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Antiretroviral therapy (ART) reduces the infectiousness of HIV-infected persons, but only after testing, linkage to care, and successful viral suppression. Thus, a large proportion of HIV transmission during a period of high infectiousness in the first few months after infection (“early transmission”) is perceived as a threat to the impact of HIV “treatment-as-prevention” strategies. We created a mathematical model of a heterosexual HIV epidemic to investigate how the proportion of early transmission affects the impact of ART on reducing HIV incidence. The model includes stages of HIV infection, flexible sexual mixing, and changes in risk behavior over the epidemic. The model was calibrated to HIV prevalence data from South Africa using a Bayesian framework. Immediately after ART was introduced, more early transmission was associated with a smaller reduction in HIV incidence rate—consistent with the concern that a large amount of early transmission reduces the impact of treatment on incidence. However, the proportion of early transmission was not strongly related to the long-term reduction in incidence. This was because more early transmission resulted in a shorter generation time, in which case lower values for the basic reproductive number (R0) are consistent with observed epidemic growth, and R0 was negatively correlated with long-term intervention impact. The fraction of early transmission depends on biological factors, behavioral patterns, and epidemic stage and alone does not predict long-term intervention impacts. However, early transmission may be an important determinant in the outcome of short-term trials and evaluation of programs.Recent studies have confirmed that effective antiretroviral therapy (ART) reduces the transmission of HIV among stable heterosexual couples (13). This finding has generated interest in understanding the population-level impact of HIV treatment on reducing the rate of new HIV infections in generalized epidemic settings (4). Research, including mathematical modeling (510), implementation research (11), and major randomized controlled trials (1214), are focused on how ART provision might be expanded strategically to maximize its public health benefits (15, 16).One concern is that if a large fraction of HIV transmission occurs shortly after a person becomes infected, before the person can be diagnosed and initiated on ART, this will limit the potential impact of HIV treatment on reducing HIV incidence (9, 17, 18). Data suggest that persons are more infectious during a short period of “early infection” after becoming infected with HIV (1922), although there is debate about the extent, duration, and determinants of elevated infectiousness (18, 23). The amount of transmission that occurs also will depend on patterns of sexual behavior and sexual networks (17, 2427). There have been estimates for the contribution of early infection to transmission from mathematical models (7, 17, 21, 2426) and phylogenetic analyses (2831), but these vary widely, from 5% to above 50% (23).In this study, we use a mathematical model to quantify how the proportion of transmission that comes from persons who have been infected recently affects the impact of treatment scale-up on HIV incidence. The model is calibrated to longitudinal HIV prevalence data from South Africa using a Bayesian framework. Thus, the model accounts for not only the early epidemic growth rate highlighted in previous research (5, 9, 18), but also the heterogeneity and sexual behavior change to explain the peak and decline in HIV incidence observed in sub-Saharan African HIV epidemics (32, 33).The model calibration allows uncertainty about factors that determine the amount of early transmission, including the relative infectiousness during early infection, heterogeneity in propensity for sexual risk behavior, assortativity in sexual partner selection, reduction in risk propensity over the life course, and population-wide reductions in risk behavior in response to the epidemic (32, 33). This results in multiple combinations of parameter values that are consistent with the observed epidemic and variation in the amount of early transmission. We simulated the impact of a treatment intervention and report how the proportion of early transmission correlates with the reduction in HIV incidence from the intervention over the short- and long-term.  相似文献   

Exposure to a novel environment enhances the extinction of contextual fear. This has been explained by tagging of the hippocampal synapses used in extinction, followed by capture of proteins from the synapses that process novelty. The effect is blocked by the inhibition of hippocampal protein synthesis following the novelty or the extinction. Here, we show that it can also be blocked by the postextinction or postnovelty intrahippocampal infusion of the NMDA receptor antagonist 2-amino-5-phosphono pentanoic acid; the inhibitor of calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaMKII), autocamtide-2–related inhibitory peptide; or the blocker of L-voltage–dependent calcium channels (L-VDCCs), nifedipine. Inhibition of proteasomal protein degradation by β-lactacystin has no effect of its own on extinction or on the influence of novelty thereon but blocks the inhibitory effects of all the other substances except that of rapamycin on extinction, suggesting that their action depends on concomitant synaptic protein turnover. Thus, the tagging-and-capture mechanism through which novelty enhances fear extinction involves more molecular processes than hitherto thought: NMDA receptors, L-VDCCs, CaMKII, and synaptic protein turnover.Frey and Morris (1, 2) and their collaborators (37) proposed a mechanism whereby relatively “weak” hippocampal long-term potentiation (LTP) or long-term depression (LTD) lasting only a few minutes can nevertheless “tag” the synapses involved with proteins synthesized ad hoc, so that other plasticity-related proteins (PRPs) produced at other sets of synapses by other LTPs or LTDs can be captured by the tagged synapses and strengthen their activity to “long” LTPs or LTDs lasting hours or days (8). LTDs and LTPs can “cross”-tag each other; that is, LTDs can enhance both LTDs and LTPs, and vice versa (6, 8). Because many learned behaviors rely on hippocampal LTP or LTD (79), among them the processing of novelty (9, 10) and the making of extinction (1113), interactions between consecutive learnings can also be explained by the “tagging-and-capture” hypothesis (9, 10, 13), whose application to behavior became known as “behavioral tagging and capture” (5, 7, 9, 13). Typically, exposure to a novel environment [e.g., a nonanxiogenic 50 × 50 × 40-cm open field (OF) (5, 7, 9, 10, 14)] is interpolated before testing for another task, which becomes enhanced (410, 13). The usual reaction to novelty is orienting and exploration (14), followed by habituation of this response (1416). Habituation is perhaps the simplest form of learning, and it consists of inhibition of the orienting/exploratory response (14, 16).We recently showed that the brief exposure of rats to a novel environment (the OF) within a limited time window enhances the extinction of contextual fear conditioning (CFC) through a mechanism of synaptic tagging and capture (13), which is a previously unidentified example of behavioral tagging of inhibitory learning. Fear extinction is most probably due to LTD in the hippocampus (11, 12), although the possibility that it may also involve LTP is not discarded (13). The enhancement of extinction by novelty probably relies on the habituation to the novel environment, which is also probably due to LTD (15, 16). The enhancement of extinction by the exposure to novelty depends on hippocampal gene expression and ribosomal protein synthesis following extinction training and on both ribosomal and nonribosomal protein synthesis caused by the novel experience (13). Nonribosomal protein synthesis that can be blocked by rapamycin is believed to be dendritic (13, 17), so it would be strategically located for tagging-and-capture processes, but it has not been studied in synaptic tagging to date (38) or in other forms of behavioral tagging (710). As occurs with the interactions between LTPs and/or LTDs (4), the enhancement of extinction by novelty relies on hippocampal but not amygdalar processes (13).Recent findings indicate that several hippocampal processes related to learning and memory, such as the reconsolidation of spatial learning, are highly dependent on NMDA glutamate receptors, calcium/calmodulin protein kinase II (CaMKII), and long-term voltage channel blockers (L-VDCCs), which, in turn, rely on the proteasomal degradation of proteins (18). Here, we study the effects of an NMDA blocker, 2-amino-5-phosphono pentanoic acid (AP5); the L-VDCC blocker nifedipine (Nife); a CaMKII inhibitor, the autocamtide-2–related inhibitory peptide (AIP); and the irreversible proteasome blocker β-lactacystin (12, 13) on the interaction between novelty and extinction (11). As will be seen, we found that both the setting up of tags by extinction and the presumable production of PRPs by the processing of novelty are dependent on NMDA receptors, CaMKII, and L-VDCCs. This endorses and expands the hypothesis that the novelty–extinction interaction relies on synaptic tagging and capture (13).  相似文献   

