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目的:探讨毒品防范教育初中毕业生毒品防范知识、态度的影响。方法:以某大城市主城区6的中学初三毕业生为研究对象,由经过培训的健康教育教师对学生进行毒品防范教育,于教育前后对学生进行有关毒品防范知识和态芳方面的无记名问卷调查。结果:毒品防范教育确实增加了学生毒品防范的基本知识,并有助于培养学生树立拒绝毒品的正确态度和信念。同伴教育、宣传展览,文字教育是学生最易接受的毒品防范听方式。结论:在初中毕业生中开展防范毒品的健康教育不必要,而且可行,效果较好,在教育的方式、方法上,同伴教育,宣传展览等方式得到同学位的肯定和支持,今后应注意重视同伴教育方式在毒品防范教育中的运用。  相似文献   

健康教育对高中学生毒品预防相关知识、态度的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:了解健康教育对高中学生毒品预防相关知识、态度的影响。方法:以396名高中学生为研究对象,于健康教育前后,对学生进行有关毒品预防的知识和态度方面的不记名问卷调查。结果:教育后学生毒品预防的基本知识平均得分由教育前的10·1分提高到14·5分(满分16分),两者相比差异有显著性(P<0·01)。对吸烟、饮酒的危害性的认识水平也显著提高,正确回答率由教育前的9·0%-80·3%上升到教育后的82·1%-100·0%。教育后对毒品预防及其相关问题的正向态度率均明显高于教育前。结论:在高中学生中开展的有关毒品预防的健康教育,对增加学生毒品预防的基本知识,树立与毒品预防有关的正确态度都有积极的影响。  相似文献   

上海市初中学生预防艾滋病同伴教育效果评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 评价预防艾滋病同伴教育对提高初中学生有关知识的实施效果.方法 从上海市3个区各随机抽取2所学校共1 140人为干预组,同时各区随机另选2所学校共1 097人为对照组.对干预组进行预防艾滋病同伴教育,并在教育实施前后分别进行内容一致的问卷调查,对照组也进行内容一致的问卷对照调查.结果 干预组艾滋病性病以及性生殖健康知识总分从13.08分上升到18.18分(P<0.01).干预组各方面知识均分均比对照组有大幅提高(P<0.01),对艾滋病患者的态度均分也有提高(P<0.05).结论 预防艾滋病同伴教育对提高初中学生有关知识是十分有效的.  相似文献   

目的:评价同伴教育对在校大学生肺结核的防治影响及其对策,为高校开展预防结核病健康教育提供参考。方法:选取2018年3月选修2017级健康教育课的大一学生544名,随机分为一班学生(n=266)设为观察组,二班学生(n=278)设为对照组;对照组学生开展常规学校结核病健康教育干预,观察组学生开展结核病同伴教育干预,统计和调查两组学生按学校自行设计的"大学生肺结核防治知识、态度和行为问卷"内容干预前后的评分值;比较干预前后两组学生的肺结核病防治知识、态度、行为总分值的变化情况。结果:干预前两组学生的肺结核病防治知识、态度、行为的总分值经组间比较其差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05);干预后两组学生的肺结核病防治知识、态度、行为的总分值均高于干预前(P<0.05);观察组患者的肺结核病防治知识、态度、行为的总分值均高于对照组(P<0.05)。结论:同伴教育提高了在校大学生对肺结核病防治的相关知识水平,增强了防治意识,端正和改善了防治肺结核的态度和行为。  相似文献   

目的:了解教育干预措施对静脉注射海洛因滥用者艾滋病和毒品相关知识与行为的干预作用,探索降低艾滋病病毒在该人群中传播的途径。方法:采用直接培训、自我教育及同伴教育方法对静脉注射海洛因滥用人群进行教育干预6个月;使用毒品知识调查问卷及艾滋病知识、态度、行为情况调查问卷对教育干预前后情况进行评估。结果:静脉注射海洛因滥用者主要以21-30 a年龄段、男性、初中文化程度、无业和未婚者居多,该群体获得艾滋病知识的途径主要为报纸、广播、电视、网络等媒体(占80.3%)。教育干预前后该群体对毒品知识及预防艾滋病知识的知晓情况差异具有显著性(P<0.001)。结论:静脉注射海洛因滥用者是艾滋病病毒感染高危人群,静脉注射毒品是感染H IV的主要途径,教育干预措施可以提高该人群对毒品知识及预防艾滋病知识的知晓程度,从而有利于遏制H IV/AIDS在该群体中的传播。  相似文献   

