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District Nurses in rural areas frequently fulfil, in some permutation, the functions of district nursing, health visiting, school nursing, and community midwifery. This complex role can bring them into contact with a wide range of mental health problems. The extent, nature and type of mental health problems, and their response to these problems, is not well documented in the literature. The findings of this qualitative study indicate that District Nurses do in fact have contact with a wide range of mental health problems. The role of District Nurses in caring for this client group is more substantial than has been previously recognized. It is suggested that this role be formally acknowledged and that systems put in place to optimize the effectiveness of District Nursing interventions.  相似文献   

Forensic mental health (FMH) clinicians sometimes feel unsupported and unprepared for their work. This article explores their experiences of working in a FMH setting in Australia. The research examined the clinical context of clinicians working with forensic patients (FP), particularly those individuals who have killed while experiencing a mental illness. A qualitative, exploratory design was selected. Data were collected through focus groups and individual interviews with hospital and community‐based forensic clinicians from all professional groups: psychiatric medicine, social work, psychology, mental health nursing, occupational therapy, and psychiatric service officers. The main themes identified were orientation and adjustment to FMH, training in FMH, vicarious traumatization, clinical debriefing and clinical supervision, and therapeutic relationships. Participants described being frustrated and unsupported in making the transition to working with FP and felt conflicted by the emotional response that was generated when developing therapeutic relationships. Recommendations include the development of programmes that might assist clinicians and address gaps in service delivery, such as clinical governance, targeted orientation programmes, and clinical supervision.  相似文献   

This article is a review of the literature examining the sexuality of mental health consumers and the role of mental health nurses. A search identified 72 English articles on the topic. The evidence clearly indicates that sexuality is a critical aspect of who we are as individuals, and of how we view ourselves, but discussion of this topic is neglected by mental health nurses. Discussion focuses upon the wide acceptance of sexuality as a legitimate area for nurses to address in their care, and addresses mental health nurses' lack of knowledge about sexuality, conservative attitudes, and anxiety when discussing sexual issues. Consumer sexuality is poorly assessed in mental health, and is infrequently explored by mental health nurses. The result is that issues of sexuality for the consumer continue to affect many areas of their lives, including their relationships and ongoing commitment to treatment. The nurse–consumer relationship provides an opportunity to take sexual history into consideration, promote safe sexual practices, discuss sexual problems, and educate clients about sexual issues. This literature review identifies the need for further discussion of this topic and for research to point the way ahead for this important but neglected area of mental health nursing.  相似文献   

Culture plays a vital role in shaping public and professional attitudes towards mental illness. In Arab cultures negative attitudes toward patients experiencing mental illnesses are common. There is a lack of studies that investigate the attitudes of professionals towards patients in inpatient mental health settings. This study aimed to assess the attitudes of professionals towards patients with mental illnesses in the only psychiatric hospital in Palestine. A survey was undertaken using the Attitudes Toward Acute Mental Health Scale (ATAMHS 33). The scale was distributed to a variety of professionals at the only psychiatric hospital in Bethlehem. Data was managed and analysed by using SPSS 15 (a statistical package for social sciences). The participants (mostly nurses) expressed both negative and positive attitudes toward patients, however, results revealed more negative than positive attitudes, particularly in relation to alcohol misuse, medication, patients' ability to control their emotions, and genetic predisposition to mental illness. This paper provides baseline data about the attitude of mental health professionals towards patients experiencing mental illnesses. Education and direct contact with patients with mental illness may not be enough to foster positive attitudes towards them. This may indicate the need to revise educational curriculum at the Palestinian universities and offer more training for mental health professionals in order to change their attitudes.  相似文献   

Aim. The aim of this survey was to investigate the attitudes, knowledge and reported practice (capabilities) of mental health workers concerning humanimmunodeficiency virus (HIV) and other sexually transmitted diseases in people with serious mental illness. Background. People with serious mental illness are at increased risk of HIV and other sexually transmitted infections. Mental health workers have a key role to play in promoting sexual health in this population, but it is unclear how they perceive their role in this work and whether they have the capabilities to deliver sexual health promotion. Design. Cross sectional survey. Methods. A questionnaire was devised and distributed to 650 mental health workers working in a London (UK) NHS mental health service. Results. A response rate of 44% was achieved. Overall, workers reported positive attitudes to sexual health promotion and were knowledgeable about risk behaviours and risk factors for HIV infection. Adherence to glove wearing was good. However, participants’ knowledge about HIV/AIDS in people with schizophrenia was poor and most reported they were not engaged in sexual health promotion activities with people with serious mental illness. Glove wearing was predicted by those who had drug and alcohol training and clinical experience and knowledge of risk factors was predicted by previous health promotion training. No other demographic factors predicted any of the other subscales. Conclusion. Mental health workers require training to provide skills for health promotion regarding sexual health and HIV in people with serious mental health problems. In addition, there needs to be more research on risk behaviours. Relevance to clinical practice. The development of effective interventions to reduce this behaviour.  相似文献   