Kinesin-1 is a dimeric motor protein, central to intracellular transport, that steps hand-over-hand toward the microtubule (MT) plus-end, hydrolyzing one ATP molecule per step. Its remarkable processivity is critical for ferrying cargo within the cell: over 100 successive steps are taken, on average, before dissociation from the MT. Despite considerable work, it is not understood which features coordinate, or “gate,” the mechanochemical cycles of the two motor heads. Here, we show that kinesin dissociation occurs subsequent to, or concomitant with, phosphate (Pi) release following ATP hydrolysis. In optical trapping experiments, we found that increasing the steady-state population of the posthydrolysis ADP·Pi state (by adding free Pi) nearly doubled the kinesin run length, whereas reducing either the ATP binding rate or hydrolysis rate had no effect. The data suggest that, during processive movement, tethered-head binding occurs subsequent to hydrolysis, rather than immediately after ATP binding, as commonly suggested. The structural change driving motility, thought to be neck linker docking, is therefore completed only upon hydrolysis, and not ATP binding. Our results offer additional insights into gating mechanisms and suggest revisions to prevailing models of the kinesin reaction cycle.Since its discovery nearly 30 years ago (1), kinesin-1—the founding member of the kinesin protein superfamily—has emerged as an important model system for studying biological motors (2, 3). During “hand-over-hand” stepping, kinesin dimers alternate between a two–heads-bound (2-HB) state, with both heads attached to the microtubule (MT), and a one–head-bound (1-HB) state, where a single head, termed the tethered head, remains free of the MT (4, 5). The catalytic cycles of the two heads are maintained out of phase by a series of gating mechanisms, thereby enabling the dimer to complete, on average, over 100 steps before dissociating from the MT (68). A key structural element for this coordination is the neck linker (NL), a ∼14-aa segment that connects each catalytic head to a common stalk (9). In the 1-HB state, nucleotide binding is thought to induce a structural reconfiguration of the NL, immobilizing it against the MT-bound catalytic domain (2, 3, 1017). This transition, called “NL docking,” is believed to promote unidirectional motility by biasing the position of the tethered head toward the next MT binding site (2, 3, 1017). The completion of an 8.2-nm step (18) entails the binding of this tethered head to the MT, ATP hydrolysis, and detachment of the trailing head, thereby returning the motor to the ATP-waiting state (2, 3, 1017). Prevailing models of the kinesin mechanochemical cycle (2, 3, 10, 14, 15, 17), which invoke NL docking upon ATP binding, explain the highly directional nature of kinesin motility and offer a compelling outline of the sequence of events following ATP binding. Nevertheless, these abstractions do not speak directly to the branching transitions that determine whether kinesin dissociates from the MT (off-pathway) or continues its processive reaction cycle (on-pathway). The distance moved by an individual motor before dissociating—the run length—is limited by unbinding from the MT. The propensity for a dimer to unbind involves a competition among multiple, force-dependent transitions in the two heads, which are not readily characterized by traditional structural or bulk biochemical approaches. Here, we implemented high-resolution single-molecule optical trapping techniques to determine transitions in the kinesin cycle that govern processivity.  相似文献   

Orientation is a fundamental mental function that processes the relations between the behaving self to space (places), time (events), and person (people). Behavioral and neuroimaging studies have hinted at interrelations between processing of these three domains. To unravel the neurocognitive basis of orientation, we used high-resolution 7T functional MRI as 16 subjects compared their subjective distance to different places, events, or people. Analysis at the individual-subject level revealed cortical activation related to orientation in space, time, and person in a precisely localized set of structures in the precuneus, inferior parietal, and medial frontal cortex. Comparison of orientation domains revealed a consistent order of cortical activity inside the precuneus and inferior parietal lobes, with space orientation activating posterior regions, followed anteriorly by person and then time. Core regions at the precuneus and inferior parietal lobe were activated for multiple orientation domains, suggesting also common processing for orientation across domains. The medial prefrontal cortex showed a posterior activation for time and anterior for person. Finally, the default-mode network, identified in a separate resting-state scan, was active for all orientation domains and overlapped mostly with person-orientation regions. These findings suggest that mental orientation in space, time, and person is managed by a specific brain system with a highly ordered internal organization, closely related to the default-mode network.Orientation in space, time, and person is a fundamental cognitive function and the bedrock of neurological and psychiatric mental status examination (1, 2). Orientation is defined as the “tuning between the subject and the internal representation he forms of the corresponding public reference system”: that is, the external world (1). Although the representation of the external world by means of a cognitive map has been widely investigated (35), the way in which the self refers to this map has yet to be understood. Moreover, the behaving self refers not only to spatial landmarks but also to remembered or imagined events, or to people around, yielding a “cognitive mapping” of the time and person domains of the mental world (2, 69). However, it is still unknown whether mental orientation in space, time, and person relies on similar or distinct neurocognitive systems.Several lines of research support the idea that similar neurocognitive systems underlie orientation in these three domains. Behavioral studies indicate a common psychological metric for proximity estimations (“cognitive distance”) in space, time, and person (7); for example, manipulation of stimuli’s distance in one orientation domain affects the perceived distance in the other two domains (10, 11). Accordingly, a recent neuroimaging study mapped cognitive distance estimations in the three domains to a single region in the inferior parietal lobe (IPL) (12). However, other neuroimaging studies that investigated processing of places, events, and people separately have found activation in brain regions besides the IPL, including the precuneus and posterior cingulate cortices, medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC), and lateral frontal and temporal lobes (6, 1329). Notably, these regions constitute a part of the default-mode network (DMN), a system involved in self-referential processes (24, 3035). These findings suggest a common brain system for orientation across domains, possibly related to the DMN.Clinical observations in patients with disorientation in space, time, and person are less clear: on the one hand, clinical syndromes may involve disorientation in several domains simultaneously, and disorientation disorders in the three domains involve lesions in similar brain regions, usually overlapping with the DMN (1, 2). On the other hand, disorientation may be limited to one specific domain – space, time, or person (2, 3640). In addition, patients with traumatic brain injury or after electro-convulsive therapy regain their orientation gradually, from personal to spatial and temporal orientation (41, 42) whereas patients with Alzheimer’s disease typically lose orientation in time first, then in place, and then in person, suggesting that partially separate systems underlie orientation in each domain.Here, we investigated the neurocognitive system underlying orientation in space, time, and person and its relation to the DMN. To this aim, we used a mental-orientation task, with individually tailored stimuli in the space (places), time (events), and person (people) domains. To gain high anatomical specificity, we used high-resolution 7-Tesla functional MRI (fMRI). To capitalize on the spatial acuity of the high-resolution fMRI, we applied a strategy of analyzing each subject individually in native space and combined the results to compare activations for the three domains. Finally, we compared our results to the DMN as identified in each individual subject by analysis of resting-state fMRI. We hypothesized that orientation across different domains relies on a shared “core” brain system, in close relation to the DMN, yet orientation in specific domains may involve additional specialized subsystems.  相似文献   

