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We have identified and molecularly characterized a novel deletion in the beta-globin gene cluster that is associated with elevated fetal hemoglobin in the adult. The propositus is a homozygote from the Yunnan province of China. The deletion spans about 90 kb of DNA and removes the A gamma, delta, and beta-globin genes. The 5' breakpoint of the deletion is located about 0.13 kb upstream from the A gamma-globin gene, whereas the 3' breakpoint is located about 66 kb downstream from the beta-globin gene, about 13 kb upstream from the breakpoint of the Chinese (A gamma delta beta)zero-thalassemia. Heterozygotes for this Yunnanese form of (A gamma delta beta)zero-thalassemia express between 9% and 17% of fetal hemoglobin, whereas the homozygote present with a mild anemia (Hb = 10.7 g/dl). Comparison of the sites of 3' breakpoints of the Yunnanese and the Chinese (A gamma delta beta)zero-thalassemia mutants is compatible with the hypothesis that an enhancer element is located between the 3' breakpoints of these two mutants. Juxta-position to the G gamma gene of this element may be responsible for the efficient gamma-gene expression in the Yunnanese mutant.  相似文献   

A new type of delta beta-thalassemia characterized by decreased expression of the beta-globin gene and increased expression of both G gamma and A gamma globin gene in the absence of a detectable deletion has recently been described in the Chinese population. In this study we characterize the mutant beta-globin gene from this delta beta- thalassemia chromosome. An A to G transversion is identified in the "ATA" sequence of the promoter region that leads to decreased expression of the beta-globin gene in vivo and in vitro. We also demonstrate the presence of this mutation in every individual with a high fetal hemoglobin phenotype in this family and its absence in every individual with a normal hemoglobin phenotype. This same promoter mutation has recently been detected in Chinese beta-thalassemia genes where it is present on chromosomes of the same haplotype as that of the delta beta-thalassemia chromosome we are studying. These data support the hypothesis that an as yet unidentified mutation occurred on the ancestral chromosome carrying the promoter mutation and subsequently gave rise to the delta beta-thalassemia phenotype.  相似文献   

Thalassaemia is a group of inherited haemoglobin disorders characterized by reduced synthesis of one or more of the globin chains leading to imbalanced a /non-a globin synthesis which is the major factor in determining the severity of the disease in the thalassaemia syndromes. In Egypt, beta-thalassemia is the commonest cause of chronic haemolytic anaemia and it represents a major genetic disease and a public health problem. This study included 50 transfusion dependent beta-thalassaemic cases. They were subjected to detailed history taking, physical examination to assess the size of liver and spleen and laboratory investigations including complete haemogram, bone marrow (BM) aspiration, haemoglobin electrophoresis and serum ferritin. Genetic analysis for detection of point mutations was done by PCR amplification refractory mutation system (ARMS) which is a PCR method based on allele specific priming. Using this technology, it was possible to characterize mutations in 73% of beta-thalassaemia cases, while 27% remained uncharacterized. The five common mutations used were: IVS-1-110 (G-->A), IVS-1-6 (T-->C) IVS-I-1 (G-->T), IVS-II-1 (G-->A) and codon 39 (C-->T). The commonest was IVS-I-110 (62%) followed by IVS-1-6 (7%), then IVS-I-1 (4%). On the other hand mutations such as IVS-II-1 and Cd- 39 were not found in any of our patients. No significant difference was found between different genotypes regarding the frequency of blood transfusion needed, degree of anaemia and microcytosis, HbF% or serum ferritin levels. This may be due to the small sample size of some of the genotypes (IVS-I-110/IVS-I-1 & IVS-I-110/IVS-I-6) or due to repeated blood transfusions which mask the patient original CBC and Hb electrophoresis pattern or due to co-inheritance of other genetic modifying factors that alter the typical phenotype.  相似文献   

