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目的:初步评估国内目前睾丸活检手术和睾丸病理对梗阻性无精子症的诊断价值。方法:对曾接受过睾丸活检经本次临床诊断为梗阻性无精子症的84例梗阻性无精子症患者进行梗阻病因分析,对病理报告无精子者重新进行经皮细针附睾或睾丸穿刺(PESA或TEFNA)检查,并对先前的睾丸病理报告进行分析。结果:84例均诊断出明确的梗阻病因,其中先天性梗阻56例(66.67%);炎症性梗阻26例(30.95%);另2例为双侧疝气术史。对33例递交的病理报告为无精子者中的29例重新进行PESA或TEFNA手术,均获取了附睾或睾丸精子。84例中的57例行ICSI62个周期,周期妊娠率为46.8%。结论:本组患者的病因主要为先天性或炎症性梗阻,目前国内睾丸病理学对梗阻性无精子症睾丸内是否存在精子的诊断欠准确。对梗阻性无精子症患者可应用损伤小的PESA或TEFNA进行诊断,有利于患者的后续治疗。  相似文献   

目的评价睾丸固定钳固定法在经皮附睾穿刺取精术(PESA)中的应用价值。方法选取初步诊断为梗阻性无精子症患者532例,将其随机分为三指固定法组(249例)和睾丸固定钳组(283例),比较两组PESA穿刺精子获取率差异。另根据经阴囊超声附睾头有无扩张以及扩张特征将病例分为附睾头细网状扩张亚组、附睾头管状/多囊管状扩张亚组和附睾头无扩张亚组,比较两种PESA方法对不同附睾头病变穿刺精子获取率的差异。结果三指固定法组穿刺精子获取率为60.64%(151/249),睾丸固定钳组为74.56%(211/283),显著高于三指固定法组(P0.05)。睾丸固定钳组穿刺精子获取率的优势主要由细网状扩张组贡献,该组三指固定法穿刺精子获取率为72.67%(125/172),而睾丸固定钳法为89.90%(178/198),显著高于三指固定法组(P0.05)。管状/多囊管状扩张亚组以及附睾头无扩张亚组2种PESA法穿刺精子获取率都偏低,差异无统计学意义(P0.05)。结论使用睾丸固定钳固定法对附睾头细网状扩张的患者进行PESA穿刺能提高精子获取率。  相似文献   

阻塞性无精子症一直是男性不育症治疗中的难点。我们应用经皮附睾穿刺抽吸术取精子结合单精子卵母细胞注射术 (ICSI)治疗阻塞性无精子症 3例。现报道如下。1 资料与方法1.1 阻塞性无精子症病例的筛选以 2 0 0 1年 4月至 2 0 0 2年 11月在本中心就诊的 175 9例男性不育症为筛选对象。筛选的依据是 2次 (间隔 2周左右 )常规精液涂片镜检未见精子。对筛选出的无精子症患者 ,详细了解有无腮腺炎、结核等病史 ,再作进一步检查 ,在排除生精功能障碍性无精子症的基础上行诊断性经皮附睾精子抽吸术 ,当证实附睾内有形态正常的精子 ,则诊断为阻塞…  相似文献   

附睾降解性不活动精子症的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 :探讨精子不活动是否由附睾降解引起。方法 :本文选择 5例精液中无活动精子的不育患者 ,应用睾丸精子活力检测、精子头 -尾膜完整性结合试验和透射电镜观察 ,探讨其精子不活动的原因。结果 :5例患者睾丸活检组织所分离的睾丸精子 ,经孵育后的活动率为 2 %~ 1 1 %。睾丸精子组中头膜 -尾膜均完整的精子率显著高于射出精子组 ( P<0 .0 1 )。睾丸精子未见明显的降解 ,但透射电镜显示射出精子的浆膜、核等结构表现显著的降解变化。结论 :本组患者的精子可能经历了病理性附睾降解 ,引致精子丧失活动性 ,对这类患者采用活动的睾丸精子作辅助生育治疗有可能改善成功率。  相似文献   

