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BACKGROUND: The combined positron emission tomography (PET) and computed tomography (CT) scanners have been developed in which CT data can be used for both anatomical landmarks and attenuation correction of PET images. However, this modality potentially introduces more radiation burden to patients compared to conventional PET scanning as a result of the added radiation exposure received from CT examination. The purpose of our study was to determine the breast radiation doses of combined PET/CT examination. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Patients' superficial breast doses were calculated using thermoluminescence dosimeters (TLDs) placed onto the surface of the breasts. TLDs were positioned before FDG injection and removed after 24 h. We also determined the average superficial and glandular breast radiation doses from the anthropomorphic dosimetric phantom imaged using similar CT protocol (low dose) to the patients' study. RESULTS: The mean superficial breast dose of the breast skin measured from the PET/CT studies was 14.42+/-2.41 mGy. The average superficial and glandular breast doses of the anthropomorphic phantom measured from the low-dose CT was 9.50 mGy and 5.94 mGy, respectively. CONCLUSION: This study showed that radiation exposure to the breasts during PET/CT was higher than the recommended doses. Therefore, combined PET/CT scanning must be used for essential indications, particularly in women of reproductive age and preferentially a low-dose CT protocol should be implemented to avoid overexposure in such patients.  相似文献   



Unnecessary radiological examination should be avoided, particularly for children, who are more vulnerable to radiation than adults. Replacement of X-ray examination with 18F-fluoro-2-deoxy-d-glucose (18FDG) positron emission tomography/computed tomography (PET/CT) is a potential option for reduction of radiation exposure, and thus improvement in the quality of life (QOL) of patients. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate new plans integrating 18FDG PET/CT versus current conventional imaging (CI) plans for patients with pediatric cancers. The effects of radiation exposure from the two kinds of plans were compared using shortening of the average life expectancy as an index, and the related findings and effects of radiation exposure are discussed.  相似文献   

应用PET研究示踪剂穴位注射后的经络走行空间定位   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
目的 探讨利用PET多功能图像处理软件(MPItool)的图像融合功能,显示^18F-脱氧葡萄糖(FDG)穴位注射后沿经络走行的空间定位。方法 健康志愿者5例,用生物物理经络体表循行线客观定位法在体表精确测定经典穴位,除选定为注射点的最低穴位外,其他拟测穴位均作出标记点。固定体位,分别采集透射扫描和发射扫描图像,将两者融合,并据三维坐标系,测标记点距与之对应的相同空间坐标水平处走行线的距离。结果 清晰显示了示踪剂穴位注射后沿经络走行与肢体的空间关系,得上巨墟穴位平均深度约3.8cm、足三里穴位约5cm。这些深度数值与经典穴位深度基本相符。结论 利用PET MPItool,初步获得拟测经典穴位与该穴位注射后示踪剂沿经络走行的空间位置及距离,基本符合经典理论记述的穴位深度。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: This article will discuss the (18)F-FDG normal variant uptake and the role of FDG PET/CT in malignancies in HIV-infected patients, CNS manifestations of HIV, assessing fever of unknown origin in HIV patients, assessing response to highly active antiretroviral therapy and assessing complications. CONCLUSION: FDG PET/CT is a valuable imaging study in the management of HIV-infected patients.  相似文献   

Purpose Although resynchronisation therapy (CRT) is a promising addition to heart failure therapy, a substantial number of patients do not respond to CRT. As FDG PET has routinely been used for prediction of improvement after revascularisation in ischaemic cardiomyopathy, it was hypothesised that there is also a relationship between the extent of viable tissue and improvement as a result of CRT. Methods Thirty-nine patients with ischaemic cardiomyopathy (ejection fraction 27 ± 9%) and a wide QRS complex underwent temporary pacing to determine the optimal pacing combination, i.e. that with the highest increase in cardiac index (CI) compared with baseline (measured by Doppler echocardiography). All patients also underwent FDG PET imaging. In 19 patients, CI measurements were repeated 10–12 weeks after permanent biventricular pacemaker implantation. Results Echocardiography (13-segment model) showed a mean of 9.8 ± 1.6 dyssynergic segments, with preserved FDG uptake in 4.1 ± 2.4 segments. CI improvement at the optimal pacing site was 20 ± 9%. There was a linear relationship between the extent of viable tissue and CI improvement during pacing (p < 0.001). Using a cut-off value of more than three viable segments (ROC analysis), FDG PET had a sensitivity of 72% and a specificity of 71% for detection of the presence of haemodynamic improvement (i.e. a CI improvement >15%). The relation between CI improvement and viable tissue was similar at follow-up. Conclusion A correlation was found between the extent of viable tissue and the haemodynamic response to CRT in patients with ischaemic cardiomyopathy, suggesting that FDG PET imaging may be useful to discriminate between responders and non-responders to CRT.  相似文献   

