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He is just not that into you,中文片名译为《其实他不懂你的心》。帅哥、美女、大明星、多线叙事、婚外情、多角恋,一切卖座的元素都具备,然而它最吸引人的地方却是对进退有据的男女关系这一基本法则的概括。  相似文献   

我是花夏,很早就认识常天的花夏。那一年,我4岁,常天6岁。正是青梅竹马的年纪,刚上小学的常天拉着从幼儿园回来的我说:“花夏,你做我的媳妇好不好?”小朋友们都哄笑成一团,我的脸红得像个蕃茄,支支吾吾地问:“当你媳妇,有什么好处呢?”永远记得常天把胸脯一拍:“当我媳妇,我把好吃的全留给你。”我重重地点了点头。[第一段]  相似文献   

交往很久是否一定会有结果?但我在雅贞身上,找不到结果。同时我发现,很多女孩子不知道如何保护自己……[编按]  相似文献   

现代人做什么事最冒险?登山、滑翔、攀岩、极限运动……其实,暧昧的感情才是最大的冒险。你是不是也曾或将要蠢蠢欲动在感情上做一些冒险的事,想不想知道如果你出轨后他会是什么反应?做个测试吧.  相似文献   

现代人做什么事最冒险?登山、滑翔、攀岩、极限运动……其实,暧昧的感情才是最大的冒险。你是不是也曾或将要蠢蠢欲动在感情上做一些冒险的事,想不想知道如果你出轨后他会是什么反应?做个测试吧.  相似文献   

“如何,才能让不喜欢我的人变得喜欢我?”嗯,的确是个比较棘手的问题。暂且不说正确的办法是怎样的。先来看看大多数人是怎么做的。“我喜欢的男孩子不喜欢我,于是我为他做好多好多事情讨好他。”  相似文献   

“如何,才能让不喜欢我的人变得喜欢我?”嗯,的确是个比较棘手的问题。暂且不说正确的办法是怎样的。先来看看大多数人是怎么做的。“我喜欢的男孩子不喜欢我,于是我为他做好多好多事情讨好他。”  相似文献   

乍起的秋风逐渐吹走了夏日的热气,也吹乱了我们的头发,虽不至于像夏天在烈日暴晒下那么受伤,却也难以抵挡秋风带来的干燥,你会如何对付它们?发膜?深层护理?昂贵的美发师打理?其实,只要洗对了头发,也能简单地令秀发恢复广告里让人羡慕的水润光泽。  相似文献   

乍起的秋风逐渐吹走了夏日的热气,也吹乱了我们的头发,虽不至于像夏天在烈日暴晒下那么受伤,却也难以抵挡秋风带来的干燥,你会如何对付它们?发膜?深层护理?昂贵的美发师打理?其实,只要洗对了头发,也能简单地令秀发恢复广告里让人羡慕的水润光泽。  相似文献   

如果对女孩真的有好感,32%的男生会在要电话号码的当天就给对方打电话。 你有时会不会很奇怪:每天晚上他都会给我打电话,平日里还经常向我传递深情的眼神……明摆着是喜欢我,却又迟迟不向我表白,是因为害怕被我拒绝,还是心里另有鬼算盘?难道他是花花公子,到处留情吗?……真让人捉摸不透他到底在想些什么?现在你不必再费劲心思去揣测他的内心了,让男生自己来告诉你他们的真实心意吧!  相似文献   

Objective: To evaluate the autocrine stimulation hypothesis, primary cultures of malignant and normal endometrium were assayed for differences in response to growth factors (GF) and GF receptor blocking antibodies. Methods: Thirteen normal and 10 malignant endometrial samples were collected. Cells were enzymatically dispersed and maintained in serum-free medium. They were incubated with epidermal GF (EGF), transforming GF-α (TGF-α), insulin-like GF-I (IGF-1), anti-EGF receptor antibody (Ab528), and anti-IGF-1 receptor antibody (αIR3) at physiologic concentrations. Tritiated thymidine incorporation was measured. Results: Malignant endometrial cells increased thymidine incorporation when incubated with EGF (20.75%), TGF-α (19.8%), or IGF-1 (32.8%) compared to untreated control cells. When incubated with Ab528 or αIR3 antibodies alone, proliferation of malignant cells was inhibited (−12.4 and −23%, respectively,P< 0.003). Normal endometrial cells were inhibited by EGF (−24.9%), TGF-α (−25.6%), and IGF-1 (31.9%). Incubation of normal cells with Ab528 and αIR3 antibodies stimulated growth (125 and 115%, respectively,P< 0.02). Conclusions: These data are consistent with the autocrine stimulation hypothesis for neoplastic endometrium and illustrate differences compared to nonneoplastic endometrial growth factor-mediated proliferation.  相似文献   

