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The human pineal gland and melatonin in aging and Alzheimer's disease   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
The pineal gland is a central structure in the circadian system which produces melatonin under the control of the central clock, the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN). The SCN and the output of the pineal gland, i.e. melatonin, are synchronized to the 24-hr day by environmental light, received by the retina and transmitted to the SCN via the retinohypothalamic tract. Melatonin not only plays an important role in the regulation of circadian rhythms, but also acts as antioxidant and neuroprotector that may be of importance in aging and Alzheimer's disease (AD). Circadian disorders, such as sleep-wake cycle disturbances, are associated with aging, and even more pronounced in AD. Many studies have reported disrupted melatonin production and rhythms in aging and in AD that, as we showed, are taking place as early as in the very first preclinical AD stages (neuropathological Braak stage I-II). Degeneration of the retina-SCN-pineal axis may underlie these changes. Our recent studies indicate that a dysfunction of the sympathetic regulation of pineal melatonin synthesis by the SCN is responsible for melatonin changes during the early AD stages. Reactivation of the circadian system (retina-SCN-pineal pathway) by means of light therapy and melatonin supplementation, to restore the circadian rhythm and to relieve the clinical circadian disturbances, has shown promising positive results.  相似文献   

Abstract: Prostate cancer (PCa) is a major age‐related malignancy as increasing age correlates with increased risk for developing this neoplasm. Similarly, alterations in circadian rhythms have also been associated with the aging population and cancer risk. The pineal hormone melatonin is known to regulate circadian rhythms, which is under the control of a core set of genes: Period 1, 2, 3 (Per 1–3); Cryptochrome 1, 2 (Cry 1, 2); Clock, and Bmal 1, 2. Melatonin levels have been shown to decrease in patients with cancer and exogenous melatonin exhibits antiproliferative effects against certain cancers. In this study, we challenged the hypothesis that melatonin imparts antiproliferative effects in prostate cancer via resynchronization of deregulated core clock circuitry. We found that Clock and Per2 protein levels were downregulated whereas Bmal1 protein levels were upregulated in PCa cells, compared to normal prostate cells. Additionally, employing automated quantitative analysis of a microarray containing human tissues, we found that compared to benign tissues, Clock and Per2 levels were downregulated, whereas Bmal1 levels were upregulated in PCa and other proliferative prostatic conditions. Overexpression of Per2 was found to result in a significant loss of PCa cell growth and viability. Interestingly, melatonin treatment resulted in an increase in Per2 and Clock and a reduction in Bmal1 in PCa cells. Further, melatonin treatment resulted in a resynchronization of oscillatory circadian rhythm genes (Dbp and Per2). Our data support our hypothesis and suggest that melatonin should be thoroughly investigated as an agent for the management of PCa and other age‐related malignancies.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To compare relationships between the sleep-wake cycle and endogenous circadian rhythms in young and older adults and to examine correlates between evening naps and circadian rhythms in older adults. DESIGN: For 1 week of home recording, subjects wore wrist-activity monitors and kept daily sleep logs. After the home monitoring, subjects entered the laboratory on a 90-minute sleep-wake schedule and were monitored on this schedule for at least 30 hours. SETTING: Community living and laboratory. PARTICIPANTS: Sixty-seven young adults, aged 18 to 32, and 56 older adults, aged 60 to 75, who were healthy and had few sleep complaints. MEASUREMENTS: Times of nocturnal sleep, out-of-bed napping, and illumination were obtained at home. Sleep propensity and oral body temperature (OBT) were measured in the laboratory, along with circadian rhythms of cortisol and 6-sulfatoxymelatonin (aMT6s, assayed from urine samples collected every 90 minutes). RESULTS: Home sleep times and illumination acrophases (fitted peak times) were advanced in older adults. The phase angles (time intervals) between onset of aMT6s and sleep onset were not changed in older adults, but sleep offset was more advanced than acrophase and offset of aMT6s with aging. Acrophases of cortisol and sleep propensity were advanced in older adults to the same extent as sleep times, but OBT was less advanced than sleep times. Older adults who took evening naps showed more advanced sleep offset and circadian rhythms of aMT6s, but there were no differences in the phase angles of sleep onset and circadian rhythms of aMT6s and cortisol compared with older adults who did not take evening naps. CONCLUSION: Measuring different circadian markers suggested different phase relationships between the sleep-wake cycle and endogenous circadian rhythms in aging. Early awakening in older adults cannot be explained simply by a relative phase advance of the circadian system. Evening naps and advanced illumination may play a role in the advance of the circadian system in aging.  相似文献   

