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Forty-seven consecutive patients (mean age 61 +/- 8 years) referred for cardiac catheterization due to moderate to severe aortic (n = 30) or mitral (n = 17) valvular heart disease were examined by technetium-99m isonitrile tomography together with a high-dose dipyridamole infusion (0.7 mg/kg) and handgrip stress. Tomography did not identify coronary artery disease (CAD) in 3 of the 21 patients with angiographically proven disease (sensitivity 86%) and suggested false positive results in 5 of the 26 without the disease (specificity 81% and negative predictive accuracy 88%). No patient without angina pectoris and with negative scintigraphy (n = 14) had angiographically significant (greater than or equal to 50% diameter stenosis) CAD. Overall vessel sensitivity was 63%, and specificity was 92%. The frequency of side effects during the dipyridamole-handgrip test was only 7%. No serious complications occurred during stress tests. Thus, technetium-99m isonitrile tomographic imaging, together with high-dose dipyridamole and handgrip exercise, is a useful noninvasive method in excluding significant CAD in patients with valvular heart disease.  相似文献   

56例多巴酚丁胺负荷~(99m)锝-甲氧基异丁基异腈(~(99m)Tc-MIBI)门控心肌灌注断层显像(DBA-SPECT),并进行多巴酚丁胺负荷心电图(DBA-ECG)及平板运动心电图.21例行冠脉造影.DBA负荷血液动力学效应曲线与平板运动试验之曲线相似.DBA-SPECT诊断冠心病的敏感性、特异性、准确率分别为87.5%、76.9%、81.0%;DBA-ECG诊断冠心病的敏感性、特异性、准确率分别为75.0%、92.3%、85.0%;平板运动心电图诊断冠心病的敏感性、特异性、准确率分别为87.5%、46.2%、61.9%.表明DBA-SPECT是诊断冠心病的一种具有较高敏感性和特异性的方法.且安全可靠,可部分代替运动负荷试验.  相似文献   

Technetium-99m (TC-99m)-teboroxime is a new myocardial perfusion imaging agent. The purpose of this prospective study was to compare Tc-99m-teboroxime with thallium-201 imaging after the administration of dipyridamole. Thirty patients referred for the evaluation of chest pain were studied with both thallium-201 and Tc-99m-teboroxime dipyridamole scans (mean interval 2 days). Dipyridamole was administered at 0.142 mg/kg/min for 4 minutes. Planar imaging (3 standard views) was obtained at 5 and 240 minutes after the injection of 2.2 mCi of thallium-201. Tc-99m-teboroxime (18 to 25 mCi) was injected after dipyridamole infusion. A second injection, at rest, was repeated 4 hours later. Planar imaging (3 standard views of 1 minute/view for the first 2 views, and 90 seconds for the last view) was obtained 2 minutes after Tc-99m-teboroxime injection. Blinded reading was performed by 3 observers. Thallium-201 showed perfusion defects in 182 myocardial segments corresponding to 33 of 45 (73%) significantly stenosed coronary arteries (greater than or equal to 70% reduction in endoluminal diameter), and Tc-99m-teboroxime detected 160 abnormal segments corresponding to 29 of 45 (64%) stenosed arteries. Thallium-201 and Tc-99m-teboroxime studies were normal in 3 patients. In conclusion, this study shows that there is a good correlation in the imaging results found with thallium-201 and Tc-99m-teboroxime using dipyridamole infusion on both a segmental and a diagnostic comparison.  相似文献   

Technetium-99m (Tc-99m) teboroxime is a new perfusion tracer that is highly extracted and rapidly cleared by the myocardium. To determine the feasibility of Tc-99m teboroxime imaging in the diagnosis of patients with suspected coronary artery disease, 30 patients underwent single photon emission computed tomography imaging with Tc-99m teboroxime (25.2 +/- 1 mCi) at peak exercise and again 60 min later at rest. All patients underwent either a thallium stress test (n = 26) or automated quantitative coronary arteriography (n = 25), or both, without intervening revascularization or infarction. Images were reviewed by two investigators who had no knowledge of clinical data. Coronary lesions with greater than or equal to 50% diameter narrowing by quantitative coronary arteriography were considered significant. Both thallium and Tc-99m teboroxime detected disease in all patients with two or three vessel disease. One vessel disease was detected with Tc-99m teboroxime in 9 of 10 patients and with thallium in 8 of 10 (p = NS). In patients without angiographically significant disease. Tc-99m teboroxime demonstrated normal perfusion in six of eight patients and thallium in three of five (p = NS). Overall, when presence or absence of disease detected by Tc-99m teboroxime or thallium was compared with quantitative coronary arteriography, there was no difference between Tc-99m teboroxime and thallium. These results suggest that Tc-99m teboroxime is comparable to thallium as an imaging agent. The rapid biologic half-life, 5.3 min, allows studies to be completed in 60 to 90 min.  相似文献   