We describe a novel deletion causing (epsilongammadeltabeta) degrees thalassaemia segregating in three generations of a Chilean family of Spanish descent. Heterozygotes for the deletion were all affected by neonatal haemolytic anaemia. The deletion of 152,569 bp extends from 77 kb upstream of the epsilon gene to 31 kb downstream of the beta gene, and includes the entire beta-globin gene cluster and two upstream olfactory receptor genes. Comparison of the sequences of the deletion junction with those of the flanking normal DNA suggests that the deletion results from a non-homologous recombination event. The insertion of 16 'orphan' nucleotides in the deletion junction creates a perfect inverted repeat of 12 nucleotides, forming a 12-bp stem with a four-nucleotide loop that could have contributed to the illegitimate recombination. The 3' breakpoint is located within an L1 family repeat that contains a perfect 160-bp palindrome, and is in close proximity to the 3' breakpoints of five other deletions in the beta cluster - Indian (HPFH-3), Italian (HPFH-4) and Vietnamese GgammaAgamma (deltabeta) degrees HPFH, German and Belgian Ggamma (Alphagammadeltabeta) degrees thalassaemia.  相似文献   

Pseudohypoparathyroidism (PHP) is a heterogeneous group of diseases characterized by hormone resistance to receptors that stimulate adenylate cyclase. PHP-Ia patients show specific Gs-alpha protein deficiency, PTH/TSH/gonadotropin resistance, and a phenotype characterized by Albright hereditary osteodystrophy (AHO). Many heterozygous mutations in the GNAS gene encoding the Gs protein have been identified in PHP-Ia. We describe two boys with hypocalcemia and elevated serum levels of PTH in a Chinese family. The 13 exons of the GNAS gene were amplified using 15 pairs of GNAS-specific primers and analyzed by direct sequencing. We found a novel frame shift mutation in exon 11 of the GNAS gene identified in both of the two boys and their mother. This report provides another example of a Gs-alpha mutation leading to PHP.  相似文献   

A novel 7 bp deletion in exon 2 of the beta-globin gene in a 9-year-old boy originating from the eastern part of India is described. This deletion causes a shift in the reading frame of the beta-globin coding sequences, and consequently, a premature translation termination due to the creation of a stop codon at position 86. A slipped strand mispairing during DNA replication repair is proposed as the potential mechanism in generating this small deletion.  相似文献   

β-thalassemia, one of the most common inherited disorders of hemoglobin synthesis in the world, is genetically heterogeneous with over 200 different β-globin mutations worldwide. In this study, we describe a novel frameshift β-thalassemia mutation at codon (cd) 53 (−T) in exon 2 of the β-globin gene in a Chinese Miao family. In this family, all seven heterozygotes with this mutation presented with moderate anemia, jaundice, splenomegaly and elevated hemoglobin A2 levels. None of them had been transfused or carried any other known α/β-globin mutation. Pedigree analysis indicated an autosomal dominant inheritance pattern in this family. Two new haplotypes “−−−−+−+” and “−−+++−+” were identified by restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) haplotype analysis. The former was associated with the cd53 (−T) mutation and the latter only existed in one family member. Thus, a novel frameshift cd53 (−T) mutation may lead to mild thalassemia intermedia even though there is no statistically significant difference in β-globin messenger RNA (mRNA) level between six heterozygotes and six normal subjects.  相似文献   

Complementary DNA (cDNA) was prepared with RNA-dependent DNA polymerase from human globin messenger RNA (mRNA). Annealing and translation experimenta with total mRNA from circulating cells from a patient with heterozygous beta/heterozygous beta-delta-o thalassemia (beta-o/delta beta-o-thalassemia) demonstrated no detectable mRNA for beta-globin. cDNA enriched in sequences homologous to beta-globin mRNA was prepared by hydroxylapatite fractionation of hybrids formed between beta-o/delta beta-o-thalassemic mRNA and cDNA made from mRNA from a patient with alpha-thalassemia (hemoglobin H disease). The rate of annealing of this beta-enriched cDNA to normal human nuclear DNA was that of a sequence present as only a single copy per haploid genome. The beta-enriched cDNA annealed to the beta-o-delta beta-o-thalassemia total DNA with approximately the same kinetics as to normal DNA, indicating that no total gene deletion of beta-globin genes from the diploid genome has occurred, although the accuracy of the technique could not exclude with certainty a partial deletion or a deletion of a beta-globin gene from only one of the haploid genomes. This demonstrates that at least one of the beta-o- or the delta beta-o-thalassemia haploid genomes in this case contains a substantially intact beta-globin gene.  相似文献   