Purpose: To determine whether the use of ultrasound (US) to guide embryo transfer (ET) in a population previously defined as likely to have easy transfer would change the implantation and pregnancy rates in an ICSI program.Methods: A total of 100 patients identified as likely to have easy transfer after mock transfer were divided into two groups: Group I, US-guided ET (N=50) and Group II, ET without the aid of US (N=50).Results: Implantation and pregnancy rates were similar (p=0.51, p=0.29) for Group I (19.6%, 42%) and Group II (16.3%, 30%), as also was the abortion rate (p=0.55) (Group I: 1/21; Group II: 2/15).Conclusion: As long as previous mock transfers are routinely performed during a cycle preceding assisted reproduction and the clinician considers transfer to be easy, ultrasound does not benefit the process of embryo transfer.  相似文献   

Endothelin-1 is a potent vasoconstrictor peptide released by vascular endothelial cells. Preeclampsia is a unique hypertensive disorder of pregnancy. Endothelial (ET) cell injury has been implicated in the pathophysiology of this disorder. Endothelial cell injury has been shown in vitro to cause the release of endothelin-1. Therefore, we conducted a prospective study of pregnant patients with hypertensive disorders and a control population to examine whether circulating levels of endothelin-1 are elevated in these disorders. We studied 21 patients with the following diagnoses: severe preeclampsia (n = 9); chronic hypertension (n = 6), two of whom had superimposed preeclampsia; and control patients (n = 6). The mean maternal and gestational ages were similar in these three groups. More importantly, severe preeclamptic patients were selected by strict criteria and most had evidence of thrombocytopenia. Endothelin was extracted immediately after the collection of blood and measured by a standard radioimmunoassay (RIA). There were no differences between the endothelin-1 levels (mean ± SEM) in patients with severe preeclampsia (2.1 ± 0.6), in patients with chronic hypertension without superimposed preeclampsia (1.9 ± 0.8), and in the control population (1.7 ± 0.6). Our results are consistent with the current concept that endothelin-1 does not function as a circulating hormone. However, because of its prolonged duration of action and function as a locally acting hormone, demonstration of elevated circulating levels of ET-1 is not necessary to support its participation in the vasospasm of preeclampsia.  相似文献   

Purpose: The main purpose of this study was to evaluate ovarian function by clomiphene citrate (CC) challenge test in a group of tubal infertile women and to study endometrial morphological maturation in the early luteal phase of CC-stimulated cycles as compared to in vitro fertilization (IVF) treatment outcome. Methods and Results: Four women presented with strongly retarded, proliferative endometrium in the luteal phase. Of these, three presented with impaired ovarian function, high basal follicle-stimulating hormone, and high follicle-stimulating hormone levels after clomiphene stimulation on cycle day 10. In the remaining 30 women, showing an in-phase endometrium after CC stimulation, a comparison of six morphological characteristics did not reveal any significant differences between the 14 women who did become pregnant and the 16 who did not. No significant differences in endometrial thickness were observed between the groups. Significant differences were found when comparing estradiol and progesterone area under the curve during the luteal phase (P < 0.001 and P < 0.01, respectively) between those who did and those who did not become pregnant. Conclusions: Luteal endometrium morphology was not a sharp instrument to detect differences between women who did and women who did not become pregnant following IVF treatment, while ovarian function, as measured by hormonal markers, seemed to be a more reliable prognostic factor for IVF treatment outcome.  相似文献   

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