Data comparing myocardial thallium-201 imaging after exercise and intravenous dipyridamole infusion in the same patients are scarce. Accordingly, this study is a segment-by-segment quantitative analysis of regional uptake and washout of thallium-201 after dipyridamole (0.56 mg/kg) and symptom-limited exercise testing in 21 patients (ages 58 +/- 9.2 years) with chest pain studied 2.5 +/- 1.0 weeks apart. Thallium-201 activity in 9 myocardial segments was measured in initial and delayed anterior and 45 degree left anterior oblique views, producing 184 pairs of segments in the distribution of 63 coronary supply regions for direct comparison. The number of segments with normal thallium-201 uptake and the number of numerically significant defects were similar with exercise and dipyridamole (76 vs 73%, 24 vs 27%, respectively, difference not significant). A slightly higher proportion of redistribution defects was found after dipyridamole infusion compared to exercise (17 vs 10%, p less than 0.05). Agreement between 87% (165 of 189) of segment pairs was found when each was classified as either normal or abnormal. Although 24 of 189 segments were discordant, agreement was observed in 92% (61 of 63) of coronary supply regions determined to be normal (41 of 41) or abnormal (20 of 22). In 15 patients who underwent cardiac catheterization, exercise and dipyridamole-thallium-201 scintigraphy detected 61% (16 of 26) vs 61% (16 of 26) of stenoses greater than 50% (difference not significant) and 100% (19 of 19) vs 100% (19 of 19) (difference not significant) normal vessels, respectively.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

This study examined the effect of the level of exercise on the ability of thallium-201 imaging with single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) to detect coronary artery disease. Patients in group 1 (n = 164) achieved adequate exercise end points, defined as positive exercise electrocardiograms or greater than or equal to 85% of maximal predicted heart rate. Patients in group 2 (n = 108) had submaximal exercise. The SPECT thallium-201 images showed perfusion defects in 74%, 88%, and 98%, respectively, of patients with one, two and three vessel coronary artery disease in group 1, compared with 52%, 84% and 79%, respectively, of such patients in group 2 (p less than 0.05). Perfusion defects showed partial or complete redistribution consistent with ischemia in 56%, 80% and 88%, respectively, of patients with one, two and three vessel coronary artery disease in group 1 compared with 35%, 58% and 56%, respectively, of such patients in group 2 (p = 0.08, less than 0.03 and less than 0.001, respectively). Of 58 patients with normal coronary angiograms or less than 50% diameter stenosis, 36 (62%) had normal SPECT images. In a separate group of 131 patients with less than 5% pretest probability of coronary artery disease, the specificity was 93%. The sensitivity of exercise SPECT imaging in group 1 was higher than that of ST segment depression (p less than 0.001). Thus, the level of exercise affects the results of SPECT thallium imaging in the localization and evaluation of the extent of coronary artery disease and the detection of ischemia.  相似文献   

Dipyridamole was compared with exercise as a method of enhancingmyocardial perfusion defects on thallium-201 scintiscans. Twentypatients with angina had scans after treadmill exercise to nearthe limit of effort tolerance, and again 4 h later in the redistributionphase. On a separate occasion the same patients had scans afterintravenous dipyridamole 0.6 mg/kg. Fifteen of them were alsoinvestigated by coronary angiography. Exercise and drug-inducedcoronary dilatation caused segmental abnormalities of similardegree but the anatomical areas showing these perfusion defectscorrelated less well. Neither technique offered any clear advantageover the other in predicting the site of coronary stenosis,or in the quality of images obtained. Unwanted drug effectsafter intravenous dipyridamole were minor but included chestpain in four patients. Intravenous dipyridamole can reasonablybe used instead of exercise for thallium-201 scintiscans. Thetechnique will be of particular value when exercise testingis impracticable.  相似文献   