Actin polymerization powers the directed motility of eukaryotic cells. Sustained motility requires rapid filament turnover and subunit recycling. The essential regulatory protein cofilin accelerates network remodeling by severing actin filaments and increasing the concentration of ends available for elongation and subunit exchange. Although cofilin effects on actin filament assembly dynamics have been extensively studied, the molecular mechanism of cofilin-induced filament severing is not understood. Here we demonstrate that actin filament severing by vertebrate cofilin is driven by the linked dissociation of a single cation that controls filament structure and mechanical properties. Vertebrate cofilin only weakly severs Saccharomyces cerevisiae actin filaments lacking this “stiffness cation” unless a stiffness cation-binding site is engineered into the actin molecule. Moreover, vertebrate cofilin rescues the viability of a S. cerevisiae cofilin deletion mutant only when the stiffness cation site is simultaneously introduced into actin, demonstrating that filament severing is the essential function of cofilin in cells. This work reveals that site-specific interactions with cations serve a key regulatory function in actin filament fragmentation and dynamics.Actin polymerization powers the directed motility of eukaryotic cells and some pathogenic bacteria (13). Actin assembly also plays critical roles in endocytosis, cytokinesis, and establishment of cell polarity. Sustained motility requires filament disassembly and subunit recycling. The essential regulatory protein cofilin severs actin filaments (46), which accelerates actin network reorganization by increasing the concentration of filament ends available for subunit exchange (7).Cofilin binding alters the structure and mechanical properties of filaments, which effectively introduces local “defects” that compromise filament integrity and promote severing (5). Filaments with bound cofilin have altered twist (8, 9) and are more compliant in both bending and twisting than bare filaments (1013). It has been suggested that deformations in filament shape promote fragmentation at or near regions of topological and mechanical discontinuities, such as boundaries between bare and cofilin-decorated segments along partially decorated filaments (5, 12, 1418).Cations modulate actin filament structure and mechanical properties (19) and cofilin dissociates filament-associated cations (20), leading us to hypothesize that cation-binding interactions regulate filament severing by cofilin. Cations bind filaments at two discrete and specific sites positioned between adjacent subunits along the long-pitch helix of the filament (19, 21). These cation binding sites are referred to as “polymerization” and “stiffness” sites based on their roles in filament assembly and mechanics, respectively. These discrete sites bind both monovalent and divalent cations with a range of affinities (low millimolar for divalent and tens of millimolar for monovalent cations) (19, 21) but are predominantly occupied by Mg2+ and K+ under physiological conditions. Here we demonstrate that cation release from the stiffness site plays a central role in filament severing by vertebrate cofilin, both in vitro and in cells.  相似文献   

Prokaryotes encode adaptive immune systems, called CRISPR-Cas (clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats–CRISPR associated), to provide resistance against mobile invaders, such as viruses and plasmids. Host immunity is based on incorporation of invader DNA sequences in a memory locus (CRISPR), the formation of guide RNAs from this locus, and the degradation of cognate invader DNA (protospacer). Invaders can escape type I-E CRISPR-Cas immunity in Escherichia coli K12 by making point mutations in the seed region of the protospacer or its adjacent motif (PAM), but hosts quickly restore immunity by integrating new spacers in a positive-feedback process termed “priming.” Here, by using a randomized protospacer and PAM library and high-throughput plasmid loss assays, we provide a systematic analysis of the constraints of both direct interference and subsequent priming in E. coli. We have defined a high-resolution genetic map of direct interference by Cascade and Cas3, which includes five positions of the protospacer at 6-nt intervals that readily tolerate mutations. Importantly, we show that priming is an extremely robust process capable of using degenerate target regions, with up to 13 mutations throughout the PAM and protospacer region. Priming is influenced by the number of mismatches, their position, and is nucleotide dependent. Our findings imply that even outdated spacers containing many mismatches can induce a rapid primed CRISPR response against diversified or related invaders, giving microbes an advantage in the coevolutionary arms race with their invaders.Bacteria and Archaea are regularly exposed to bacteriophages and other mobile genetic elements, such as plasmids. To control the competing effects of horizontal gene transfer, a spectrum of resistance strategies have evolved in prokaryotes (1). One of the most widespread and well-characterized are the CRISPR-Cas (clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats–CRISPR-associated) systems, which provide bacterial “adaptive immunity” (18). Simply, CRISPR-Cas functions in three major steps. First, in a process termed “adaptation,” short sequences are derived from the invading element and incorporated into a CRISPR array (9). CRISPR arrays are composed of short repeats that are separated by the foreign-derived sequences, termed “spacers.” Second, CRISPRs are transcribed into a pre-CRISPR RNA (pre-crRNA), which is then processed into short crRNAs, which encompass portions of the repeats and most—or all—of the spacer. Finally, as part of a Cas ribonucleoprotein complex, the crRNAs guide a sequence-specific targeting of complementary nucleic acids (for recent reviews, see refs. 17).CRISPR-Cas systems are divided into three major types (I–III) and further categorized into subtypes (e.g., I-A to I-F) (10). The mechanisms of both crRNA generation and interference differ between the types and there are even significant differences between closely related subtypes. However, Cas1 and Cas2 are the only two Cas proteins completely conserved across all CRISPR-Cas systems and they are crucial for adaptation in Escherichia coli (1012). The acquisition of new spacers is the most poorly understood stage in CRISPR-Cas immunity, mainly hindered by the paucity of robust laboratory assays to monitor this process (reviewed in ref. 9). Streptococcus thermophilus is highly proficient at spacer acquisition and provided much of the early insight into adaptation, showing that new spacers are typically acquired at one end of the CRISPR array from either phages (1315) or plasmids (16). Recently, spacer acquisition has been detected in a variety of other systems (11, 12, 1720). Adjacent to the expanding end of the array is the leader region, which harbors the promoter for pre-crRNA expression and sequences important for spacer acquisition (12, 21). Recent studies in E. coli in the type I-E system have shown that spacer acquisition can occur from phages and plasmids either when the Cas1 and Cas2 proteins are overexpressed or if the native cas genes are up-regulated, because of deletion of hns (11, 12, 2022). The DNA targets (termed “protospacers”) of newly acquired spacers are consistently flanked by protospacer-adjacent motifs (PAMs), with the E. coli type I-E consensus 5′-protospacer-CTT-3′. PAMs were originally identified computationally (23) and were shown to play a role in interference in an early study (14). The importance of PAMs in the recognition and selection of precursor-spacers (prespacers) during adaptation was demonstrated unequivocally using assays that were independent of interference (12, 21). The simple overexpression of Cas1 and Cas2, in the absence of other cas genes, demonstrated these are the only Cas proteins essential for adaptation and are likely to recognize PAMs (12).Adaptation consists of two related stages, termed “naïve” and “primed” (9). Naïve adaptation occurs when a bacterium harboring a CRISPR-Cas system is infected by a new foreign element that it has not previously encountered. Although the acquisition of a new spacer can result in effective protection from the element, point mutations within the protospacer or PAM allow the element to escape CRISPR-Cas targeting (14, 24, 25). This aspect had been viewed as a weakness of CRISPR-Cas interference, but recent studies show that a positive feedback loop—called priming—occurs, which enables one or more new spacers to be acquired (11, 20, 22). Specifically, single mutations within either the PAM or the seed region of the protospacer, although inactive for interference, promote the rapid acquisition of new spacers from the same target (11). Priming is proposed to allow an effective response against viral or plasmid escapees through the incorporation of new spacers. Unlike naïve adaptation, priming is more complex, and in type I-E systems requires Cas1, Cas2, crRNA, the targeting complex termed Cascade [CRISPR-associated complex for antiviral defence, composed of Cse1, Cse2, Cas7, Cas5, and Cas6e (2628)] and the Cas3 nuclease/helicase (11). Interestingly, the vast majority of spacers acquired through priming are derived from the same DNA strand as the original priming spacer (11, 20, 22). In addition, priming in E. coli was abolished by two mutations in the protospacer and PAM regions (11).In this study, we generated a mutagenic variant library of a protospacer and PAM region and used both individual high-throughput plasmid-loss assays and next-generation sequencing to determine the limits of both direct interference and indirect interference through priming. Our results demonstrate that direct interference tolerates mutations mostly at very specific positions in the protospacer, whereas priming tolerates extensive mutation of the PAM and protospacer regions. The results have wide evolutionary consequences for primed acquisition and could explain the retention of multiple “older” spacers in CRISPR arrays.  相似文献   

