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To explore the clinical characteristics and motor activity profile during sleep periods of children and adolescents presenting with disruptive mood dysregulation disorder (DMDD).


Twenty-one youths (mean age ± standard deviation, 11.7 ± 3 years) wore a wrist actigraph for 9 consecutive days (including both school days and non-school days), to measure sleep parameters: sleep latency, sleep efficiency and the number and duration of periods of wakefulness after sleep onset (WASO). We divided the night-time actigraphy recording sessions into three sections and compared the first and last thirds of the night.


All the study participants had a psychiatric comorbidity (primarily attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, depressive disorder or anxiety disorder). On non-school days, bedrest onset and activity onset were shifted later by about 1 h. There was no significant difference between school days and non-school days with regard to the total sleep time. Sleep efficiency was significantly greater on non-school days. Sleep was fragmented on both school days and non-school days. The mean number of episodes of WASO was 24.9 for school days and 30.9 for non-school days. Relative to the first third of the night, we observed a significantly greater number of episodes of WASO during the last third of the night, a period associated with a larger proportion of rapid eye movement (REM) sleep.


Sleep appeared to be fragmented in the study population of youths with DMDD. The greater frequency of WASO in the last third of the night points to a possible impairment of the motor inhibition normally associated with REM sleep.  相似文献   



Irritability is one of the most common reasons for referral to child and adolescent mental health services and is the main characteristic of the new diagnosis of disruptive mood dysregulation disorder (DMDD). However, the recognition and management of irritability presents a major challenge in clinical practice and may be partly responsible for the dramatic increase in antipsychotic prescribing in recent years.


In this review, we provide up‐to‐date information on the definition and mechanisms underlying irritability, and its assessment in clinical practice. We aim to discuss the latest research on DMDD, and the presence of severe irritability in the context of other disorders, as well as to recommend a treatment algorithm.


Severe irritability is associated with aberrant reward processing and bias toward threatening stimuli. Several measures are available to easily assess irritability. The recent diagnosis of DMDD captures children whose main problem is severe irritability and differ from those with bipolar disorder in longitudinal outcomes, family history, and behavioral and neural correlates. Treatment of irritability might depend on the context it appears. Indirect evidence suggests that parent management training (PMT) and cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) are the most supported psychological treatments for irritability.


Irritability, recognized as a mood problem rather than a purely behavioral manifestation, is a common condition for young people. Practitioners should not ignore irritability as it is associated with substantial morbidity and impairment. Although there are no trials with irritability as main outcome, clinicians can apply several existing pharmacological and psychological interventions for its treatment. Also, new promising approaches relying on pathophysiological findings, such as exposure‐based cognitive behavioral therapy techniques and interpretation bias training (IBT), are being currently investigated.  相似文献   

Background: The goal of this study was to investigate the occurrence, severity and clinical correlates of emotional lability (EL) in children with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and to examine factors contributing to EL and familiality of EL in youth with ADHD. Methods: One thousand, one hundred and eighty‐six children with ADHD combined type and 1827 siblings (aged 6–18 years) were assessed for symptoms of EL, ADHD, associated psychopathology and comorbid psychiatric disorders with a structured diagnostic interview (PACS) as well as parent and teacher ratings of psychopathology (SDQ; CPRS‐R:L; CTRS‐R:L). Analyses of variance, regression analyses, χ2‐tests or loglinear models were applied. Results: Mean age and gender‐standardized ratings of EL in children with ADHD were >1.5 SD above the mean in normative samples. Severe EL (>75th percentile) was associated with more severe ADHD core symptoms, primarily hyperactive‐impulsive symptoms, and more comorbid oppositional defiant, affective and substance use disorders. Age, hyperactive‐impulsive, oppositional, and emotional symptoms accounted for 30% of EL variance; hyperactive‐impulsive symptoms did not account for EL variance when coexisting oppositional and emotional problems were taken into account, but oppositional symptoms explained 12% of EL variance specifically. Severity of EL in probands increased the severity of EL in siblings, but not the prevalence rates of ADHD or ODD. EL and ADHD does not co‐segregate within families. Conclusion: EL is a frequent clinical problem in children with ADHD. It is associated with increased severity of ADHD core symptoms, particularly hyperactivity‐impulsivity, and more symptoms of comorbid psychopathology, primarily symptoms of oppositional defiant disorder (ODD), but also affective symptoms, and substance abuse. EL in ADHD seems to be more closely related to ODD than to ADHD core symptoms, and is only partly explainable by the severity of ADHD core symptoms and associated psychopathology. Although EL symptoms are transmitted within families, EL in children with ADHD does not increase the risk of ADHD and ODD in their siblings.  相似文献   

Background:  An increasing number of youth are being diagnosed with, and treated for, bipolar disorder (BD). Controversy exists about whether youth with non-episodic irritability and symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) should be considered to have a developmental presentation of mania.
Method:  A selective review of the literature related to this question, along with recommendations to guide clinical assessment.
Results:  Data indicate differences between youth with episodic mania and those with non-episodic irritability in longitudinal diagnostic associations, family history, and pathophysiology. In youth with episodic mania, elation and irritability are both common during manic episodes.
Conclusions:  In diagnosing mania in youth, clinicians should focus on the presence of episodes that consist of a distinct change in mood accompanied by concurrent changes in cognition and behavior. BD should not be diagnosed in the absence of such episodes. In youth with ADHD, symptoms such as distractibility and agitation should be counted as manic symptoms only if they are markedly increased over the youth's baseline symptoms at the same time that there is a distinct change in mood and the occurrence of other associated symptoms of mania. Although different techniques for diagnosing comorbid illnesses have not been compared systematically, it appears most rational to diagnose co-occurring illnesses such as ADHD only if the symptoms of the co-occurring illness are present when the youth is euthymic.  相似文献   