FDG PET对肿瘤的评估价值   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
正电子发射体层(PET)是一种能够识别肿瘤内生化、生理变化的诊断影像技术,FDGPET可明显提高肿瘤诊断的准确性。肿瘤的FDG摄入量是与其内对葡萄糖需求量增加的有增殖能力的肿瘤细胞的代谢率呈正比的。FDG PET在肿瘤应用方面,对肿瘤的分期、分型,复发、转移的早期诊断,坏死与存活组织的鉴别,肿瘤生物特征的预测,及治疗反应的监测作用都得到了广泛承认。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: This prospective study was undertaken to address the capacity of positron emission tomography (PET) with 2-[18F]fluoro-2-deoxy-D-glucose (18F-FDG) to determine the primary tumour site of carcinomas with unknown primary site. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Twenty-five patients with metastases from adenocarcinoma or undifferentiated carcinoma of unknown primary site (CUP) were included prospectively. For all patients, extensive imaging was unsuccessful in localizing the primary site. Patients received 370 MBq of 18F-FDG intravenously, and whole-body images were acquired 60 min after injection. All hot spots that could not be attributed to a metastatic site were considered as the primary tumour. The evaluation of FDG PET data was based on clinical and radiological outcome or surgery if indicated. RESULTS: Twenty-four patients were eligible for analysis. All known metastases were visualized. In six patients, FDG PET showed a primary tumour site which was confirmed by follow-up or surgery. In five patients, the primary tumour site was suggested by FDG PET but not confirmed by clinical outcome. No primary tumour was found in the other patients, with a mean follow-up of 15 months. CONCLUSION: In our series, FDG PET allowed the identification of primary tumour site in one quarter of patients with CUP (6/24). We conclude that FDG PET has a place in the initial staging of these patients.  相似文献   

This investigation was undertaken to evaluate 18F-labeled fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) PET in monitoring patients after intraoperative radiotherapy (IORT) for unresectable pancreatic cancer and to compare its usefulness with CT. METHODS: FDG PET was performed in 12 consecutive unresectable ductal adenocarcinoma patients before (n = 12) and after IORT (0.7-11.9 mo, n = 14). In the follow-up period, FDG PET results after IORT were divided into three groups: early (0-2.0 mo after IORT, n = 7), intermediate (2.1-4.0 mo, n = 5) and delayed period (4.1 mo or later, n = 2). FDG uptake at 60 min after injection of 185 MBq FDG under fasting conditions was analyzed with standardized uptake value (SUV). Three parameters, the highest SUV in the tumor, the area of tumor showing SUV of more than 2.0 and the average SUV in the tumor area were calculated. Ratios of each parameter after IORT to that before IORT were defined as residual uptake ratio (RUR)-1, -2 and -3, respectively. Tumor regression after IORT was evaluated with CT as tumor size ratio (TSR) every 2 mo. RESULTS: Results of RUR-1 and -3 were consistent with tumor size measured by CT. They decreased in 10 patients with partial response and increased in 2 patients with no change, although these 2 patients had abscesses. RUR-3 decreased consistently as 0.65+/-0.33 in 2 mo, 0.51+/-0.39 in 4 mo and 0.24 in 4 mo or later after IORT, respectively. RUR-1 decreased in early period, but demonstrated no change through the remaining periods. There were discrepancies between the results of RUR-2 and those of the other RURs. CT results revealed a slow decrease in tumor size, because TSR was 0.91 +/-0.10, 0.76+/-0.11 and 0.70+/-0.18 in 2, 4 and 6 mo after IORT, respectively. RUR-3 was smaller than TSR at 2 mo (P < 0.05) and 4 mo (P = 0.056). These results indicate that the measurement of the average SUV in the tumor area with FDG PET could evaluate the local response of pancreatic cancer after IORT earlier and more markedly than with CT. CONCLUSION: FDG PET was useful in monitoring patients after IORT, because the decrease of metabolism in pancreatic tumor could be detected earlier than the decrease in tumor size.  相似文献   

