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金属支架置入技术是近年来国内外开展的一项新技术,它能有效解除食管及贲门等部位的严重狭窄,恢复经口进食,改善生活质量。但内镜下放置金属支架解除胃癌所致胃出口恶性梗阻的报道较少,按照常规的食管支架置入方法往往难以成功,2006年我们成功地为2例胃出口恶性梗阻患者放置金属支架,报道如下。[第一段]  相似文献   

消化道晚期肿瘤如胃窦癌、十二指肠乳头及周围癌、胰头癌、胃癌术后吻合口狭窄患者往往会出现胃出口恶性梗阻,从而发生顽固性呕吐、腹胀,不能进食,体重减轻,脱水,生活质量迅速恶化。虽然传统的外科手术可以缓解梗阻症状,但并不延长患者的实际生存时间,且创伤大、恢复时间长,术后并发症发生率和死亡率高。另有不少患者因各种原因而丧失外科手术机会,往往需要持续静脉营养补液等支持治疗维持生命。经内镜金属支架置入术是近年国内外开  相似文献   

经内镜金属支架治疗胃出口梗阻的应用进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
胃出口梗阻包括远端胃、十二指肠和近端空肠梗阻,患者多表现为恶心、呕吐、营养不良和脱水,常见的病因包括胃癌、胰腺癌、淋巴瘤、壶腹癌、胆管癌、十二指肠和空肠转移性肿瘤以及外压性肿瘤。约85%的胰腺癌患者和40%的胃癌患者在诊断时已无法获得根治性切除,15%~20%无法切除的胰腺癌病例最终出现胃出口梗阻症状,进展期胃癌患者出现胃出口梗阻的几率更高。  相似文献   

内镜下自膨式金属支架治疗胃出口,十二指肠和上段小肠性梗阻是继食管,贲门和胆以架治疗后的又一进展,经内镜钳道释放的专用支架问世以来,胃出口,十二指肠和上段小肠恶性梗阻支架治疗的基本操作方法有了很大的改进,本对其治疗方法的效果,并发症的发生与处理作一介绍和评价。  相似文献   

胃出口、十二指肠和小肠恶性梗阻的金属支架治疗现状   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
内镜下自膨式金属支架治疗胃出口、十二指肠和上段小肠恶性梗阻是继食管、贲门和胆道支架治疗后的又一进展。经内镜钳道释放的专用支架问世以来。胃出口、十二指肠和上段小肠恶性梗阻支架治疗的基本操作方法有了很大改进。本文对其治疗方法的效果、并发症的发生与处理作一介绍和评价。  相似文献   

恶性胆道梗阻的金属支架治疗   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
恶性胆道梗阻的姑息治疗是胆道金属支架的最佳适应证。自2003年以来,我们治疗此类患者53例,现报告如下。[第一段]  相似文献   

胃出口、十二指肠和近端小肠恶性梗阻的内镜治疗   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
目的 探讨经内镜金属支架置入术治疗胃出口、十二指肠和近端小肠恶性梗阻的临床价值.方法 对1999年3月至2005年3月经内镜放置金属支架治疗的21例胃出口、十二指肠和近端小肠恶性梗阻患者的临床资料进行回顾性分析.结果 21例中20例放置支架成功,成功率为95.2%,其中4例采取经内镜钳道(TTS)方式释放支架,16例为经导丝直接释放支架.19例支架放置后1-3d梗阻症状得到缓解或消除,临床有效率为90.5%,平均生存期4.5个月.1例术后出血,予保守治疗而愈.1例术后1个月支架移位,1例术后2个月肿瘤向支架内浸润生长,导致梗阻复发,均予放置第2根支架后缓解.结论 经内镜放置金属支架治疗胃出口、十二指肠和近端小肠恶性梗阻是一种简单可行、安全有效的方法.  相似文献   