The complex kinetics of Pi and ADP release by the chaperonin GroEL/GroES is influenced by the presence of unfolded substrate protein (SP). Without SP, the kinetics of Pi release are described by four phases: a “lag,” a “burst” of ATP hydrolysis by the nascent cis ring, a “delay” caused by ADP release from the nascent trans ring, and steady-state ATP hydrolysis. The release of Pi precedes the release of ADP. The rate-determining step of the asymmetric cycle is the release of ADP from the trans ring of the GroEL-GroES1 “bullet” complex that is, consequently, the predominant species. In the asymmetric cycle, the two rings of GroEL function alternately, 180° out of phase. In the presence of SP, a change in the kinetic mechanism occurs. With SP present, the kinetics of ADP release are also described by four phases: a lag, a “surge” of ADP release attributable to SP-induced ADP/ATP exchange, and a “pause” during which symmetrical “football” particles are formed, followed by steady-state ATP hydrolysis. SP catalyzes ADP/ATP exchange on the trans ring. Now ADP release precedes the release of Pi, and the rate-determining step of the symmetric cycle becomes the hydrolysis of ATP by the symmetric GroEL-GroES2 football complex that is, consequently, the predominant species. A FRET-based analysis confirms that asymmetric GroEL-GroES1 bullets predominate in the absence of SP, whereas symmetric GroEL-GroES2 footballs predominate in the presence of SP. This evidence suggests that symmetrical football particles are the folding functional form of the chaperonin machine in vivo.The GroEL/GroES chaperonin machine is an indispensable, cellular device of exquisite complexity (13). Ultimately driven by the hydrolysis of ATP, it optimizes the folding of unfolded, client proteins under conditions where that thermodynamically favorable process does not occur (4). GroEL, the “engine,” comprises two heptameric rings stacked back-to-back. Its subunits consist of equatorial, intermediate, and apical domains, which move in a concerted, rigid-body manner, swiveling on hinges located at the domain interfaces (5, 6). Each ring cycles through a progression of allosterically controlled conformational states in response to the binding of adenosine nucleotides and their associated metal ions, Mg2+ and K+, the cochaperonin GroES, and, when present, the substrate protein (SP) (13). GroES functions like the lid on a cooking pot, transiently encapsulating a single molecule of SP, within the GroEL ring, the so-called Anfinsen cage (7). However, the SP does not remain encapsulated. Instead, with each chaperonin hemicycle, specifically in response to the binding of ATP to the opposite ring, first GroES and then SP is released, regardless of whether or not the SP has progressed to the folded state (8).Based mostly on studies of GroEL/GroES in the absence of SP, one of us (G.H.L.) likened its behavior to that of a two-stroke motor (9). The two rings operate ∼180° out of phase with one another, hydrolyzing ATP alternately. The rate-determining step in the hemicycle is the dissociation of the product ADP from the asymmetric resting-state complex that, consequently, is the predominant species in solution (10, 11). However, the two-stroke motor analogy is misleading; it is true only in the absence of SP. We demonstrate here an altogether different kinetic mechanism that emerges in the presence of SP. Now, the two rings operate almost, but not quite, in phase with one another, hydrolyzing ATP simultaneously at a rate close to its intrinsic activity. We show that SP accelerates nucleotide exchange that leads to the formation of symmetrical GroEL-GroES2 particles. These symmetrical particles become the predominant species in solution because in the presence of SP, their formation precedes the rate-determining step, the hydrolysis of ATP that remains largely unaffected by the presence of SP. These results challenge several items of chaperonin dogma: (i) that the binding of ATP precedes the binding of SP (12); (ii) that in the absence of SP, the dissociation of the product ADP is not the rate-determining under physiological conditions (13); (iii) that the occupancy of one GroEL ring with ATP precludes the binding of ATP to the other ring (14); and (iv) that these symmetrical particles are artifacts (15, 16) or irrelevant (14, 17). On the contrary, they lend support to proposals (8, 1831) that they are a/the functional form in chaperonin-facilitated protein folding.  相似文献   

γ-Secretase is an intramembrane-cleaving protease that processes many type-I integral membrane proteins within the lipid bilayer, an event preceded by shedding of most of the substrate’s ectodomain by α- or β-secretases. The mechanism by which γ-secretase selectively recognizes and recruits ectodomain-shed substrates for catalysis remains unclear. In contrast to previous reports that substrate is actively recruited for catalysis when its remaining short ectodomain interacts with the nicastrin component of γ-secretase, we find that substrate ectodomain is entirely dispensable for cleavage. Instead, γ-secretase–substrate binding is driven by an apparent tight-binding interaction derived from substrate transmembrane domain, a mechanism in stark contrast to rhomboid—another family of intramembrane-cleaving proteases. Disruption of the nicastrin fold allows for more efficient cleavage of substrates retaining longer ectodomains, indicating that nicastrin actively excludes larger substrates through steric hindrance, thus serving as a molecular gatekeeper for substrate binding and catalysis.Regulated intramembrane proteolysis (RIP) involves the cleavage of a wide variety of integral membrane proteins within their transmembrane domains (TMDs) by a highly diverse family of intramembrane-cleaving proteases (I-CLiPs) (1). I-CLiPs are found in all forms of life and govern many important biological functions, including but not limited to organism development (2), lipid homeostasis (3), the unfolded protein response (4), and bacterial quorum sensing (5). As the name implies, RIP must be tightly regulated to ensure that the resultant signaling events occur only when prompted by the cell and to prevent cleavage of the many nonsubstrate “bystander” proteins present within cellular membranes. Despite this, very little is known about the molecular mechanisms by which I-CLiPs achieve their exquisite specificity. Although traditional soluble proteases maintain substrate specificity by recognizing distinct amino acid sequences flanking the scissile bond, substrates for intramembrane proteases have little to no sequence similarity.Recent work on rhomboid proteases has demonstrated that this family of I-CLiPs achieves substrate specificity via a mechanism that is dependent on the transmembrane dynamics of the substrate rather than its sequence of amino acids (6, 7). Here, rhomboid possesses a very weak binding affinity for substrate and, in a rate-driven reaction, only cleaves those substrates that have unstable TMD helices that have had time to unfold into the catalytic active site, where they are cleaved before they can dissociate from the enzyme–substrate complex. Although it may be tempting to speculate that this is a conserved mechanism for all I-CLiPs, rhomboid is the only family of I-CLiPs that does not require prior activation of substrate through an initial cleavage by another protease (8). Specifically, site-2 protease substrates must be first cleaved by site-1 protease (9), signal peptide peptidase substrates are first cleaved by signal peptidase (10), and ectodomain shedding by α- or β-secretase is required before γ-secretase cleavage of its substrates (11, 12). These facts suggest that the diverse families of I-CLiPs likely have evolved fundamentally different mechanisms by which they recognize and cleave their substrates.Presenilin/γ-secretase is the founding member of the aspartyl family of I-CLiPs. The importance of γ-secretase function in biology and medicine is highlighted by its cleavage of the notch family of receptors, which is required for cell fate determination in all metazoans (2, 1316), and of the amyloid precursor protein (APP), which is centrally implicated in Alzheimer’s disease (AD) (14, 17). In addition to APP and notch, γ-secretase has over 90 other reported substrates, many of which are involved in important signaling events (12, 18). Despite this, little is known about the mechanism by which γ-secretase binds and cleaves its substrates. Currently, the only known prerequisite for a substrate to be bound and hydrolyzed by γ-secretase is that it be a type-I integral membrane protein that first has most of its ectodomain removed by a sheddase, either α- or β-secretases (11, 12, 19). How γ-secretase selectively recognizes ectodomain-shed substrates and recruits them for catalysis while at the same time preventing cleavage of nonsubstrates remains unsettled.γ-Secretase is a multimeric complex composed of four integral membrane proteins both necessary and sufficient for full activity: presenilin, nicastrin, Aph-1, and Pen-2 (2024). Presenilin is the proteolytic component, housing catalytic aspartates on TMDs 6 and 7 of its nine TMDs (17, 25, 26). After initial complex formation, the mature proteolytically active complex is formed when presenilin undergoes auto-proteolysis, resulting in N- and C-terminal fragments (NTF and CTF, respectively) (17, 27, 28), a process thought to be stimulated by the three-TMD component Pen-2 (29). The seven-TMD protein Aph-1 is believed to play a scaffolding role in complex formation (30, 31). Nicastrin is a type-I integral membrane protein with a large, heavily glycosylated ectodomain (3234) that contains multiple stabilizing disulfide bridges (24, 34).The ectodomain of nicastrin is structurally homologous to a bacterial amino peptidase (34). Although nicastrin lacks the specific amino acids required for peptidase activity, it has been proposed to bind the N terminus of ectodomain-shed substrate, thereby directing substrate TMD to the γ-secretase active site for cleavage (35, 36). This mechanism has been suggested to depend on a key binding interaction between the free amine at the N terminus of the shortened substrate ectodomain and E333 of the vestigial amino peptidase domain of nicastrin (35, 36). However, the importance of nicastrin in substrate recognition has been questioned (37, 38), and although an initial high-resolution structure of γ-secretase suggested a role for nicastrin in substrate recognition (24), the most recent structures of the γ-secretase complex and the nicastrin ectodomain reveal that E333 is actually buried within the interior of nicastrin and resides on the opposite side of the complex relative to the active site (39, 40). Although this makes it unlikely that nicastrin is involved in direct substrate binding barring a large, energy-intensive conformational change, the basic mechanism of substrate recognition by γ-secretase remains controversial and requires resolution.Here, we demonstrate that nicastrin functions to sterically exclude substrates based on ectodomain size rather than actively recruit them for catalysis. This blocking mechanism allows γ-secretase to distinguish substrate from nonsubstrate and explains why substrate ectodomain shedding by α- or β-secretases is a prerequisite for γ-secretase catalysis. In contrast to rhomboid, γ-secretase apparently binds substrate TMD tightly, making the nicastrin steric hindrance mechanism necessary to prevent cleavage of nonectodomain-shed substrates and nonsubstrates alike.  相似文献   