The circulating blood cells show highly reproducible circadian rhythms. However, the factors that regulate these rhythms are not well understood. In the current study, we examined the diurnal variations of peripheral blood cells (white blood cells, neutrophils, lymphocytes), granulocyte-macrophage-colony stimulating factor (GM-CSF), and melatonin levels, and considered the role of melatonin on these rhythms in healthy volunteers and in patients with early breast cancer. Fourteen premenopausal patients with early stage breast cancer (T2, N1 tumors) and 10 premenopausal healthy volunteers were included in the study. Blood samples were taken every 4 hr for a period of 24 hr. Peripheral blood cells were counted by automated analyser and also from peripheral blood films. GM-CSF levels were measured by ELISA and melatonin levels by radioimmunoassay (RIA). Serum melatonin, cortisol, and GM-CSF levels, and peripheral blood cell counts showed significant circadian rhythms in healthy volunteers. Except for GM-CSF, these circadian rhythms were found not to be suppressed in early breast cancer patients. While there were significant correlations of serum GM-CSF and cortisol levels with peripheral blood cell counts in healthy volunteers, only lymphocyte counts were found to be significantly correlated with serum GM-CSF and cortisol levels in patients with breast cancer. Serum melatonin levels were found to be significantly correlated with lymphocyte counts in both groups. Our results suggest that peripheral blood cells show significant circadian rhythms in both healthy volunteers and in patients with stage II (T2, N1) breast cancer, and GM-CSF, cortisol, and melatonin may have a role in the regulation of peripheral blood cell counts.  相似文献   

Although there is good consensus that a single administration of melatonin in the early evening can phase advance human circadian rhythms, the evidence for phase delay shifts to a single melatonin stimulus given in the early morning is sparse. We therefore carried out a double-blind randomized-order placebo-controlled study under modified constant routine (CR) conditions (58 hr bedrest under approximately 8 lux with sleep 23:00-07:00 hr) in nine healthy young men. A single (pharmacological) dose of melatonin (5 mg p.o.) or a placebo was administered at 07:00 hr on the first morning. Core body temperature (CBT) and heart rate (HR) were continuously recorded, and saliva was collected half-hourly for assay of melatonin. Neither the timing of the mid-range crossing times of temperature (MRCT) and HR rhythms, nor dim light melatonin onset (DLMOn) or offset (DLMOff) were phase shifted the day after melatonin administration compared with placebo. The only change was an altered wave form of the CBT rhythm: longer duration of higher-than-average temperature after melatonin administration. Under the same modified CR conditions we have previously demonstrated a clear phase advance of the above circadian rhythms following a single administration of 5 mg melatonin in the evening. This study's failure to find significant delays to a single administration does not negate other positive findings with multiple doses, which may be necessary for a 'weak zeitgeber'.  相似文献   

Abstract: Plasma melatonin concentrations were measured in Japanese quail held under different photoperiods and constant darkness (<1 lux). When subjected to LD6:18 (6 hr light: 18 hr darkness), levels rose ~2 hr after lights-off, attained a peak level 8 hr after lights off, and subsequently declined to low daytime levels before the next lights-on signal. This generated a distinct daily rhythm in melatonin secretion with a duration of ~13 h. On exposing quail to a range of photoperiods, containing 6, 9, 11, 12, 13, 15, 18, or 20 hr of light per day, the onset of melatonin secretion remained essentially similar with the rise occurring soon after lights-off. However, the offset of melatonin secretion was suppressed by the light of the next day and thus a much truncated rhythm was produced under long (> 12 hr) photoperiods. Importantly, between night lengths of 4 to 18 hr (i.e., LD 20:4 to LD 6:18) a linear relationship existed between the duration of night-length and secretion of melatonin with the duration increasing by about 0.8 hr for each additional hour of darkness. If quail were released into darkness following a short (LD 6:18) or long (LD 20:4) day schedule, the rhythm persisted for at least two cycles with peaks occurring at about 24 hr intervals. In those quail coming into darkness from long days (LD 20:4), the rhythm of melatonin secretion decompressed rapidly on both sides of the peak, indicating that both the onset and offset of melatonin secretion were suppressed under long days. The endogenous nature of melatonin secretion was tested further by exposing birds to LD 6:30 for 4 cycles and then releasing into darkness. The rhythm in melatonin secretion persisted for at least three cycles before beginning to damp-out. The circadian nature of the rhythm in melatonin secretion was also examined by subjecting quail to T-cycles and then releasing into darkness. Both under the T-cycles and darkness following T-cycle treatments, the phase of the melatonin rhythm was advanced by > 3 hr under T = 27 hr cycles (LD 3:24) compared with T = 24 hr cycles (LD 3:21). This property is consistent with the melatonin oscillator being a circadian rhythm.  相似文献   

