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目的:了解唇腭裂儿童与正常儿童个性心理行为的差异.方法:采用Rutter儿童行为量表(父母问卷),以现场调查形式对上海地区100例学龄期唇腭裂儿童和135例正常儿童进行心理行为调查.应用SPSS 10.0软件包对2组资料进行X2检验.结果:学龄期唇腭裂儿童,Rutter行为问题的阳性检出率高于正常儿童(P<0.05),男性检出率高于女性,男性的A行为检出率显著高于女性.结论:要加强对学龄期唇腭裂儿童早期心理行为干预,尤其是男性儿童,以提高他们的身心健康.  相似文献   

唇腭裂患者心理、社会行为研究的进展   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
自 1 8 79年近代实验心理学的开创者冯特在莱比锡大学创立了世界上第一个心理实验室 ,使心理学从哲学中分离出来而成为一门独立的学科以来 ,这门新兴学科已在理论研究与实践应用方面取得了大量成果[1~ 4] 。心理学的研究对象是心理现象 ,包括感觉、知觉、注意、情绪、态度、动机、气质、性格、以及信仰、期待、做梦等的个体心理现象和时尚、风俗、舆论等的社会心理现象。其基本研究方法有观察法、调查法、测验法及实验法等[3 ,5] 。在现代心理学的研究中病理心理学及临床心理学一直占有重要的地位 ,而属于心理学应用领域的医学心理学则是在…  相似文献   

唇腭裂患者的心理,社会行为状况   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

目的 探讨青少年唇腭裂患者的自我意识心理特征,便于对其消极心理状态进行及时的、有针对性的心理干预。方法 根据心理量表的编制流程和要求,自行设计出针对唇腭裂患者的专用心理量表,对唇腭裂患者组和对照组行问卷调查,采用0-9级的半定量方式记分,然后行统计分析。结果 ①唇腭裂组自我意识总体得分为5.91分,与对照组得分5.66分间无统计学差异。②男女患者间自我意识总体上无明显差别。但男性患者的人格更外向,而女性在坚强、释放压力等方面优于男性。③唇腭裂患者的心理调节能力优于正常青少年。在承受失败方面,明显优于对照组。唇腭裂患者具有更明显的保护性的行为抑制:较少与人交往。④唇腭裂患者总体亲子关系良好。⑤多数患者对生活质量的期望值不高。⑥较多的唇腭裂患者认为语音比容貌更重要。结论 青少年唇腭裂患者的自我意识大体处于正常水平,而且较正常青少年具有更好的心理调节和防卫能力。  相似文献   

目的:分析语音障碍人群心理行为,探究语音异常对患者心理状态的影响。方法:采集我院语言治疗中心的65例患者,通过问卷形式进行心理调查。结果:语音障碍患者存在不同程度的心理障碍问题,而异常的心理障碍又直接影响了语音治疗的效果。结论:语音障碍患者存在心理障碍,且影响着语音治疗效果,因此心理治疗是腭裂序列治疗中的重要环节。  相似文献   

有关唇腭裂的流行病学研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

本文从唇腭裂住院患儿的心理特点出发,分析其病程、病情、年龄、住院环境、社会家庭因素对唇腭裂患儿的心理影响,探讨医务人员如何通过着装和行为来减轻唇腭裂住院患儿的心理压力.研究显示,通过塑造医务人员良好的仪容、仪表和行为规范,加强环境营造,体现人文关怀,可以使唇腭裂住院患儿减轻心理压力,由本能的反抗过渡到配合治疗.因此,医务人员针对唇腭裂患儿的特殊病情和心理特点采取有效的措施,可逐步解除患儿的心理问题,使他们能以最佳的心理状态积极配合治疗和护理.  相似文献   

唇腭裂的基因研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
唇腭裂是一种常见的先天畸形 ,有家族性发病倾向 ,文献报道单纯腭裂患者 (cleft palate only,CPO)有家族史的约 1 0 %~ 2 0 % ,非综合征性唇腭裂 (nonsyndromic cleft lip with or without cleftpalate,NSCL /P)有家族史的约 2 5%~ 35% [1] ,是为大家公认的一种多基因易感性疾病。由于唇腭裂的遗传模式并不符合孟德尔遗传模式 ,目前其遗传模式仍是个争论的话题 ,主要有两种 ,既多因素阈点模式以及近来提出的主要致病基因遗传模式 [2~ 4 ] ,而且唇腭裂因不同人种、地区、性别以及有无阳性家族史其发病率是不同的 ,因此唇腭裂的可能致…  相似文献   