曾红  岳明 《中国医药指南》2012,(24):512-513
目的探讨健康教育对低龄儿家长关于免疫接种知识、态度、行为的影响。方法选取参加接种的低龄儿的家长,在留观的30min内以宣传活页、宣传视频及当面宣讲方式进行健康教育,教育前后分别进行问卷调查。结果教育前后家长知识水平、态度、行为的差异有统计学意义。结论健康教育可以改善低龄儿家长的主动免疫接种行为,应继续加大推广健康教育力度。  相似文献   

目的:了解教育对海洛因滥用者吸毒行为以及对艾滋病认知的干预作用,探索减少海洛因滥用者中艾滋病传播的途径。方法:采取宣传教育的方式,对试验组进行毒品、艾滋病及安全套使用等相关知识教育,以达到预防性病、艾滋病流行的目的。并使用毒品知识及艾滋病知识、态度、行为情况调查问卷,对海洛因滥用者教育干预前后情况进行评估。结果:试验组在教育干预前后对毒品及艾滋病知识的了解情况有显著性差异(P<0.01)。结论:教育可以提高海洛因滥用人群对毒品知识及预防艾滋病措施。有利于遏制HIV/AIDS在海洛因滥用人群中的蔓延。  相似文献   

目的:分析伊犁州强制戒毒人群开展艾滋病健康教育及行为干预的效果,探索适合该人群的健康教育方法及行为干预措施。方法:采用国家制定的统一问卷调查表,对健康教育行为干预前后基线调查及绩效调查进行对比分析。结果:基线调查及绩效调查人口学特征无显著差异,健康教育行为干预后艾滋病防治知识知晓率明显提高,对艾滋病认知态度发生显著变化。结论:防治艾滋病加强对重点人群的健康教育势在必行,在健康教育活动中应采取形式多样的宣传活动,同伴教育、专题活动及外展活动都是较有成效的方法,值得推广。  相似文献   

目的:评价在戒毒人员中开展减低危害同伴教育培训的效果.方法:采用问卷调查方式对在所戒毒人员进行调查,随后开展减低危害同伴宣传员培训活动,同伴宣传员把所学知识带回住所对同舍戒毒人员进行宣传,经过半年的一系列培训和宣传后,再对在所的戒毒人员进行问卷调查,最后对培训前后的问卷调查结果进行分析.结果:经过一系列的减低危害同伴教育培训,戒毒人员对减低危害的知识和技能的掌握较培训前有了显著的提高,艾滋病传播途径知晓率由培训前的65.7%提高到98.9%.结论:在戒毒人员中开展减低危害同伴教育培训是减低危害的有效措施.  相似文献   

目的:了解中职生接受毒品预防教育的情况,探讨其对毒品预防教育的需求及影响因素。方法:采用多阶段整群抽样的方法从全国四个城市共抽取1331名中职生进行自填式问卷调查,调查内容包括其接受毒品预防教育的情况、对毒品预防教育的需求及方式;采用多分类logistic回归分析中职生毒品预防教育需求的影响因素。结果:84.5%的中职生接受过毒品预防教育,86.8%的中职生对毒品预防教育有需求。多分类logistic回归结果显示,接受过毒品预防教育课程、接受过其他形式的毒品预防教育是中职生对毒品相关知识需求的影响因素,接受过毒品预防教育课程、接受过其他形式的毒品预防教育、性别是中职生认同毒品预防教育课程必要性的影响因素。中职生最主要也最希望通过报刊、书籍及网络等途径了解毒品相关知识,中职生最希望学校毒品预防教育以宣传海报、观看禁毒电影的形式开展。结论:毒品预防教育仍未全面覆盖,应加强毒品预防教育的推广并且使用中职生容易接受、多样化的方式来开展毒品预防教育,以满足中职生的需求。  相似文献   