记忆合金支架在胃出口和十二指肠恶性梗阻中的应用   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10  
目的:探讨胃出口、十二指肠恶性梗阻时镍钛记忆合金支架置入的操作技术及其临床疗效:方法:16例中胃窦癌2例,胃窦癌术后复发伴吻合口狭窄2例,贲门癌术后复发伴幽门梗阻4例,结肠癌晚期伴胆管、十二指肠恶性梗阻1例,胰头癌浸润十二指肠3例,十二指肠癌4例。所有患者均在X线监视下行气囊扩张后进行支架置入。结果:支架一次置入成功15例,成功率93.8%。其中有2例为双支架置入(同时置胆总管支架)。支架置入后1周,患者腹胀消失率为11/15(73.3%),呕吐消失率为13/15(86.7%)。未发生与操作相关的近期并发症。结论:采用镍钛记忆合金支架治疗胃出口、十二指肠恶性狭窄,能明显改善患者生存质量,是一种安全有效的治疗方法。  相似文献   

目的经内镜置入金属内支架缓解不能手术的胃十二指肠恶性梗阻患者的症状。方法 31例胃十二指肠恶性梗阻患者均有反复恶心呕吐症状,且不能手术治疗。在透视监视下,使用介入放射学方法置入33个自膨胀式金属内支架。结果 31例患者支架置入均成功,随访期间患者均能进食,呕吐减轻,生活质量提高。无严重并发症发生。结论金属内支架置入是对胃十二指肠恶性梗阻一种简单、有效的治疗方法,对不能手术的胃出口部狭窄和术后吻合口狭窄有很好的缓解作用。  相似文献   

金属支架联合放疗治疗胆管恶性梗阻的临床观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨应用经内镜胆道金属支架置入术(EMBE)联合放射疗法治疗晚期胆管恶性梗阻的疗效。方法12例失去手术机会的晚期胆管恶性梗阻患者,接受经内镜胆管金属支架置入术,支架置入2~3周后行放射治疗,观察随访。结果置管成功率100%,没有出现与手术有关的严重并发症。术后1周胆红素平均下降50%~60%。所有患者术后2~3周均给予放射治疗,随访6个月未再出现黄疸。有5例生存期超过1年。结论胆道金属支架置入联合放射疗法治疗晚期胆管恶性梗阻患者,可改善临床症状,提高患者的生活质量,延长生存期。是一种较好的姑息治疗手段。  相似文献   



Although a substantial number of patients require secondary stents insertion due to primary stent malfunction in malignant gastric outlet obstruction, data on the outcomes of secondary self-expanding metal stents are sparse.


To investigate clinical outcomes and factors related with secondary stent malfunction in patients with malignant gastric outlet obstruction given secondary stent-in-stent self-expanding metal stent insertion.


For this retrospective study, a total 77 patients who underwent secondary stent-in-stent self-expanding metal stent placement for primary stent malfunction in malignant gastric outlet obstruction were enrolled. We compared the effectiveness and complications of secondary covered and uncovered stents and explored the predictive factors for stent malfunction.


Stent-in-stent self-expanding metal stent placements were technically successful in all patients. Both groups also had comparable clinical success rates (covered stent, 87.2% and uncovered stent, 90.0%, P = 1.000). Stent malfunction rates (31.9% and 36.7% respectively, P = 0.805) and median patency time of stent (165 [95% confidence interval: 112–218] and 165 [95% confidence interval: 126–204] days, respectively, P = 0.358) were similar between secondary covered and uncovered stents. Longer patients’ survival time (≥100 days) was associated with increased risk of stent malfunction (odds ratio: 4.598; 95% confidence interval: 1.473–14.355; P = 0.009).


Secondary stent-in-stent self-expanding metal stent placement is feasible and effective treatment for primary stent malfunctions in malignant gastric outlet obstruction. Covered and uncovered stent are equally acceptable in terms of stent-related complications and stent patency, regardless of primary stent type.  相似文献   



Gastrojejunostomy (GJJ) and stent placement are the most commonly used palliative treatments for malignant gastric outlet obstruction (GOO). In a recent randomized trial, stent placement was preferred in patients with a relatively short survival and GJJ in patients with a longer survival. As health economic aspects have only been studied in general terms, we estimated the cost of GJJ and that of stent placement in such patients.  相似文献   