目的:探讨采用射出、经皮附睾穿刺取精术(PESA)及经皮睾丸精子取精术(TESA)获取的精子行卵胞浆内单精子注射(ICSI)的临床结局及子代安全性.方法:回顾分析2004年1月至2011年12月因男性因素于我院生殖中心行[CSI治疗的3079个新鲜周期,按精子来源分为射精组(2199个周期)、PESA组(628个周期)、TESA组(252个周期),比较3组的胚胎发育、妊娠结局及新生儿出生缺陷的情况.结果:射精组受精率最高(78.38%),TESA组受精率最低(72.30%).射精组、PESA组的2PN受精率、卵裂率高于TESA组(74.68%、75.32% vs 68.22%,98.82%、98.74% vs 96.89%);PESA组临床妊娠率、胚胎植入率(53.21%、34.31%)显著高于射精组(47.11%、29.09%)及TESA组(48.71%、32.70%) (P<0.05).PESA组的新生儿体重(2856.63±649.56)显著低于射精组(2991.73±683.19)及TESA组(2906.11 ±638.76) (P<0.05).3组的分娩率、异位妊娠率、流产率、正常体重儿率、低出生体重儿率、极低出生体重儿率、巨大儿率、新生儿死亡率及出生缺陷率均无显著差异(P>0.05).结论:PESA、TESA结合ICSI技术安全可行,且对于梗阻性无精症患者,附睾取到精子行ICSI的患者较附睾取不到精子而采用睾丸精子ICSI的患者具有更好的妊娠结局.  相似文献   

不同来源精子行ICSI助孕1662个周期治疗结局分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探讨不同来源精子行卵胞浆内单精子显微注射(ICSI)助孕的妊娠结局。方法:回顾分析我中心2006年1月~2010年6月1662个ICSI治疗周期,按精子来源分为射出精子来源(重度少、弱精子)组1208周期,附睾穿刺取精(PESA)组324周期,睾丸穿刺取精(TESA)组130周期,比较3组胚胎发育情况和妊娠结局等指标。结果:射出精子组及PESA组受精率、卵裂率及2PN率较TESA组高(79.1%,77.9%vs 73.9%;98.7%,98.8%vs 96.6%;74.6%,73.0%vs 69.5%),TESA组1PN率较射出精子组及PESA组高(3.8%vs 2.2%,2.6%),差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05);3组优质胚胎率、胚胎种植率、临床妊娠率、异位妊娠率、流产率、单胎出生率、双胎出生率、畸形率无统计学差异。结论:PESA及TESA来源精子行ICSI助孕可获得与射出精子相似的妊娠结局。  相似文献   

目的:探讨经皮睾丸穿刺取精术(TESA)获得的微量精子经冷冻复苏后行卵胞浆内单精子注射(ICSI)治疗非梗阻性无精子症患者的临床效果。方法:回顾性分析2015年10月至2017年8月在我院生殖中心因少、弱、畸形精子症行射出精子常规ICSI及非梗阻性无精子患者TESA获得的微量精子行新鲜或冷冻后ICSI治疗,共238个周期的临床资料,132个周期为常规ICSI精子组,63个周期为冷冻TESA精子组,43个周期为新鲜TESA精子组,比较3组的实验室指标和临床妊娠结局。结果:常规ICSI精子组获卵数(10.58±5.37枚)与冷冻TESA精子组(10.73±4.19枚)和新鲜TESA精子组(10.88±4.67枚)相比差异无统计学意义(P0.05)。3组患者卵子成熟率、正常受精率、优质胚胎率相比差异无统计学意义(P0.05)。冷冻TESA精子组的临床妊娠率、多胎率、流产率(47.62%、26.67%、6.67%)与常规ICSI精子组(48.48%、25.00%、6.25%)及新鲜TESA精子组(51.16%、22.73%、4.55%)相比差异无统计学意义(P0.05)。结论:经皮睾丸穿刺取精术后对有活动精子的睾丸组织进行冷冻复苏行ICSI可以获得较好的治疗效果,也是治疗非梗阻性无精子症不育患者的有效方法。  相似文献   

血清抑制素B水平预测卵巢储备功能的临床价值   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

目的:探讨梗阻性无精子症(OA)患者精子的顶体完整性及其与卵胞质单精子注射(ICSI)治疗临床结局之间的关系。方法:选取梗阻性无精子症患者共37例为试验组,同期进行体外受精治疗且精液常规参数正常的男性33例为对照组,应用荧光标记的豌豆凝集素法(PSA-FITC)检测精子顶体完整性,巴氏染色法分析精子形态,比较试验组与对照组的顶体完整率(AIR)、正常形态率(NFR)、受精率(FR)、卵裂率(CR)及优质胚胎率(OER),并将AIR与FR、NFR与FR进行相关性分析。结果:试验组的AIR、NFR、FR显著低于对照组(P<0.01),CR、OER试验组与对照组相比无统计学差异(P>0.05)。试验组AIR与FR呈显著正相关(r=0.595,P<0.01),NFR与FR显著正相关(r=0.463,P<0.01);对照组AIR与FR显著正相关(r=0.683,P<0.01),NFR与FR呈显著正相关(r=0.205,P<0.01)。结论:梗阻性无精子症患者的精子AIR较低。行皮下附睾抽吸术(PESA)-ICSI的梗阻性无精子症患者精子其AIR高则受精率也会高。  相似文献   

