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上颌侧切牙畸形舌侧沟的观测与临床意义   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文观测了529枚离体上领侧切牙畸形舌侧沟的发生率、发生部位及其分级。有畸形舌侧沟数占总检查数的17.01%。其中Ⅰ级的占12.85%,Ⅱ级的占1.13%,Ⅲ级的占3.02%。结合了文献复习,认为畸形舌侧沟对牙周病的发生、发展、治疗、预后均有影响。特别是Ⅱ,Ⅲ级的畸形舌侧沟,治疗常是事倍功半,预后不佳。  相似文献   

畸形舌侧尖属于牙内陷的一种,多见于恒牙的上颌侧切牙,也可发生于乳中切牙。笔者近日在口腔内科门诊收诊1例,现报道如下。患儿女,2岁。其母于患儿1.5岁时发现其上颌中切牙内侧长出两个细小牙齿,并随牙的生长逐渐增长。检查见:患儿发育正常,乳牙列完全萌出,位置排列正常,家族未见类似病例。51、61舌侧窝近牙颈部各长出一个锥形牙尖。牙尖在龈上高度约为2mm,基底部直径约2.5mm,顶部较锐。畸形舌侧尖与51、61舌面间覆盖牙龈,未见明显舌面窝。X线片示:51、61舌面各1个三角形不透光影,可见髓角突出(图1)。诊断:51、61畸形舌侧尖。因未影响咬合未…  相似文献   

上颌侧切牙畸形根面沟的外形研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:研究上颌侧切牙畸形根面沟的外形。方法:13个有畸形根面沟的上颌侧切牙,在放大镜、显微镜下观察结构。结果:12个牙有牙本质变薄,牙骨质不连续。结论:因畸形根面沟易产生牙体一牙髓病,牙周病,须注意预防性治疗。  相似文献   

患儿 ,男 ,9岁半。因上前牙痛 ,两次到不同医院就诊 ,均以 2 | 2尚未萌出 ,压迫 1| 1牙根 ,引起疼痛 ,给予口服消炎药治疗处理。第3天来我院就诊。检查见 :1| 1无龋坏 ,舌侧窝食物残渣覆盖 ,清除后见釉质内陷 ,形成裂沟 ,越过舌隆突 ,延伸至龈下。有叩痛 ,探痛和冷热刺激痛。X线牙片示 :1| 1畸形舌侧沟底位于牙颈部釉牙骨质交界处 ,根尖孔较大 ;根尖无明显透光影。诊断 :1|急性牙髓炎伴根尖浸润。 | 1慢性牙髓炎。处理 :| 1清除舌侧沟食物残渣后 ,玻璃离子水门汀预防性充填 ,2日后复诊症状消失。 1|局麻下开髓、拔髓后 ,行根尖诱导成形术 ;…  相似文献   

病人,女,65岁,籍贯:河南温县。出生并长期在陕西西安市生活。因上颌恒侧切牙过小就诊。检查发现:病人身体、精神、营养等一般情况良好,发育正常。面部对称无畸形,上下牙列咬合关系正常。病人22为过小牙;12缺严重疾病或长期用药史,也无拔上颌牙史或外伤史。图1 22过小(恒侧切)牙,12缺失先天性一侧上颌恒侧切牙缺失合并另一侧上颌恒侧切牙过小1例@韩永战$解放军第451医院!陕西西安710054 @任朝霞$解放军第451医院!陕西西安710054 @隋继强$解放军第451医院!陕西西安710054 @陈月华$解放军第451医院!陕西西安710054…  相似文献   

唇腭裂是一种最常见的口腔颌面部先天发育畸形,1987年国内统计资料新生儿疾病的发病率为1.82‰.先天发育缺陷及手术修复常导致患儿颅面骨骼形态发育异常;而对于牙列,裂隙局部的干扰常出现在侧切牙区,表现为裂隙邻近牙齿的畸形、扭转,牙齿的先天缺失及多生牙的出现.研究认为乳牙列更常常发现多生牙,而恒牙列多表现为裂侧侧切牙缺失.本文旨在研究唇腭裂畸形对患者裂侧恒侧切牙发育的影响.  相似文献   

上颌侧切牙多为单根牙,偶见双根管,在主牙根旁生长出侧支牙根,实属罕见,现遇1例,报告如下。1病例报告患者,女性,19岁,半年前开始右上前牙牙龈出现瘘管,反复溢脓,来我院诊治。检查见2│牙冠呈灰褐色,唇侧牙龈红肿有瘘管,探溢脓,近中深牙周袋,无松动,叩痛(+)。X线片示2│近中颈部有侧支牙根,呈树枝状,周围牙槽骨吸收,呈现阴影。主牙根尖也见部分阴影。经常规开髓、开放引流、根管治疗后,牙龈红肿无法消退。先行侧支牙根截根并搔刮炎性肉芽后,行侧支根管倒充术。术后1周复诊,检查2│叩痛(-),唇侧牙龈瘘管消失,愈合良好。2讨论解剖学上,上颌侧…  相似文献   

