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The human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) protease is essential for production of infectious virus and is therefore a major target for the development of drugs against AIDS. Cellular proteins are also cleaved by the protease, which explains its cytotoxic activity and the consequent failure to establish convenient cell-based protease assays. We have exploited this toxicity to develop a new protease assay that relies on transient expression of an artificial protease precursor harboring the green fluorescent protein (GFP-PR). The precursor is activated in vivo by autocatalytic cleavage, resulting in rapid elimination of protease-expressing cells. Treatment with therapeutic doses of HIV-1 protease inhibitors results in a dose-dependent accumulation of the fluorescent precursor that can be easily detected and quantified by flow cytometric and fluorimetric assays. The precursor provides a convenient and noninfectious model for high-throughput screenings of substances that can interfere with the activity of the protease in living cells.  相似文献   

Most human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) strains require either the CXCR4 or CCR5 chemokine receptor to efficiently enter cells. Blocking viral binding to these coreceptors is an attractive therapeutic target. Currently, several coreceptor antagonists are being evaluated in clinical trials that require characterization of coreceptor tropism for enrollment. In this report, we describe the development of an automated and accurate procedure for determining HIV-1 coreceptor tropism (Trofile) and its validation for routine laboratory testing. HIV-1 pseudoviruses are generated using full-length env genes derived from patient virus populations. Coreceptor tropism is determined by measuring the abilities of these pseudovirus populations to efficiently infect CD4+/U87 cells expressing either the CXCR4 or CCR5 coreceptor. Viruses exclusively and efficiently infecting CXCR4+/CD4+/U87 cells are designated X4-tropic. Conversely, viruses exclusively and efficiently infecting CCR5+/CD4+/U87 cells are designated R5-tropic. Viruses capable of infecting both CXCR4+/CD4+/U87 and CCR5+/CD4+/U87 cells are designated dual/mixed-tropic. Assay accuracy and reproducibility were established by evaluating the tropisms of well-characterized viruses and the variability among replicate results from samples tested repeatedly. The viral subtype, hepatitis B virus or hepatitis C virus coinfection, and the plasma viral load did not affect assay performance. Minority subpopulations with alternate tropisms were reliably detected when present at 5 to 10%. The plasma viral load above which samples can be amplified efficiently in the Trofile assay is 1,000 copies per ml of plasma. Trofile has been automated for high-throughput use; it can be used to identify patients most likely to benefit from treatment regimens that include a coreceptor inhibitor and to monitor patients on treatment for the emergence of resistant virus populations that switch coreceptor tropism.  相似文献   

Plant-derived and semi-synthetic calanolide compounds with anti-human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) activity were tested for anti-human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) activity in both cytopathic effect inhibition and plaque reduction assays. The results indicated that the anti-HCMV activity of calanolide compounds does not correlate with their activity against HIV-1. The semi-synthetic 12-keto derivatives tended to be more active against HCMV than the corresponding 12-OH congeners, which were more active against HIV-1. It appeared that the 7,8-unsaturated double bond in the chromene ring played a certain role in maintaining activities against both HCMV and HIV-1. Saturation of the double bond increased the EC50 values against both viruses, with concomitant increase in toxicity. The calanolide compounds reported here are the first non-nucleoside analogues capable of inhibiting both HIV-1 and HCMV and, therefore, may be useful chemoprophylactic agents for HCMV in HIV-infected people or vice versa.  相似文献   

The rev (art/trs) protein of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1), a phosphoprotein of 20 K apparent molecular weight, is essential to target the mRNA for virion polypeptides into the cytoplasm. The rev protein was expressed in Escherichia coli as a beta-galactosidase fusion protein with a cleavage site for proteinase factor Xa. The rev-specific fragment was isolated to immunize mice. Five stable hybridoma cell lines were obtained producing monoclonal antibodies that reacted with rev protein in Western blot and ELISA. Using the monoclonal antibodies in indirect immunofluorescence, the rev protein could be localized in the nucleus, mostly in the nucleoli, of Hela cells that were transfected with a eukaryotic rev expression plasmid.  相似文献   

A-790742 is a potent human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) protease inhibitor, with 50% effective concentrations ranging from 2 to 7 nM against wild-type HIV-1. The activity of this compound is lowered by approximately sevenfold in the presence of 50% human serum. A-790742 maintained potent antiviral activity against lopinavir-resistant variants generated in vitro as well as against a panel of molecular clones containing proteases derived from HIV-1 patient isolates with multiple protease mutations. During in vitro selection, A-790742 selected two primary mutations (V82L and I84V) along with L23I, L33F, K45I, A71V/A, and V77I in the pNL4-3 background and two other mutations (A71V and V82G) accompanied by M46I and L63P in the HIV-1 RF background. HIV-1 pNL4-3 clones with a single V82L or I84V mutation were phenotypically resistant to A-790742 and ritonavir. Taking these results together, A-790742 displays a favorable anti-HIV-1 profile against both the wild type and a large number of mutants resistant to other protease inhibitors. The selection of the uncommon V82L and V82G mutations in protease by A-790742 suggests the potential for an advantageous resistance profile with this protease inhibitor.  相似文献   

