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神经内镜下手术治疗透明隔囊肿   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
目的 探讨应用神经内镜手术治疗症状性透明隔囊肿的方法及价值。方法 症状性透明隔囊肿19例,应用神经内镜技术行囊肿脑室造瘘术,对伴有脑积水的病人行室间孔再通术。结果 16例头痛、晕厥等症状消失,3例有癫痫发作者术后未再发作;复查CT或MRI显示囊肿均缩小,脑积水的病人侧脑室有不同程度回缩。结论 应用神经内镜手术治疗透明隔囊肿具有操作简单、疗效可靠、并发症少等优点。  相似文献   

目的 总结内镜开窗治疗有症状的透明隔囊肿的手术技巧与效果.方法 回顾性分析36例采用内镜开窗治疗有症状的透明隔囊肿病人的临床资料,其中采用纵裂-胼胝体入路1例,术前CT定位、枕外侧钻孔经侧脑室三角区入路8例,立体定向引导、额外侧钻孔经侧脑室额角入路27例.结果 所有病人均完成内镜下囊肿开窗操作,透明隔囊肿张力消失,本组无复发和死亡病例.32例随访3个月~7年,病人术前症状明显缓解或消失28例,症状无缓解4例.术后发生并发症4例,其中颅内感染2例,永久性轻偏瘫2例.结论 对有症状的透明隔囊肿,内镜下囊肿单侧壁开窗是一种较为合理的处理方式.立体定向或导航引导经侧脑室额角入路手术更可靠、安全.  相似文献   

神经内窥镜下手术治疗症状性透明膈囊肿:11例报告   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、对象与方法 1.一般资料:本组11例,男7例,女4例,年龄9~21岁,病程3月~2年。 2.临床表现:头痛7例,阵发性晕厥2例,癫痫2例(失神发作1例,失张力发作1例)。 3.影象学检查:本组病例全部行头颅CT及MRI检查,均显示透明隔囊肿,其中3例伴脑积水,2例伴癫痫发作着,脑电图显示:中线两侧多发慢波2例。  相似文献   

目的探讨经神经导航辅助,内镜下透明隔囊肿造瘘的手术方法。方法我科在2004年10月至2005年8月,应用在神经导航系统辅助,神经内镜经侧脑室行透明隔囊肿造瘘6例,三角区入路1例,额角入路5例;单侧造瘘2例,双侧造瘘4例。结果本组患者无术后并发症。6例术后2周复查头颅CT,囊肿均明显缩小,随访3个月,全部病例术前症状均明显改善,5例完全消失,1例仅偶有头晕。结论神经内镜下透明隔囊肿造瘘已经逐渐成为治疗透明隔囊肿的首选方法,将神经导航与神经内镜结合起来对病灶准确定位,不但弥补了神经导航术中移位的缺陷,而且扩大了内窥镜的应用范围。  相似文献   

目的总结神经外科导航辅助硬质内镜进行透明隔囊肿造瘘术的围手术期护理特点,提高专科护理质量。方法回顾性分析1998年4月至2006年4月,在我科进行神经外科导航下,应用Storz硬质内镜进行透明隔囊壁造瘘术13例,针对透明隔囊肿的形成,症状体征的产生原理,手术方法,及其手术特点,给予有针对性的围手术期重点护理。结果13例手术病人取得满意疗效,术后未出现护理缺陷,无心理障碍发生,无切口感染,无护理并发症。结论神经外科导航下,应用内镜行透明隔囊肿造瘘术前术后护理,可以帮助病人树立战胜疾病信心,自如应对复杂手术程序,减少术后并发症的发生。  相似文献   

