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病人入院后与病室内病友间相互关系的好坏,对疾病的治疗和转归有着直接的影响。我们为建立患者间互谅互让,互相帮助,互相关心,同情,友好融洽的良好关系,主要做了以下几点:①注意病员的轻重隔离,性别上的隔离;②多渠道地促进患者间的沟通;③妥善处理患者间出现的矛盾和冲突;④培养护理人员崇高的思想境界和精湛的业务技术水平。  相似文献   

分析目前考试制度存在的主要问题有命题、复习题、补考制度等方面的弊端,提出考试制度的改革要在加强"三风"建设、做好试题的编审工作、建立完善的考试管理制度、严肃补考纪律等方面下工夫,让严肃的考风带动良好的学风,从而提高教学质量.  相似文献   

人类的历史教训证明,包括大地震在内的严重自然灾害,对地域生态环境和人类居住条件造成极大的破坏,对灾区人员的健康造成沉重的打击.在这种情况下,发生重大传染病流行的风险将会显著增加.汶川大地震发生后,搜寻生还者,抢救伤病员是抗震救灾第一阶段的重点.  相似文献   

纵观T型台上的模特、时装封面上的女郎和街市上轻盈走过的漂亮MM,其纤纤修长的双腿几乎占了身体比例的一半,举手投足间散发出女性的优雅和柔美,强烈地吸引着人们的目光。而拥有一双美腿也是众多女性的梦想和渴望。  相似文献   

一年之际在于春,春天的营养膳食尤为重要。那就找个周末,一家人团团坐,享尽素食的美味吧。在过足嘴瘾的同时获得营养,让一年的健康有个扎实的开始。这必定会成为一家人难忘的美食时光,就像情节动人的热播剧一样,在每个人的脑海中挥之不去……  相似文献   

糖尿病是一组伴随终身的以糖代谢紊乱为主的内分泌代谢性疾病,是危害人民生命健康的常见病。目前国内外尚缺乏根治方法,但是对绝大多数糖尿病患者而言,通过正确合理地治疗能够控制病情,并能提高糖尿病病人的生活质量。影响糖尿病病情和治疗的因素很多,因此,糖尿病的治疗必须贯彻综合性疗法,其中加强心理护理,提高患者对糖尿病的认识及防治方面的基本知识,取得患者在治疗上的积极配合以及培养战胜疾病的信心,是其他一切治疗的基础。由此可见,心理护理在糖尿病治疗中是不可忽视的一项基本措施。  相似文献   

北京是个有故事的城市,而这个城市的故事多数都藏在它的褶皱——胡同里面。这里有古城的痕迹,却没有古城的喧嚣;这里有古城的气派,却没有古城的浮华;在这里,可以寻找到另一种心情;在这里,可以尝试到另一种生活;这个北京古韵与时尚的交融之处就是——南锣鼓巷。  相似文献   

在夏日的骄阳下,爱美的女人为了拥有洁白无瑕的皮肤,常视阳光为大敌,防晒霜、遮阳伞、遮阳帽从不离手。然而从健康的角度来看,女性多晒晒太阳有众多的好处。对女性来说,每天只需避开10点~15点这个紫外线最强时段的阳光,在早晨的8点之前和傍晚时分享受两个小时的日光浴,就可以达到既保护皮肤又保障健康的目的。那么,充足的阳光对女性有哪些好处呢?  相似文献   

纵深教学法在内科学教育中的运用初探   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
作为培养学生扎实的医学理论知识与科学的临床思维能力的一门学科,内科学的教学方法面 临着更高的要求与挑战.将基础医学与临床医学密切联系起来的"纵深"教学法,有助于使 学生体会到疾病发生原理对临床的重要性与相关性,从而能够综合而完整地把握各个系统的科学性与临床意义.  相似文献   

人类的生命活动是遵循自然界的客观规律进行的。人们的饮食也应根据四季气候及阴阳的变化而不断地进行调整。春季是万物生发的季节,阳气上升,有利于人体精气津血的生化。这时候养生应注意养阳,在饮食上应选用辛甘微温之品,辛甘之品性擅发  相似文献   

Objective:To probe into the influence of changes of ovarian hormones on the pathogenesis of the specific sub-type premenstrual syndrome(PMS)and reveal partial microcosmic mechanisms of adverse flow of liver-qi.Methods:Estradiol(E2)and progesterone(P)levels in serum were determined at different phases of menstrual cycle by radioimmunoassay.Results:In the group of PMS with adverse flow of liver-qi.the secretive peak value Of E2 and P at the follicular phase significantly decreased,and the secretive peak value at the luteal phase did not come into being.Conclusions:Low E2 and P secretive peak at the follicular phase and absence of secretive peak at the luteal phase is one of the microcosmic mechanisms of PMS with adverse flow of liver-qi.One of the pathophysiologic mechanisms of specific sub-type PMS is probably the continuous low level of E2and P.  相似文献   