Context: A cross-sectional school survey on drug use and related attitudes among students to ascertain the prevalence of substance use, and to serve as a baseline from which to develop prevention and education materials for primary school. Objectives: The main purpose of the study was to make recommendations for a drug prevention and education curriculum for primary school. The objectives of the study were to assess knowledge, attitudes and practices in relation to substance use and abuse among school children. Setting: Five public schools of the Northern District of Moscow, Russia. Participants: 1099 school students 10-15 years old. Results: Alcohol is the drug of choice among Moscow's students. Extensive experience with alcohol is normal behaviour for many. Tobacco smoking is highly prevalent as well. The use of illicit drugs among students is not at all high in comparison with alcohol use or tobacco smoking. Conclusions: The school survey data suggest that the development of a school-based substance abuse prevention and education programme should be based mainly on promotion of healthy lifestyles.  相似文献   

Context: A cross-sectional school survey on drug use and related attitudes among students to ascertain the prevalence of substance use, and to serve as a baseline from which to develop prevention and education materials for primary school. Objectives: The main purpose of the study was to make recommendations for a drug prevention and education curriculum for primary school. The objectives of the study were to assess knowledge, attitudes and practices in relation to substance use and abuse among school children. Setting: Five public schools of the Northern District of Moscow, Russia. Participants: 1099 school students 10-15 years old. Results: Alcohol is the drug of choice among Moscow?s students. Extensive experience with alcohol is normal behaviour for many. Tobacco smoking is highly prevalent as well. The use of illicit drugs among students is not at all high in comparison with alcohol use or tobacco smoking. Conclusions: The school survey data suggest that the development of a school-based substance abuse prevention and education programme should be based mainly on promotion of healthy lifestyles.  相似文献   

目的:了解毒品较泛滥的民族地区处于高危年龄阶段的医学生对毒品(主要是海洛因)、吸毒、戒毒及全民禁毒等相关知识的认识情况,为少数民族地区的学校及教育工作者对学生的相关教育及决策提供依据。方法:采用不记名问卷形式,对凉山卫校学生进行毒品相关知识调查。结果:在300份问卷中,共回收有效问卷286份,回收率95.3%。其中,近98.0%的汉族学生知道"白粉"即海洛因是本地最流行的毒品,91.1%的少数民族学生知晓该问题。对毒品成瘾特性的进一步认识,汉族学生为58.7%、少数民族学生为32.2%,两组相比差异有显著性(P<0.05)。对毒品成瘾的危害性了解较完整的汉族学生为76.0%,少数民族学生为56.7%,两组相比差异有显著性(P<0.05)。学生对禁毒戒毒的关注程度仅为62.0%。结论:毒品较泛滥民族地区卫校学生对常见毒品的知晓率较高,但对毒品的深入认识不够,有的认识甚至是错误的,还应加强多方位的科学教育,尤其是对少数民族学生。  相似文献   


This study examines the immediate impact of nine social influence-oriented activities on drug related knowledge and beliefs for students at six traditional and six continuation high schools from the same southern California school districts. The relative effectiveness of two program delivery methods (active versus passive) also was examined. Continuation high school students reported much higher levels of overall drug use. Across school type, the activities showed the most impact on knowledge change. The activities exerted a relatively greater impact on traditional high school students and when the active delivery mode was used. Potential limitations of the effectiveness of social influences-oriented substance abuse prevention programming with continuation high school youth are discussed.  相似文献   

