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目的:探讨免开胸新方法——颈颈动脉转流加开窗覆膜支架杂交术治疗主动脉弓部动脉瘤的价值。方法:对2例主动脉弓部动脉瘤患者进行颈颈动脉转流加开窗覆膜支架杂交术。首先行右颈动脉-左颈动脉人工血管转流术,然后经股动脉通路将开窗后的覆膜支架植入主动脉弓部动脉瘤处,隔绝瘤腔但保持无名魂咏通畅。结果:2例患者均手术成功,转流血管通畅,无脑部缺血或神经意外症状,上肢功能无丧失;左锁骨下动脉和左颈总动脉开口封闭;瘤腔隔绝彻底。结论:对主动脉弓部动脉瘤患者应用颈颈动脉转流加开窗翟膜支架杂交术,能够避免体外循环和开胸手术可能引起的巨大创伤、失血以及剧烈的血流动力学变化,具有操作微创、隔绝彻底、手术简单等优点。但该术式对定位要求较高,术者需具备丰富的腔内覆膜支架植入手术的经验。  相似文献   

目的 总结腔内隔绝术联合开窗技术治疗累及主动脉弓部的Stanford B型夹层动脉瘤的可行性和手术效果.方法 采用腔内隔绝术联合开窗技术治疗10例累及主动脉弓部的Stanford B型夹层动脉瘤.腔内隔绝术联合开窗技术封堵夹层破口,保留主动脉弓全部分支8例,保留头臂干及颈总动脉2例.手术均在局部麻醉下完成,覆膜支架开窗在术中进行.结果 患者术中造影无内漏,术后无死亡,2例左锁骨下动脉封堵的患者未出现神经系统并发症.随访中,开窗支架通畅,无移位,保留的主动脉弓分支动脉通畅,降主动脉真腔扩大,假腔血栓化并缩小.结论 对于累及主动脉弓部的Stanford B型夹层动脉瘤,腔内隔绝术联合开窗技术治疗是安全有效的治疗方法.  相似文献   

背景与目的:胸主动脉腔内修复术(TEVAR)治疗胸主动脉病变已逐渐成为一线手术方案。然而,受限于主动脉弓部复杂解剖结构,在治疗病变的同时如何有效重建弓部分支动脉是应用当前标准化产品常有的困境。鉴于此,笔者团队与支架厂家合作开发了Castor胸主动脉定制开窗覆膜支架(以下简称Castor定制开窗支架),并实施了国内首例Castor定制开窗支架的置入。本文对此作一汇报。方法:报告国内首例Castor定制开窗支架置入病例的临床资料、支架定制情况与手术过程,并进行Castor定制开窗支架的优缺点分析与相关文献复习。结果:患者为59岁男性,于TEVAR术后14年发生主动脉弓部动脉瘤,病变累及左侧锁骨下动脉(LSA)、左颈总动脉(LCCA)。经患者及家属同意后采用Castor定制开窗支架隔绝动脉瘤,手术规划拟采用Castor定制开窗支架隔绝动脉瘤,将Castor支架分支置入LCCA;术前定制开窗分别重建无名动脉(IA)和LSA。术中成功置入Castor单分支支架并顺利重建弓部三根分支动脉,术后复查结果提示动脉瘤隔绝满意无内漏,弓部三根分支动脉通畅,同时无主动脉相关不良事件的发生。结论:Castor...  相似文献   

目的探讨体内激光原位开窗联合胸主动脉腔内修复术治疗累及主动脉弓部甚至升主动脉的主动脉疾病的近期疗效。方法 2016年11月~2017年1月我科对12例累及主动脉弓部甚至升主动脉的主动脉疾病应用体内激光原位开窗技术进行覆膜支架腔内修复术,其中Stanford B型主动脉夹层7例,Stanford A型主动脉夹层2例,升主动脉合并主动脉弓部动脉瘤1例,升主动脉穿透性溃疡合并壁内血肿2例。左锁骨下动脉开窗7例,左颈总动脉+左锁骨下动脉开窗1例,头臂干+左颈总动脉+左锁骨下动脉开窗4例。急性期手术5例,慢性期手术7例。结果植入锥形大动脉覆膜支架12枚,Fluency plus直管型覆膜支架21枚。围手术期死亡2例(16.7%,2/12),其中术中升主动脉破裂死亡1例(8.3%,1/12),术后因消化道大出血合并多脏器功能衰竭死亡1例。术后早期并发症发生率16.7%(2/12),分别为短暂性神经功能障碍1例、呼吸功能不全合并肺部感染1例,经治疗后均痊愈出院。术后3个月随访显示夹层破口(或溃疡、动脉瘤)隔绝良好,无内漏,开窗血管通畅。结论激光原位开窗联合胸主动脉腔内修复术治疗累及主动脉弓部甚至升主动脉的主动脉疾病安全、有效,具有创伤小、恢复快、术中成功率高、内漏发生率低等优点,近期效果良好。  相似文献   