目的:分析精子的来源对卵胞质内单精子注射(ICSI)治疗结局的影响。方法:回顾性分析因男性不育行ICSI的3 106个新鲜周期,按精子来源分为:射精组(A组)、附睾穿刺取精(PESA)组(B组)、睾丸穿刺取精(TESA)组(C组)、冻融PESA精子组(D组)及冻融TESA精子组(E组),比较各组ICSI后胚胎发育及妊娠结局情况。结果:C组2PN受精率、卵裂率显著低于A组及B组;B组临床妊娠率、胚胎植入率显著高于A组及C组,A组、B组及C组间分娩率、异位妊娠率、流产率及新生儿畸形率无统计学差异(P>0.05);E组2PN受精率显著低于D组,但B组与D组之间、C组与E组间2PN受精率、优质胚胎率、多胎率、流产率及异位妊娠率均无统计学差异(P>0.05)。结论:PESA/TESA-ICSI、冻融PESA/TESA精子技术是治疗梗阻性无精子症安全有效的方法,建议首先选择附睾取精,并可将剩余PESA/TESA精子冻存。  相似文献   

Purpose: During assisted conception treatment the male partner is under stress and consequently can fail to produce semen sample prior to egg collection. Failure to produce spermatozoa at a given time could lead to cancellation of the procedure.Methods: We report the use of emergency percutaneous epididymal sperm aspiration (PESA) for temporary erectile dysfunction in a couple undergoing in vitro fertilization treatment. In the last 2 years, we saw three men who failed to produce a semen sample on the day of their partners' egg collection procedure.Results: In the first case the male partner failed to produce semen after egg collection and the cycle was canceled. This clinical scenario was likely to recur and one of the options was to consider PESA. In the second case the male partner was counseled about the availability of PESA but he managed to produce spermatozoa at home. The third patient was unable to produce a semen sample despite being provided audiovisual support and being allowed to go home. Five hours after the egg collection, emergency PESA was performed after appropriate counseling. The procedure yielded motile spermatozoa which were used for intracytoplasmic sperm injection which resulted in successful fertilization, embryo transfer, and pregnancy.Conclusions: This case emphasizes that surgical procedures, such as PESA,TESA, and TESE, are useful alternatives but should be the last option to obtain sperm for ART. Other nonsurgical procedures, such as audiovisual aids, producing sperm at home, and the use of sildenafil citrate (Viagra) must be offered first to men with temporary erectile dysfunction during ART treatment.  相似文献   

Epididymal distension as a predictor of the success of PESA procedures   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Purpose : To evaluate the value of epididymal distension in predicting the success of percutaneous epididymal sperm aspiration (PESA) procedure. Methods : Physical examination of epididymis to detect epididymal distension and PESA were performed in 49 obstructive azoospermic patients divided into two groups according to its causes (Group I: previous vasectomy, n = 27 and Group II: other causes, n = 22). Results : Epididymal distension was found in 42 cases (85.7%). PESA was successful in 42 out of the 49 patients, giving a sperm retrieval rate of 85.7%. The success rate of PESA in Groups I and II is 92.6 and 77.3%, respectively. The accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, and positive and negative predictive value of epididymal distension for the overall patients were 86.7, 90.5, 64.2, 93.8, and 52.9%, respectively. The success rate of PESA procedure in patients with epididymal distension was significantly higher than in patients without epididymal distension (p < 0.05). Conclusions : The presence of epididymal distension in obstructive azoospermic men was predictive of PESA success.  相似文献   

