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目的探讨胃泌素瘤的诊断和治疗经验。方法回顾绵阳市中心医院确诊的2例胃泌素瘤患者的临床资料,并结合相关文献分析。结果2例均表现为难治性消化性溃疡,CT检查发现胰腺包块,生化与病理检测确诊为胃泌素瘤。结论对多发性、异位、顽固性消化性溃疡应警惕本病的存在,以免延误诊治。 相似文献
获得性隐睾 (AcquriedUndescendedTestis)指男孩生后已下降到阴囊内的睾丸 ,自发地上升至阴囊上方、皮下环处、腹股沟区 ,甚至于内环以上水平 ,并永久性停留在睾丸下降不全的位置 ,又称为自发性睾丸上升 (SpontaneousTesticularAscent)。它不同于回缩性睾丸 (RetractileTestes) ,若不及时手术治疗 ,可影响睾丸的发育[1] 。我们回顾了 1998年间4 2例 4 8侧隐睾手术病史中 ,2例属于获得性隐睾。通过Medline检索 196 6年以来的有关文献 ,结合我们的临床诊治经验进… 相似文献
肝外胆管腺瘤(2例报道及文献复习) 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
目的 探讨肝外胆管腺瘤的临床表现、病理特征、影像学特征及其诊断和治疗。方法 对我院收治的 2例及复习文献报告的 14例共 16例临床资料进行回顾性分析。结果 男 5例 ,女 11例 ,平均年龄 5 8.4岁 ,其中>5 0岁者占 87.5 %。主要临床表现 :黄疸 11例 ( 6 8.8% ) ,腹痛 8例 ( 5 0 .0 % ) ,发热 6例 ( 37.5 % ) ,消化不良 4例 ( 2 5 .0 % ) ,体重下降 3例 ( 18.8% ) ,陶土色大便 1例 ( 6 .3% )。肿瘤分布部位为左肝管 1例 ( 6 .3% ) ,右肝管 3例 ( 18.8% ) ,肝总管 3例 ( 18.8% ) ,胆囊管汇入胆总管处 1例 ( 6 .3% ) ,胆总管远端 8例 ( 5 0 .0 % )。病理类型为管状腺瘤 5例 ( 31.3% ) ,乳头 (绒毛 )状腺瘤 10例 ( 6 2 .5 % ) ,粘液腺瘤 1例 ( 6 .3% )。 16例均行手术治疗 ,均经病理检查确诊 ,术后肿瘤复发 1例。结论 肝外胆管腺瘤缺乏典型的临床表现 ,术前难以确诊 ,必须依靠病理组织学检查。手术完整切除肿瘤 ,切缘无肿瘤残留是治疗的关健 ,术后应进行定期随访 相似文献
目的探讨副乳腺癌的诊断和治疗方法。方法回顾性总结我院收治的1例副乳腺癌患者的临床病理资料,并结合相关文献进行分析。结果 该例患者临床表现为左腋下肿块,彩超及钼靶检查均提示恶性可能性大,病理报告证实为副乳腺癌。行左副乳腺和左乳腺切除加左腋窝低位淋巴结清扫术,术后病理报告:左副乳腺浸润性导管癌Ⅱ级,左副乳腺内见浸润性导管癌组织,淋巴结无转移。术后给予化疗(EC×4序贯T×4),生存9个月,现仍在随访中。结论对腋下肿块而双乳未见确切肿块的患者应警惕副乳腺癌的存在,以免延误诊治。 相似文献
肾上腺出血性假性囊肿6例报告并文献复习 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
目的:提高对肾上腺出血性假性囊肿的诊治水平。方法:回顾性分析1980-2002年收治的6例肾上腺出血性假性囊肿的临床资料并复习相关文献予以讨论。结果:6例均无特异性的临床表现和实验室指标,彩色多普勒超声示肿物无血流信号,CT和MRI示肿物无增强改变,病理检查见囊肿壁为正常肾上腺组织和纤维结缔组织。结论:肾上腺出血性假性囊肿的诊断主要依靠彩色多普勒超声和增强的CT、MRI检查,治疗以密切观察为主。 相似文献
<正>脊柱结核是一种常见的肺外结核,多累及胸椎及腰椎,造成后凸畸形、神经功能障碍,也是非外伤性截瘫最常见的原因[1]。腹主动脉瘤是指腹主动脉管壁呈瘤样扩张,直径大于3cm或大于正常值的50%。破裂性腹主动脉瘤是危及生命的急重症,其病死率为40%~90%[2-3]。本次报道的患者考虑为腰椎结核伴椎旁脓肿,结核杆菌长期炎性侵蚀腹主动脉壁,导致腹主动脉瘤破裂,患者死亡。现将具体治疗过程作一报道,以提高同行对本病的认识,减少或杜绝此类事件发生。 相似文献
外伤性肾动脉假性动脉瘤的诊断和治疗(附2例报告及文献复习) 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
目的:探讨外伤性肾动脉假性动脉瘤(Renal artery pseudoaneurysm,RAP)的诊断与治疗方法。方法:回顾性分析2例RAP患者的临床资料:均为男性,年龄分别为17岁和42岁,临床主要表现为持续性出血或迟发性肉眼血尿。血管造影示损伤动脉活动性出血,肾内见充盈造影剂的囊腔状结构。2例患者均行超选择性血管栓塞治疗。结果:2例患者术后血尿或出血均消失,无并发症发生。术后3个月以上行CT检查,肾功能均未见异常。结论:RAP临床表现为持续性出血或迟发性肉眼血尿;血管造影在诊断RAP中具有重要价值;超选择性动脉栓塞是治疗RAP的安全、有效方法。 相似文献
Elizabeth F. Daher Geraldo B. Silva Júnior Anaiara L. Queiroz Lysiane M. A. Ramos Silvia Q. Santos Dulce M. S. Barreto Antonio Augusto C. Guimarães Célio A. Barbosa Luciano M. Franco Régia M. S. V. Patrocínio 《International urology and nephrology》2009,41(3):717-723
Background The use of anabolic steroids and vitamin supplements has reached alarming proportions in the last decades. Adverse effects have been documented and include virilization, feminization, adverse lipid profile, psychiatric disorders, cardiac and liver disease. Acute kidney injury (AKI) is not frequently described. The purpose of this study is to report two cases of AKI associated with anabolic steroid and vitamin supplement abuse. Case report Two men, aged 21 and 30 years, presented to the Emergency Department with abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting. They reported the use of anabolic steroids and veterinary supplements with vitamins A, D and E. Laboratory tests showed AKI (serum urea 79 and 52 mg/dl, serum creatinine 3.9 and 1.9 mg/dl) and hypercalcemia (calcium 13.2 and 11 mEq/l). Kidney biopsies showed inflammatory interstitial nephritis and acute tubular necrosis. Treatment consisted of vigorous hydration with simultaneous use of furosemide and discontinuation of the vitamins and anabolic substances, and resulted in recovery of renal function. Conclusions AKI is an important complication of anabolic steroid and vitamin supplement abuse. The exact pathophysiology of this type of AKI remains unclear. The main cause of renal dysfunction in these cases seems to be the vitamin D intoxication and drug-induced interstitial nephritis. It is mandatory to start early treatment for serious hypercalcemia, with vigorous venous hydration, diuretics and corticosteroids. 相似文献
Sinico RA Sabadini E Borlandelli S Cosci P Di Toma L Imbasciati E 《Journal of nephrology》2003,16(2):272-276