目的 探讨钬激光原位开窗技术在主动脉腔内修复术中保留弓上分支动脉的疗效.方法 2016年11月 ~2019年7月对42例紧邻主动脉弓部分支血管、腔内修复治疗近端锚定区不足的主动脉病变在DSA下对胸主动脉行腔内隔绝之后,通过肱动脉或颈动脉逆行导入550μm钬激光光纤,对覆膜支架进行原位开窗,开窗后植入支架,重建左锁骨下动...  相似文献   

目的探讨主动脉弓腔内修复术联合体内激光原位开窗覆膜支架植入术治疗Stanford A型主动脉夹层的近期疗效。方法 2016年11月至2017年5月柳州市工人医院血管外科对7例Stanford A型主动脉夹层病人应用体内激光原位开窗技术进行覆膜支架腔内修复术。术中头臂干+左颈总动脉+左锁骨下动脉开窗4例,头臂干+左颈总动脉开窗2例,左颈总动脉+左锁骨下动脉开窗1例。急性期手术5例,慢性期手术2例。结果 7例病人植入锥形大动脉支架13枚、Fluency plus直管型覆膜支架18枚。术中因升主动脉破裂死亡1例(14.3%),术后早期并发症发生率为28.6%,所有病人经治疗后均痊愈出院。术后1个月、3个月随访结果均显示夹层破口隔绝良好,无内漏,开窗血管通畅。结论主动脉弓腔内修复术联合体内激光原位开窗覆膜支架植入术治疗Stanford A型主动脉夹层安全、有效,且创伤小、恢复快、术中成功率高、内漏发生率低,近期效果良好,中、远期疗效尚需随访进一步证实。  相似文献   

目的:探讨杂交技术治疗主动脉弓降部病变的效果。方法:采用杂交技术(解剖外旁路联合血管腔内修复术)手术治疗10例患者,包括累及主动脉弓部分支的B型主动脉夹层4例和主动脉弓降部真性动脉瘤6例。其中左颈总动脉至左椎动脉旁路1例,右颈总动脉至左颈总动脉旁路5例,右颈总动脉至左颈总动脉及左颈总动脉至左锁骨下动脉旁路1例和升主动脉至无名动脉及左颈总动脉旁路3例。均经股动脉入路植入覆膜支架。结果:10例患者均获得技术成功,1例发生少量I型内漏,未处理。术后1例因脑梗塞伴肺炎、肾功能衰竭不治自动出院;其余9例均痊愈出院。9例随访时间3~33个月,均恢复正常生活,术后3个月CTA示:覆膜支架无移位,1例内漏已消失,无新的内漏发生,夹层假腔或动脉瘤腔内已有血栓形成,远端夹层假腔无明显扩大,旁路人工血管通畅。结论:杂交手术避免体外循环损害,减轻外科手术创伤,提高了治疗效果,是治疗累及分支的主动脉弓降部病变的重要方法。  相似文献   

目的探讨血管腔内技术重建主动脉弓治疗升主动脉、主动脉弓病变的可行性。方法2005年,对1例StanfordA型夹层动脉瘤,腔内修复主动脉病变之前做右颈总动脉-左颈总动脉-左锁骨下动脉的旁路术;经右颈总动脉将修改的分叉支架型血管主体放入升主动脉,长臂位于无名动脉。短臂应用延长支架型血管延伸至降主动脉。通过腔内技术重建主动脉弓实现累及升主动脉和主动脉弓主动脉病变的微创治疗。结果腔内修复术后移植物形态良好,血流通畅,病变被隔绝,脑、躯干、四肢循环稳定。无严重并发症。结论该手术方案设计合理、技术可行。可能成为复杂胸主动脉病变新的腔内治疗模式。  相似文献   

