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慢性盆腔痛(chronic pelvic pain,CPP)是疼痛科和妇科门诊的常见疾病,因其病因复杂,其中有妇科方面的因素,也有非妇科方面的原因,所以诊断异常棘手,目前诊断的金标准是腹腔镜检查;CPP的保守治疗效果欠佳,临床治疗主要是以手术为主,如腹腔镜下骶前神经的切除,但现提倡多学科的治疗,如介入治疗的上腹下丛神经毁损,也能取得很好的效果.  相似文献   

慢性腰痛是一个严重的医学和社会问题,是引起劳动力丧失的常见原因之一。据估计,80%人口在一生中的某个时刻会患腰痛,任一时刻有18%的人群正患腰痛。  相似文献   

In order to determine if dentist anesthesiologists (DAs) actively contribute to research in the field of anesthesiology, and thus contribute new knowledge to the field, an extensive literature search was accomplished. DAs make up only 1.5% of dentists who actively contribute to anesthesia research but account for 10% of publications. To determine if the impact of DA research was similar to the American Dental Association (ADA) recognized specialties, h-indices of noted researchers in other specialties were compared to the h-indices of noted DA researchers. The results show that the impact of top DA researchers in dental anesthesiology is similar to the impact of top dental specialty researchers, despite lack of academic departments in dental schools where a large percentage of dental research is completed. Dentist anesthesiologists actively contribute to the research in anesthesiology for dentistry and thus, actively contribute to new knowledge in the field.  相似文献   

背景疼痛的感知过程包括外周伤害性感受器的激活、伤害性信号在脊髓背角的转导以及痛反应相关脑区的激活。在上述3个环节中,参与伤害性信号转导的相关分子回路仍不太清楚。目的综述新型光遗传学技术在疼痛研究中的应用。内容光遗传学技术可用于在模式生物中鉴定疼痛相关基因、用于研究外周伤害性感受器与脊髓疼痛回路的联系、用于研究痛相关脑区的疼痛调控回路。趋向光遗传学的优势在于可以实现区域神经细胞亚群的选择性激活,为探索疼痛在外周和中枢水平上的复杂性提供了新的工具。  相似文献   

There is no objective measure of a complete pain perception; we can, however, measure different aspects of nociceptive processing and pain perception. Earlier, experimental pain models often only involved induction of cutaneous pain using a single stimulus modality. Recently new experimental models have been developed eliciting various modalities of deep and visceral pain which more closely resemble clinical pain conditions. It is imperative to use multi-modal and multi-structure pain induction and assessment techniques, because a simple model cannot describe the very complex and multi-factorial aspects of clinical pain. Furthermore, it is important to assess pain under normal and pathophysiological conditions.The importance of peripheral and central hyperexcitability for acute and chronic pain has been demonstrated in animals and, to some extent, in humans. However, in spite of our immense knowledge, we still do not know how to prevent and treat this hyperexcitability efficiently. Our understanding of nociceptive mechanisms involved in acute and chronic pain and the effects of anaesthetic drugs or combinations of drugs on these mechanisms in humans may also be expanded using human experimental models. This mechanism-based approach may help us to develop and test therapeutic regimes in patients with acute and chronic pain.  相似文献   

Founded in 2002, the German Research Network on Neuropathic Pain includes the major institutions, authorities and medical disciplines engaged in therapy and research on Neuropathic pain. Together they work on a better understanding of the pathophysiology, the development of new therapies and the appropriate usage of established interventions for the treatment as well as the prevention of neuropathic pain. The network's central project is the establishment of a data bank, currently including standardized information of more than 1500 patients with neuropathic pain regarding socio-economic, psycho-social, psychological data and the results of quantitative sensory testing (QST), a standardized protocol implemented by the network.  相似文献   