To compare the diagnostic value of dobutamine stress echocardiographywith dipyridamole thallium-201 single-photon emission computedtomography (SPECT) in detecting coronary artery disease (CAD),we performed both tests on 54 patients who also underwent coronaryarteriography. Dobutamine was infused at an incremental regimenof 5,10,20,30 and 40 µg. kg-1. min-1. Dipyridamole wasinfused at a rate of 0.14 mg. kg-1. min-1 over 4 min. Dobutaminestress echocardiography detected 40 (93%) and SPECT 42 (98%,P=ns) of the 43 patients with significant CAD, defined as (greaterthan or equal) 50% diameter stenosis. The specificity was 73%(8 of 11) for both tests. The sensitivity for detecting individualcoronary artery stenosis with dobutamine stress echocardiographywas 81% (30 of 37) for the left anterior descending artery,75% (24 of 32) for the right coronary artery, and 61% (17 of28) for the left circumflex artery. For SPECT it was 89%, 97%(P>0.05 vs dobutamine stress echocardiography) and 75%, respectively. Among the 97 stenotic coronary arteries, 17 had mild to moderatestenosis (50%-69% diameter stenosis) and 80 had severe stenosis($$70% diameter stenosis). With dobutamine stress echocardiography,53% of the arteries with mild to moderate stenosis were identifiedvs 78% of those with severe stenosis (P<0.05). With SPECT,the sensitivity was 82% (14 of 17) in mild to moderate stenosisand 89% (71 of 80) in severe stenosis (P=ns). No major sideeffects occurred during either test. Thus, both dobutamine stressand SPECT are highly sensitive for detection and localizationof CAD. However, the sensitivity of dobutamine stress is affectedby the level of stenosis severity.  相似文献   

Intravenous dipyridamole planar thallium-201 imaging is a safe and effective test for detection and prognosis of coronary artery disease (CAD) in the general population. The relative diagnostic accuracy and side-effect profile of dipyridamole thallium-201 stress imaging in women is not defined. Forty-three consecutive female and 71 male patients who underwent dipyridamole thallium-201 imaging (0.56 mg/kg) within 3 months of cardiac catheterization were studied. Scans were considered abnormal if fixed or reversible perfusion defects were detected. Stenosis severity of greater than or equal to 50% luminal diameter reduction of any artery defined CAD. Overall sensitivity for detection of CAD was 0.87 in women and 0.94 in men; specificity was 0.58 in women and 0.63 in men (p = not significant). Sensitivity for detection of 1-vessel CAD was 0.60 in women and 0.94 in men (p = 0.001). The sensitivity for detection of multivessel CAD (with or without surgical revascularization) was 1.0 and 0.94 in women and men, respectively. Adverse effects were reported in 62% of women and in 38% of men (p = 0.01). There was no significant difference in the incidences of chest pain, headache, nausea, flushing or electrocardiographic changes. The incidences of severe ischemia and dizziness were higher in women. Possible explanations for this difference in adverse effects include gender differences in the volume of distribution of dipyridamole due to varied fat-to-muscle ratios and different subjective nocioceptive sensitivities to the effects of dipyridamole. Overall sensitivity and specificity are comparable between the sexes.  相似文献   

Although coronary artery disease (CAD) may be asymptomatic, it is the most common cause of death in elderly patients in the U.S. This study examined the prognosis of 449 patients with a mean age of 65 years using exercise thallium-201 imaging. At a follow-up of 25 months, 45 patients underwent coronary artery revascularization, 8 died of cardiac causes and 10 had nonfatal acute myocardial infarctions (AMIs). Thus the total of patients with "hard" events was 18. The events included 12 of 276 patients with atypical or non-anginal symptoms versus 6 of 128 with typical angina (p = not significant); 7 of 51 patients (14%) with Q-wave AMI versus 11 of 353 (3%) without Q-wave AMI (p less than 0.001); 1 of 183 patients (1%) with normal versus 17 of 221 (8%) with abnormal exercise thallium-201 images (p less than 0.002); 10 of 76 patients (13%) with multi vessel thallium-201 abnormality vs 8 of 328 (2%) with no or 1-vessel thallium-201 abnormality (p less than 0.001) and 10 of 96 patients (10%) with greater than or equal to 3 abnormal segments by thallium-201 imaging (total segments = 9) versus 8 of 308 patients with no or less than 3 abnormal segments (p less than 0.001). The number of segments with thallium-201 defects was 1 +/- 2 patients without and 3 +/- 2 in patients with hard events (p less than 0.002).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Washout of thallium-201 after stress testing has been proposed as a method of detecting abnormal zonal myocardial perfusion without relating it to a reference “normal” area. Therefore, 18 patients with single-vessel coronary artery disease, undergoing percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty, underwent maximum stress testing and thallium imaging. A myocardial perfusion defect was seen in the immediate postexercise images in all 19 zones (one patient studied twice) supplied by the vessel with the obstructive lesion. Delayed images showed improvement in 15 of the 19 segments. Of the four zones which did not improve, three had evidence of a prior nontransmural myocardial infarction. Quantitative analysis of washout curves showed that counts decreased in 17 of 19 zones after background subtraction and in all 19 zones if background was not subtracted. In the corresponding normal zones directionally similar decreases in counts were seen. Thus washout characteristics were similar for both diseased and normal zones. These data indicate that washout curves are limited in their ability to detect the presence of a physiologically significant lesion.  相似文献   

