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Urticariaisanallergicdermopathyinducedbyvariedcauses.Clinically,itmanifestsasur-ticaewithdifferentsize,brightredorpalecolourontheskin.Theurticaisflatandhigherthantheskin,attackssuddenly,disappearsrapidlywithoutleavinganytrace,repeatedlyattackssev-eraltimeswithinoneday,itching.Itcanbecuredinashortperiodforacutepatientsandre-peatedlyattacksforchronicpatientswithpro-tractedcourse.Inrecentyears,wehavetreatedurticariabyacupuncture,cuppingandblood-let-.>.tingWithsatisfactorytherapeutlceffectsasre-p…  相似文献   

Sixty patients with coronary heart disease were divided into two groups on thebasis of western medicine treatment,30 cases in each group.One was given acupuncture treatmentadditionally,the other as control.After one course of treatment,it was found that the total effectiverate was 85. 71% clinically;the ameliorative rate of abnormal ST-T segment was 68. 97%, inacupuncture group.The effectiveness was obviously higher than that of western drug group.Afteracupuncture,the levels of serum TC,TG,LDL-C,APOB_(100) and BS were obviously lower than thatof pre-acupuncture,while HDL-C and APOA_1 were markedly increased,and the values of all aboveindices after treatment in acupuncture group were significantly different from that of post-treatment indrug group.These show that acupuncture has functions of regulating the disturbance of fatmetabolism and preventing coronary heart disease.  相似文献   

Objective: To observe the effect of acupuncture of Fengchi (风池 GB 20) on blood pressure, serum IL-6 and plasma endothelin (ET) contents in patients with hypertension. Methods: Thirty cases of hypertension patients were made up of treatment group and treated with acupuncture of Fengchi (GB 20); while 20 healthy subjects were made up of control group. Blood pressure was determined before and after the treatment. Fasting blood samples were taken from the cubital venous vessel for detecting serum interleukin (IL)-6 and plasma ET contents with radioimmunoassay before and after acupuncture treatment. Results: Before the treatment, in hypertension patients, serum IL-6 and plasma ET levels were significant higher than those in healthy subjects (P<0.01); while after the treatment, blood pressure of treatment group declined significantly (P< 0.01), serum IL-6 and plasma ET levels decreased considerably (P<0.01). Conclusion: Acupuncture of Fengchi (GB 20) can lower blood pressure, regulate cellular immunity and secretion functions of the vascular endothelial cells in hypertension patients.  相似文献   

Background: In the past three decades researchers have focused on studying the analgesia induced by various forms of electroacupuncture stimuli.However, physiological mechanisms of manual acupuncture remain unexplored.In this study, the mouse model of acetic acid-induced writhing was used to investigate the possible specificity of manual acupuncture needling in modulating different endogenous pain control systems.Methods: Swiss mice were treated with manual acupuncture before administration of intraperitoneal injection of acetic acid.Acupuncture needling was performed unilaterally in one acupoint of the mice lower limb(BL60-sural nerve or SP6-tibial nerve or non-acupoint-inferior gluteal nerve).To study the possible endogenous pain control systems involved in the antinociceptive effect induced by acupoint stimulation, animals were pre-treated with antagonists of opioid, serotonergic, adrenergic and dopaminergic systems.Results: We found that the non-acupoint point did not reduce the number of writhes of the mice compared to the control group(not treated).In other hand, acupuncture needling of BL60 and SP6 reduced the number of writhes in 70%±7% and 59%±7%, respectively.Antinociception induced by BL60 needling was abolished by pre-treating the animals with naloxone(nonselective opioid antagonist) and WAY100635(5HT1A serotonergic antagonist), but was not altered by ketanserin(5HT2A serotonergic antagonist), ondansetron(5HT3 serotonergic antagonist), yohimbine(α2-adrenergic antagonist) and sulpiride(D2-dopaminergic antagonist).Antinociception induced by SP6 needling was abolished by pre-treating the animals with sulpiride but was not altered by naloxone, yoimbine, WAY100635, ketanserin and ondansetron.Conclusion: These results indicate that the stimulus to acupoints analogous to BL60 and SP6 at the lower limb can reduce the pain-associated behavior in mice, while the non-acupoint point cannot.Moreover, our findings suggest that there is point specificity not only in reducing the pain behavior, but there isspecificity also in the endogenous pain control system modulated by each acupoint.  相似文献   

Objective: To observe effects of herbal cake-separated rnoxibustion on blood lipids, including total cholesterol (TOh), triglyceride (TG), high density lipoprotein-Oh (HDL-Ch), low density lipoprotein-Oh (LDL-Ch),apolipoprotein A (Apo A), apolipoprotein B (Apo B), and plasma thrornboxane B2 (TXB2) and 6-keto-prostaglandin F1α(6-keto-PCFα1) contents and analyse its mechanism. Methods: The hyperlipemia rabbit model was established by breeding of high fat forage and injection of bovine serum albumin. They were treated respectively by direct moxibustion and herbal cake-separated rnoxibustion at Juque (巨阙CV 14), Tianshu (天枢ST 25), Fenglong (丰隆ST 40),etc., once daily, continuously for 40 days. Blood TCh and TG contents were detected with enzymatic method, LDL-Ch and HDL-Ch with colorimetric method, Apo A and Apo 13 with electrophoretic method, and TXB2 and 6-keto-PGFα1 with radioimmunoassey. Results: Both the herbal cake-separated moxibustion and direct moxibustion could effectively decrease TCh, TG, LDL-Ch, Apo 13 and TXB2 contents and TXB2/6-keto-PGF1α, and increase HDL-CH and 6-keto-PGF1α contents in the rabbit of hyperlipemia. Conclusion.6-keto-PGF1α and TXB2 are possibly involved in the mechanism of herbal cake-separated moxibustion decreasing blood lipids。  相似文献   

Inrecentyears,increaseoftheincidencerateofhyperlipemiaandatheroscleroticcardio cerebrovasculardiseasesinducesfurtherattentionofmedicalworkers.Previouslyclinicalobserva tionshaveprovedthatherbalcake separatedmoxibustioncanregulateabnormalbloodlipidsandinfluencethromboxaneB2 (TXB2 )and 6 ke to prostaglandinF1α( 6 keto PGF1α)levelsinthepatientofhyperlipemia[1 ] .Inthispaper,relativeindexesinplasmaofthehyperlipemiamodelrab bitmodelwereexaminedandanalyzedinordertoexpoundtheroleofTXB2and 6 ket…  相似文献   

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