背景与目的:主动脉弓部病变的治疗是临床上有待解决的一大难题。完全腔内修复技术是目前该病的主要研究方向。由于主动脉弓部病变局部解剖形态的多样性和复杂性,在有效脑保护下重建弓上分支血管仍是面临的重大挑战。本研究探讨选择性建立个体化体外循环模式联合原位针刺开窗技术在主动脉弓部病变覆膜支架腔内修复术中应用的疗效和安全性,旨在为该类疾病的治疗提供一定的借鉴和新的研究思路。 方法:回顾性分析2018年1月—2019年6月收治的8例累及弓部的主动脉病变(Stanford A型主动脉夹层3例,主动脉弓动脉瘤3例,主动脉弓穿透性溃疡2例)患者的临床资料。根据术前经颅多普勒超声(大脑前、后交通动脉和Willis动脉环及双侧椎动脉优势情况)决定术中选择性应用右股静脉-右腋动脉和左颈总动脉伴(或不伴)左腋动脉转流模式,建立个体化体外循环实施术中有效脑保护。根据基础脑血流图,合理、准确地控制体外循环的流量和压力。胸主动脉覆膜支架释放后,采用腔内原位针刺开窗、球囊扩张穿刺口以及植入Viabahn覆膜支架对主动脉弓上分支进行重建。术后3、6、12及24个月行主动脉CTA复查随访。 结果:所有患者均获成功手术,无手术死亡,共植入Gore TAG胸主动脉覆膜支架14枚,Gore Viabahn覆膜支架19枚。术中三分支开窗3例,二分支开窗5例。全组患者手术时间180~360 min,平均(240±30)min;术中开窗时间18~55 min,平均(35±5)min;术中出血量300~800 mL,平均(400±50)mL。术后ICU监护时间2~5 d,平均2.5 d;术后出现1例轻微腔隙性脑梗塞,经抗凝、改善脑循环对症治疗后患者康复,8例均于术后5~10 d出院。随访6~24个月,CTA显示主动脉瘤的瘤腔、夹层和溃疡的破口隔绝满意,瘤腔和假腔逐渐血栓化并顺利重塑。 结论:应用个体化体外循环模式联合原位针刺开窗重建分支技术治疗主动脉弓病变,是一种可行、有效、安全、微创的治疗方法,具有脑保护确切、开窗精准快速、术后恢复快、并发症少等优点,近期效果良好,远期效果有待进一步随访。  相似文献   

主动脉弓部手术75例;覆膜支架主动脉腔内修复治疗主动脉夹层78例;分支型腔内支架人工血管治疗B型主动脉夹层;对MRA诊断主动脉夹层动脉瘤的评价(附136例报告);肿瘤侵及胸腹部大血管的外科治疗;无名动脉插管在主动脉弓部手术中的应用;[编者按]  相似文献   

A 59-year-old man showed a saccular aneurysm due to a penetrating atherosclerotic ulcer, as well as a small type B aortic dissection located in the proximal descending aorta. The lesion was treated by the implantation of a stent-graft. On release, the stent-graft dislocated into the aortic arch. Intraoperative angiogram showed free perfusion of the brachiocephalic trunk and left common carotid artery; however, an overstenting of the carotid artery was apparent. Computed tomographic scan exhibited a complete covering of the supra-aortic vessels, and conventional, open aortic arch surgery was inevitable. A partial resection of the proximal part of the stent-graft was performed.  相似文献   

A 73-year-old woman presented with a large saccular aneurysm involving the distal aortic arch. Preoperative aortography and cardiac catheterization revealed left main coronary artery and left common carotid artery stenoses. Concomitant coronary artery bypass grafting to the left anterior descending and first diagonal arteries, ascending aorta-to-left common carotid artery bypass grafting, and endovascular thoracic aortic aneurysm repair with antegrade stent-graft deployment and intentional left subclavian artery coverage were performed.  相似文献   

We report the case of a 78-year-old man who presented with an aortic arch aneurysm that involved the origin of the left carotid artery and extended up to the origin of the brachiocephalic trunk. The left vertebral artery originated separately from the arch. The patient was treated by a reversed bifurcated prosthesis from the ascending aorta to the brachiocephalic trunk as well as to the left common carotid artery, and a simultaneous left-sided vertebral-to-carotid artery transposition was also performed. Metachronously, the patient later underwent successful endovascular stent-graft placement into the entire aortic arch.  相似文献   

Aneurysms involving a right-sided aortic arch and a right-sided descending thoracic aorta with an aberrant origin of the left subclavian artery are rare. We describe the successful surgical repair of this vascular anomaly by the combined use of a left carotid to subclavian artery bypass followed by endovascular stent-graft placement to exclude the aortic aneurysm. We also review the literature associated with this particular anatomic presentation.  相似文献   