Although many human cancers can be imaged by 2-[18F]-fluoro-2-deoxy-D-glucose (FDG) and PET, there is little clinical experience with FDG PET in cervical cancer. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the feasibility of FDG PET scans on patients with cervical cancer. METHODS: FDG PET scans were performed on 21 patients with histologically proven uterine cervical cancer (17 newly diagnosed, 4 recurrence). After two levels of transmission scanning, approximately 370 MBq FDG were injected, and dynamic scans over 60 min were obtained at the level of suspected tumors, followed by static scans. Postvoid scans were also obtained in 11 patients to minimize FDG activity in the urinary bladder. FDG uptake was interpreted visually and classified into 4 grades (0 = normal, 1 = probably normal, 2 = probably abnormal and 3 = definitely abnormal). For a semiquantitative index of FDG uptake in tumors, the standardized uptake value (SUV) corrected by predicted lean body mass (SUL) was calculated and compared. The detectability of lymph node metastases by PET was compared with that by CT. RESULTS: Of the 21 newly diagnosed or recurrent cancers, 16 (76%) were detected by FDG PET without use of postvoid imaging (i.e., interpreted as grade 2 or 3). The SULs of tumors ranged from 2.74-13.03, with a mean of 8.15 +/- 3.00 (SUV range 3.68-14.94, mean 10.31 +/- 3.19). There was no significant relationship between the SUL of cervical cancer and the clinical stage. Postvoid FDG PET images substantially reduced the tracer activity in the urinary bladder and improved the visualization of cervical cancers, with three additional cases detected using the postvoid images. In the 11 patients with postvoid imaging, all 11 cancers (100%) were detected. FDG PET detected lymph node metastases in 6 (86%) of 7 patients with known metastases, whereas CT was positive in 4 patients (57%), equivocal in 2 patients (29%) and negative in 1 patient (14%). All PET and CT scans were true-negative in the patients with no lymph node metastases (interpreted as grade 0 or 1 by PET, and as negative by CT). CONCLUSION: These preliminary data demonstrate the feasibility of FDG PET imaging in patients with cervical cancer. FDG PET appears to be promising for detecting untreated or recurrent cervical cancers and lymph node metastases, although the excreted FDG in the urine remains problematic in some cases.  相似文献   



The purpose of this study was to estimate total effective dose and cancer risk related to treatment monitoring and surveillance computed tomography (CT) scans in a cohort of patients diagnosed with lymphoma.


76 patients with head, neck, chest, abdomen or pelvis CT and whole-body positron emission tomography (PET)/CT were identified from an institutional lymphoma database; this included 54 (71%) patients with non-Hodgkin and 22 (29%) patients with classical Hodgkin lymphoma. Average treatment and surveillance periods were 8 months (range, 3–14 mo) and 23 months (range, 1–40 mo), respectively. Radiation exposure was estimated from the dose-length product (DLP) for CT scans and milli-Curies and DLP for PET/CT scans. Cancer risk was estimated using the Biological Effects of Ionizing Radiation model.


During their treatment period, 45 patients had 161 CT exams and 39 patients had 73 PET/CT exams. Mean effective dose was 39.3 mSv (range, 7.1–100 mSv). During the surveillance period, 60 patients had 378 CT exams and 25 patients had 39 PET/CT exams. Mean effective dose was 53.2 mSv (range, 2.6–154 mSv). Seventeen of 76 (22.4%) patients had total cumulative doses greater than 100 mSv. The mean increase in estimated cancer risk was 0.40%; the greatest estimated risk to any one patient was 1.19%.


Mean total effective dose and mean estimated cancer risk were low in patients with lymphoma undergoing serial imaging, suggesting that theoretical risks of radiation-induced cancer need not be a major consideration in radiologic follow-up.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: We estimated the amount of radiation exposure to sonographers from patients who were injected with 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) at 2 and 3 h postinjection. METHODS: We studied 8 patients who were given between 380-420 MBq 18F-FDG. The patients were measured with a RADOS RDS-120 dosimeter between 2 and 3 h after FDG injection. The dosimetry measurement was taken at a distance of 0.5 m from the injected patient, a distance used by a sonographer to perform an abdominal ultrasound. Measurements were taken at the levels of the sonographer's shoulder, abdomen, and gonads. RESULTS: At the first measurement at 2 h, the mean exposures to the shoulder, abdomen, and gonads of the sonographer in pSv/h were 31.9+/-11.3, 37.1+/-9.5, and 32.8+/-11.8, respectively. At 3 h, the mean exposures to the shoulder, abdomen, and gonads were 21.5+/-4.2, 20.2+/-5.8, and 19.6+/-4.9, respectively. CONCLUSION: The amount of radiation exposure to a sonographer is minimal. Radiation exposure risks should be considered, however, if the sonographer comes into daily, repeated contact with patients who have been given 18F-FDG.  相似文献   

