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目的 应用3T磁共振T1加权成像和定量磁化率成像分析早期帕金森病(PD)患者深部灰质核团体积的变化,探究深部灰质核团磁化率值在帕金森病患者和健康对照者之间的差异,探讨磁化率值在早期PD诊断中的意义,以及定量磁化率成像对于黑质小体-1的显示情况。方法 30例早期PD患者和27例年龄、性别、教育程度匹配的健康对照者,分割双侧尾状核、壳核、苍白球、黑质和红核,测量核团的体积和平均磁化率值,使用SPSS 20.0软件对数据进行统计学分析,并对磁化率值进行逻辑回归。结果 早期PD患者组和健康对照组上述核团标准化体积之间差异无显著性;早期PD患者组右侧苍白球、左侧黑质和右侧黑质的磁化率值显著高于健康对照组(P<0.05);上述核团磁化率值经逻辑回归变换后得到的受试者工作特征曲线下面积为0.93;在21例健康对照者和1例早期PD患者的定量磁化率图像上看到了黑质小体-1。结论 定量磁化率图像在诊断早期PD中具有很高的应用价值;大部分健康对照者的黑质小体-1在定量磁化率图像上可以显示,但更精确的研究需要<1mm分辨率的定量磁化率图像。  相似文献   

侯中煜  刘树伟 《解剖学报》2004,35(6):668-670
随着神经成像技术的不断进步,人们对正常老化和帕金森病(PD)的脑成像改变有了进一步认识。由于磁共振成像(MRI)技术在神经成像方面有其独特的用途和优势,尤其是功能磁共振成像(functional MRI,fMRI)具有很高的空间和时间分辨力,能将解剖和功能图像融为一体,因此在老化与PD基底核研究中MRI的应用越来越多。为进一步开展老化与PD基底核的MRI研究,现将有关文献综述如下:  相似文献   

【摘要】静息态功能磁共振成像(fMRI)作为一种不需要任务刺激就能呈现功能脑影像的技术手段,在临床上被广泛应 用。基于静息态fMRI的静息态功能连接(RSFC),作为一种重要的计算机辅助分析法,能够度量不同脑区的脑功能连接 强度,对脑老化相关的神经科学领域的研究具有重要意义。本文介绍了功能连接的基本概念,总结了近年来脑老化相关 的人脑功能连接的研究成果,最后提出了该研究领域存在的问题及未来的研究方向。  相似文献   

目的 总结多模态MRI技术在儿童脑发育及神经发育障碍(NDDs)中的应用研究进展。方法 在中国知网、万方数据、PubMed及Web of Science 等中英文数据库,以“儿童脑发育”“神经发育障碍”“磁共振成像”以及“brain development” “neurodevelopmental disorders” “children” “MRI”等为关键词,检索1999年1月—2021年1月有关脑发育及NDDs疾病的MRI研究的相关文献,共检索到7 974篇文献,排除内容不相符、无法获取全文、质量较低、证据等级不高、重复研究的文献,最终纳入49篇英文文献,对其进行总结、分析。结果 多模态脑影像学技术(如形态学、解剖学及功能MRI)结合当前机器学习分析技术(如脑年龄预测)和影像遗传学技术,从结构到功能、从局域到网络性质,描绘了正常和异常儿童脑发育的轨迹,促进了对NDDs病理生理机制的理解。结论 结合定量化分析的多模态MRI技术,可用于对NDDs疾病的大脑结构及功能改变进行观察和对NDDs疾病机制的研究,并提供影像生物标志物,在儿童脑发育及NDDs疾病的早期诊断、分类和预后方面具有较高的应用价值。  相似文献   

神经功能成像能够实现活体脑结构与功能变化的无创(微创)检测。鉴于头皮脑电具有高时间分辨、便于操作、能直接反映大脑神经生理活动等优点,近年已逐步整合形成脑电-功能磁共振成像(EEG-fMRI)、脑电-近红外光谱(EEG-NIRS)、脑电-经颅聚焦超声(EEG-tFUS)等兼具高时空分辨优势的多模态神经功能成像新技术。从技术原理、技术特征及其在神经功能研究中的最新进展等方面,综述3种新模式的研究现状,论述存在问题与发展趋势,突出多模态神经功能成像新技术在促进脑科学发展中的意义。  相似文献   

基于内源信号的脑功能光学成像是一种新兴的脑成像技术,它因空间分辨率高、可长时间在体记录、结构简单等特点,可以有效地帮助研究人员探索大脑功能。由于基于内源信号的脑功能光学成像信号易受呼吸、心跳、血管周期性搏动等的影响,信噪比很低,研究适用于光学成像的图像处理方法成为了研究热点。本文对基于内源信号脑功能光学成像的图像处理方法的研究现状进行了综述。在介绍传统图像处理方法的基础上,主要对主成分分析、独立成分分析、局部相似度最小化、活动区域反应特征曲线及指示函数法等新的图像处理算法进行详细介绍,分析其不同的应用场合、优缺点及旨在解决的问题。这些新的处理方法可以在传统方法的基础上得到更好的图像处理效果。  相似文献   