Global analysis of gene expression via RNA sequencing was conducted for trisomics for the left arm of chromosome 2 (2L) and compared with the normal genotype. The predominant response of genes on 2L was dosage compensation in that similar expression occurred in the trisomic compared with the diploid control. However, the male and female trisomic/normal expression ratio distributions for 2L genes differed in that females also showed a strong peak of genes with increased expression and males showed a peak of reduced expression relative to the opposite sex. For genes in other autosomal regions, the predominant response to trisomy was reduced expression to the inverse of the altered chromosomal dosage (2/3), but a minor peak of increased expression in females and further reduced expression in males were also found, illustrating a sexual dimorphism for the response to aneuploidy. Moreover, genes with sex-biased expression as revealed by comparing amounts in normal males and females showed responses of greater magnitude to trisomy 2L, suggesting that the genes involved in dosage-sensitive aneuploid effects also influence sex-biased expression. Each autosomal chromosome arm responded to 2L trisomy similarly, but the ratio distributions for X-linked genes were distinct in both sexes, illustrating an X chromosome-specific response to aneuploidy.Changes in chromosomal dosage have long been known to affect the phenotype or viability of an organism (14). Altering the dosage of individual chromosomes typically has a greater impact than varying the whole genome (57). This general rule led to the concept of “genomic balance” in that dosage changes of part of the genome produce a nonoptimal relationship of gene products. The interpretation afforded these observations was that genes on the aneuploid chromosome produce a dosage effect for the amount of gene product present in the cell (8).However, when gene expression studies were conducted on aneuploids, it became known that transacting modulations of gene product amounts were also more prevalent with aneuploidy than with whole-genome changes (914). Assays of enzyme activities, protein, and RNA levels revealed that any one chromosomal segment could modulate in trans the expression of genes throughout the genome (915). These modulations could be positively or negatively correlated with the changed chromosomal segment dosage, but inverse correlations were the most common (1013). For genes on the varied segment, not only were dosage effects observed, but dosage compensation was also observed, which results from a cancelation of gene dosage effects by inverse effects operating simultaneously on the varied genes (9, 10, 1418). This circumstance results in “autosomal” dosage compensation (14, 1618). Studies of trisomic X chromosomes examining selected endogenous genes or global RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) studies illustrate that the inverse effect can also account for sex chromosome dosage compensation in Drosophila (15, 1921). In concert, autosomal genes are largely inversely affected by trisomy of the X chromosome (15, 19, 21).The dosage effects of aneuploidy can be reduced to the action of single genes whose functions tend to be involved in heterogeneous aspects of gene regulation but which have in common membership in macromolecular complexes (8, 2224). This fact led to the hypothesis that genomic imbalance effects result from the altered stoichiometry of subunits that affects the function of the whole and that occurs from partial but not whole-genome dosage change (8, 2225). Genomic balance also affects the evolutionary trajectory of duplicate genes differently based on whether the mode of duplication is partial or whole-genome (22, 23).Here we used RNA-seq to examine global patterns of gene expression in male and female larvae trisomic for the left arm of chromosome 2 (2L). The results demonstrate the strong prevalence of aneuploidy dosage compensation and of transacting inverse effects. Furthermore, because both trisomic males and females could be examined, a sexual dimorphism of the aneuploid response was discovered. Also, the response of the X chromosome to trisomy 2L was found to be distinct from that of the autosomes, illustrating an X chromosome-specific effect. Genes with sex-biased expression, as determined by comparing normal males and females, responded more strongly to trisomy 2L. Collectively, the results illustrate the prevalence of the inverse dosage effect in trisomic Drosophila and suggest that the X chromosome has evolved a distinct response to genomic imbalance as would be expected under the hypothesis that X chromosome dosage compensation uses the inverse dosage effect as part of its mechanism (15).  相似文献   

The Beijing family is the most successful genotype of Mycobacterium tuberculosis and responsible for more than a quarter of the global tuberculosis epidemic. As the predominant genotype in East Asia, the Beijing family has been emerging in various areas of the world and is often associated with disease outbreaks and antibiotic resistance. Revealing the origin and historical dissemination of this strain family is important for understanding its current global success. Here we characterized the global diversity of this family based on whole-genome sequences of 358 Beijing strains. We show that the Beijing strains endemic in East Asia are genetically diverse, whereas the globally emerging strains mostly belong to a more homogenous subtype known as “modern” Beijing. Phylogeographic and coalescent analyses indicate that the Beijing family most likely emerged around 30,000 y ago in southern East Asia, and accompanied the early colonization by modern humans in this area. By combining the genomic data and genotyping result of 1,793 strains from across China, we found the “modern” Beijing sublineage experienced massive expansions in northern China during the Neolithic era and subsequently spread to other regions following the migration of Han Chinese. Our results support a parallel evolution of the Beijing family and modern humans in East Asia. The dominance of the “modern” Beijing sublineage in East Asia and its recent global emergence are most likely driven by its hypervirulence, which might reflect adaption to increased human population densities linked to the agricultural transition in northern China.Tuberculosis has plagued human beings since ancient times and remains a leading cause of global morbidity and mortality. The causative agent of human tuberculosis is the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (MTBC), a group of organisms that harbor little genetic diversity compared with other bacteria (1). MTBC most likely originated in Africa, although its age is being debated (24). The human-adapted MTBC is highly clonal and is classified into seven main phylogenetic groups, designated lineage 1 through lineage 7 (2). These seven lineages show strong biogeographic associations that have been proposed to result from codiversification with different human populations (2, 5). Lineage 2 that dominates in East Asia is one of the most successful MTBC variants; more than a quarter of the global tuberculosis epidemic is caused by this lineage (6, 7). Lineage 2 contains strains that mostly belong to the so-called Beijing family (8, 9). This strain family has attracted great attentions due to its global emergence in recent decades (6, 7, 1012), its tendency to cause disease outbreak (1317), and its association with antibiotic resistance (12, 18). Experimental and clinical evidences suggest a hypervirulent phenotype of Beijing strains (12, 19), and a higher mutation rate compared with other strains (20).According to genotyping data from previous molecular-epidemiology studies, most Beijing strains from widespread geographic areas showed a remarkable degree of genetic similarity (6, 21), suggesting this strain family might have emerged from recent expansions. It was hypothesized that vaccination with Bacille Calmette Guerin (bacillus Calmette–Guérin) that has been widely implemented in East Asian countries might be the force driving the dominance of this strain family in this area (21). Moreover, the global emergence of the Beijing family may have been due to its hypervirulence and association with drug resistance (7, 18). However, there were discrepant results regarding the relative protective effect of bacillus Calmette–Guérin vaccination against Beijing strains from animal infection experiments (19), and many epidemiological studies failed to find any association between bacillus Calmette–Guérin vaccination and Beijing strains (2225). The link between drug resistance and the Beijing family has primarily been observed in regions where this family has emerged recently (e.g., Cuba, South Africa, countries of the former Soviet Union) but not in East Asian, where the Beijing family has been endemic for a long time (18, 26). Furthermore, more recent studies indicate that the expansion of the Beijing family may have started long before the introduction of vaccination and antibiotic treatment (2, 3, 27).With the increased availability of genotyping data, the Beijing strains were proved more heterogeneous than initially estimated, and several Beijing sublineages have been identified (2831). However, a full understanding of the genetic diversity of Beijing family is constrained by the low amount of nucleotide variation (8, 32). Whole-genome sequencing provides an ideal tool to study the genetic diversity of MTBC, and new insights into the origin and evolution of MTBC have been gained (2, 4, 20, 3335). The genomic diversity of Beijing family was initially studied in a most recent study, in which a general East Asian origin and recent expansions of this strain family were suggested (36). However, the details about the origin and primary dissemination of Beijing family remain unclear. Answering of these questions is important to better understand the virulence of this lineage and its global success. Here, we combined whole-genome sequencing of key strains with detailed single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) typing of a large collection of clinical MTBC strains isolated from across China. Our results strongly support a southern East Asian origin of the MTBC Beijing family and suggest a parallel evolution of this family with modern humans in East Asia during the last 30,000 y.  相似文献   