内镜下两种金属支架置入方法治疗胃流出道梗阻对比分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探讨胃流出道梗阻时,两种内镜下金属支架置入方法的操作技术对照及其近、远期疗效观察.方法:将28例胃流出道梗阻患者随机分为2组,分别为1组(n=18):内镜直视下置入金属支架和2组(n=10):经大活检孔道内镜置入金属支架,观察其疗效、并发症及随访结果.结果:2组患者置入成功率分别为88.9%,100%,总成功率94.4%,腹胀消失率为81.3%,呕吐缓解率87.5%.除1组有1例患者术后出现心律失常外,两组未发生明显与操作有关的近期并发症.术后随访时间为1mo至42 mo,有5例再次出现梗阻,平均梗阻出现时间为110 d,平均生存时间140 d,最长生存时间42 mo,死亡病例中主要死于肿瘤进展.结论:两种支架置入方法治疗胃流出道梗阻均安全有效,经大活检孔道内镜置入金属支架比内镜直视下支架直接推送法操作更方便,更省时间、进镜次数少、患者反应小、恢复快.  相似文献   

Malignant gastroduodenal obstruction can occur in up to 20% of patients with primary pancreatic, gastric or duodenal carcinomas. Presenting symptoms include nausea, vomiting, abdominal distention, pain and decreased oral intake which can lead to dehydration, malnutrition, and poor quality of life. Endoscopic stent placement has become the primary therapeutic modality because it is safe, minimally invasive, and a cost-effective option for palliation. Stents can be successfully deployed in the majority of patients. Stent placement appears to lead to a shorter time to symptomatic improvement, shorter time to resumption of an oral diet, and shorter hospital stays as compared with surgical options. Recurrence of the obstructive symptoms resulting from stent occlusion, due to tumor ingrowth or overgrowth, can be successfully treated with repeat endoscopic stent placement in the majority of the cases. Both endoscopic stenting and surgical bypass are considered palliative treatments and, to date, no improvement in survival with either modality has been demonstrated. A tailored therapeutic approach, taking into consideration patient preferences and involving a multidisciplinary team including the therapeutic endoscopist, surgeon, medical oncologist, radiation therapist, and interventional radiologist, should be considered in all cases.  相似文献   

目的:评价无X线监视内镜下置入幽门支架治疗胃出口恶性梗阻的操作技术、临床疗效及并发症.方法:对2007-01/2009-12接受无X线监视内镜下幽门支架置入治疗的36例胃出口恶性梗阻患者的临床资料进行回顾性分析.结果:36例患者共置入39枚支架,其中3例患者为双支架.7例患者因病变狭窄程度高,先行内镜下球囊扩张,再行支...  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Malignant gastric outlet obstruction is seen in the setting of a variety of cancers, most commonly pancreatic. Self-expanding metal stents can be used to palliate these patients and restore the ability to eat. METHODS: We reviewed the Mayo Clinic experience in the endoscopic treatment of malignant gastric outlet obstruction. Thirty-six patients (26 male, 10 female) were treated between October, 1998 and January, 2001. Data were collected from charts, endoscopy reports, x-rays, and telephone calls. A scoring system was created to grade the ability to eat. RESULTS: All procedures were successful. Thirty-one of 36 patients (86%) required one stent at initial endoscopy, and 5/36 patients (14%) required two or more stents. Pretreatment, 19/36 patients (53%) were nil per os, 15/36 (42%) drank liquids, and 2/36 were able to eat soft solids. After stent placement, only 1/36 (3%) was still nil per os, 13/36 (36%) drank liquids, 13/36 (36%) ate soft solids, and 9/36 (25%) ate a full diet. The improvement in ability to eat using the scoring system was statistically significant (p < 0.0001). Nine of 36 patients (25%) required reintervention for recurrent symptoms. Sixteen of 36 patients (44%) had concomitant or subsequent development of biliary obstruction, of which 15 were successfully decompressed. CONCLUSIONS: Self-expanding metal stents are a safe and efficacious method for palliating malignant gastric outlet obstruction. The majority of patients do not require reintervention, and those that do can usually be managed nonoperatively.  相似文献   

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