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影像诊断学多媒体教学课件探讨   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
目的 对影像诊断多媒体课件的制作方法和特点进行探讨。方法 根据《影像诊断学》教材内容,利用影像工作站、Internet、扫描仪等设备获取图像资料,利用图形处理软件Photoshop处理图像、利用PowerPoint,Flash等软件制作成多媒体课件。结果 初步完成了影像诊断学多媒体课件的制作,并在实际教学中应用。结论 多媒体课件在内容的丰富性、信息的及时性、增加学生的学习兴趣、增强教学内容的表现力、相关学科知识连接等方面具有较大优势,教学效果有较大提高,具有广阔的发展前景。  相似文献   

影像诊断学多媒体网络教学课件探讨   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
目的:对影像诊断学多媒体网络教学课件的制作方法和特点进行探讨。方法:根据《影像诊断学》教材内容,利用电脑、扫描仪等设备获取图像,图形处理软件处理图像,Frontpage等软件制作成网络课件。结果:初步完成了多媒体网络课件的制作,申请了域名,并将部分内容上传至网站。结论:多媒体网络课件在教学的灵活性、内容的丰富性、信息的及时性等方面具有较大的优势,具有广阔的发展前途。  相似文献   

网络版影像解剖学多媒体教学课件制作   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的 设计制作影像解剖学多媒体网络教学课件。方法 搜集整理有关影像解剖的教材与图片,以数码相机、扫描仪等方式获取图像,用图形处理软件处理图像,Dreamweaver MX等软件制作成网络课件。结果 初步完成了影像解剖学交互式多媒体网络课件的制作,在校园网及Intemet等网络环境下运行良好,使用方便。结论 多媒体网络课件蕴涵的信息量大,由于没有时间和空间的因素制约,增加了教与学的自由度,节约了人力、物力,实现了教学资源的有效配置,发展前景广阔。  相似文献   

目的 :寻求一种操作简便、功能性强、供制作多媒体医学教学课件使用的操作平台。方法 :通过PowerPoint97将通常课堂教学使用的投影片、幻灯片、挂图、录像带、解说词及影片资料制成多媒体医学教学课件。结果 :该课件可方便地进行不同格式的文本、图片、声音和影像的制作、编辑和播放 ,初步实现了互动式多媒体教学 ;借助国际互联网进行远程多媒体教学以及自动完成更新有关教学内容的研究进展、发展动态等最新信息的多种功能。结论 :PowerPoint97是一种简便易学的多媒体操作平台 ,基本能满足医学教学课件的制作要求 ,适合医学教学工作者 ,特别是一些初学者制作课件的需要。  相似文献   

全国高等医学院校教材《核医学》书讯五年制全国高等医学院校《核医学》教材由北京大学第一医院核医学科主任王荣福教授主编,中国核医学奠基人王世真院士写序。本教材真正反映了当今新的医学教育理念、思维和方法,并体现基础与临床相结合以及学科的交叉融合,同时在内容上涵盖本专业教学大纲的要求,内容全面而精炼(本书共32万字,200页)。与《核医学》教材配套的《核医学要点与自测》(包括各种试题、病例分析及参考答案)和《核医学》网络课件即将出版,将大大地方便教师教学和有利于学生复习,同时为核医学专业资格、核医学技术专业资格晋升及报…  相似文献   

人体解剖学是一门重要的医学基础课程,更是一门形态科学。它要求教学内容直观、形象、生动。计算机多媒体是继书本、黑板、音像等教学媒体后出现的另一种新的教学媒体[1]。它能以图文声像并茂的方式提供知识,进行示范与练习,以及提供一种边演示边讲解的教学方式,具有高趣味性与启发性,能较好地解决解剖学理论课教学中形象、直观的问题。我们在1999年秋季学期护理专业《人体解剖学》课程的教学中,全面采用了多媒体课件进行教学,课件全部都由我们自己根据教学需要所创作。现将我们进行多媒体教学的实践与思考简介如下:1 课件制作在课件的制作…  相似文献   

“大众体育保健多媒体网络课件”的制作   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
体育健身的作用已为大众所认识 ,但是如何安全有效地指导各类群体达到各自的健身目标 ,仅仅依靠现有的体育保健专业教师和社会体育辅导员远远不够 ,有必要采用现代多媒体网络手段 ,制作“大众体育保健多媒体网络课件” ,实现大众体育资源的共享。1 “大众体育保健多媒体网络课件”制作的内容及意义“大众体育保健多媒体网络课件”以体育保健学作为基本理论 ,内容涉及人体解剖学、人体生理学、卫生学、心理学、运动医学、军事医学、职业病理学、中医养生学等诸多学科 ,不但要继承我国传统中医的养生理论和方法 ,而且还要与现代人体生命科学…  相似文献   