Peer educators (PEs) have a significant role in providing education on various health issues like smoking, alcohol, and other substance use. This study aimed to determine the experiences and opinions of PEs regarding a peer education program. Using the qualitative research method, data were collected from the study sample, which consisted of 23 student PEs, via semi-structured focus group discussions. Three main themes were developed: the Perceived Efficacy of Peer Education, Suggestions Regarding a Peer Education Program, and Contribution of the Peer Education Program to PEs. This study showed that peer educators thought peer education to be a highly effective method for the prevention of substance abuse. To improve the effectiveness of the program, it was recommended that it be started during middle school instead of high school, that families and local institutions be involved in the program, and that the students be directed to participate in arts, sports, and social activities.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To delay or discourage the use of alcohol by seventh-grade students through peer-led education. Peer-Led Alcohol Education (PLAE) program objectives were to: (1) educate students about alcohol use and (2) assess the differences between pharmacy student presenters and high school student (peer) presenters. SETTING: Middle schools in rural Nebraska. DESIGN: PLAE focuses on normative beliefs, personal values, and pledging. Pharmacy students and high school students were trained to deliver alcohol education presentations to seventh-grade students. Evaluation results were compared among groups of seventh-grade students who received PLAE presentations from peer presenters and from pharmacy student presenters. RESULTS: PLAE presentations were made to 342 seventh-grade students at 11 schools. Evaluation results suggest that pharmacy students projected more confidence in their presentations, used more creative prop selections, and were more effective communicators. High-school presenters had a greater ability to "relate" to the seventh-graders and thus were deemed more on-target with the information. CONCLUSION: Evaluation findings suggest that rural seventh-grade students in Nebraska perceived that the PLAE program provides useful information to aid them in their decisions regarding alcohol use.  相似文献   

Background: This study investigated the impact of the Drug Education in Victorian Schools (DEVS) program on tobacco smoking. The program taught about licit and illicit drugs in an integrated manner over 2 years, with follow up in the third year. It focused on minimizing harm, rather than achieving abstinence, and employed participatory, critical-thinking and skill-based teaching methods. Methods: A cluster-randomized, controlled trial of the program was conducted with a student cohort during years 8 (13 years), 9 (14 years), and 10 (15 years). Twenty-one schools were randomly allocated to the DEVS program (14 schools, n = 1163), or their usual drug education program (7 schools, n = 589). One intervention school withdrew in year two. Results: There was a greater increase in the intervention students' knowledge about drugs, including tobacco, in all 3 years. Intervention students talked more with their parents about smoking at the end of the 3-year program. They recalled receiving more education on smoking in all 3 years. Their consumption of cigarettes had not increased to the same extent as controls at the end of the program. Their change in smoking harms, relative to controls, was positive in all 3 years. There was no difference between groups in the proportionate increase of smokers, or in attitudes towards smoking, at any time. Conclusions: These findings indicate that a school program that teaches about all drugs in an integrated fashion, and focuses on minimizing harm, does not increase initiation into smoking, while providing strategies for reducing consumption and harm to those who choose to smoke.  相似文献   

The educational intervention could improve knowledge about rational drug use in the junior high school. Improving knowledge about rational drug use at an early age may be a good way to increase the population's awareness of health, medicines and self-medication. To educate the rational drug use, it is desirable that the school pharmacists participate in this educational program in the junior high school. So we conducted an educational lecture by school pharmacists to promote rational drug use and self-medication in junior high school students. The study compared participant responses before and after a lecture. After the first questionnaire, we lectured the mentioned above to them. Afterward, second questionnaire was conducted. In the second questionnaire, more than 95% of the students understood the contents of the lecture to some extent. After a lecture, students who answered that 'I don't have confidence that I can buy medicines rightly by myself' decreased from 42.7% to 11.7%. And students who answered that 'I don't have confidence that I can use medicines rightly by myself' decreased from 25.2% to 12.6%. It was possible to achieve a favorable modification of attitudes to rational use of medicines in junior high school students. Continuous interventions might allow better effects and could help to fill the gap in health education of the general population.  相似文献   

《Substance use & misuse》2013,48(3):311-328
The present paper reports some results from a winter 1974-1975, New York State survey of junior and senior public high school youths' awareness of and attitudes toward the drug prevention efforts their schools had undertaken. The findings indicate that most youths are not aware of community resources available for assistance with a drug problem. Substantial discrepancies were found between student ratings of the effectiveness of prevention programs and the programs to which they were most frequently exposed. Finally, the data highlight the peer context and drug culture aspect of the youths' substance taking, emphasizing that the sociocultural backgrounds of students need to be taken into account in prevention program development.  相似文献   

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