Sequential activity of multineuronal spiking can be observed during theta and high-frequency ripple oscillations in the hippocampal CA1 region and is linked to experience, but the mechanisms underlying such sequences are unknown. We compared multineuronal spiking during theta oscillations, spontaneous ripples, and focal optically induced high-frequency oscillations (“synthetic” ripples) in freely moving mice. Firing rates and rate modulations of individual neurons, and multineuronal sequences of pyramidal cell and interneuron spiking, were correlated during theta oscillations, spontaneous ripples, and synthetic ripples. Interneuron spiking was crucial for sequence consistency. These results suggest that participation of single neurons and their sequential order in population events are not strictly determined by extrinsic inputs but also influenced by local-circuit properties, including synapses between local neurons and single-neuron biophysics.A hypothesized hallmark of cognition is self-organized sequential activation of neuronal assemblies (1). Self-organized neuronal sequences have been observed in several cortical structures (25) and neuronal models (67). In the hippocampus, sequential activity of place cells (8) may be induced by external landmarks perceived by the animal during spatial navigation (9) and conveyed to CA1 by the upstream CA3 region or layer 3 of the entorhinal cortex (10). Internally generated sequences have been also described in CA1 during theta oscillations in memory tasks (4, 11), raising the possibility that a given neuronal substrate is responsible for generating sequences at multiple time scales. The extensive recurrent excitatory collateral system of the CA3 region has been postulated to be critical in this process (4, 7, 12, 13).The sequential activity of place cells is “replayed” during sharp waves (SPW) in a temporally compressed form compared with rate modulation of place cells (1420) and may arise from the CA3 recurrent excitatory networks during immobility and slow wave sleep. The SPW-related convergent depolarization of CA1 neurons gives rise to a local, fast oscillatory event in the CA1 region (“ripple,” 140–180 Hz; refs. 8 and 21). Selective elimination of ripples during or after learning impairs memory performance (2224), suggesting that SPW ripple-related replay assists memory consolidation (12, 13). Although the local origin of the ripple oscillations is well demonstrated (25, 26), it has been tacitly assumed that the ripple-associated, sequentially ordered firing of CA1 neurons is synaptically driven by the upstream CA3 cell assemblies (12, 15), largely because excitatory recurrent collaterals in the CA1 region are sparse (27). However, sequential activity may also emerge by local mechanisms, patterned by the different biophysical properties of CA1 pyramidal cells and their interactions with local interneurons, which discharge at different times during a ripple (2830). A putative function of the rich variety of interneurons is temporal organization of principal cell spiking (2932). We tested the “local-circuit” hypothesis by comparing the probability of participation and sequential firing of CA1 neurons during theta oscillations, natural spontaneous ripple events, and “synthetic” ripples induced by local optogenetic activation of pyramidal neurons.  相似文献   

Using calibrated FRET, we show that the simultaneous occupancy of both rings of GroEL by ATP and GroES occurs, leading to the rapid formation of symmetric GroEL:GroES2 “football” particles regardless of the presence or absence of substrate protein (SP). In the absence of SP, these symmetric particles revert to asymmetric GroEL:GroES1 “bullet” particles. The breakage of GroES symmetry requires the stochastic hydrolysis of ATP and the breakage of nucleotide symmetry. These asymmetric particles are both persistent and dynamic; they turnover via the asymmetric cycle. When challenged with SP, however, they revert to symmetric particles within a second. In the presence of SP, the symmetric particles are also persistent and dynamic. They turn over via the symmetric cycle. Under these conditions, the stochastic hydrolysis of ATP and the breakage of nucleotide symmetry also occur within the ensemble of particles. However, on account of SP-catalyzed ADP/ATP exchange, GroES symmetry is rapidly restored. The residence time of both GroES and SP on functional GroEL is reduced to ∼1 s, enabling many more iterations than was previously believed possible, consistent with the iterative annealing mechanism. This result is inconsistent with currently accepted models. Using a foldable SP, we show that as the SP folds to the native state and the population of unfolded SP declines, the population of symmetric particles reverts to asymmetric particles in parallel, a result that is consistent with the former being the folding functional form.GroEL plays a central role in the function of the GroEL/GroES nanomachine. It binds unfolded proteins, transiently encapsulates them under the GroES “lid,” and then releases them to the external medium, this cycle of events being driven by the hydrolysis of ATP (1, 2). GroEL, however, consists of two heptameric rings, and some controversy has arisen as to whether each ring operates alternately via an asymmetric cycle or simultaneously via a symmetric cycle. In the former case, GroEL engages one GroES at a time and the predominant species is the asymmetric GroEL:GroES1 “bullet” complex whereas, in the latter, symmetric GroEL:GroES2 “football” particles predominate in the symmetric cycle (figure 9 in ref. 4) (3, 4). Nevertheless, the asymmetric cycle, championed by leading authorities (5, 6), has become the widely accepted model of chaperonin function, promulgated in recent textbooks (7, 8) despite much evidence (921) that assigns a role to the symmetric football particles. However, the involvement of these symmetric particles in chaperonin function has been questioned on the basis of three items of chaperonin dogma: (i) that the formation of symmetric GroEL:GroES2 particles and polypeptide binding are mutually exclusive (22, 23); (ii) the belief that, because of negative cooperativity, “when one GroEL ring binds ATP, the other ring cannot also do so” (5); and (iii) that the chaperonin ATPase cycle turns over at the same rate in the presence of substrate protein as it does in its absence. Here, we report results that refute these dogmas. In the presence of GroES, the biologically relevant state, simultaneous occupancy of both rings of GroEL by ATP can readily be demonstrated and leads to the rapid (within a second) formation of symmetric GroEL:GroES2 particles both in the presence and in the absence of substrate protein (SP), a time at which only ∼3 of the 14 ATPs have undergone hydrolysis. In the absence of SP, however, these symmetric particles revert to asymmetric GroEL:GroES1 particles, a reaction that requires the stochastic hydrolysis of ATP and the breakage of nucleotide symmetry. These asymmetric particles are both persistent and dynamic; they turnover via the asymmetric cycle (3, 4). When challenged with SP, however, they revert to symmetric particles within a second. In the presence of SP, the symmetric particles are also persistent and dynamic. They turn over via the symmetric cycle (figure 9 in ref. 4) (3, 4). Under these conditions, the stochastic hydrolysis of ATP and the breakage of nucleotide symmetry also occur within the ensemble of particles. However, on account of SP-catalyzed ADP/ATP exchange (4), GroES symmetry is rapidly restored. Using a foldable SP, we show that as the SP folds to the native state and the population of unfolded SP declines, the population of symmetric particles reverts to asymmetric particles in parallel, a result that is consistent with the former being the folding functional form.  相似文献   