Aims and objectives. The study aimed to understand the nursing roles and functions of public health nurses and home health nurses in Taiwan and the factors that affect nursing roles and functions of nurses that provide community mental health home visiting services. Background. Although community nurses provide more psychiatric home visiting services than other psychiatric professionals, little research on their roles and functions has been conducted. Design. Nursing roles and functions were developed through use of grounded theory method of Strauss and Corbin. Methods. Data were collected using semi‐structured face‐to‐face in‐depth interviews and unstructured non‐participant observations. The constant comparative analysis continued during the open, axial and selective coding process until data saturation occurred. Participants were selected using theoretical sampling. Final sample size in this study comprised a total of 29 community nurses (18 public health nurses and 11 home health nurses) who provided community mental health home visiting. Public health nurses conducted a total of 16 (eight carers and eight clients) services and home health nurses conducted 16 (eight carers and eight clients) services. Results. Fourteen nursing roles were identified. These roles included assessor, supporter, educator, consultant, counselor, negotiator, harmoniser, collaborator, advocate, placement coordinator, resource provider, care provider, case manager and case finder. Moreover, several factors that affect nursing roles and functions in the community mental health home visiting service in Taiwan were also identified. Conclusion. This is the first study to identify the role of public health and home health nurses caring for people with schizophrenia in the community in Taiwan. Relevance to clinical practice. The recommendations based on the findings of this research can be used as a guide to improve the delivery of psychiatric home visiting services to community‐dwelling clients with schizophrenia and their carers.  相似文献   

AIM: The aim of this study was to review research literature over the past 10 years on respite care for people affected by severe mental illness; and identify key implications for nursing practice in provision of respite care for family caregivers of people with severe mental illness. BACKGROUND: Family caregivers play an important role in health care, but need regular breaks to maintain their own health and well-being. Respite care is one of the few services available with a primary focus on supporting family caregivers. In most developed countries the notion of respite care as an extension of the health care service has been embraced, evidenced by a growing body of literature in health and health-related disciplines. METHODS: An initial literature search was undertaken using the key words "respite", "short-term care", "shared care" and "day care" in major electronic databases for nursing, psychiatry, psychology and sociology literature between 1967 and 2002, identifying 704 articles. Closer examination of the literature from 1993 to 2002 on gaps and trends in respite care for people affected by severe mental illness was conducted. This is discussed in the context of the broader literature, particularly on dementia, where the mainstream research on respite care is found. RESULTS: The majority of family caregiving studies identified a need for greater quality, quantity, variety and flexibility in respite provision, and the literature has remained largely silent in relation to those affected by severe mental illness. There are contradictory findings on outcomes of respite care services and a lack of controlled empirical studies and evaluative research on effectiveness. CONCLUSIONS: Respite care is beneficial for caregivers, there is significant unmet need in provision of services for the mentally ill, and greater flexibility and the needs of caregivers should be recognised and addressed.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to develop and evaluate an online, interprofessional education programme for clinicians commencing work in rural mental health services in New South Wales, Australia. Twenty-eight participants, including nurses, psychologists, social workers and occupational therapists, completed a 24-week education programme (Introduction to Rural Mental Health Practice programme) that orientated clinicians to working in rural settings. The online programme included an orientation to online learning and clinical skills such as risk assessment, therapeutic communication and de-escalation skills applied in rural settings. Twenty-four participants provided pre- and post-evaluation responses that were matched and analysed using paired t-tests to identify any significant differences in mean scores across the domains of interest. Fifty per cent (n= 13) of participants had a background in nursing and 49% were allied health clinicians (psychologists, social workers and occupational therapists). Statistically significant improvements (P < 0.05) were detected in participant confidence in responding to common mental health problems, knowledge about the role of different services in rural mental health care, perceived safety of work and perceived self-efficacy in dealing with challenging or aggressive behaviours. The Introduction to Rural Mental Health Practice programme was successful in orienting clinicians to rural mental health but the small sample size highlights the need to evaluate the programme with a larger cohort of rural clinicians. The attrition at the early stages of the study highlights significant challenges in the retention of rural clinicians in online education programmes. Factors that promoted participation and retention included the provision of study leave and orientation to the online environment.  相似文献   