A 49-year-old operated for aortic coartaction patient presented with thoracic and ascending aortic aneurysm. He was asymptomatic. Angio-magnetic resonance nuclear scan and angiography revealed an ascending aortic aneurysm (5.2 cm), bicuspid aortic valve, 6-cm proximal descending aortic pseudoaneurysm at the site of the previous operation with involvement of the left subclavian artery. Restenosis at the original site of coarctation and aortic arch hypoplasia distally to the brachiocefalic trunk was also found. The operation performed was a "modified Bentall - De Bono". The pseudoaneurysm was not accessible through median sternotomy due to the massive lung adhesions following the previous surgery. The left common carotid artery was explanted from the aortic arch and connected with a graft to the ascending aortic conduit. A proximal neck suitable for landing zone of the endovascular stent-graft was then established. The postoperative course was uneventful. After two weeks, the patient was readmitted. The exclusion of the thoracic descending aortic pseudoaneurysm by endovascular implantation of the stent-graft prosthesis was performed. The left subclavian artery was excluded because left vertebral artery was closed. The patient did not develop hand claudicatio. The procedure was successful.  相似文献   

Shimizu H  Okamoto K  Yamabe K  Kotani S  Yozu R 《Surgery today》2012,42(10):1019-1021
An 80-year-old man was transferred to our hospital for surgical treatment of a ruptured aortic arch aneurysm. Based on a history of severe heart failure and coronary artery bypass, we considered him unsuitable for conventional open repair. He underwent a hybrid repair, in the form of supra-aortic vessel debranching followed by endoluminal aortic repair. Although the ostia of the left carotid and left subclavian arteries were occluded by the stent-graft, the left supra-aortic vessels and the left internal thoracic artery attached to the coronary artery were perfused through an extra-anatomic bypass from the right axillary artery to the left carotid artery and the left axillary artery. After additional endovascular repair for recurrent hemosputum, the patient recovered without complications. Although continued follow-up is necessary, acute hybrid arch repair seems feasible for treating ruptured aortic arch aneurysms, even in the setting of severe heart failure and a previous coronary artery bypass.  相似文献   

Background. Transcatheter application of a stent-graft to the angulated aortic segments with critical side branches poses some problems. We report our technique of distal arch aneurysm repairs using stent-grafts inserted through the aortic arch and ascending aorto-axillary bypass.

Patients and Results. Three patients underwent successful distal arch aneurysm repair using a homemade semiflexible stent-graft placed under hypothermic circulatory arrest. The left subclavian artery was reconstructed by an extraanatomic bypass grafting between the ascending aorta and left axillary artery. Postoperative imaging demonstrated reduction of aneurysm size and no endoleaks from an intercostal artery.

Conclusions. Our technique seems to be useful for repair of distal arch aneurysms and is a less invasive procedure.  相似文献   



To evaluate safety and efficacy of a combined repair of aortic arch aneurysms by sequential transposition of the supra-aortic branches and endovascular stent-graft placement.


Between October 2002 and September 2003, 5 patients (mean age, 79.5 years) presented with aortic arch aneurysms involving the origin of the left carotid artery. Treatment was made by sequential transposition of the left carotid artery into the brachiocephalic trunk and transposition of the left subclavian artery into the already transposed left common carotid artery with consecutive endovascular stent-graft placement into the aortic arch.


All patients survived both procedures. At completion angiography, a small type 1a endoleak was observed in 1 patient. After 1 week, the patient was readmitted for completion three-dimensional computed tomographic scan. The leak had already occluded spontaneously. Mean follow-up was 10 months (range, 4 to 16 months). At follow-up, all patients had normal computed tomographic scans with regular perfusion of the supra-aortic branches without any signs of endoleaks.


Combined repair of aortic arch aneurysms by sequential transposition of the supra-aortic branches with consecutive endovascular stent-graft placement is feasible. Extended application of this technique will enable safe and effective treatment of a highly selected subgroup of patients with aortic aneurysms by avoiding conventional arch aneurysm repair in deep hypothermia and circulatory arrest.  相似文献   

Wang SM  Chang GQ  Hu ZJ  Yao C  Li XX 《中华外科杂志》2005,43(18):1191-1194
目的探讨巨大和长段胸主动脉瘤行带膜支架主动脉腔内修复治疗的可行性。方法对3例10.6~28.0cm长真性胸主动脉瘤的男性患者,采用多个带膜支架相连接成一条长段支架型人工血管,行主动脉腔内修复治疗。对瘤体全长28.0cm、最大直径7.3cm的病例,采用4个长度为130mm的不同直径的带膜支架相连接覆盖胸主动脉;另2例分别用2枚、3枚带膜支架治疗。2例术中先行颈总动脉-颈总动脉和颈总动脉-锁骨下动脉旁路术。结果3例手术过程顺利,术后恢复良好。2例术后无内漏,分别随访1,2个月,瘤腔内血栓形成;1例在支架连接处有少量内漏,术后1年消失,瘤腔内血栓形成。1例术后出现短暂脑缺血表现,1个月后消失。结论采用多个带膜支架相连接对巨大和长段胸主动脉瘤行主动脉腔内修复治疗,安全、微创,疗效良好,远期效果有待观察。  相似文献   

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