The role of tomographic thallium-201 exercise and redistribution imaging in the detection of restenosis after percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA) was evaluated in 116 patients: 61 (53%) with 1- and 55 (47%) with multivessel PTCA, with a total of 185 dilated vessels. Complete revascularization was performed in 89 (77%) and partial revascularization in 27 (23%) of the patients. Restenosis was angiographically demonstrated in 69 (60%) of the patients and 85 (46%) of the vessels 6.4 +/- 3.1 months after PTCA. Disease progression in previously normal vessels was noted in 11 patients. The results were: (1) for detection of restenosis in the group of patients, single-photon emission computed tomographic (SPECT) versus exercise electrocardiographic sensitivity was 93 vs 52% (p less than 0.001), specificity 77 vs 64%, and accuracy 86 vs 57% (p less than 0.001). The results were similar in the complete and partial revascularization groups. (2) SPECT was 86% sensitive, specific and accurate for restenosis detection in specific vessels with comparable results for 1-versus multivessel PTCA and complete versus partial revascularization. Sensitivity, specificity and accuracy were: 89, 95 and 92% for the left anterior descending coronary artery; 88, 79 and 82% for the right coronary artery; and 76, 83 and 85% for the left circumflex coronary artery. Eighty-one percent of the diseased nondilated vessels were correctly identified. (3) Disease progression to greater than 50% stenosis was detected with 91% sensitivity, 84% specificity and 85% accuracy. SPECT thallium-201 imaging is an excellent tool for the detection of restenosis and disease progression after PTCA in the settings of 1- and multivessel angioplasty and complete and partial revascularization.  相似文献   

A new stress test for thallium-201 myocardial imaging in which pharmacological coronary vasodilatation with dipyridamole is combined with dynamic exercise is described. In 38 patients with coronary artery disease the sensitivity, total number of defects, degree of redistribution, and visual quality of thallium-201 imaging were greater after dipyridamole with exercise testing than after exercise alone. When the data from these 38 patients were combined with the results of dipyridamole-exercise imaging in 49 patients in whom exercise electrocardiography had been inconclusive then the technique gave a sensitivity for coronary disease of 87% and a specificity of 92%. Dipyridamole also increased the sensitivity of the exercise electrocardiogram, so that no patient with coronary disease had a strictly negative dipyridamole-exercise stress test. Only five of 214 patients who have now undergone this test have had complications requiring reversal of vasodilatation with aminophylline. The combined use of dipyridamole and exercise in this simple technique is a reliable and safe improvement on standard thallium-201 imaging tests.  相似文献   

First pass radionuclide angiocardiography and thallium-201 myocardial perfusion imaging were performed at rest and during exercise in 48 patients with chest pain: 39 with angiographically documented coronary artery disease and 9 with normal coronary arteries. Maximal graded upright bicycle exercise was used for both studies to assure identical exercise conditions. All nine patients without coronary artery disease had normal exercise thallium images, normal exercise regional wall motion and at least a 5 percent absolute increase in left ventricular ejection fraction during exercise (normal exercise left ventricular reserve). Ischemic S-T segment depression was demonstrated in 17 (44 percent) of the 39 patients with coronary artery disease. Findings on the two exercise tests were concordant in all cases. New or augmented thallium perfusion defects were detected in 24 (62 percent) of the 39 patients, whereas abnormal exercise left ventricular reserve was present in 33 (85 percent) (p <0.05). There was a close concordance between exercise-induced perfusion defects and regional wall motion abnormalities. The magnitude of change in ejection fraction from rest to exercise was significantly greater in patients with an abnormal exercise thallium study than in those with a normal study (−8 ± 2 percent versus −1 ± 1 percent, p <0.05). Both radionuclide studies were abnormal In 21 (54 percent) of the 39 patients, whereas both were normal only in 3 patients, all of whom had single vessel disease. Abnormal exercise left ventricular reserve was present in 12 patients with normal exercise thallium studies.  相似文献   