实时功能磁共振成像(rt-f MRI)技术的发展为基于脑血液动力学水平的神经反馈技术提供了基础,并为认知神经科学的研究带来新的机遇与挑战。随着大脑高级神经机制研究的深入,基于rt-f MRI的神经反馈技术正从早期单一脑区的调节向更符合人脑功能活动的脑网络连接的调节发展,并有望成为rt-f MRI神经反馈的发展趋势。文中首先对基于rt-f MRI的神经反馈技术的基本原理和发展情况进行了介绍,然后重点讨论了基于脑网络连接的rt-f MRI神经反馈技术的研究现状,包括研究思路、实验方法和研究结论等,最后对该领域发展存在的问题进行了讨论和展望。  相似文献   

随着人口老龄化问题的日益凸现,老年人认知功能衰退逐渐成为临床研究热点。太极拳作为一项传统康复运动,已被证明对改善老年人认知功能、延缓认知衰退具有积极作用,但其相关脑功能机制尚不明确。本文通过收集利用磁共振成像(MRI)、脑电图(EEG)、功能性近红外光谱(fNIRS)观察太极拳对老年人认知功能相关脑区变化影响的研究,以大脑结构和功能改变为切入点进行梳理,结果表明太极拳可能通过重塑记忆、注意、执行等认知相关脑区的结构和功能来改善老年人的认知功能,延缓认知衰退。此外,太极拳改善认知功能可能与其正性调节老年人的心血管功能、情绪和冥想水平有关,且认知功能的改善可进一步提升老年人的平衡能力。同时发现练习时间、练习频率和练习强度可能是影响太极拳改善老年人认知功能和脑功能的因素。  相似文献   

Cerebrovascular support is crucial for healthy cognitive and brain aging. Arterial stiffening is a cause of reduced brain blood flow, a predictor of cognitive decline, and a risk factor for cerebrovascular accidents and Alzheimer's disease. Arterial health is influenced by lifestyle factors, such as cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF). We investigated new noninvasive optical measures of cerebrovascular health, which provide estimates of arterial pulse parameters (pulse pressure, transit time, and compliance/elasticity) within specific cerebral arteries and cortical regions, and low‐resolution maps of large superficial cerebral arteries. We studied naturally occurring variability in these parameters in adults (aged 55–87), and found that these indices of cerebrovascular health are negatively correlated with age and positively with CRF and gray and white matter volumes. Further, regional pulse transit time predicts specific neuropsychological performance.  相似文献   

Identifying the factors that contribute to long and healthy life can lead to improved interventions that can help delay or prevent the onset of major aging-related diseases and disabilities and increase the time that older persons spend in good health. Studies on longevity and other exceptional survival outcomes can contribute to this knowledge. The National Institute on Aging (NIA) supports a considerable amount of basic, behavioral, demographic, epidemiologic, and clinical research on these topics, including a large research program on longevity assurance genes, primarily in laboratory animals, and in biodemographic aspects of longevity in humans and other species. This article describes NIA's activities regarding one important aspect of research on longevity and related phenotypes: exceptional survival phenotypes in humans, including exceptional longevity, health span, and active life expectancy.  相似文献   

目的 :了解当归注射液改善脑循环治疗脑血栓的临床效果。方法 :对 46例脑血栓形成患者应用当归注射液进行治疗 ,对比分析其治疗前后血浆前列环素 (PGI2 )、血栓烷A2 (TXA2 )及自由基水平。结果 :脑血栓形成患者TXA2 、丙二醛 (MDA)明显升高 ,超氧化物岐化酶 (SOD)明显降低。当归注射液治疗后上述改变明显减轻或恢复至正常组水平。结论 :当归注射液能有效调节花生四烯酸代谢产物和氧自由基水平 ,对治疗脑血栓效果明显。  相似文献   

Recombinant inbred (RI) mouse strains were developed primarily as a tool to detect and provisionally map major gene loci—those with effects large enough to cause a bimodal distribution in the trait of interest. This implied that progress toward gene mapping was possible only for gene loci accounting for at least half of the genetic variance. More recently, QTL (quantitative trait loci) approaches have been advanced that do not require bimodal distributions and are thus applicable to a much wider range of phenotypes. They offer the prospect of meaningful progress toward detecting and mapping minor as well as major gene loci affecting any trait of interest, provided there is a significant degree of genetic determination among the RI strains. This paper presents a review of RI gene mapping efforts concerning phenotypes related to drug abuse and presents new data for studies now in progress for nitrous oxide and acute ethanol withdrawal intensity. These two studies exemplify several strengths and limitations of the RI QTL approach.  相似文献   

Several syndiotactic polystyrene (sPS) samples have been synthesized by using different catalytic systems. Their stereochemistry has been determined by 13C NMR spectra in both the aliphatic CH2 and aromatic C1 resonance regions. The observed peaks have been unambiguously assigned to specific hexads and heptads, respectively, and their intensities have been used to draw the percent of defects (meso dyads) in the polymer chains. On the hypothesis that chain defects are at the origin of chain folding and thus determine the thickness of crystalline lamellae, we performed differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) analysis on the same samples, and their thermal parameters were measured. A model was developed to determine the amount of steric defects from the DSC melting‐peak profiles, and the results obtained were compared with the NMR results. A satisfactory agreement was found (correlation factor 0.96) in the explored range of defect concentrations (up to 2.5% of meso dyads). The possible influence of the extraction procedure of the amorphous fraction was found to be negligible. Thus, information on stereochemistry can be obtained from DSC experiments starting from as‐prepared (not extracted) samples.