融合牙容易发生在下颌乳前牙,而畸形舌侧尖好发在上颌恒前牙。本文报道的是临床上较少见的单侧下颌中切牙和侧切牙发生融合且融合牙伴畸形舌侧尖1例,同时对本病例这两种发育异常的发生原因进行分析,提出相应的防治措施以应对其并发症的发生。  相似文献   

畸形根面沟是牙发育时期形成的沟状畸形,裂沟使龈沟底封闭不良,上皮在该处呈病理性附着,并形成骨下袋,成为细菌毒素入侵的途径,易导致牙周组织破坏,形成难治的牙周疾病而被拔除[1]。本文报道2例畸形根面沟合并  相似文献   

夏明华 《口腔医学》2006,26(4):275-275
上颌侧切牙双根管畸形临床较为少见,我科于2003年7月收治1例,报告如下。患者男,17岁。因上前牙根部反复肿痛就诊。查根部牙龈肿胀,压痛,叩痛( ),松Ⅱ°。畸形舌侧窝,继发深龋。考虑为急性根尖炎。常规予开髓,根管扩挫,交替冲洗,cp条引流等处理,炎症一度得以控制。但每次复诊根管内渗出液均较多,叩痛( ~ )。后仔细检查根管,发现,腭侧尚有一根管,管腔细小,略弯曲。经常规根管处理后,炎症得以有效控制。达到根管充填临床标准后,予完善的根管充填。随访1年半,未诉不适。虽然上颌侧切牙存在双根管畸形的可能,但临床较为少见。实际操作中,若稍…  相似文献   

Several causes of eruption disturbances in upper permanent central incisors have been described. This report describes six cases in which the failure of maxillary permanent central incisors to erupt appears to be associated with developmental anomalies in the adjacent permanent lateral incisors. The root formation of the unerupted central incisors was delayed in comparison to the contralateral incisors as was the development of the adjacent lateral incisors. The shapes of the crowns were abnormal and in five cases out of the six described, the primary predecessors of the unerupted incisors were fused.  相似文献   

Agenesis of permanent maxillary lateral incisors in South Australian twins   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The frequency of agenesis of maxillary lateral incisors (I2) in a sample of South Australian twins was determined, and associations with gender, zygosity, birthweight and dental crown size were investigated. Ten of the 446 twins examined (2.24 per cent) displayed agenesis of one or both I2, a similar frequency to that reported for Australian singletons. Seven of the ten affected individuals were monozygous female twins, including two pairs, while the three affected dizygous twins were each from different male twin pairs. Five pairs of monozygous twins were identified who displayed varying expressions of normal, small, peg-shaped or missing I2. These twin pairs displayed disparate birthweights suggesting they may have been mono-chorionic. These findings are consistent with a multifactorial threshold model linking size and number of I2 with developmental influences modifying phenotypic expression in those monozygous twins whose genetic predisposition places them near to the threshold for agenesis.  相似文献   

The term talon cusp refers to a relatively rare dental anomaly in which an accessory cusplike structure projects from the cingulum area or cement-enamel junction. The condition can occur in either maxillary or mandibular anterior teeth in both the primary and permanent dentitions. This article reports 2 cases of talon cusp affecting consanguineous first cousins: a case of bilateral talon cusps on the permanent maxillary lateral incisors of a 16-year-old girl, and a case of talon cusp on the maxillary permanent lateral incisor of an 11-year-old boy. The talon cusps caused clinical problems that were related to caries or occlusal interferences. The presence of the dental anomaly in 2 members of the same family suggests that genetic inheritance may be a causative (related) factor. Examination of relatives could facilitate early diagnosis of the talon cusp and aid in preventing carious and occlusal problems.  相似文献   

目的 通过模型测量,了解具备理想前牙咬合者的上颌4个切牙牙冠厚度、宽度及宽厚比例值。方法 恒牙列初期矫治完成记存模型,男女各30例,测量4个上切牙的近远中宽度及咬合接触点水平处的唇舌向厚度,数据行统计学处理。结果和结论 中国汉族人上颌切牙呈典型的铲形结构,应以其近远中边缘嵴处的平均厚度来代表牙冠的厚度;得到了上颌4个切牙的平均宽度、厚度及宽厚比值。  相似文献   

Talon cusp is a rare developmental extra cusp-like projection on the cingulum area of affected anterior teeth that may cause various functional and aesthetic problems. The present report describes a case of bilateral palatal talon cusps on permanent maxillary incisors and the treatment procedure to overcome the clinical problems associated with talon cusps.  相似文献   

Orthodontic extrusion can be time consuming and has a long retention period, making cooperation a critical factor. On the other hand, it has also been shown that surgical techniques may be useful to extrude and save the root. Surgical methods need at least 3 week for root stabilization in new position. This is a case report of a surgical method to treat intruded teeth.  相似文献   

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