The diagnostic performance of single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) and planar imaging of thallium-201 uptake for the detection of coronary artery disease (CAD) was compared in 79 patients who underwent both dipyridamole thallium-201 scintigraphy and coronary angiography. Clinical subgroups were assigned by severity of CAD, presence of a prior myocardial infarction and the number of narrowed coronary arteries. The overall detection of CAD was 89% for SPECT and 67% for planar (p less than 0.001). For the anterior vascular territory, sensitivities for SPECT and planar imaging were 69 and 44% (p less than 0.01), respectively; for the posterior vascular territory, sensitivities were 80 and 54% (p less than 0.01). Receiver-operating characteristic analysis, using a 5-point evaluation scale, was performed for the anterior and posterior vascular territories. Receiver-operating characteristic curves generated for SPECT and planar studies demonstrated improved diagnostic performance by SPECT in the anterior vascular territory, but showed similar performance in the posterior territory because of lower SPECT specificity despite higher sensitivity at clinically relevant decision thresholds. In each clinical subgroup of patients, the detection of CAD by SPECT was significantly superior to that by planar imaging, regardless of the severity of stenosis or the number of significantly narrowed coronary arteries, or whether a myocardial infarction was present. Thus, SPECT thallium-201 scintigraphy is an important and necessary clinical tool for detecting CAD after dipyridamole infusion.  相似文献   

Objectives. We prospectively compared myocardial uptake of thallium-201 (201Tl) at rest with rest technetium-99m (99mTc) sestamibi uptake in the same patients, using quantitative single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT).

Background. Because of only slightly delayed redistribution, 99mTc-sestamibi uptake at rest may be less than 201Tl uptake, thereby underestimating the extent of viability.

Methods. Twenty patients (2.25 stenoses per patient) with a mean left ventricular ejection fraction of 33 ± 2% underwent early and 3-h delayed rest 201Tl SPECT, rest 99mTc-sestamibi SPECT and two-dimensional echocardiography.

Results. The 280 scan segments were classified as either a normal, mild reduction in viability, defined as delayed 201Tl uptake ≤75% and ≥5%, or a severe reduction in viability, defined as delayed 201Tl uptake <50%. Mild and severe defects were further classified as fixed or having rest 201Tl redistribution. Comparisons by patients were made using repeated measures analysis of variance and Dunnett's multiple comparisons test to compare 99mTc-sestamibi with initial rest 201Tl and delayed 201Tl uptake. Twenty patients had at least one mild fixed defect (95 total segments). The average percent uptake in these defects for initial 201Tl, delayed 201Tl and 99mTc-sestamibi was 62.5 ± 2.7%, 63.1 ± 7.1% and 67.3 ± 9.7%, respectively (p = NS). Twelve patients (27 segments) had mild redistribution defects on serial rest 201Tl imaging. The average percent uptake was 61.6 ± 5.2% for initial 201Tl, 67.0 ± 9.1% for delayed 201Tl and 67.7 ± 12.4% for 99mTc-sestamibi defects. Technetium-99m sestamibi uptake was not significantly different than that for delayed 201Tl but was significantly greater than initial 201Tl uptake. Seventeen patients (52 segments) had severe fixed 201Tl defects. The average percent uptake was 38.9 ± 7.3% for initial 201Tl, 38.3 ± 12.2% for delayed 201Tl and 42.7 ± 14.2% for 99mTc-sestamibi defects in these patients (p = NS). Ten patients (19 segments) had severe redistribution defects on rest 201Tl imaging. The average percent uptake was 37.0 ± 8.5% for initial 201Tl, 42.9 ± 8.6% for delayed 201Tl and 44.5 ± 11.3% for 99mTc-sestamibi defects. As was seen for mild 201Tl redistribution defects, 99mTc-sestamibi uptake was significantly higher than initial 201Tl uptake, but not significantly different than delayed 201Tl uptake in these severe defects.

Conclusions. Technetium-99m sestamibi uptake after injection at rest is comparable to 201Tl uptake after injection at rest in patients with severe coronary artery disease and left ventricular dysfunction, suggesting comparable worth for viability assessment.  相似文献   

A new stress test for thallium-201 myocardial imaging in which pharmacological coronary vasodilatation with dipyridamole is combined with dynamic exercise is described. In 38 patients with coronary artery disease the sensitivity, total number of defects, degree of redistribution, and visual quality of thallium-201 imaging were greater after dipyridamole with exercise testing than after exercise alone. When the data from these 38 patients were combined with the results of dipyridamole-exercise imaging in 49 patients in whom exercise electrocardiography had been inconclusive then the technique gave a sensitivity for coronary disease of 87% and a specificity of 92%. Dipyridamole also increased the sensitivity of the exercise electrocardiogram, so that no patient with coronary disease had a strictly negative dipyridamole-exercise stress test. Only five of 214 patients who have now undergone this test have had complications requiring reversal of vasodilatation with aminophylline. The combined use of dipyridamole and exercise in this simple technique is a reliable and safe improvement on standard thallium-201 imaging tests.  相似文献   

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