Previous investigations showing that polydisperse biguanide (PDBG) molecules have activity against human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) also suggested a relationship between PDBG biologic activity and the lengths of hydrocarbon linkers surrounding the positively charged biguanide unit. To better define structure-activity relationships, PDBG molecules with select linker lengths were evaluated for cytotoxicity, anti-HIV-1 activity, and in vivo toxicity. Results of the in vitro experiments demonstrated that increases in linker length (and, therefore, increases in compound lipophilicity) were generally associated with increases in cytotoxicity and antiviral activity against HIV-1. However, a relationship between linker length asymmetry and in vitro therapeutic index (TI) suggested structural specificity in the mechanism of action against HIV-1. Polyethylene hexamethylene biguanide (PEHMB; biguanide units spaced between alternating ethylene and hexamethylene linkers) was found to have the highest in vitro TI (CC50/IC50) among the compounds examined. Recent improvements in PEHMB synthesis and purification have yielded preparations of PEHMB with in vitro TI values of 266 and 7000 against HIV-1 strains BaL and IIIB, respectively. The minimal toxicity of PEHMB relative to polyhexamethylene biguanide (PHMB; biguanide units alternating with hexamethylene linkers) in a murine model of cervicovaginal microbicide toxicity was consistent with considerable differences in cytotoxicity between PEHMB and PHMB observed during in vitro experiments. These structure-activity investigations increase our understanding of PDBG molecules as agents with activity against HIV-1 and provide the foundation for further preclinical studies of PEHMB and other biguanide-based compounds as antiviral and microbicidal agents.  相似文献   

Topical microbicides are self-administered, prophylactic products for protection against sexually transmitted pathogens. A large number of compounds with known anti-human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) inhibitory activity have been proposed as candidate topical microbicides. To identify potential leads, an in vitro screening algorithm was developed to evaluate candidate microbicides in assays that assess inhibition of cell-associated and cell-free HIV-1 transmission, entry, and fusion. The algorithm advances compounds by evaluation in a series of defined assays that generate measurements of relative antiviral potency to determine advancement or failure. Initial testing consists of a dual determination of inhibitory activity in the CD4-dependent CCR5-tropic cell-associated transmission inhibition assay and in the CD4/CCR5-mediated HIV-1 entry assay. The activity is confirmed by repeat testing, and identified actives are advanced to secondary screens to determine their effect on transmission of CXCR4-tropic viruses in the presence or absence of CD4 and their ability to inhibit CXCR4- and CCR5-tropic envelope-mediated cell-to-cell fusion. In addition, confirmed active compounds are also evaluated in the presence of human seminal plasma, in assays incorporating a pH 4 to 7 transition, and for growth inhibition of relevant strains of lactobacilli. Leads may then be advanced for specialized testing, including determinations in human cervical explants and in peripheral blood mononuclear cells against primary HIV subtypes, combination testing with other inhibitors, and additional cytotoxicity assays. PRO 2000 and SPL7013 (the active component of VivaGel), two microbicide products currently being evaluated in human clinical trials, were tested in this in vitro algorithm and were shown to be highly active against CCR5- and CXCR4-tropic HIV-1 infection.  相似文献   

We report that the amiloride analogues 5-(N,N-hexamethylene)amiloride and 5-(N,N-dimethyl)amiloride inhibit, at micromolar concentrations, the replication of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) in cultured human blood monocyte-derived macrophages. These compounds also inhibit the in vitro activities of the HIV-1 Vpu protein and might represent lead compounds for a new class of anti-HIV-1 drugs.  相似文献   

R共获得65条c2-v3-c3准种序列、101条p17准种序列;HIV-1前病毒水平介于1.34~53.76拷贝/106个PBMC之间.c2-v3-c3及p17核苷酸序列系统进化树分析表明,不同患者的序列分开、同一患者的序列特异聚集在一起.氨基酸序列比对分析表明,HIV-1感染早期患者体内HIV-1准种序列比较单一,随着感染时间的增加,HIV-1准种趋于复杂化.结论 本研究建立的独特终点有限稀释PCR技术检测HIV-1准种灵敏度高、特异性好、高通量,可用于低水平病毒载量HIV-1感染者HIV-1准种研究.  相似文献   