透明隔囊肿的神经内窥镜治疗   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
目的对透明隔囊肿一种新的治疗方法进行探讨。方法采用神经内窥镜经纵裂入路行囊肿-侧脑室造瘘术治疗有症状的透明隔囊肿16例,年龄2~41岁,平均22.9岁,以头痛和癫痫为主要临床表现。结果16例术后均改善,其中症状完全消失12例,减轻4例;无并发症。结论神经内窥镜下囊肿-侧脑室造瘘术是治疗透明隔囊肿安全、有效的微创手术,可作为首选治疗方法。  相似文献   

目的 探讨症状性透明隔囊肿外科治疗的手术指征和疗效.方法 对16例神经内镜单侧造瘘治疗症状性透明隔囊肿患者随访分析.结果 以颅高压症为表现者13例(4例伴癫痫)中,10例症状完全消失,3例偶有头晕;7例癫痫发作者,4例坚持口服抗癫痫药手术后3例未发作、1例偶发,3例未规律服药癫痫1例偶有发作、1例频发.复查CT或MRI透明隔囊肿缩小<50%4例,50%~90%9例,>90%3例,2例脑积水均消失.结论 对症状性透明隔囊肿应用神经内镜行囊肿壁单侧造瘘术具有微创、安全、颅高压症状摔制满意等优点,但癫痫症状缓解不理想.  相似文献   

目的探讨透明隔囊肿并发脑积水应用纤维内镜进行治疗的可行性。方法应用纤维内镜对透明隔囊肿并发脑积水的6例患者施行经侧脑室透明隔造瘘术。结果术后患者临床症状消失,视乳头水肿及颅内压增高情况均得到改善。追踪观察无症状复发者,复查CT示脑室系统及透明隔腔隙明显缩小。结论透明隔异常临床上并不罕见,透明隔囊肿是否需要进行外科治疗必须结合临床表现综合考虑。应用纤维内镜对致病性透明隔囊肿进行治疗效果肯定。  相似文献   

近年来,随着影像学技术的发展,透明隔囊肿的发病率不断上升,对于有临床症状者,国内外学者均主张手术治疗。我院自2002-07~2004-03采用神经导航辅以神经内窥镜治疗透明隔囊肿8例,取得满意效果,现报告如下。1资料与方法1·1一般资料8例中男5例,女3例。年龄6·3~28岁,平均25岁,病程4·5月~3年,平均1·7年。全部病例均有头痛,头昏、头晕5例,恶心、呕吐3例,2例伴有情绪低落、记忆力下降、失眠、焦虑等,3例均有视盘轻度水肿,癫发作1例。头颅CT:中线部位透明隔区椭圆形囊性低密度,最大宽径1·3~2·0cm,与脑脊液信号类似,注药后无明显强化。有的…  相似文献   



Cavum septum pellucidum (CSP) cysts are rare lesions which are frequently asymptomatic. Some clinical findings may be associated with CSP cysts, such as headache and other symptoms of increased intracranial pressure, neurological deficit, and mental status changes. There is still controversy in the management of symptomatic cases, especially in children. The main difficulty is to establish a correlation between symptoms and the cyst. When indicated, the treatment is essentially surgical, and the ideal operative technique is also a matter of debate.

Case report

We present a case of a 14-year-old boy with a symptomatic CSP cyst who was successfully treated by neuronavigation-assisted neuroendoscopy with a bilateral fenestration. A literature review is provided with regard to clinical presentation, treatment, and outcome in children.


The treatment is considered whenever there is an association of a CSP cyst on imaging studies and symptoms attributable to the obstruction of the cerebrospinal fluid flow or direct compression of surrounding structures by the cyst. Endoscopic fenestration is a less invasive and highly effective technique, and is currently the treatment of choice for such lesions in children.  相似文献   