目的:分析我国幼儿牙科初诊时的心理行为并探索相应的技术管理规范.方法:参考Wright分类法,结合我国儿童特点分为主动合作型与异常型,异常型又可分为A、B、C、D四型.主要采用非侵入型管理方法,结合适当的强迫抑制法进行技术管理.结果:非幼儿园组异常心理行为发生率高于幼儿园组,其中A型、D型异常心理行为发生率明显高于幼儿园组(P<0.05),男性幼儿异常心理行为发生率均高于女性(P<0.01),技术管理的总有效率为96.9%.结论:非幼儿园组幼儿牙科初诊时较易发生异常心理行为且以A、D两种类型为多,男性儿童更易发生异常心理行为,采用非侵入型管理方法结合适当的强迫抑制法能取得满意的效果.  相似文献   

目的 :研究湖北地区唇腭裂的发生与ABO血型有无相关性。方法 :统计湖北地区唇腭裂患者的A、B、O、AB血型的百分比 ,与湖北正常人群的A、B、O、AB血型的百分比相比较。分别统计A、B、AB、O血型患者中唇裂 ,腭裂 ,唇腭裂发病人数 ,并进行统计学处理。结果 :唇腭裂患者中A型血所占比例较正常人群低 (P 0 .0 5 ) ,O型血所占比例较正常人群高 (P 0 .0 5 ) ,B型及AB型血在唇腭裂患者与正常人群中无显著性差别。唇裂、腭裂、唇腭裂的发生与A、B、O、AB血型无明显相关性。结论 :湖北地区A型血胎儿不易患唇腭裂 ,O型血胎儿易患唇腭裂。唇腭裂的发生与血型无关  相似文献   

先天性唇腭裂病儿TORCH感染的血清学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:为了探讨弓形虫(TO),风疹病毒(RV),巨细胞病毒(CMV)和单纯疱疹病毒Ⅱ(HSVⅡ)感染与先天性唇腭裂发生的关系。方法:对120例2月龄至10岁唇腭裂病儿和62名正常儿童血清抗TO-IgM,抗RV-IgM,抗CMV-IgM和抗HSVⅡ-IgM用ELISA法作检。结果:病儿阳性率分别为4.2%,3.3%,33.3%和3.3%,正常儿分别为1.6%,3.2%,21.0%和3.3%,两者统计学上无显著差异。2~3月龄组病儿抗CMV-IgM阳性率为43.8%,显著高于正常儿的9.1%(P<0.05)。结论:唇腭裂的发生与TO,RV和HSVⅡ感染可能无明显关系,与先天性CMV感染有一定关系。  相似文献   

双侧唇裂或(和)唇腭裂一期整复后,尽管修复了唇裂或唇腭裂,但仍有诸多畸形存在,如鼻尖低平、鼻小柱短小、双侧鼻孔不等大对称、鼻翼塌陷、鼻堤缺失;上唇过紧、人中  相似文献   

目的 分析双侧齿槽嵴裂二期植骨术后的植骨效果及影响植骨效果的因素。方法 对51例行双侧齿槽嵴裂二期植骨的唇腭裂患者作回顾性研究。对术后随访的X线片进行植骨效果的客观评价,并根据手术时裂隙处尖牙的萌出情况及手术年龄,将患者分为A、B、C三组,A组为尖牙萌出前,B组为尖牙萌出后,C组年龄大于或等于16岁,分析不同组别的植骨效果,同时分析手术类型与植骨效果的关系。结果 ①双侧齿槽嵴裂二期植骨的临床成功率  相似文献   

Objective. The aim of this study was to determine the incidence of cleft lip and/or cleft palate in a population uniquely from Northern Finland. Materials and methods. The records of a total of 214 cleft patients treated between 1998–2011 at the Oulu Cleft Lip and Palate Center at the University of Oulu were assessed on a retrospective basis. Data regarding cleft type, sex and side of cleft was collected and analyzed. Family history of clefting was investigated. Results. Cleft palate (68.7%) was most frequently found, followed by cleft lip and palate (18.7%) and cleft lip with or without alveolus (12.6%). Cleft palate occurred more frequently in females (63.3%) and cleft lip and palate was more frequently found in males (62.5%). The left side was more frequently affected in both male and female patients. Left-sided clefts were observed in 82% of patients compared to right-sided clefts in 18%. A family history of clefting was detected in 20.1% of patients. Conclusion. The incidence of clefts in Northern Finland is higher than the corresponding incidence in other European countries. Cleft palate was the most frequent cleft type and it was more frequent in females. In males, cleft lip and palate was more frequent. The left side was more frequently affected in both genders. One fifth of the patients had a family history of clefts.  相似文献   