Although there is an increasing evidence that the pineal gland may play a role in human malignancy, the studies on melatonin concentrations in different types of malignant tumors brought about controversial results. However, changes in melatonin concentrations have been observed in some types of human malignant tumors. Therefore, we decided to study the circadian melatonin rhythm in patients suffering from cervical cancer in different stages of progression and to compare them with those in subjects free from neoplastic disease. A total of 45 women were analyzed in this study. The subjects were divided into two groups. The first group consisted of 31 patients [mean age 52.1 +/- 1.8 yr (mean +/- S.E.M.), range 32-77 yr] with cervical cancer in various stages of the disease. The second group consisted of 14 healthy volunteers [mean age 53.5 +/- 2.0 yr (mean +/- S.E.M.), range 42-63] who served as the control group. Blood samples were collected at 08:00, 12:00, 16:00, 20:00, 22:00, 24:00, 02:00, 04:00, 06:00, and 08:00 hours. Melatonin concentration was measured by immunoenzymatic method. There were significant differences in circadian melatonin profiles as well as in the area under curve among the two studied groups. Melatonin concentrations were significantly lower in cancer patients in comparison with healthy individuals. Taking into consideration stage of the cervical cancer significantly lower melatonin secretion has been found in all subgroups of patients in comparison with that of tumor-free control group. Additionally, nocturnal melatonin concentrations as well as area under curve were significantly lower in advanced stage of cancer (stages 3 and 4) in comparison with patients with preinvasive cancer (stage 0) at 24:00, 02:00, and 04:00 hours and patients with stage 1 disease at 02:00 and 04:00 hours. The results of the present study indicate that the presence of cervical cancer influences melatonin levels in women. Moreover, stage dependence in reduction of melatonin concentrations has been found.  相似文献   

In the chick pineal gland, 5-methoxytryptophol and melatonin concentrations fluctuate in a rhythmic manner. These rhythms are circadian in nature persisting in constant darkness and have opposite phases. Acute exposure of chicks to white light (30 lux for 5, 10, 20, and 30 min) at night increased the amount of pineal 5-methoxytryptophol and decreased pineal melatonin content. A 6 hr pulse of light (100 lux) applied early in the subjective night (CT12-CT18) caused a delay in the phase of the circadian rhythms of 5-methoxytryptophol and melatonin by 3.7 and 4.5 h, respectively, compared to untreated controls. When the 6 hr light pulse was given during the late subjective night (C18 CT24) it advanced the phase of the 5-methoxytryptophol and melatonin rhythms by 8.1 and 11.9 h, respectively. In the chick pineal the phase-advancing effects of light on the circadian rhythms of 5-methoxytryptophol and melatonin were more pronounced than the phase-delaying effects. Our results provide the first evidence that light is capable of phase shifting the 5-methoxytryptophol rhythm in a manner similar to its action on the melatonin rhythm.  相似文献   

Abstract:  MT1 melatonin receptors expressed in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells remain sensitive to a melatonin re-challenge even following chronic melatonin exposure when microtubules are depolymerized in the cell, an exposure that normally results in MT1 receptor desensitization. We extended our findings to MT2 melatonin receptors using both in vitro and in vivo approaches. Using CHO cells expressing human MT2 melatonin receptors, microtubule depolymerization prevents the loss in the number of high potency states of the receptor when compared to melatonin-treated cells. In addition, microtubule depolymerization increases melatonin-induced PKC activity but not PI hydrolysis via Gi proteins similar to that shown for MT1Rs. Furthermore, microtubule depolymerization in MT2-CHO cells enhances the exchange of GTP on Gi-proteins using a photoaffinity analog of GTP. To test whether microtubules are capable of modulating melatonin-induced phase-shifts, microtubules are depolymerized specifically within the suprachiasmatic nucleus of the hypothalamus (SCN) of the Long Evans rat and the efficacy of melatonin to phase shift their circadian activity rhythms was assessed and compared to animals with intact SCN microtubules. We find that microtubule depolymerization in the SCN using either Colcemid or nocodazole enhances the efficacy of 10 p m melatonin to phase-shift the activity rhythms of the Long Evans rat. No enhancement occurs in the presence of β-lumicolchicine, the inactive analog of Colcemid. Taken together, these data suggest that microtubule dynamics can modulate melatonin-induced phase shifts of circadian activity rhythms which may explain, in part, why circadian disturbances occur in individuals afflicted with diseases associated with microtubule disturbances.  相似文献   