A cell-based screening assay was performed to identify compounds that inhibited the postintegration stage of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) life cycle. This assay utilized a cell line that contains the HIV gag and pol genes expressed in a Rev-dependent fashion. The cell line produces about 10 to 15 ng of p24 per milliliter of medium over a 24-h period in the form of viruslike particles. Any compound that inhibits a postintegration step in the HIV life cycle scores in this assay by decreasing particle production. Forty thousand compounds were screened, and 192 compounds were selected from the original screen because they showed more than 50% inhibition at a 10 μM concentration. The cumulative evidence presented in this study strongly suggests that 2 of the 192 compounds work as inhibitors of HIV Rev function. This was determined by a variety of cell-based assays, although the compounds do not interfere with Rev-RRE (Rev response element) binding in vitro. Both compounds inhibit replication of the lab isolate NL4-3 as well as an HIV primary isolate from Brazil (93BR021) and thus are promising leads as therapeutic candidates that target HIV replication through inhibition of Rev function.  相似文献   

The recombinant DNA-derived, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) antigen-based immunoblot assay (RIBA-HIV216) is a new supplemental (confirmatory) test developed to detect antibodies to HIV-1. The assay employs four recombinant viral antigens, corresponding to HIV-1 p24, p31, p41 and gp120 proteins, in an immunoblot format. With this assay, HIV-1 antigen reactivity was detected in all 683 infected patient serum or plasma specimens evaluated; 665 (97.6%) of these sera met the criteria for a positive interpretation, and 18 (2.6%) were classified as indeterminate. All 683 samples reacted with the recombinant gp41-equivalent protein. The first sequential enzyme immunoassay (EIA)-reactive samples collected from 33 seroconverting homosexual men reacted on RIBA-HIV216. Eleven (1.1%) of 999 EIA-negative blood donor sera reacted weakly with a single recombinant antigen (p24 or p31), whereas 13 to 48 percent had indeterminate reactions on viral lysate Western blots. One (1.5%) of 66 EIA-positive, Western blot-negative blood donor samples and 19 (29%) of 66 EIA-positive, Western blot-indeterminate blood donor samples scored indeterminate on RIBA-HIV216. Nonspecific reactivity was seen with only 1 (0.8%) of 114 patient sera containing possible interfering antibodies, whereas 33 percent of these samples had indeterminate reactions on Western blot and 35 percent had equivocal reactions on immunofluorescence assay (IFA). We conclude that the RIBA-HIV216 is approximately as sensitive as and significantly more specific than virus-derived Western blot and IFA. The RIBA-HIV216 also allows for semiquantitation of specific antibodies that may be of value in clinical staging and therapeutic monitoring.  相似文献   

Recombinant adenovirus (rAd) vectors have received considerable attention for gene therapy because of their high transduction efficiency. However, recombinant gene expression from rAd vectors elicits rapid and potent immune responses to foreign transgene products. Such immunogenicity limits the duration of transgene expression and poses a major challenge to the use of rAd vectors for gene therapy. In contrast, the inherent immunogenicity of these vectors is a desirable feature for vaccine development. The immunogenicity and protective efficacy of rAd vector-based vaccines have now been demonstrated in a number of animal models, and rAd vaccines for a variety of pathogens are currently being explored in early-phase clinical trials. In this review, we describe progress in the development of rAd vector-based vaccines with a focus on human immunodeficiency virus type 1.  相似文献   

A metallopeptide-based fluorescence assay has been designed for the detection of small-molecule inhibitors of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 gp41, the viral protein involved in membrane fusion. The assay involves two peptides representing the inner N-terminal-heptad-repeat (HR1) coiled coil and the outer C-terminal-heptad-repeat (HR2) helical domains of the gp41 six-helix bundle which forms prior to fusion. The two peptides span a hydrophobic pocket previously defined in the literature. The HR1 peptide is modified with a metal-ligated dye complex, which maintains structural integrity and permits association with a fluorophore-labeled HR2 peptide to be followed by fluorescence quenching. Compounds able to disrupt six-helix bundle formation can act as fusion inhibitors, and we show that they can be detected in the assay from an increase in the fluorescence that is correlated with the potency of the compound. Assay optimization and validation have resulted in a simple quantitative competitive inhibition assay for fusion inhibitors that bind in the hydrophobic pocket. The assay has an assay quality factor (Z') of 0.88 and can rank order inhibitors at 10 microM concentration with K(i)s in the range of 0.2 microM to 30 microM, an ideal range for drug discovery. Screening of a small peptidomimetic library has yielded three new low-molecular-weight gp41 inhibitors. In vitro syncytium inhibition assays confirmed that the compounds inhibited cell-cell fusion in the low micromolar range. These lead compounds provide a new molecular scaffold for the development of fusion inhibitors.  相似文献   

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