In adolescence, antisocial and depressive symptoms are moderately stable and modestly correlated with each other. We examined the genetic and environmental origins of the stability and change of antisocial and depressive symptoms and their co-occurrence cross-sectionally and longitudinally in a national sample of 405 adolescents. Monozygotic (MZ) and dizygotic (DZ) twins and full, half, and unrelated siblings 10–18 years of age from nondivorced and stepfamilies were studied over a 3-year period. Composite measures of adolescent self-reports, parent reports, and observational measures of antisocial and depressive symptoms were analysed in multivariate behavioural genetic models. Results indicated that the majority of the stability in and co-occurrence between dimensions could be accounted for by genetic factors. Nonshared environmental risks and, for antisocial symptoms, shared environmental risks also contributed to the stability. Genetic influences on change were observed, but only for antisocial behaviour. In addition, the longitudinal association between antisocial behavioural and later depressive symptoms was also found to be genetically mediated, but this effect was nonsignificant after controlling for stability. Results are discussed in light of the potential contributions of developmental behavioural genetic research in understanding individual differences in the stability and change of maladjustment.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) is a leading cause of referral for youth mental health services; yet, many uncertainties exist about ODD given it is rarely examined as a distinct psychiatric disorder. We examined the lifetime prevalence, onset, persistence, and correlates of ODD. METHODS: Lifetime prevalence of ODD and 18 other DSM-IV disorders was assessed in a nationally representative sample of adult respondents (n = 3,199) in the National Comorbidity Survey Replication. Retrospective age-of-onset reports were used to test temporal priorities with comorbid disorders. RESULTS: Lifetime prevalence of ODD is estimated to be 10.2% (males = 11.2%; females = 9.2%). Of those with lifetime ODD, 92.4% meet criteria for at least one other lifetime DSM-IV disorder, including: mood (45.8%), anxiety (62.3%), impulse-control (68.2%), and substance use (47.2%) disorders. ODD is temporally primary in the vast majority of cases for most comorbid disorders. Both active and remitted ODD significantly predict subsequent onset of secondary disorders even after controlling for comorbid conduct disorder (CD). Early onset (before age 8) and comorbidity predict slow speed of recovery of ODD. CONCLUSIONS: ODD is a common child- and adolescent-onset disorder associated with substantial risk of secondary mood, anxiety, impulse-control, and substance use disorders. These results support the study of ODD as a distinct disorder. Prospective and experimental studies are needed to further delineate the temporal and causal relations between ODD and related disorders.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: This study investigated the early processes involved in the development of symptoms of conduct disorder and hyperactivity. METHOD: The study employed a prospective design, over a period from 2 months to 8 years. Detailed observational data of early and later mother-child interactions were collected, infant prefrontal function (the A not B task) was assessed, and symptoms of child conduct disorder and hyperactivity were rated by maternal report at age 5 and 8 years. RESULTS: The principal findings of the study were that emotional dysregulation on the A not B task at 9 months predicted symptoms of conduct disorder at 5 and 8 years, and delayed object reaching times on the same task predicted hyperactive symptoms at 5 years. These two developmental trajectories were associated with distinct patterns of early parenting that were strongly influenced by infant gender. Thus, in boys early emotional dysregulation was predicted by rejecting and coercive parenting, and delayed reaching on the A not B task by coercive parenting, whereas in girls only continuity from earlier infant behaviour could be demonstrated. There was strong continuity between these early infant behaviours and later child disturbance that was partially mediated by parenting for conduct disorder symptoms (maternal hostile parenting in boys, and maternal coercive parenting in girls), but not for hyperactive symptoms. CONCLUSIONS: These data would suggest that only in boys was there evidence for the existence of a sensitive period for the development of hyperactive symptoms, and to a lesser extent, conduct disorder symptoms.  相似文献   



The aim of the present study was to analyze predictive factors of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms in school-aged girls.


A group (n=67) of seven- to 12 year-old girls consulting a paediatric hospital following disclosure of sexual abuse were compared with a group (n=67) of nonabused girls. The girls answered questionnaires related to PTSD, coping, sense of hope, self-esteem, sibling relationships and perceived social support. Mothers answered questionnaires related to family relationships, family violence, perceived support given and psychological distress.


The mean ± SD age of the girls was 9±1.5 years. In the sexual abuse group, single-parent families were more frequent (53.7% versus 32.3%; P<0.01), mothers were less educated (10.8% versus 13.1%; P<0.0001) and socioeconomic level was lower (36.8% versus 47.9%; P<0.0001). A history of sexual abuse in childhood was reported by 50% of mothers of sexually abused children and 37% of mothers of the comparison group children. A higher prevalence of PTSD clinical scores was found for the girls reporting sexual abuse (46.3% versus 18.5%; P<0.001). Regression analyses controlling for parental education level and family structure revealed that group membership (sexual abuse group versus comparison group) was predictive of the level of PTSD symptoms. In addition, the mother’s level of support, the child’s perception of parental support and the child’s reliance on avoidance coping predicted PTSD symptoms. Sense of hope and the child witnessing interparental physical violence were marginally associated with the level of PTSD symptoms.


PTSD was common in the present study’s sample of sexually abused girls. Because predictive factors relate to both child-related variables and familial context, interventions for this population should target not only the child, but also the family.  相似文献   

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