非综合征性唇腭裂以及单发性腭裂是常见的先天发育性疾病.近年来,很多学者对患儿亲属所表现出来的一系列与患儿自身具有一定可重复性的颅面形态特征进行了研究,并且已经获得了一定的成果.本文就该领域的研究进展作一综述.  相似文献   

1961年1月1日~1995年12月30日,在武汉市第二医院住院分娩97685例活产新生儿中共检出唇腭裂101例,唇腭裂发生率为1.03‰,其中,唇裂占37.62%,腭裂18.81%,唇裂伴腭裂43.57%。统计学分析发现在不同胎次和不同新生儿体重组别中,唇腭裂的发生率有显著性差异(P<0.01)。推测唇腭裂畸形的发生与母体分娩过多,生殖机能减退,生殖器官衰老及胎儿的营养状况有一定关系。  相似文献   

Bartzela TN, Carels CEL, Bronkhorst EM, Rønning E, Rizell S, Kuijpers-Jagtman AM. Tooth agenesis patterns in bilateral cleft lip and palate. Eur J Oral Sci 2010; 118: 47–52. © 2010 The Authors. Journal compilation © 2010 Eur J Oral Sci
Individuals with cleft lip and palate present significantly more dental anomalies, even outside the cleft area, than do individuals without clefts. Our aim was to evaluate the prevalence of tooth agenesis and patterns of hypodontia in a large sample of patients with complete bilateral cleft lip and palate (BCLP). Serial panoramic radiographs (the first radiograph was taken at 10.5–13.5 yr of age) of 240 patients with BCLP (172 male patients, 68 female patients) were examined. Third molars were not included in the evaluation. Agenesis of at least one tooth was present in 59.8% of patients. Upper laterals and upper and lower second premolars were missing most frequently. Using the tooth agenesis code (TAC), 52 different agenesis patterns were identified, of which simultaneous agenesis of 12, 22, 15, 25, 35, and 45 was the most frequent pattern. Nine of the 240 patients showed combined BCLP and oligodontia.  相似文献   

Additional congenital anomalies have often been found in patients with orofacial clefts. We wanted to find out the incidence and type of congenital malformations that may accompany cleft palate (CP) and cleft lip and palate (CLP) in babies born in the Konya region. A total of 121 newborn babies with CP or CLP were prospectively included in the study, and all were assessed in detail for congenital anomalies. Of 121 babies, 86 (71%) had CLP and 35 (29%) had CP. There was at least one congenital malformation in 80 (66%) of the cases. Additional congenital malformations were seen in 26 (74%) of the 35 with isolated CP, and 54 (63%) in the 86 patients with CLP (p<0.05). The most common congenital malformation was congenital heart disease, followed by head and neck anomalies. The most common congenital heart disease was atrial septal defect. A serious chromosomal anomaly was found in 18/121 patients with CP or CLP (15%). Of the 80 babies in whom congenital malformations were found, 31 (39%) had dysmorphic features. While 21 (68%) of dysmorphic cases had isolated CP, 10 (32%) had CLP (p<0.05). The rates of premature delivery, intrauterine growth retardation, and consanguinity between parents were higher in patients with CP or CLP. The neonatal mortality was 20% (n=24). Our results indicate that at least one congenital anomaly is also present in about two-thirds of newborn babies with CP and CLP, and these anomalies significantly increase their morbidity and mortality. All newborn babies with CP and CLP should be screened for additional congenital anomalies, particularly of the cardiovascular system.  相似文献   

目的:分析先天性唇腭裂的发病情况及特点,为唇腭裂的预防提供临床资料。方法:对1433例先天性唇腭裂患者进行回顾性临床分析。结果:本组病例中,唇裂390例,唇裂伴腭裂794例,单纯腭裂249例;男性明显多于女性(2.35:1),但在不完全性腭裂中,女性多于男性(1:0.87);在单侧唇裂伴或不伴腭裂及完全腭裂中,左侧明显多于右侧(3.58:1);有家族遗传史的病例占总病例的6.35%;母亲妊娠初期经历危险因素316例,占22.05%;85.97%的患者来自农村;唇腭裂伴发其他畸型者42例,占2.93%。结论:多基因遗传与胚胎发育早期的环境因素是唇腭裂发病的重要因素。  相似文献   

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