In contrast to the situation in mammals, in which circadian melatonin production by the pineal gland does not begin until some time after birth, the development of pineal gland rhythmicity is an embryonic event in the precocial domestic fowl. A distinct melatonin rhythm was found in 19-d-old chick embryos maintained under light:dark (LD) 16:8. No significant variation in melatonin levels was detected in embryos exposed to LD 8:16. The melatonin rhythm in the pineal gland and plasma of chick embryos incubated for 18 d in LD 12:12 persisted for 2 d in constant darkness indicating that melatonin production is under circadian control at least from the end of embryonic life. A 1-d exposure to a LD cycle during the first postembryonic day was sufficient to entrain the melatonin rhythm, and previous embryonic exposure to either LD or constant darkness (DD) neither modified this rapid synchronization nor did it affect the melatonin pattern during the two subsequent days in DD. It is suggested that, in contrast to the situation in mammals, the avian embryo has evolved its own early circadian melatonin-producing system because, as a consequence of its extrauterine development, it cannot use the system of its mother.  相似文献   

To investigate whether free melatonin may be better suited to reveal age-related changes, we studied the circadian rhythm alterations in saliva melatonin levels during aging. Special attention was paid to the question as to how the free melatonin rhythms change in aging and when such changes take place. A total of 52 healthy volunteers participated in the study consisting of young, middle-aged, old and the oldest groups. In each subject, a total of 12 time-point salivary melatonin samples was taken over 24 hr. Of the 52 data sets, 51 exhibited significant circadian rhythm over 24 hr by using the base cosine function analysis to fit the data. A clear circadian rhythm of salivary melatonin was present in all age groups. The decline in nocturnal peak levels (amplitude) in salivary melatonin was found in old and the oldest subjects. Both the old and the oldest subjects showed an increased daytime (baseline) melatonin levels. The off-set melatonin levels were more than two times higher in the oldest group than that in the other groups indicating a delayed phase of salivary melatonin. Most strikingly, we found that a step-wise decrease in the circadian rhythms of saliva melatonin occurred early in life, around 40 yr of ages. The middle-aged subjects had only 60% of the amplitude of the young subjects. In addition, the middle-aged subjects showed the longest peak levels duration and the lowest daytime melatonin levels. The present study showed that the alterations in the circadian rhythms of salivary melatonin begin during middle-age. Our results showed that salivary melatonin measurement is a reliable, sensitive and easy method to monitor changes in the circadian rhythms of melatonin during the course of aging.  相似文献   

Blask DE  Dauchy RT  Sauer LA 《Endocrine》2005,27(2):179-188
Physiological and pharmacological blood concentrations of melatonin inhibit tumorigenesis in a variety of in vivo and in vitro experimental models of neoplasia. Evidence indicates that melatonin’s anticancer effects are exerted via inhibition of cell proliferation and a stimulation of differentiation and apoptosis. A new mechanism by which physiological and pharmacological blood levels of melatonin inhibit cancer growth in vivo is via a melatonin-induced suppression of tumor linoleic acid (LA) uptake and its metabolism to the important mitogenic signaling molecule 13-hydroxyoctadecadienoic acid (13-HODE). Melatonin suppresses cAMP formation and inhibits tumor uptake of LA and its metabolism to 13-HODE via a melatonin receptor-mediated mechanism in both tissue-isolated rat hepatoma 7288 CTC and human breast cancer xenografts. It has been postulated that in industrialized societies, light at night, by suppressing melatonin production, poses a new risk for the development of breast cancer and, perhaps, other cancers as well. In support of this hypothesis, light during darkness suppresses nocturnal melatonin production and stimulates the LA metabolism and growth of rat hepatoma and human breast cancer xenografts. Nocturnal dietary supplementation with melatonin, at levels contained in a melatonin-rich diet, inhibits rat hepatoma growth via the mechanisms described above. The nocturnal melatonin signal organizes tumor metabolism and growth within circadian time structure that can be further reinforced by appropriately timed melatonin supplementation. Dietary melatonin supplementation working in concert with the endogenous melatonin signal has the potential to be a new preventive/therapeutic strategy to optimize the host/cancer balance in favor of host survival and quality of life.  相似文献   