beta-Thalassemia (thal) is an autosomal recessive disorder with a prevalence of 2-3% in Indians, while hemophilia A is X-linked with a prevalence of 1 in 5,000-10,000 male births. The chances of both these disorders being present together is extremely rare (1 in 250,000). We report an interesting consanguineous family from Western India with a combination of these two disorders, which was referred to us for prenatal diagnosis.  相似文献   

Analysis of the molecular basis of dominantly inherited beta-thalassemia in four families has revealed different mutations involving exon 3 of the beta-globin gene. It is suggested that the phenotypic difference between this condition and the more common recessive forms of beta-thalassemia lies mainly in the length and stability of the abnormal translation products that are synthesized and, in particular, whether they are capable of binding heme and producing aggregations that are relatively resistant to proteolytic degradation.  相似文献   

Detailed gene mapping data are provided for members of a Yugoslavian and Canadian family with a thalassemia heterozygosity characterized by mild anemia with severe microcytosis and hypochromia, normal levels of Hb A2 and slightly raised Hb F levels. The condition in both families results from large deletions (minimally approximately 148 kb in the Yugoslavian family and minimally approximately 185 kb in the Canadian family), which include all functional and psi genes of the beta globin gene cluster. The Canadian propositus was a newborn baby who has been followed for nearly 2 years; severe anemia developed some 30-40 days after birth when the Hb F level was still 70%; recovery was evident at the age of 90 days when the Hb F level had decreased to 40%.  相似文献   

In order to clarify the reasons for the reduced Hb A2 levels in Sardinian delta beta-thalassemia, we characterized, both by cloning and sequence analysis and by direct sequencing of amplified DNA, the delta-globin gene from an individual of Sardinian descent who is a compound heterozygote for the beta zero-thalassemia codon 39 (C-->T) nonsense mutation and the Sardinian delta beta-thalassemia [codon 39(C-->T)/-196(C-->T)A gamma]. The analysis of the delta-globin gene from the delta beta-thalassemia chromosome revealed an entirely normal sequence. The defective function of the delta-globin gene in this determinant is thus likely related to a suppressive effect of the in cis nondeletional high persistence of fetal hemoglobin mutation of the A gamma gene, probably resulting from an increased capability of the relative promoter to interact with the locus control region.  相似文献   

We have used restriction endonuclease mapping to study a deletion involving the beta-globin gene cluster in a Mexican-American family with gamma delta beta-thalassemia. Analysis of DNA polymorphisms demonstrated deletion of the beta-globin gene from the affected chromosome. Using a DNA fragment that maps greater than 40 kilobases (kb) 5' to the epsilon-gene as a probe, reduced amounts of normal fragments were found in the DNA of affected family members. Similar analysis using radiolabeled DNA fragments located 3' to the beta-globin cluster has shown that the deletion extends more than 17 kb 3' to the beta-gene, but terminates before the 3' endpoint of the Ghanian HPFH deletion. Hence, this gamma delta beta-thalassemia deletion eliminates over 105 kb of DNA and is the first report of a deletion of the entire beta-globin gene cluster.  相似文献   

We describe a case of beta-thalassemia (thal) trait in which the patient also carries a novel delta chain variant due to a missense mutation at amino acid codon 13 (GCC-->GAC, Ala-->Asp). The level of Hb A2 was not elevated, raising the potential for misdiagnosis.  相似文献   