Objective:To report the clinical manifestations of AIDS with nervous system complications. Methods:We collected the clinical material of AIDS and HIV positive patients who were admitted to our hospital from January 1998 to July 2006, and retrospectively analyzed the 39 cases having nervous system complications, among 146 cases in total. Results:Among 39 cases, there were 3 cases of HIV dementia, 1 case of vacuolar myelopathy, 3 cases of Gullain-barre syndrome, 3 cases of myopathy and 26 cases of secondary opportunistic infection of CNS,including 9 cases of tuberculosis, 6 cases of cryptococcus, 5 cases of toxoplasma, 3 cases of herpes zoster virus, 2 cases of herpes simples virus, 1 case of cytomegalovirus, 1 case of progressive multifocal leukoencencephalitis. 2 cases with central nervous system lymphoma.Among them 12 patients gave up treatment, other patients received anti-HIV treatment and antimicroorganism treatment. 5 patients died of respiratory failure, 2 patients died of multiple organs failure. Conclusion:Up to now, AIDS still has not very good management. So prevention is very important.  相似文献   

目的:分析上颌前牙近远中宽度在上颌前牙弓周长中所占的比例关系,分析上颌前牙弓宽度不变时,前牙近远中宽度以及前牙弓周长随前牙弓深度改变而变化的规律,为前牙数字化、个性化美学分析提供可靠依据。方法:在北京大学口腔医院修复科完成修复的寄存模型中选择上颌前牙牙列完整且排列整齐的模型61副,其中男性模型22副,女性模型39副。使用单反相机固定放大比例从牙合面拍摄模型,利用Photoshop软件测量照片中前牙近远中宽度、前牙弓宽度、前牙弓深度,计算上颌前牙近远中宽度在上颌前牙弓周长中所占的比例。利用Photoshop图层自由变换功能在保持上颌前牙弓宽度不变的情况下,改变上颌前牙弓深度,测量不同凸度下上颌前牙弓的周长,按照原有各个前牙在前牙弓周长中所占的比例计算出不同凸度下各上颌前牙牙冠近远中宽度。用SPSS 23.0统计软件分析上颌前牙近远中宽度在上颌前牙弓周长中所占的比例关系,以及改变上颌前牙弓深度后上颌前牙近远中宽度的变化规律。结果:上颌中切牙、侧切牙、尖牙在上颌前牙弓一半周长所占比例分别为36.2%±1.3%、30.2%±1.5%、33.6%±1.4%,各比例为正态分布,与上颌前牙弓周长不相关。当上颌前牙弓宽度不变,在5 mm范围内,上颌前牙近远中宽度及前牙弓周长变化与前牙弓深度变化呈正相关,前牙弓深度每增加或减少1 mm,中切牙近远中宽度增加或减少约0.18 mm,半侧前牙弓周长增加或减少约0.50 mm。结论:上颌前牙近远中宽度在上颌前牙弓周长中所占比例保持稳定,在一定范围内,当上颌前牙弓宽度不变时,上颌前牙近远中宽度及上颌前牙弓周长与前牙弓深度呈正相关。  相似文献   

The 6th National General Congress of Chinese Association of Integrative Medicine (CALM) was convened at 19-20, April 2008 in Beijing. Academician CHEN Zhu, the minister of Ministry of Health indicated at the congress that the integration of Chinese and Western medicine is very well in keeping with the situation of our country and the general rule of development in medical science; and as a good integration of Chinese medicine and Western medicine, it is mutually beneficial and advantageous to both of them. Seeing the creativity shown in integrative medical investigation in theoretic and methodological sides, we should and must persist in and develop it.  相似文献   

