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Up to the 1990s German health care legislation was dominated by measures regulating the supply side. Measures, such as budgets, aimed at volume control and sought to confine the increase of health care spending to the growth of the national income. To curb costs more effectively, competitive elements were introduced in the 1990s with free choice of sickness funds (open enrollment). To balance competition and solidarity, a risk compensation scheme (RCS) was implemented two years prior to open enrollment. Since then, balancing competition and solidarity has been a key feature of all consecutive health care reforms. The implementation of disease management programs in the statutory health insurance (SHI) served the dual purpose to promote quality of care and to foster competition. Preliminary experiences suggest, that the aligning of disease management programs with a RCS can greatly aid its implementation and benefit solidarity and competition.  相似文献   

National interest in the quality of American health care increased dramatically in 1999. The press, the Institute of Medicine, legislators, physicians, and hospitals joined in a vigorous policy discussion. But a similar debate occurred in 1988, following reports from four public agencies that detailed their concerns about health care quality. In the intervening decade, research has not documented much improvement. In this paper we outline the quality problems in U.S. health care, review some of their most prominent causes, consider the biggest obstacles to bringing about major improvement, and discuss the vital role of leadership in achieving this goal.  相似文献   

Little is known about how health insurance affects labor market decisions for young adults. This is despite the fact that expanding coverage for people in their early 20s is an important component of the Affordable Care Act. This paper studies how having an outside source of health insurance affects wages by using variation in health insurance access that comes from states extending dependent coverage to young adults. Using American Community Survey and Census data, I find evidence that extending health insurance to young adults raises their wages. The increases in wages can be explained by increases in human capital and the increased flexibility in the labor market that comes from people no longer having to rely on their own employers for health insurance. The estimates from this paper suggest the Affordable Care Act will lead to wage increases for young adults.  相似文献   

The aim of our study was to focus on women's networks in the Swedish county of J?mtland, and to analyse the relationship between network activities and the perceived health among the network participants, as well as participation in the community among its residents. Questionnaires were distributed to all 68 women's networks and 60 responded. The results show that the network activities correlate with an improved perception of health, as well as with increased participation in the community among the residents. The more support, influence, self-reliance and trust in the future experienced by the networks through their work, the better the health among the participants in the network. The greater the self-reliance, trust in the future, amount of network-related unpaid work and new jobs, the better the participation among the community residents. Despite its limitations, our study suggests that women's networks could have an important role in health promotion within the framework of the new public health. The network model, with its bottom-up strategy, could be useful in public health, provided that networking is not used to fill a gap when there are cuts in the public sector.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate that, if teams in healthcare focus on the patient using the framework of a care pathway, change can occur without the overt need to "manage" it directly. DESIGN/METHODOLOGY/APPROACH: In this paper the relevant literature is reviewed and it is demonstrated that if this approach is used it also provides a means for addressing difficult professional and organisational issues that are often unresolved in broader projects of organisational change. This is not presented as a panacea or the solution to all change projects, rather the contention here is that it is one means among many that can be used to bring about important changes in practice. FINDINGS: The paper finds that care pathways represent a useful tool, which teams can use to work through the contextual and practical issues involved in changing practice. ORIGINALITY/VALUE: The paper describes the development of integrated care pathways, which can be regarded as a fortunate fusion of managerial and professional concerns.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Underrecognition and undertreatment of mental health disorders in primary care have been associated with poor health outcomes and increased health care costs, but little is known about the impact of the diagnoses of mental health disorders on health care expenditures or outcomes. Our goal was to examine the relationships between the proportion of mental health diagnoses by primary care physicians and both health care expenditures and the risk of avoidable hospitalizations. METHODS: We used cross-sectional analyses of claims data from an independent practice association-style (IPA) managed care organization in Rochester, New York, in 1995. The sample was made up of the 457 primary care physicians in the IPA and the 243,000 adult patients assigned to their panels. We looked at total expenditures per panel member per year generated by each primary care physician and avoidable hospitalizations among their patients. RESULTS: After adjustment for case mix, physicians who recorded a greater proportion of mental health diagnoses generated significantly lower per panel member expenditures. For physicians in the highest quartile of recording mental health diagnoses, expenditures were 9% lower than those of physicians in the lowest quartile (95% confidence interval, 5% - 13%). There was a trend (P = .051) for patients of physicians in the highest quartile of recording mental health diagnoses to be at lower risk for an avoidable hospitalization than those of physicians in the lowest quartile. CONCLUSIONS: Primary care physicians with higher proportions of recorded mental health diagnoses generate significantly lower panel member costs, and their patients may be less likely to be admitted for avoidable hospitalization conditions.  相似文献   

This study examines the association between primary care investment and performance, in 34 OECD countries for 2005–15. Specifically, we explore whether an increasing investment in primary care is associated with improved performance, and whether particular characteristics of organisation and delivery are associated with a better return on primary care investment. We take advantage of new data sources that provide rich information on health and health systems as well as economic and distributional characteristics. Multilevel modelling was utilised to analyse cross-country variation. The results show that greater investment in primary care does not improve health system performance for complex targets (i.e., no reduction in preventable hospital admissions) though there is modest improvement in breast and cervical cancer screening rates. We also found that those countries in which GPs are more aware of health promotion/preventive activities achieve higher screening rates with the same amount of investment. The findings imply that primary care investment strategies need to look beyond high-level expenditure and characteristics of primary care strength, to institutional and funding arrangements and how these link to policy goals. Despite broad enthusiasm for strengthening primary care in general, we conclude that primary care policy needs to be appropriately targeted to improve health system performance.  相似文献   

The advent of health care reform may cause older workers, no longer fearful of losing health benefits, to leave their jobs. Employers that want to retain these valuable employees may ultimately need to upgrade pay and benefits.  相似文献   

Increased competition in the health care sector has led hospitals and other health care institutions to experiment with new access allocation policies that move away from traditional expert based allocation of care to price-based priority access (i.e., the option to pay more for faster care). To date, little is known about individuals' attitude toward price-based priority access and the evaluation process underlying this attitude. This paper addresses the role of individuals' evaluations of collective health outcomes as an important driver of their attitude toward (price-based) allocation policies in health care.The authors investigate how individuals evaluate price-based priority access by means of scenario-based survey data collected in a representative sample from the Dutch population (N = 1464). They find that (a) offering individuals the opportunity to pay for faster care negatively affects their evaluations of both the total and distributional collective health outcome achieved, (b) however, when health care supply is not restricted (i.e., when treatment can be offered outside versus within the regular working hours of the hospital) offering price-based priority access affects total collective health outcome evaluations positively instead of negatively, but it does not change distributional collective health outcome evaluations. Furthermore, (c) the type of health care treatment (i.e., life saving liver transplantation treatment vs. life improving cosmetic ear correction treatment – priced at the same level to the individual) moderates the effect of collective health outcome evaluations on individuals' attitude toward allocation policies.For policy makers and hospital managers the results presented in this article are helpful because they provide a better understanding of what drives individuals' preferences for health care allocation policies. In particular, the results show that policies based on the “paying more for faster care” principle are more attractive to the general public when treatment takes place outside the regular working hours of a hospital.  相似文献   

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