Vesicle recycling is pivotal for maintaining reliable synaptic signaling, but its basic properties remain poorly understood. Here, we developed an approach to quantitatively analyze the kinetics of vesicle recycling with exquisite signal and temporal resolution at the calyx of Held synapse. The combination of this electrophysiological approach with electron microscopy revealed that ∼80% of vesicles (∼270,000 out of ∼330,000) in the nerve terminal are involved in recycling. Under sustained stimulation, recycled vesicles start to be reused in tens of seconds when ∼47% of the preserved vesicles in the recycling pool (RP) are depleted. The heterogeneity of vesicle recycling as well as two kinetic components of RP depletion revealed the existence of a replenishable pool of vesicles before the priming stage and led to a realistic kinetic model that assesses the size of the subpools of the RP. Thus, our study quantified the kinetics of vesicle recycling and kinetically dissected the whole vesicle pool in the calyceal terminal into the readily releasable pool (∼0.6%), the readily priming pool (∼46%), the premature pool (∼33%), and the resting pool (∼20%).Synaptic vesicle recycling ensures synaptic transmission during sustained neuronal activity (13). Despite its crucial role, the cycle is poorly understood. In contrast to vesicle exocytosis and endocytosis, which can be directly assayed by presynaptic capacitance measurements and postsynaptic current recordings, vesicle recycling is usually investigated by fluorescence imaging and electron microscopy (EM) with limited signal or temporal resolution (47). Likely owing to technical difficulties, the basic properties of vesicle recycling, such as the size of the recycling pool (RP) (3, 6, 811), the kinetics of vesicle recycling (6, 812), and how the RP supports synaptic transmission (1, 1315) remain to be elucidated. Classically, presynaptic vesicles can be functionally divided into three populations: the readily releasable pool (RRP), the reserve pool, and the resting pool (3, 16, 17). The RRP is defined as being composed of docked and immediately releasable vesicles (17), which are usually depleted by high-frequency stimulation, prolonged presynaptic depolarization, or the application of hypertonic solution (1821). The reserve pool functions as a reservoir and serves to maintain vesicle refilling into the RRP (2, 3). These two pools together are commonly referred to as the RP. The resting pool serves as a depot of vesicles for backup use (16, 22). However, it has been debated for a decade whether nerve terminals use the majority (∼100%, from electrophysiology) or only a small fraction (5–40%, from fluorescence imaging and EM) of vesicles in recycling, and whether the RP size undergoes dynamic changes during varied neuronal activity (6, 7, 2328).The use of vesicles in recycling is a critical determinant of synaptic transmission (1, 1315). However, it has never been rigorously determined how fast recently recaptured vesicles are organized to recycle and whether vesicles in the RP are homogeneously ready for use (25). Two forms of vesicle retrieval, “kiss-and-run” and full collapse, have been reported for many years. It is still ambiguous whether the rapidly recaptured vesicles in the kiss-and-run mode can be rapidly reused (2931).Here, we addressed the above issues by developing a new approach to quantify the basic properties of vesicle recycling with unparalleled precision. Different from previous studies in cultured cell systems, the present work combined electrophysiological measurements and EM observations at the calyx of Held synapse in acute brain slices, quantitatively analyzed synaptic vesicle recycling, and kinetically dissected the recycling vesicle pool. We propose a realistic kinetic model and provide new insights into the mechanism that ensures rate-limited but sustainable synaptic transmission.  相似文献   

The Michaelis–Menten equation provides a hundred-year-old prediction by which any increase in the rate of substrate unbinding will decrease the rate of enzymatic turnover. Surprisingly, this prediction was never tested experimentally nor was it scrutinized using modern theoretical tools. Here we show that unbinding may also speed up enzymatic turnover—turning a spotlight to the fact that its actual role in enzymatic catalysis remains to be determined experimentally. Analytically constructing the unbinding phase space, we identify four distinct categories of unbinding: inhibitory, excitatory, superexcitatory, and restorative. A transition in which the effect of unbinding changes from inhibitory to excitatory as substrate concentrations increase, and an overlooked tradeoff between the speed and efficiency of enzymatic reactions, are naturally unveiled as a result. The theory presented herein motivates, and allows the interpretation of, groundbreaking experiments in which existing single-molecule manipulation techniques will be adapted for the purpose of measuring enzymatic turnover under a controlled variation of unbinding rates. As we hereby show, these experiments will not only shed first light on the role of unbinding but will also allow one to determine the time distribution required for the completion of the catalytic step in isolation from the rest of the enzymatic turnover cycle.Every enzymatic reaction is composed out of two basic steps: (i) the reversible binding of a substrate molecule to the enzyme and (ii) a catalytic step which gives rise to the formation of the product (1). Controlled variation of the effective binding rate to a free enzyme is attained by altering the concentration of the substrate. The rate of product formation, also known as the turnover rate, can then be measured as a function of this concentration to show a characteristic hyperbolic dependence (25). The Michaelis–Menten equation is used to rationalize this observation and interpret the results (2, 6).Recent advancements in single-molecule spectroscopy have gradually made it possible to follow the stochastic activity of individual enzymes over extended periods of time (719). Interestingly, the hyperbolic dependence of turnover on substrate concentration remains valid even at the single-molecule level (12, 14). From a theoretical perspective, this result was initially puzzling but is now considered almost universal in the sense that it can be shown to hold under a wide range of modeling assumptions (20, 21). One can thus safely say that the role of binding in Michaelis–Menten enzymatic reactions is well understood. In this paper, we consider the role of unbinding.Rapid advancements in the single-molecule technological front imply that the adaptation of existing single-molecule manipulation techniques (1214, 18, 22, 23) to allow the measurement of enzymatic turnover under a controlled variation of unbinding rates is now within reach. Single-molecule approaches to biomolecular interaction kinetics (2426) allow for direct measurements of binding and unbinding rates (2729). In addition, the combination of single-molecule florescence (16, 18) with single-molecule force spectroscopy (23, 30) marks itself as an especially promising tool in unbinding studies because the fluorescence readout for catalytic activity is expected to be correlated with selective, force-induced, changes of the activation barrier for unbinding (23, 30). Direct manipulation of the substrate itself, via atomic force microscopy (1315), was also shown to be possible, potentially allowing for abrupt premature termination of the catalytic process via force induced unbinding. However, a strong discouragement to embark on a long journey whose aftermath seems to have already been foretold severely diminishes the motivation to pursue the above-mentioned line of investigation—the Michaelis–Menten equation clearly states that any increase in the rate of unbinding must be accompanied by a decrease in the rate of enzymatic turnover.Here, we show that the interplay between turnover and unbinding is rich and more intricate than previously perceived. Interestingly, the problem is analytically tractable and allows for the extraction of a set of simple, far-reaching, conclusions that are formulated in a mathematically closed form. Most importantly, we show that turnover can be accelerated by increasing the unbinding rate when the following conditions hold: (i) Substrate concentrations are high; (ii) the unbinding rate is low; and (iii) the coefficient of variation associated with the distribution of catalysis times is larger than unity.Interestingly, the turnover time distribution has been measured for the enzyme β-galactosidase, and its was found to be a monotonically increasing function of the substrate concentration (peaking at a value of ∼) (12). The turnover time distribution coincides with the catalysis time distribution in the limit of high substrate concentrations and low unbinding rates, suggesting a for the catalysis time distribution of β-galactosidase. Moreover, meticulous data analysis has led previous authors to rule out several reaction schemes for which and conclude that β-galactosidase displays highly non-Poissonian dynamics (31, 32). These findings are in line with a , and while this is yet to be asserted, we allow ourselves a measured amount of optimism with regard to the possibility of observing an “unbinding speedup effect” in this particular system.In what follows, we outline the background for our study and pose the fundamental question regarding the role of substrate unbinding. We then construct an unbinding phase space that provides an answer to this question, point out the implications arising, and conclude with discussion and outlook.  相似文献   