Fattoum S  Messaoud T  Bibi A 《Hemoglobin》2004,28(3):177-187
The present study attempts to delineate the spectrum of beta-thalassemia (thal) mutations in Tunisia by studying a large population from different parts of the country. A total of 285 unrelated subjects, 190 of whom had beta-thal major, 72 with Hb S/beta-thal, one with Hb C/beta-thal, one with Hb O-Arab/beta-thal and 21 beta-thal carriers, were studied. The molecular defects were detected in 97.7% of the beta-thalassemic chromosomes (n=475). Nineteen different beta-thalassemic alleles were identified. Two mutations, namely codon 39 (C-->T) and IVS-I-110 (G-->A) accounted for 70.0% of the studied chromosomes, followed by IVS-I-1 (G-->A) (4.5%). Five other mutations, frameshift codon (FSC) 44 (-C), codon 30 (G-->C), IVS-I-2 (T-->G), IVS-II-745 (C-->G), and FSC 6 (-A), are not uncommon in this population, while the remaining 11 mutations, IVS-I-5 (G-->A), -30 (T-->A), codons 25/26 (+T), IVS-I-6 (T-->C), FSC 5 (-CT), IVS-II-848 (C-->A), FSC 8 (-AA), -87 (C-->G), IVS-I-5 (G-->C), IVS-II-1 (G-->A) and IVS-II-849 (A-->C) are quite rare; four of these have not been previously reported in the Tunisian population. Potential origin and spread of these mutations to Tunisia are also discussed.  相似文献   

We investigated the molecular bases for a mild phenotype by alpha-, beta- and gamma-globin gene analyses in 22 patients with transfusion-independent thalassemia intermedia (15) or a late-presenting form of thalassemia major (7) originating from Puglia, a region of southern Italy. Twenty-two patients with thalassemia major served as controls. The beta+ IVS-I nt 6 of the beta-globin gene and the C----T substitution at position -158 5' of the G gamma-globin gene were detected more frequently in patients with thalassemia intermedia or late-presenting thalassemia major considered together as compared to those affected by typical transfusion-dependent thalassemia major. Three of 15 patients with thalassemia intermedia had the triple alpha-globin gene arrangement in the heterozygous (2) or homozygous state (1) in association with heterozygous beta zero-thalassemia. From these results, we may conclude that the inheritance of a mild beta-thalassemia allele such as the beta+ IVS-I nt 6 mutation, in the homozygous or heterozygous state, the coinheritance with homozygous beta zero-thalassemia of the -158 (C----T) G gamma gene promoter mutation and the presence of heterozygous beta-thalassemia/triple alpha-globin gene arrangement are the most common reasons accounting for the development of attenuated forms of beta-thalassemia in Puglia.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND Left ventricular noncompaction(LVNC) is an increasingly recognised cardiomyopathy of which a significant percentage are genetic in origin. The purpose of the present study was to identify potential pathogenic mutation leading to disease in a Chinese LVNC family.METHODS A 3-generation family affected by LVNC was recruited. Clinical assessments were performed on available family members, with clinical examination, ECG, echocardiography and cardiac MRI. The proband(Ⅰ-2), the proband’s da...  相似文献   

Congenital afibrinogenaemia is a rare autosomal recessive coagulation disorder. Here we describe the genetic defect in the fibrinogen A alpha-chain underlying afibrinogenaemia in a Chinese family. The proposita had a life-long bleeding tendency, both her parents and paternal grandparents had a consanguineous marriage. The blood-clotting indices of the proposita and her father were prolonged, and their functional and immunologic fibrinogen was absent. To identify the mutations of fibrinogen genes in this family, all the exons and exon-intron boundaries of the three fibrinogen genes (FGA, FGB, FGG) were amplified by polymerase chain reaction, and direct sequencing of polymerase chain reaction products was performed, then the restriction endonuclease (RsaI) analysis was used to confirm the mutation. A homozygous C --> T mutation was found at nucleotide 3108 in exon 4 of the FGA gene of the proposita and her father; it is a null mutation predicting to produce severely truncated A alpha-chains because of the presence of premature termination at the Gln 150 codon (or truncated at the 131 residues according to the mature A alpha-chain). Her mother and some other family members were heterozygous. The g.3108C --> T (Gln150 --> stop) nonsense mutation in the FGA gene is a novel genetic defect of congenital afibrinogenaemia that, to our knowledge, has not been described previously.  相似文献   

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