The number of citations of an article in scientific journals reflects its impact on a specific biomedical field and its recognition in the scientific community. In the present study, we identified and analyzed the characteristics of the 100 most frequently cited articles published between 1970 and 2010 in journals pertaining to pain research and related fields. These articles were identified using the database of the Science Citation Index (1970 to present). The most cited article received 3,017 citations and the least cited article received 302 citations, with a mean of 585 citations per article. These citation classics were published in six high-impact journals, led by Pain (84 articles). Of the 100 articles, 39 were observational studies, 25 were review articles, and 20 concerned basic science. The articles originated from 14 countries, with the United States contributing 47 articles; 67 institutions produced these 100 top-cited articles, led by National Institutes of Health of the United States (8 articles) and University College London (6 articles); 18 persons authored 2 or more of the top-cited articles. This analysis of the top citation classics allows for the recognition of major advances in pain research and gives a historical perspective on the scientific progress of this specialty.  相似文献   

背景 D-丝氨酸(D-serine,D-Ser)是N-甲基-D-天冬氨酸(N-methyl-D-aspartate,NMDA)受体上甘氨酸位点的主要内源性配体,由胶质细胞及神经元合成和分泌,在体内经丝氨酸消旋酶(serine racemase,SR)的作用产生,可以被D型氨基酸氧化酶(D-amino acid oxidase,DAO)所代谢.慢性疼痛种类繁多,病因复杂.以往的研究证实,慢性疼痛涉及外周和脊髓水平的长期功能改变,导致中枢敏化的形成,NMDA受体在其中扮演了重要的角色.作为NMDA受体主要内源性配体的D-Ser,在慢性疼痛的发生发展过程中也起到了重要的作用. 目的 介绍D-Ser的生理功能及作用机制,了解其在慢性疼痛中的作用.内容 结合国内外相关文献对D-Ser的新陈代谢、D-Ser在慢性疼痛中的作用及治疗价值进行阐述. 趋向 D-Ser调节系统为慢性疼痛的治疗提供了一个新的思路.  相似文献   

高音  勾涛  冯利  王芳 《中国骨伤》2013,26(4):354-356
热疗是通过致热源产生的热效应,将局部组织或全身加热至一定温度范围,对细胞进行杀伤的治疗方法,是肿瘤重要的治疗方法之一,以往研究和治疗的重点在肿瘤本身,但疗效并不能替代传统方法,而近年来利用热疗对骨转移癌疼痛开展的止痛治疗研究显示出良好效果,通过多机制共同作用控制疼痛,具有作用范围广、起效快、无创性等特点,已得到广泛认可,有望成为治疗骨转移癌疼痛的又一经典方法.  相似文献   

PSD是最早在电镜下发现的位于突触后膜的"致密物蛋白质".这种"致密物"是由一系列细胞骨架蛋白结合了多种与突触信号传递相关的分子(包括受体和各种激酶等)构成的特殊结构.其中一些成员,包括NMDA受体、CaMKII、PSD-93及PSD-95,与疼痛的发生、维持及治疗密切相关,并且彼此之间有着"微妙"的相互调节作用.  相似文献   

非特异性下腰痛发病机制的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
下腰痛(Lowback pain)是目前最困扰人类的常见疾病之一。流行病学调查表明,大约有多达2/3的人一生中有过下腰痛的症状,它仅次于普通感冒,是造成患者求医的位居第二位的原因[1,2]。在美国,因下腰痛而造成的直接和间接的社会经济损失每年超过1000亿美元[2]。我国虽然尚无精确的统  相似文献   

椎间盘源性下腰痛(discogenic low back pain)这个概念目前正被大多数临床医师所接受,具体可描述为以化学介导为主的椎间盘源性痛。临床表现为难以定位的弥散性腰部钝痛,很少有固定压痛点,类似于内脏痛,可同时伴有腹股沟区,大腿前侧的酸胀、麻木、疼痛感。影像学上没有腰椎不稳、脊髓受压等表现。目前的临床研究已明确腰椎  相似文献   

Outcome research in patients with chronic low back pain   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Outcome research in chronic low-back pain is entering a new phase. In the past several years, several outcome measures have been evaluated for their psychometric properties, and databases for patients with low-back pain exist for some of them. A set of recommended and standardized outcome measures and questionnaires is now available for the different outcome domains. The use of computerized versions of these questionnaires will allow simplified data collection and analyses, which will not only help to formulate a more uniform design of research trials, but can be useful for clinicians interested in documenting multi-dimensional outcomes in their patient population.  相似文献   

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