浅谈多媒体课件的设计和制作   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
罗荣  李艳 《武警医学》2005,16(4):313-314
多媒体技术已应用于教学、科研、医疗卫生等各个领域 ,现在参加医疗学术活动、职称答辩都需要使用课件。本文就多媒体课件的设计、制作艺术谈点粗浅的认识 ,介绍了常用的多媒体课件的制作工具 ,并讲述多媒体课件构成的艺术要素及设计需把握的几个重要环节。1 多媒体课件平台的选择 医疗活动中的论文报告、教学和演示等多媒体课件已成为常用工具 ,因此 ,合理选择多媒体平台就显得尤为重要。1.1 功能强大 多媒体开发工具应具有所见即所得、媒体集成度高、各种特殊效果丰富且易实现的特点。1.2 兼用性强 多媒体课件要用到的素材千变万化 …  相似文献   

核医学是一门前沿学科,也是临床医学继续教育的重要课程。但其书本教材的不足日益显现,制约了核医学继续教育向纵深发展。随着计算机应用的普及和深入,多媒体技术在教学工作中的使用得到很大发展。笔者尝试采用PowerPoint XP及FrontPage XP等软件,紧扣继续教育的教学要求,用大量文字、影像、录像、动画、声音及其他较新的多媒体元素,以统一的格式和活泼的形式,编制了“数码版”核医学继续教育教材。编制过程简介如下。  相似文献   

《中华核医学杂志》为中华医学会主办的核医学专业学术期刊,以广大核医学医师为主要读者对象,报道核医学领域领先的科研成果和临床诊疗经验,以及对核医学临床有指导作用、且与核医学临床密切结合的基础理论研究。本刊的办刊宗旨是:贯彻党和国家的卫生工作方针政策,贯彻理论与实践、普及与提高相结合的方针,反映我国核医学临床科研工作的重大进展,促进国内外核医学学术交流。  相似文献   

近年来,我国核医学事业飞速发展,放射性核素被广泛地应用于肿瘤、心脏疾病和神经疾病的诊疗中。正电子类药物分装是核医学诊疗前的必要步骤。由于手工分装会对核医学工作者造成一定的核辐射以及产生抽取剂量准确性等问题,因此研制全自动核素分装仪具有重要的临床价值。笔者系统回顾了全自动核素分装仪的发展历程,重点阐述现有产品在核素分装、原液稀释、气泡检测方面的功能,并提出现有产品存在的维护困难、价格昂贵、功能不完善等不足,最后对正电子类药物全自动核素分装仪在核素注射、核素剂量计算、功能模块化等未来发展方向上的应用进行了展望。  相似文献   

放射医学属于临床医学类专业,主要培养从事肿瘤放射治疗、核医学、放射性职业病诊疗、辐射防护、核与辐射事故医学应急的专业人才。截至2022年,全国共有9所高校开展放射医学本科人才培养。本文结合我国放射医学人才需求与学科发展趋势,分析了放射医学的专业地位、专业建设、师资队伍建设方面的不足,提出通过成立放射医学人才培养的全国性组织来提升专业地位,树立"新医科"发展理念来顺应放射医学交叉融合的发展趋势,依托互联网技术来建设放射医学优质教学资源,并健全基层教学组织,从而适应未来放射医学发展的需要。  相似文献   

RATIONALE AND OBJECTIVES: In recent years, picture archiving and communication systems and electronic transfer of radiologic images using the digital imaging and communications in medicine file standard has become more widely employed in diagnostic radiology. It seems to be likely that nuclear medicine will be integrated within such systems. On the other hand, many departments possess older nuclear medicine equipment without digital output facilities. There is an increasing tendency to display and archive evaluated images ("save-screens," printouts) on nondedicated, inexpensive systems using file formats capable of data compression. This was the reason for examining the value of the JPEG format in this pilot study. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Fifty scanned planar bitmap images of the most frequent scintigraphic examinations (thyroid, bone, myocardium, lungs, and kidneys) were compared with JPEG format at different data compressions by two blinded observers. The visualization of details (eg, pathologic findings) is described for all these images as the visual appearance of the images and the storage capacity required. RESULTS: Relevant loss of clinical information did not occur up to compression factors of 0.75. A major decrease of subjective image quality was seen at compression factors >0.90. Compared with bitmap files, the use of these factors reduced the storage capacity required by 98% at a (JPEG-related) compression factor of 0.50, and 99% at a compression factor of 0.90. Compared with the GIF format, a reduction by 4.0-5.7 could be achieved. CONCLUSIONS: Use of the JPEG format can therefore be recommended to save costs of image transfer or archiving of standard planar scans for nuclear medical evaluation.  相似文献   

This is the second in a series of short reviews of internet-based radiological educational resources, and will focus on neuroradiology. Most of the sites cater for medical students and trainee or non-specialist radiologists, but may also be of interest to specialists, especially for use in teaching. Hyperlinks are available in the electronic version of this article and were all active at the time of going to press (August 2005). If your computer has high-level internet security settings or does not accept cookies, you may not be able to access all of the sites listed; this may be the case on some hospital-based systems. All websites should be fully accessible from other computers with less stringent security settings, e.g. a PC at home.  相似文献   

