionnaires with questions about sex, time elapsed since graduation, whether the dentists had attended postgraduate courses and also four questions about traumatic dental injuries in which the dentists selected the best answer. The response rate was 86.1%. For the two questions related to dental avulsion, 36.6% and 16.1% of professionals respectively, chose the correct answer according to the literature. For the question related to coronal fracture, 75.3% chose the correct answer. For the questions related to an incident without dental avulsion or fracture, 73.1% chose the correct answer. Time elapsed since graduation was the only variable statistically associated with the correct answer for the question related to coronal fracture. A significantly greater number of professionals with ≤10 years of experience chose the correct answer when compared with professionals with >10 years experience ( P  < 0.001). It can be concluded that the great majority of professionals would not intervene according to the literature in the cases of avulsion. Less time elapsed since graduation was statistically associated with the correct answer in the coronal fracture case.  相似文献   

Objective:To determine if interproximal reduction of teeth (IPR) is perceived differently by orthodontists and general dentists.Materials and Methods:A Web-based survey containing statements about IPR was developed and randomly distributed to orthodontists and general dentists.Results:The majority of orthodontists and general dentists strongly agreed that IPR is a minimally invasive procedure that poses little risk for the development of interproximal decay. However, general dentists were more likely to perform post-IPR polishing and to apply topical fluoride than are orthodontists (P < .0001). A greater percentage of orthodontists strongly believed that the esthetic and occlusal benefits of IPR outweigh the potential risk of tooth decay when IPR was performed (P < .0001). A greater percentage of general dentists were hesitant to perform IPR, despite research supporting that IPR has little negative effect on the health of teeth.Conclusions:The results of this study disproved the null hypothesis that orthodontists and general dentists share similar views regarding the use of IPR during orthodontic treatment. General dentists were more conservative in their views of IPR and were less comfortable with performing IPR as a routine procedure. General dentists felt more strongly about the importance of post-IPR polishing and application of topical fluoride. Orthodontists were more likely to have researched the long-term effects of IPR on the health of teeth and therefore felt more comfortable performing IPR during orthodontic treatment.  相似文献   

Traumatic injuries in the primary dentition   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract  – As a support for the guidelines published in 2001, a review of the literature was carried out using the evidence-based approach in order to update the state of the art regarding epidemiology and treatment of traumatic dental injuries in the primary dentition. An online search in Medline, and a review of expert literature, lead to the conclusion that most luxation injuries heal spontaneously, and unless more conclusive evidence is available, conservative treatment of acute dental trauma for preschool children is suggested. Pain control, the dentist's ability to cope with the child's anxiety, and follow-up instructions in oral hygiene techniques will allow many primary teeth that are currently lost at the time of injury to be saved.  相似文献   

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