A decrease in melatonin secretion has been observed in small mammals under exposure to extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields. As there is some concern about possible health effects of the increasing use of radiocellular telephones emitting radiofrequency electromagnetic fields, we examined whether such fields would alter melatonin levels in the human. Volunteers were two groups totalling 38 men, 20-32 yr old. Exposures were to commercially available cellular telephones of the GSM 900 type (Global System for Mobile communication at 900 MHz) or DCS 1800 type (Digital Communication System at 1800 MHz), for 2 hr/day, 5 days/wk, for 4 wk, at their maximum power. Attention of the volunteers was sustained by TV projection of movies. Blood samples were collected hourly during the night and every 3 hr in the daytime. Four sampling sessions were performed at 15-day intervals: before the beginning of the exposure period, at the middle and the end of the exposure period, and 15 days later to evaluate the persistence or late appearance of potential effects. Evaluated parameters were the maximum serum concentration, the time of this maximum, and the area under the curve of the hormone profile. Melatonin circadian profile was not disrupted in 37 young male volunteers submitted to a typical pattern of exposure to the electromagnetic fields generated by two common types of cell phones.  相似文献   

Exercise and melatonin in humans: reciprocal benefits   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The aim of this review is to update the reader as to the association between physical exercise and melatonin, and to clarify how the melatonin rhythm may be affected by different types of exercise. Exercise may act as a zeitgeber, although the effects of exercise on the human circadian system are only now being explored. Depending on the time of the day, on the intensity of light, and on the proximity of the exercise to the onset or decline of the circadian production of melatonin, the consequence of exercise on the melatonin rhythm varies. Moreover, especially strenuous exercise per se induces an increased oxidative stress that in turn may affect melatonin levels in the peripheral circulation because indole is rapidly used to combat free radical damage. On the other hand, melatonin also may influence physical performance, and thus, there are mutually interactions between exercise and melatonin production which may be beneficial.  相似文献   

A physiologically based model of arousal dynamics is improved to incorporate the effects of the light spectrum on circadian phase resetting, melatonin suppression, and subjective sleepiness. To account for these nonvisual effects of light, melanopic irradiance replaces photopic illuminance that was used previously in the model. The dynamic circadian oscillator is revised according to the melanopic irradiance definition and tested against experimental circadian phase resetting dose-response and phase response data. Melatonin suppression function is recalibrated against melatonin dose-response data for monochromatic and polychromatic light sources. A new light-dependent term is introduced into the homeostatic weight component of subjective sleepiness to represent the direct alerting effect of light; the new term responds to light change in a time-dependent manner and is calibrated against experimental data. The model predictions are compared to a total of 14 experimental studies containing 26 data sets for 14 different spectral light profiles. The revised melanopic model shows on average 1.4 times lower prediction error for circadian phase resetting compared to the photopic-based model, 3.2 times lower error for melatonin suppression, and 2.1 times lower error for subjective sleepiness. Overall, incorporating melanopic irradiance allowed simulation of wavelength-dependent responses to light and could explain the majority of the observations. Moving forward, models of circadian phase resetting and the direct effects of light on alertness and sleep need to use nonvisual photoreception-based measures of light, for example, melanopic irradiance, instead of the traditionally used illuminance based on the visual system.  相似文献   