BackgroundSelf-efficacy is positively associated with adherence behaviours and rehabilitation outcomes following Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) reconstruction. An internet resource can be an effective way to provide information, goal setting, patient monitoring and hence support overall self-management.PurposeThis study examined the feasibility of a three month ‘internet-based intervention’ (mobile-oriented site) to enhance recovery for patients following ACL reconstruction. The potential effect of the internet-based intervention on knee pain, function, self-efficacy and fear of pain were also assessed.MethodThis was a pilot randomised controlled trial (RCT) with pre and post intervention design (assessments at one week and three months following ACL reconstruction) comparing: (1) a control group and (2) an intervention group (internet-based intervention). A set of qualitative and quantitative assessments were included to evaluate potential improvements in self-efficacy, pain and function and perception of the internet intervention.Results and conclusionSeventeen participants were available for analysis (n = 10 intervention and n = 7 control group). Participants reported the internet-based intervention to be a useful tool for information, reminder and reinforcement for performing their exercise rehabilitation with 30.3% (±35.3%) adherence to the internet-based intervention. No differences were observed between the groups over time on the outcome questionnaires (p > 0.05).Australian New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry (ANZCTR): ACTRN12616001379404.  相似文献   

Construction of a new Veterans Administration Medical Center provided a unique opportunity to design and implement a state-of-the-art nuclear medicine department in a large teaching and research hospital. The new medical center allowed the acquisition of all new gamma cameras and computer systems without any historical need to patch together a system of old and new equipment. The picture archiving and communication system (PACS) was designed to link five gamma cameras to four image viewing areas, followed by digital archive on an optical disc. The gamma cameras' computers and viewing areas' computers are linked to a central networking computer in a manner that provides nine independent but digitally communicating image computers. Each nuclear medicine computer is capable of acquiring gamma camera data while possibly also performing up to three other simultaneous tasks: analysis of image data, transfer of image data from node to node, and patient database manipulation. The nine image computers each appear to the user as a digital file cabinet, containing various folders, which in turn contain patient studies. To transfer a patient study from one location to another, the user simply queues a transfer request by selecting a file drawer-folder combination for the source and destination locations. It takes only a few seconds to queue a transfer request, and the transfer is complete about a minute later without any further user intervention. A computer genie awakens during the early morning off-hours and performs housekeeping tasks, including movement of patient studies (based on date of acquisition) from active viewing folders to inactive archive folders. All scheduling, workload data, patient image reports, etc, are handled by a patient textual information database system. Patient reports and scheduling information are transmitted to the medical center's central computer where they are made readily available throughout the medical center. The PACS, in clinical use since the spring of 1988, is practical and well-received by technologists, nuclear medicine physicians, and more importantly, our consumer, the referring physicians.  相似文献   

Internet-based interactive teaching file for neuroradiology   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
OBJECTIVE: Our goal was to implement an interactive neuroradiologic teaching file that can be accessed on the Internet and easily expanded to include radiologic, clinical, and pathologic correlation. CONCLUSION: Our growing interactive neuroradiologic teaching file is available on the Internet. It provides an easily accessed database of interesting cases to aid in the study or analysis of difficult cases.  相似文献   

131I在细胞水平分布的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
目的 用131I放射自显影技术观察其在细胞水平的分布,探讨放射性药物效果预测及评价.方法 采用放射自显影和冷冻切片技术,建立银颗粒密度与放射性药物强度的刻度曲线,确定放射性药物131Ⅰ的微观分布,基于核素的微观分布数据,建立微剂量的剂量估算模式.结果 银颗粒密度与施入放射性药物比活度的相关系数为0.9963,刻度系数为1.59×10-4Bq.结论 131I在细胞水平的分布是不均匀的,银颗粒多数是分布在细胞浆中.因此在计算细胞水平的剂量时应考虑到其分布的不均匀性.  相似文献   

Working Group 1 of the European project COST-B2 on quality assurance of nuclear medicine software has been concerned with the development of an appropriate mechanism for the transfer of nuclear medicine image data files between computer systems from different vendors. To this end a protocol based upon Report No. 10 of the American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM) [1] was adopted. A previous publication [2] gave a specification (V3.2) for an intermediate file format with a list of key-value pairs for the header data associated with nuclear medicine image data files. This paper presents a revised specification for the intermediate file format and associated keys, now called V3.3, which has evolved from the experience in using the earlier version. It is hoped that the modifications proposed will improve the definition and usability of the file format as given in the earlier version.  相似文献   

The nuclide 67Ga is widely used in nuclear medicine for diagnostic purposes. It decays with a half-life of 3.259 days to 67Zn, a stable nuclide. The decay mode is electron capture with several branches followed by gamma-de-excitation. One of the excited levels of 67Zn with energy 93 keV has a half-life of 9.1 micros, which makes its absolute standardization by coincidence methods difficult. Two methods were used to standardize a solution of this nuclide: (a) 4pi-EC(PPC)-gamma(NaI) coincidence counting with efficiency extrapolation to infinite dead time and (b) high-efficiency 4pigamma counting with a well-type NaI detector.  相似文献   

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