A unique live-cell printing technique, termed “Block-Cell-Printing” (BloC-Printing), allows for convenient, precise, multiplexed, and high-throughput printing of functional single-cell arrays. Adapted from woodblock printing techniques, the approach employs microfluidic arrays of hook-shaped traps to hold cells at designated positions and directly transfer the anchored cells onto various substrates. BloC-Printing has a minimum turnaround time of 0.5 h, a maximum resolution of 5 µm, close to 100% cell viability, the ability to handle multiple cell types, and efficiently construct protrusion-connected single-cell arrays. The approach enables the large-scale formation of heterotypic cell pairs with controlled morphology and allows for material transport through gap junction intercellular communication. When six types of breast cancer cells are allowed to extend membrane protrusions in the BloC-Printing device for 3 h, multiple biophysical characteristics of cells—including the protrusion percentage, extension rate, and cell length—are easily quantified and found to correlate well with their migration levels. In light of this discovery, BloC-Printing may serve as a rapid and high-throughput cell protrusion characterization tool to measure the invasion and migration capability of cancer cells. Furthermore, primary neurons are also compatible with BloC-Printing.Current high-throughput screening of cell function and heterogeneity and in vitro cell–cell communication studies requires routine generation of large-scale single-cell arrays with high precision and efficiency, single-cell resolution, multiple cell types, and maintenance of cell viability and function (1, 2). Several approaches have been designed for this purpose, e.g., inkjet cell printing (36), surface engineering (715), and physical constraints (1623). However, finding a method that completely satisfies the above requirements remains a challenge. Potentially useful and convenient tools may be available by adapting traditional printing tools to cell printing. In particular, woodblock printing is an efficient and convenient technology that revolutionized the printing world more than 1,800 y ago and was extended to microcontact molecular printing ∼20 y ago (24). However, application of the block-printing concept to cells has never been achieved. The main challenges are (i) inking cells to their molds with precision and maintaining viability, (ii) evenly and gently applying and transferring the cells to a substrate and successfully lifting off the mold without detaching the cells, and (iii) maintaining cell functions after printing.We report here the development and testing of a technology called “Block-Cell-Printing” (BloC-Printing), which involves directly inking cells to a predesigned mold and then transferring the cells to a substrate. We overcome the challenges described above by flow patterning, instead of pressing, the ink objects, as in woodblock or microcontact printing. By performing various validation experiments, we prove that BloC-Printing can achieve a maximum spatial resolution of 5 µm, has the ability to simultaneously handle multiple cell types, results in close to 100% cell viability, and requires a minimum turnaround time of ∼0.5 h. The Block-Cell-Mold (BloC-Mold) is reusable for hundreds of printings. This approach does not require sophisticated equipment or large sample volumes. It is also straightforward and convenient, and it permits the subsequent culture of cells and image analysis under standard conditions.  相似文献   

A series of mono- and dinuclear alkynylplatinum(II) terpyridine complexes containing the hydrophilic oligo(para-phenylene ethynylene) with two 3,6,9-trioxadec-1-yloxy chains was designed and synthesized. The mononuclear alkynylplatinum(II) terpyridine complex was found to display a very strong tendency toward the formation of supramolecular structures. Interestingly, additional end-capping with another platinum(II) terpyridine moiety of various steric bulk at the terminal alkyne would lead to the formation of nanotubes or helical ribbons. These desirable nanostructures were found to be governed by the steric bulk on the platinum(II) terpyridine moieties, which modulates the directional metal−metal interactions and controls the formation of nanotubes or helical ribbons. Detailed analysis of temperature-dependent UV-visible absorption spectra of the nanostructured tubular aggregates also provided insights into the assembly mechanism and showed the role of metal−metal interactions in the cooperative supramolecular polymerization of the amphiphilic platinum(II) complexes.Square-planar d8 platinum(II) polypyridine complexes have long been known to exhibit intriguing spectroscopic and luminescence properties (154) as well as interesting solid-state polymorphism associated with metal−metal and π−π stacking interactions (114, 25). Earlier work by our group showed the first example, to our knowledge, of an alkynylplatinum(II) terpyridine system [Pt(tpy)(C ≡ CR)]+ that incorporates σ-donating and solubilizing alkynyl ligands together with the formation of Pt···Pt interactions to exhibit notable color changes and luminescence enhancements on solvent composition change (25) and polyelectrolyte addition (26). This approach has provided access to the alkynylplatinum(II) terpyridine and other related cyclometalated platinum(II) complexes, with functionalities that can self-assemble into metallogels (2731), liquid crystals (32, 33), and other different molecular architectures, such as hairpin conformation (34), helices (3538), nanostructures (3945), and molecular tweezers (46, 47), as well as having a wide range of applications in molecular recognition (4852), biomolecular labeling (4852), and materials science (53, 54). Recently, metal-containing amphiphiles have also emerged as a building block for supramolecular architectures (4244, 5559). Their self-assembly has always been found to yield different molecular architectures with unprecedented complexity through the multiple noncovalent interactions on the introduction of external stimuli (4244, 5559).Helical architecture is one of the most exciting self-assembled morphologies because of the uniqueness for the functional and topological properties (6069). Helical ribbons composed of amphiphiles, such as diacetylenic lipids, glutamates, and peptide-based amphiphiles, are often precursors for the growth of tubular structures on an increase in the width or the merging of the edges of ribbons (64, 65). Recently, the optimization of nanotube formation vs. helical nanostructures has aroused considerable interests and can be achieved through a fine interplay of the influence on the amphiphilic property of molecules (66), choice of counteranions (67, 68), or pH values of the media (69), which would govern the self-assembly of molecules into desirable aggregates of helical ribbons or nanotube scaffolds. However, a precise control of supramolecular morphology between helical ribbons and nanotubes remains challenging, particularly for the polycyclic aromatics in the field of molecular assembly (6469). Oligo(para-phenylene ethynylene)s (OPEs) with solely π−π stacking interactions are well-recognized to self-assemble into supramolecular system of various nanostructures but rarely result in the formation of tubular scaffolds (7073). In view of the rich photophysical properties of square-planar d8 platinum(II) systems and their propensity toward formation of directional Pt···Pt interactions in distinctive morphologies (2731, 3945), it is anticipated that such directional and noncovalent metal−metal interactions might be capable of directing or dictating molecular ordering and alignment to give desirable nanostructures of helical ribbons or nanotubes in a precise and controllable manner.Herein, we report the design and synthesis of mono- and dinuclear alkynylplatinum(II) terpyridine complexes containing hydrophilic OPEs with two 3,6,9-trioxadec-1-yloxy chains. The mononuclear alkynylplatinum(II) terpyridine complex with amphiphilic property is found to show a strong tendency toward the formation of supramolecular structures on diffusion of diethyl ether in dichloromethane or dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) solution. Interestingly, additional end-capping with another platinum(II) terpyridine moiety of various steric bulk at the terminal alkyne would result in nanotubes or helical ribbons in the self-assembly process. To the best of our knowledge, this finding represents the first example of the utilization of the steric bulk of the moieties, which modulates the formation of directional metal−metal interactions to precisely control the formation of nanotubes or helical ribbons in the self-assembly process. Application of the nucleation–elongation model into this assembly process by UV-visible (UV-vis) absorption spectroscopic studies has elucidated the nature of the molecular self-assembly, and more importantly, it has revealed the role of metal−metal interactions in the formation of these two types of nanostructures.  相似文献   

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