The effect of daily injection of the pineal hormone melatonin and naltrexone, an opioid antagonist, on the circadian rhythm and the level of immune parameters (plaque forming cell [PFC] number, serum agglutinin titer, lymphoid gland weight, total white blood cells (WBC) and their fraction number, and serum lysozyme [LZ] content) was examined in White Leghorn cockerels and female BALB/c mice kept in LD 12:12. Animals were immunized ip with sheep red blood cells (SRBC) to stimulate their immune system. Subcutaneous injections of melatonin, naltrexone, or both drugs together were made 2 hr before the end of light, for 4 or 5 days, beginning on the day of immunization. The day following the fifth injection, chickens were sacrificed over a 24 hr period every 4 hr (experiment I) or twice daily, i.e., at the beginning of light and dark phases (experiment II). Mice were killed on the day following the fourth injection at the beginning of light, and splenic PFC number was determined (experiment III). In experiment I, the existence of the diurnal rhythm was evaluated by cosinor analysis. Melatonin injections entrained the circadian rhythm in anti-SRBC serum agglutinins, but it did not influence circadian rhythmicity in other parameters examined. The circadian rhythm in total WBC number and their fractions was entrained by naltrexone treatment. Melatonin injections did not affect either the diurnal mean of parameters examined or the weight of lymphoid organs. Splenic PFC number in chickens was diminished by both melatonin and naltrexone injections, whereas in mice it was increased by melatonin, and naltrexone antagonized that effect.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Abstract:  To date, there have been no prospective long-term studies of melatonin therapy in children. We report here data from a prospective follow-up study of 44 children with neurodevelopmental disabilities and treatment-resistant circadian rhythm sleep disorders (CRSD) who had participated in a placebo controlled, double blind cross-over trial of sustained-release melatonin. The follow-up study involved a structured telephone interview of caregivers every 3 months for upto 3.8 yr. The caregivers provided ratings of satisfaction, adverse effects, benefits, persistence with treatment and additional medications. Changes in melatonin dose were recorded. Open ended questions were included to capture caregivers' impressions and comments concerning melatonin therapy. Adverse reaction to melatonin therapy and development of tolerance were not evident. Better sleep was associated with reported improvement in health, behavior and learning. At the end of the study, the parental comments regarding the effectiveness of long-term melatonin therapy were highly positive. Parents whose children had sleep maintenance difficulties expressed a wish to have a commercially available controlled-release melatonin product which would promote sleep for 8–10 hr. Hypnotics for children with CRSD should be considered a second line of treatment for those who fail to respond to sleep hygiene and/or melatonin.  相似文献   

Although exogenous melatonin supplementation has been suggested to be effective for episodic migraine prophylaxis, there is no conclusive evidence comparing the efficacy of exogenous melatonin supplementation to the other FDA-approved pharmacotherapy for episodic migraine prophylaxis. The aim of the current network meta-analysis (NMA) was to compare the efficacy of exogenous melatonin supplementation in patients with episodic migraine. The randomized placebo-controlled trials or randomized controlled trials (RCTs) incorporating a placebo in the study designs were included in our analyses. All of the NMA procedures were conducted under the frequentist model. The primary outcome was changes in frequency of migraine days and response rate after migraine prophylaxis with melatonin supplementation or pharmacological interventions. We included 25 RCTs in total with 4499 patients (mean age = 36.0 years, mean female proportion = 78.9%). The NMA demonstrated that migraine prophylaxis with oral melatonin 3 mg/d (immediate-release) at bedtime was associated with the greatest improvement in migraine frequency [mean difference = −1.71 days, 95% confidence interval (CI): −3.27 to −0.14 days compared to placebo] and the second highest response rate (odds ratio = 4.19, 95% CI = 1.46 to 12.00 compared to placebo). Furthermore, oral melatonin 3 mg (immediate-release) at bedtime was the most preferred pharmacological intervention among all of the investigated interventions when improvements in migraine frequency, response rate, dropout rate, and rates of any adverse events were taken into account. This pilot NMA suggests the potential prophylactic role of exogenous melatonin supplementation in patients with episodic migraine.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine if aging affects the circadian rhythm of serum cortisol. Female beagle dogs belonging to three age groups were used: adult (3.3 ± 0.6 (SD) years), old (12.1 ± 0.3 years), and puppies (8.4 ± 0.2 weeks). Blood samples were collected by cephalic or jugular venipuncture at 3-h intervals during three 24-h periods and analyzed for total serum cortisol concentrations by radioimmunoassay. The circadian rhythm was present in the serum cortisol of adult animals, but no significant changes during a 24-h period could be detected in the old animals. No circadian rhythm in serum cortisol was present in the puppies. It is concluded that the circadian rhythm in plasma cortisol is disrupted in old animals and is not yet developed in puppies.  相似文献   

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