Increased frequency of cavum septum pellucidum (CSP) has been inconsistently observed in schizophrenia, and little is known about its functional implications. We investigated whether patients with schizophrenia were more likely than healthy controls to have CSP, and among patients assessed the relationship between CSP, psychiatric symptoms, and selected neuropsychological functions. Seventy-seven patients with diagnoses of DSM-IV schizophrenia spectrum disorders and 55 healthy controls were studied and completed a 1.5 T MRI scan. Two raters, blind to group membership, determined the presence, length and grade of the CSP. A subset of participants also underwent neuropsychological testing. A CSP of at least 1 mm in length was present in 68.8% of patients and 76.4% of controls, and the groups did not differ significantly with respect to presence or absence, length, overall size, or percent with an abnormally large CSP (> or =6 mm). Patients with an abnormally large CSP demonstrated poorer performance on measures of verbal learning and memory than patients with smaller CSP. Among patients, CSP length was significantly correlated with negative symptoms, verbal learning, and sentence comprehension. Among patients with abnormally large CSP, CSP length was correlated with reaction time on two conditions of a Continuous Performance Test. CSP, while prevalent, was not more frequent in our sample of patients with schizophrenia, and had few associations with symptom severity or neuropsychological deficits.  相似文献   

目的探讨经纵裂-透明隔间腔入路胼胝体切开术治疗药物难治性癫痫的手术方法和临床疗效。方法回顾性分析2014年1月至2019年1月上海交通大学医学院附属仁济医院功能神经外科收治的23例难治性癫痫患者的临床资料。患者均采用梯形小骨窗开颅,分别经纵裂-透明隔间腔入路行胼胝体前2/3切开术或一期胼胝体全节段切开术。术前行磁共振静脉成像(MRV)和图像三维重建辅助设计切口和骨窗。术后定期行影像学随访,采用Montreal神经研究所和医院Oguni等胼胝体切开术后疗效分级标准评估疗效。结果23例患者均顺利完成胼胝体切开手术,其中11例行胼胝体前2/3切开术,12例行一期胼胝体全节段切开术。23例患者中,22例沿中线切开胼胝体至透明隔腔,仅1例患者因脑发育畸形,术中探查透明隔腔缺失,改用经侧脑室入路切开胼胝体。患者术后均无颅内出血、脑积水和感染,无遗留长期神经功能障碍和并发症。MRI或弥散张量成像复查证实胼胝体切开范围达到要求。所有患者的中位随访时间为1.8年(0.5~5.2年)。术后疗效分级结果:A级4例、B级6例、C级6例、D级7例、E级0例,总有效率为69.6%(16/23)。结论经纵裂-透明隔间腔入路行胼胝体切开术可保持正中的手术路径,从而减少副损伤和并发症的发生,提高手术疗效。  相似文献   

Symptomatic cyst of the septum pellucidum   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The presentation and management of a patient with symptomatic hydrocephalus from a cyst of the septum pellucidum is described and the underlying pathophysiology in relation to treatment is considered. The cyst appeared to cause intermittent obstruction of the foramina of Munro according to the degree of ventricular dilatation. Drainage and collapse of the cyst by fenestration reestablished continuous drainage of the ventricles with immediate symptomatic relief.  相似文献   

Objective Since there is no current consensus on the diagnostic standards or surgical indications for symptomatic cysts of the septum pellucidum (CSP), we presented our experience treating such cases with neuroendoscopic surgery in order to possibly make a contribution to the attainment of such a consensus.Methods In the last 5 years, we effectively treated 5 patients (4 males and 1 female) with CSP by neuroendoscopic surgery. The 3 congenital cases were young: 9, 14, and 29 years old. The 2 secondary cases were adults aged 51 and 65 years old. We were able to fenestrate, and biopsy for pathological analysis, the cyst walls of symptomatic CSP using a minimally invasive neuroendoscopic technique, with postoperative improvement in compression of adjacent structures, as well as clinical signs.Conclusions It is necessary to consider the overall picture including clinical signs, progress of the condition, intracranial pressure, and cerebral circulation, in deciding whether surgery is indicated. Neuroendoscopic surgery is an effective, optimal, and convenient therapeutic modality for symptomatic CSP.  相似文献   

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