FDG PET imaging in patients with pathologically verified dementia.   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
The purpose of this study was to confirm with pathologic verification 2 beliefs related to Alzheimer's disease (AD): (a) the long-standing impression that bilateral temporo-parietal hypometabolism, as noted on FDG PET imaging, is the metabolic abnormality associated with Alzheimer's disease (AD) and (b) that the sensitivity, specificity, and diagnostic accuracy of the metabolic pattern of bilateral temporo-parietal hypometabolism allows differentiation between other degenerative causes of dementia. METHODS: Twenty two individuals (8 women, 14 men) with difficult-to-characterize memory loss or dementia (using standard clinical criteria), and who eventually received pathologic confirmation of diagnosis, were evaluated. FDG PET brain scans were obtained and visually graded by an experienced nuclear medicine physician as to the presence of classic bilateral temporo-parietal hypometabolism as seen in Alzheimer's type dementia. Sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive value, and diagnostic accuracy of the metabolic pattern of bilateral temporo-parietal hypometabolism were determined using pathologic diagnosis as the gold standard. RESULTS: The clinical diagnosis of possible or probable AD was determined as the primary cause of dementia in 12 patients. The sensitivity and specificity of the clinical diagnosis for probable AD were 63% and 100%, respectively. The sensitivity and specificity of the clinical diagnosis for possible and probable AD were 75% and 100%, respectively. The sensitivity, specificity, and diagnostic accuracy of bilateral temporo-parietal hypometabolism being associated with AD were 93%, 63%, and 82%, respectively. CONCLUSION: This study confirms that bilateral temporo-parietal hypometabolism is indeed the classic metabolic abnormality associated with AD. Furthermore, in individuals with dementia whose FDG PET scans indicated a metabolic pattern other than bilateral temporo-parietal hypometabolism, a cause of dementia other than AD should be suspected. These observations may be of clinical importance in differentiating dementia syndromes. The sensitivity, specificity, and diagnostic accuracy of FDG PET are acceptable as tests to be used in the evaluation of dementia and particularly to confirm the clinical suspicion of AD.  相似文献   

张驰 《武警医学》2008,19(2):126-130
目的研究放射性肺炎发生的时间规律、^18F-脱氧葡萄糖(FDG)PET图像的特点及对FDG EPT诊断的影响。方法选择胸部肿瘤施行放疗的患者共15例,放疗前后进行系列FDGPET全身检查。图像判断进行视觉分析和半定量分析。结果本组中有5例出现放射性肺炎,其图像特点为:病变为片状比较均匀的摄取增高影,边界与放疗照射野一致,且都在肺内靠后近胸膜处。截至随访结束时,例2及例4完全消失,而例1、例3仍有轻度摄取,例5则至放疗后13个月一直变化不大。放射性肺炎病变部位SLN随时间而减低,一般SUW在放疗后6个月内下降明显,其后变化较小。结论在放射治疗的各个阶段如果需要了解患者情况,FDG PET结果的判读应结合放疗病史及放射性肺炎不同时期的特点加以分析。  相似文献   

外照射慢性放射病人的剂量估算   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
本文报道了外照射慢性放射病人(简称慢放病人)的剂量估算。根据射线工作量、X线机型号和容量、防护条件, 采用全国对x射线工作人员的剂量调查资料或对慢放病人的实际监测数据, 对从事x射线诊断的慢放病人进行了剂量估算。根据镭源活度、操作时间、离源距离, 及其镭疗的病人次数, 对早期从事谲疗工作的巨放病人进行了剂量估算。给出了29例慢放病人剂量的估算结果。其照射量(无受体)、红骨髓剂量、躯干平均剂量和有效剂量当量的平均值分别为7.5×10-2C·kg-11.3Gy、1.2Gy和1.6Sv。  相似文献   