Objective To study the effects of liver specific antigen (LSA) on liver allotransplantation rejection. Methods Orthotopic liver transplantation was performed in this study. Group Ⅰ: syngeneic control (Wistar-to-Wistar); Group Ⅱ: acute rejection (SD-to-Wistar). Group Ⅲ: thymic inoculation of SD rat LSA day 7 before transplantation. The observation of general condition and survival time, rejection grades and the NF-κB activity of splenocytes were used to analyze severity of acute rejection and immune state of animals in different groups. Results The general condition of group Ⅰ was fair post transplantation with no sign of rejection. All recipients of group Ⅱ died within days 9 to 13 post transplantation with median survival time of 10.7 ±1.37 days. As for group Ⅲ, 5 out of 6 recipients survived for a long period with remarkably better general condition than that of group Ⅱ. Its rejection grades were significantly lower than group Ⅱ (P< 0.05).NF-κB activity was only detected in group Ⅰ between days 5 and 7 after transplantation, whereas high activity of NF-κB was detected at all points in group Ⅱ and low NF-κB activity was detected in group Ⅲ which was significantly lower than that of group Ⅱ (P < 0.05). Conclusions LSA is an important transplantation antigen directly involved in the immunorejection of liver transplantation. Intrathymic inoculation of LSA can alleviate the rejection of liver allotransplantation,grafts survive for a period of time thereby, allowing a novel way to liver transplantation immunotolerance.  相似文献   

目的 观察诺维本联合顺铂(NP方案)与多西紫杉醇联合希罗达(XD方案)治疗应用蒽环类药物治疗失败的乳腺癌的疗效及不良反应.方法 将64例应用蒽环类药物治疗失败的乳腺癌患者随机分为两组,NP组34例,治疗方法:NVB25 mg/m2,静脉输注,第1、8天;DDP25 mg/m2,静脉输注,第2、3、4天.每21 d为1个治疗周期.XD组30例,治疗方法:DOC 75 mg/m2,静脉输注,第1天;XELODA 1275 mg/m2,口服,每日2次,第1~14天.两组均以21 d为1个治疗周期,每例至少完成2个周期.结果 NP方案总有效率(41.2%)与XD方案总有效率(50.0%)差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);两组不良反应均以粒细胞减少、恶心呕吐为主,经对症处理后可耐受.结论 NP方案与XD方案对治疗应用蒽环类药物治疗失败的乳腺癌患者均有较好疗效,可选择应用.  相似文献   

葡聚糖凝胶微珠表面形态存在粒子凝集和表面粗糙两种不良情况。粒子凝集的原因是分散剂聚醋酸乙烯酯(PVAc)在碱性条件下水解导致亲水性增强,以及交联反应的中间产物具有絮凝作用。另外,交联后粒子粘度增大也可导致凝集。葡聚糖微珠表面粗糙是由于后处理时PVAc的微小附着物没有从微珠表面完全除去而造成的。作者采取低温分散、交联,分步加入交联剂和调节搅拌速度等控制手段,有效地解决了上述问题。  相似文献   

Objective To study the expressions of MMP-2 and TIMP-2 mRNA on cultured rat mesangial cells (MsC) and in human diseased glomeruli, and to explore their significance in the development of glomerulosclerosis.Methods The expressions ofMMP-2, TIMP-2, and Col Ⅳ mRNA on cultured rat MsC stimulated by IL-1 or/and TGF-β1were investigated through Northern blot analysis. The levels of MMP-2 and TIMP-2 mRNA expressions and immunoreactivity of PCNA and Col Ⅳ in human diseased glomeruli from renal biopsies of lupus nephritis (LN) patients were examined by in situ hybridization and immunohistochemistry, respectively.Results The levels of MMP-2, TIMP-2, and Col Ⅳ mRNA expressions were markedly increased on cultured rat MsC stimulated by IL-1 or/and TGF-β1. Meanwhile, upregulation of MMP-2 and TIMP-2 mRNA expressions was confirmed in diseased glomeruli from patients with various subtypes of LN, and was closely related to the positive cell number of PCNA presentation and deposition of Col Ⅳ in glomeruli.Conclusion The results suggest that the over-expressions of MMP-2 and TIMP-2 mRNA on glomerular cells might play a critical role in the development of glomerulosclerosis.  相似文献   

用放射免疫分析技术测定大鼠在600kPa高压氧暴露下海马、纹状体和额叶皮质中生长抑制素含量的变化,并在700kPa高压氧暴露下,观察腹腔内注射半胱胺及侧脑室内注射SS抗血清对大鼠氧惊厥始发时间、惊厥严重程度和氧厥大鼠存活时间的影响。  相似文献   

Excess production of reactive oxygen species(ROS)of mitochondrion mediated by hyperglycemia is the common pathogenesis of angiopathic complications of diabetes.TCM holds that the damp from the dysfunction of spleen.kidney and liver is the causative factor of complications of diabetes.This is similar to the mechanism of Ros resulting in angiopathic complications of diabetes.When the angiopathic complications of type II diabetes mellitus(T2DM)are difierentiated as caused by turbid damp in TCM can be explained as ROS.Since the obstruction of pathogenic damp in channels and collaterals is said to be the main pathogenesis,the treating principle should be dissolving the damp to remove the obstruction.  相似文献   

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