Health professionals can hold stigmatizing views about people with mental illness. In addition to being discriminatory, these beliefs cause anxiety that can affect learning in the clinical environment. A review of an undergraduate nursing curriculum introduced the Modern Apprenticeship curriculum model and provided an opportunity for an educational intervention designed to address stigmatizing beliefs about people with mental health and addiction problems. The aim of the present study was to measure the extent to which an educational intervention – guided clinical experience in an acute mental health unit during the first year of the curriculum – decreased stigmatizing beliefs of undergraduate nurses towards those with mental health and addiction issues. In a before‐and‐after design, Corrigan's Attribution Questionnaire was used to collect data pre‐ and post‐guided clinical experience in an acute mental health unit. The intervention resulted in a significant positive change in stigmatizing attitudes for four of the nine factors tested. There was a non‐significant positive change in three factors, while two factors showed a non‐significant negative change. Using guided clinical experience as an educational intervention in the first year of an undergraduate nursing curriculum can contribute to positive change in undergraduate nurses’ stigmatizing beliefs. The findings have implications for teaching of mental health content in undergraduate nursing programmes.  相似文献   

The effects of mental health nurses’ own experience of mental illness or being a carer have rarely been researched beyond the workplace setting. This study aimed to explore how the experience of mental illness affects mental health nurses’ lives outside of and inside work. A sample of 26 mental health nurses with personal experience of mental illness took part in semistructured interviews. Data were analysed thematically using a six‐phase approach. The analysis revealed the broad context of nurses’ experiences of mental illness according to three interwoven themes: mental illness as part of family life; experience of accessing services; and life interwoven with mental illness. Participants typically described personal and familial experience of mental illness across their life course, with multiple causes and consequences. The findings suggest that nurses’ lives outside of work should be taken into account when considering the impact of their personal experience of mental illness. Similarly being a nurse influences how mental illness is experienced. Treatment of nurses with mental illness should account for their nursing expertise whilst recognizing that the context for nurses’ mental illness could be much broader than the effect of workplace stress.  相似文献   

Aim and objectives. The aim was to develop a practice theory that can be used to guide the direction of community nursing practice to help clients with schizophrenia and those who care for them. Design. Substantive grounded theory was developed through use of grounded theory method of Strauss and Corbin. Methods. Two groups of participants in Taiwan were selected using theoretical sampling: one group consisted of community mental health nurses and the other group was clients with schizophrenia and those who cared for them. The number of participants in each group was determined by theoretical saturation. Semi‐structured one‐to‐one in‐depth interviews and unstructured non‐participant observation were utilized for data collection. Data analysis involved three stages: open, axial and selective coding. During the process of coding and analysis, both inductive and deductive thinking were utilized and the constant comparative analysis process continued until data saturation occurred. To establish trustworthiness, the four criteria of credibility, transferability, dependability and confirmability were followed along with field trial, audit trial, member check and peer debriefing for reliability and validity. Results. A substantive grounded theory, the role of community mental health nurses caring for people with schizophrenia in Taiwan, was developed through utilization of grounded theory method of Strauss and Corbin. Conclusion. In this paper, results and discussion focus on causal conditions, context, intervening conditions, consequences and phenomenon. Relevance to clinical practice. The theory is the first to contribute knowledge about the field of mental health home visiting services in Taiwan to provide guidance for the delivery of quality care to assist people in the community with schizophrenia and their carers.  相似文献   

Human sexuality is a complex dynamic concept that escapes simple definition. Within nursing there seems to be a preference for broad holistic definitions that emphasize sexuality as an aspect of the unique human character. Whilst the nursing literature mostly portrays sexuality as wholesome and good, it also notes that sexuality can be a vehicle for the expression of power, hostility or hatred. In this study, the authors did not prescribe or limit the definition of 'sexuality'. Rather the term 'sexuality' was used in a broad sense in order to embrace the range of variables within the concept and allow respondents to consider the issues according to their own perspective. Despite broad acceptance of sexuality as a legitimate focus of health care, clinicians remain ambivalent about actively broaching sexual issues and there is a potential for clients' needs to go unmet. A number of intertwining variables can influence sexuality-related nursing practice. Nurses' attitudes are regarded as major barriers that prevent open discussion on the topic. This study aims to explore a sample of community mental health nurses' views on the topic of sexuality in relation to their work with clients. The authors adapted a sexual ideology scale previously used for the purposes of teaching students and promoting discussion. The questionnaire was distributed to nurse delegates at an annual CPNA conference. Two of the authors were available throughout the conference to discuss the study. Delegates were asked to recruit CMHN colleagues following the conference in order to increase the sample. The data are described and analysed using SPSS for Windows. Respondent characteristics have been cross-tabulated with item responses and analysed using chi-square and other statistical tests of association. The respondents (n = 122) confirmed sexuality as a relevant clinical issue and there was an overwhelming affirmation of people with mental health problems as sexual beings. Sixty-three per cent (n = 77) of respondents anticipated that people with mental health problems who are in relationships might experience sexual problems, and 52.4% (n = 64) agreed that a sexual history should be routinely included in assessment. Seventeen per cent (n = 21) had encountered clients becoming sexually aroused during the administration of a depot injection in the community. The authors identify this as an area of concern that warrants further investigation. The results indicate that although awareness of sexuality issues may be high there may be less agreement as to how such awareness should translate into CMHN practice.  相似文献   

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