Value of FDG PET in the assessment of patients with multiple myeloma   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
OBJECTIVE: Our objective was to evaluate if whole-body PET with FDG is able to detect bone marrow involvement in patients with multiple myeloma and to assess its appearance and distribution pattern. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Seventeen whole-body FDG PET scans were performed in 13 patients with multiple myeloma. Four patients were referred for evaluation of extent of disease pretherapy and nine patients were referred for assessment of therapy response (chemotherapy, radiation therapy, bone marrow transplant). FDG PET images were evaluated for distribution and uptake pattern. Standardized uptake values were obtained to quantify FDG uptake. Results of other imaging examinations (MRI, CT, radiography), laboratory data, biopsies, and the clinical course were used for verification of detected lesions. RESULTS: FDG PET was able to detect medullary involvement of multiple myeloma. There were two false-negative results. In one patient, the radiographic skeletal survey showed subcentimeter lytic lesions within the ribs that were not detected on FDG PET and in the other patient, a lytic lesion detected on radiographs showed only mildly increased FDG uptake that was not identified prospectively. There was one false-positive FDG PET result in a patient who had undergone radiation therapy 3 weeks before PET. FDG PET was helpful in differentiating between posttherapeutic changes and residual/recurrent tumor and in assessing response to therapy. FDG PET resulted in upstaging of disease in four patients, which influenced subsequent management and prognosis. Sensitivity of FDG PET in detecting myelomatous involvement was 85% and specificity was 92%. CONCLUSION: FDG PET is able to detect bone marrow involvement in patients with multiple myeloma. FDG PET is useful in assessing extent of disease at time of initial diagnosis, contributing to staging that is more accurate. FDG PET is also useful for evaluating therapy response.  相似文献   

AIM: To evaluate whether delayed fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) positron emission tomography (PET) imaging is more helpful in differentiating between malignant and benign lesions and whether delayed FDG PET imaging can identify more lesions in patients in whom pancreatic cancer is suspected. METHODS: The study evaluated 86 patients who were suspected of having pancreatic tumours. FDG PET imaging (whole body) was performed at 1 h (early) post-injection and repeated 2 h (delayed) after injection only in the abdominal region. Qualitative and semi-quantitative evaluation was performed. The semi-quantitative analysis was performed using the standardized uptake value (SUV), obtained from early and delayed images (SUVearly and SUVdelayed, respectively). Retention index (RI) was calculated according to the equation: (SUVdelayed-SUVearly)x100/SUVearly. RESULTS: The final diagnosis was pancreatic cancer in 55 and benign disease in 31 patients. On visual and semi-quantitative analysis, the diagnostic accuracy of RI was the highest (88%). The differences between the SUVearly, SUVdelayed and RI value in both pancreatic cancer and benign disease were significant (P<0.01). The mean value of SUVdelayed was significantly higher than that of SUVearly (P<0.01) in pancreatic cancer. Furthermore, new foci of metastasis were seen in the liver in two patients and in the lymph node in one patient only on delayed images. CONCLUSIONS: The RI values obtained using early and delayed FDG PET may help in evaluating pancreatic cancer. Furthermore, addition of delayed FDG PET imaging is helpful to identify more lesions in patients with pancreatic cancer.  相似文献   

Value of FDG PET in patients with fever of unknown origin.   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Fever of unknown origin (FUO) is a diagnostic challenge, because the cause of such fever may be manifold. Studies on the use of positron emission tomography (PET) using 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose (18F-FDG), for the diagnosis of inflammation in patients with osteomyelitis or HIV have been promising and suggest its use in patients with FUO. In this study, we used FDG PET in 16 patients with FUO in whom conventional diagnostics had not been conclusive. In 12 patients, (75%) non-physiological accumulations of FDG were found which led to the final diagnosis in 11 patients (69%). FDG PET was negative in four patients (25%). Two of these patients had rheumatic fever, while in the other two patients the origin of fever could not be detected within 3 months after PET by any other laboratory or imaging means. These findings point to the high sensitivity of FDG whole-body PET for the detection of morphologically assessable foci as an origin of FUO. Moreover, they suggest a high negative predictive value of FDG PET in the setting of FUO, since in no patient with a negative FDG PET could a morphological origin of the fever be determined. In conclusion, FDG whole-body PET appears to be a promising diagnostic tool in patients with FUO, in whom conventional diagnostics had been unsuccessful.  相似文献   

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