Behavioral disorders affect millions of people worldwide. Hypertension contributes to both the development and progression of brain damage and cognitive dysfunction and could represent the most powerful modifiable risk factor for cerebral vessel dysfunction and consequent behavioral impairment. Tomato contains antioxidants and bioactive molecules that might play an important role in the prevention of cardiovascular and brain diseases. The effects of the combined gel and serum from Lycopersicum esculentum L. var. “Camone” tomatoes and those of purified tomato glycoalkaloids (tomatine) and an antihypertensive drug (captopril) were investigated in male spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHRs) and compared with normotensive Wistar Kyoto (WKY) rats. Body weight, systolic blood pressure, behavioral parameters, as well as brain susceptibility to oxidative stress and brain cytokine contents, were assessed. Treating hypertensive rats with tomato gel/serum or captopril for four weeks caused a significant reduction in blood pressure, decreased locomotor activity and increased grooming behavior; the last two parameters were also significantly affected by tomatine treatment. Brain slices obtained from hypertensive rats treated with tomato gel/serum were more resistant to oxidative stress and contained lower levels of inflammatory cytokines than vehicle-treated ones. In contrast, tomatine treatment had no effect. In conclusion, the tomato-derived gel/serum can be considered a dietary supplement able to drive in vivo blood pressure towards healthier values and also control some central effects such as behavior and brain oxidative stress.  相似文献   

Extracellular signal-regulated kinases (ERKs) 1, 2, and 5 have been shown to play distinct roles in proliferation, differentiation, and neuronal viability. In this study, we examined ERK1, 2, and 5 expression and activation in the substantia nigra (SN), striatum (STR), and ventral tegmental area (VTA) during aging. An age-related decrease in phosphorylated ERK5 was observed in the SN and STR, whereas an increase in total ERK1 was observed in all 3 regions. In primary cultures of the SN and VTA, inhibition of ERK5 but not ERK1 and 2 decreased dopamine neuronal viability significantly. These data suggest that ERK5 is essential for the basal survival of SN and VTA dopaminergic neurons. This is the first study to examine ERK1, 2, and 5 expression and activation in the SN, STR, and VTA during aging, and the relative roles of ERK1, 2, and 5 in basal survival of SN and VTA dopaminergic neurons. These data raise the possibility that a decline in ERK5 signaling may play a role in age-related impairments in dopaminergic function.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine whether declines in immune functioning are associated with changes in neuropsychological performance in children and adolescents with hemophilia who are infected with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). METHODS: Participants were 333 males with hemophilia, ages 6-19 years at entry. A baseline and four annual neuropsychological evaluations were given. A longitudinal growth curves analysis of data was performed to detect changes associated with declining immune function. The cohort was stratified into four groups: (1) HIV- (n = 126); (2) HIV+, average of first two and last two CD4 counts > or = 200, (n = 106; High CD4 group); (3) HIV+, average first two counts > or = 200, average last two counts < 200 (n = 41; CD4 Drop group); and (4) HIV+, average first two and last two counts < 200 (n = 60; Low CD4 group). RESULTS: There were significant differences among the four groups over time in nonverbal intelligence, perceptual/performance skills, nonverbal memory, academic achievement, and language. The Low CD4 group consistently showed the greatest decrement in performance. On measures showing a practice effect for repeated measurements, the Low CD4 group participants' scores remained stable over time, suggesting opposing effects of practice and HIV-related declines. Lowered academic performance relative to IQ was found in all groups. CONCLUSIONS: Declines in neuropsychological functioning are directly related to declines in immune functioning in HIV+ children, adolescents, and young adults with hemophilia. Hemophilia itself may be a risk factor for academic underachievement.  相似文献   

目的:对Ⅱ型糖尿病(NIDDM)并发急性脑梗死(ACI)的中风证侯特征与神经内分泌免疫网络(NEIN)及其相应脑病理改变进行观察研究,以从宏观和微观辨证阐明该病的发病机理。方法:采用中风辨证量表、血液流变学等指标对脑卒中患者始发状态进行评分和放射免疫分析,包括下丘脑-垂体-肾上腺轴(HPA)激素(促肾上腺皮质激素释放激素、促肾上腺皮质激素、皮质醇)与免疫细胞因子(肿瘤坏死因子α、白细胞介素-6)水  相似文献   

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