Surgical sperm recovery has become a well-established procedure to obtain spermatozoa for intra-cytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI). Although a tendency exists to treat all azoospermic patients by ICSI using surgically retrieved sperm, vasovasostomy remains the gold standard for post-vasectomy azoospermia. In men with obstructive azoospermia in whom vasovasostomy is not indicated, sperm can be easily obtained by either aspiration from epididymis or testis, or a testicular biopsy. In about half of men with non-obstructive azoospermia, sperm may be obtained by testicular biopsy but unfortunately no accurate tests are currently available to predict successful recovery. In these patients, not only recovery rates are limited but also the chance to establish an ongoing pregnancy is decreased compared to men with normal spermatogenesis. When no spermatozoa are recovered after testicular sperm extraction (TESE), the use of donor sperm or adoption is indicated. Given the extremely low pregnancy rates, ICSI using round spermatids is not an option and remains unlawful in some countries.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To report the efficacy of the combined treatment of in vitro maturation (IVM) and testicular sperm extraction (TESE). METHODS: A couple in which the wife had polycystic ovarian syndrome and the husband had severe oligozoospermia. Oocytes were cultured in vitro for maturation followed by oocytes pickup with natural cycle, and TESE was undergone for husband. Matured oocytes were fertilized by intracytoplasmic sperm injection, and two embryos were transferred to wife's uterine. RESULTS: This case was achieved during pregnancy and delivery of a healthy female infant. CONCLUSIONS: The combined treatment of IVM and TESE was effective for this couple's specific infertility factors.  相似文献   

Purpose : To evaluate the relationship between the postvasectomy period and sperm reproductive capacity after ICSI. Methods : Seventy-seven ICSI cycles with percutaneous epididymal sperm aspiration (PESA) were reviewed. Patients were divided into 4 groups according to the interval after vasectomy: 0 – 5 years (G1); 6 – 8 years (G2); 9 – 14 years (G3), and >15 years (G4). Results : Clinical and ongoing pregnancy rates did not correlate significantly with the time period of vasectomy until 14 years. Although the higher implantation rate observed in G1, no significant differences were noted among Groups 1–3. The miscarriage rates increased from G1 to G4, reaching a statistical significance among G1, G2, and G3 compared with G4. When groups were also divided according to the maternal age, the same results were obtained. Conclusions : The interval between the vasectomy and the sperm retrieval procedure has no effect on the outcome until the interval of 14 years.  相似文献   

Objective: To determine whether intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) outcome with testicular sperm is superior to that of ejaculated sperm in men with incomplete necrozoospermia, defined as sperm viability ≥5 to ≤45%.

Study design: Retrospective study at a Reproductive Medicine Center of a tertiary referral hospital. A total of 231 couples with male infertility due to incomplete necrozoospermia underwent 342 ICSI cycles with freshly ejaculated sperm (ICSI-ejaculated) and 182 cycles with testicular sperm (ICSI-TESE).

Results: Overall 1624 MII oocytes were injected in the ICSI-ejaculated group with a fertilisation rate of 60.8%, while in ICSI- TESE cycles the fertilisation rate was 59.6% in 874 MII oocytes. The cleavage rate was higher in ICSI-ejaculated cycles than in ICSI-TESE cycles (96.3% versus 92.9%; p?=?0.004). However, the pregnancy and implantation rates per cycle were significantly higher in the ICSI-TESE group (67/182, 36.8% versus 68/342, 19.9% (p?=?0.0001); and 23.7% versus 12.7% (p?=?0.0001), respectively). The miscarriage rate was similar (ICSI-ejaculated 26.5% versus ICSI-TESE 17.9%, p?=?0.301). Live birth rate per cycle in the ICSI-ejaculated group was significantly lower than in the ICSI-TESE (13.7% versus 28.6%, p?=?0.0001).

Conclusions: In cases of persistent necrozoospermia, testicular sperm should be favoured over ejaculated sperm. These data call for more research to understand the pathophysiology of refractory necrozoospermia.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: In order to determine if there are areas of major and minor perfusion in a single testicle and if the quality of sperm is correlated with quantity of perfusion we collected testicle tissue for TESE in accordance to the local testicle tissue perfusion. METHODS: A patient undergoing TESE underwent testicular perfusion mapping using contrast enhanced ultrasound. The exposed tissue was scanned with a Laser Doppler scanner and perfusion rates were determined measuring tissue perfusion units (TPUs). Tissue was biopsied and sperm were selected and prepared for assisted reproduction. RESULTS: The total amount of isolated sperm correlated highly with the intensity of tissue perfusion showing high number of sperm in areas with high TPUs. CONCLUSIONS: This is the first demonstration that sperm quality and quantity is depending on tissue perfusion within the testicle. To further improve infertility treatment we propose that random biopsies could be replaced by perfusion-dependent collection of testicular tissue.  相似文献   

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