Azathioprine (AZA) is a widely-used drug in the treatment of different diseases such as vasculitis, systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, inflammatory bowel diseases and in renal transplantation. Side effects of AZA can be classified as toxic, mainly dose related (myelosuppression and hepatotoxicity) and idiosyncratic, mainly dose independent. While the toxic effects are common and well documented, the hypersensitivity reactions are rare and it is not often easy to distinguish them from systemic sepsis or disease recurrence. We report two cases of AZA hypersensitivity occurring in patients with anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies (ANCA)-associated vasculitis each mimicking a vasculitis relapse or a septic complication of immunosuppression, as well as a review of the literature. 相似文献
Naomi Ramer H S Lumerman Y Ramer 《Oral surgery, oral medicine, oral pathology, oral radiology, and endodontics》2007,104(6):809-813
Sialolipoma is a new variant of salivary gland lipoma first described in 2001. We present 2 cases of sialolipoma involving the soft palate and buccal mucosa of 2 female patients. A review of the English language literature revealed 16 cases of sialolipoma reported thus far. We have reviewed the clinicopathologic features of the literature cases and are adding the present 2 cases for a total of 18 cases. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of sialolipoma involving the buccal mucosa and the second case in the soft palate. The purpose of this publication is to increase awareness of this recently described variant of lipoma and to address the diagnostic challenges posed both clinically and histopathologically. 相似文献
Penile amputation and successful replantation is very uncommon,and there is no routine standardized procedures for dealing with this medical condition.Here we report two cases of penile amputation and ... 相似文献
Meckel's diverticulum is considered the most common diverticulum of the small intestine. Of the various complications associated with this condition, intestinal obstruction is one of the most common. Rapid diagnosis and treatment are essential. Resection of the obstructing element is the treatment of choice. The authors report on their recent experience with two patients with Meckel's diverticulum, both of whom had intestinal obstruction as the presenting complication. The authors discuss the etiology and various complications of Meckel's diverticulum and present information on the frequency of associated mortality and morbidity. 相似文献
BACKGROUND: Primary hemangiomas of the bone are uncommon tumors, accounting for less than 1.0% of all bone neoplasms. These tumors are mostly found in vertebral bodies. Hemangiomas are rarely seen in the calvarium, where their frequency is 0.2% of all bone neoplasms. Because of their infrequent appearance in the skull, vague symptoms, and absence of prototypical radiological findings, these tumors can be missed in many cases or may be misinterpreted as more ominous lesions like multiple myeloma or osteosarcoma. CASE DESCRIPTION: We report two cases of calvarial hemangiomas: one with a single mass on the right sphenoid wing, and another with two similar lesions on the right occipital and left parietal bones. The diagnoses could be established only by histopathologic analysis. CONCLUSION: Histopathologic confirmation of the tumor is the definitive method for diagnosis of intraosseous hemangiomas. Radiological findings are not always characteristic for calvarial hemangiomas. Due to possible complications and the possibility of effective treatment, this lesion should always be considered in the differential diagnosis of skull lesions. 相似文献
T Matsusaka M Fujii T Nakano T Terai A Kurata M Imaizumi H Abe 《Clinical nephrology》1988,30(6):341-345
We report two cases of renal failure following long-term ingestion of germanium dioxide (GeO2) and comment on eight other cases reported in Japan. Ge-induced nephropathy is characterized by insidious onset of renal failure without proteinuria or hematuria after oral intake of Ge-containing compounds for more than several months, and by degeneration of renal tubular cells with minor glomerular abnormality in histology. When patients ceased to ingest Ge compounds, renal function gradually recovered but never returned to the normal range. Serious extrarenal complication can contribute to an unfavorable prognosis. 相似文献