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OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of a new physical maneuver in the treatment of the apogeotropic variant of horizontal canal benign paroxysmal positional vertigo. STUDY DESIGN: Case review. SETTING: Outpatient clinic. PATIENTS: The diagnosis of apogeotropic horizontal canal benign paroxysmal positional vertigo was based on the history of recurrent sudden crisis of vertigo associated with bursts of horizontal apogeotropic paroxysmal nystagmus provoked by turning the head from the supine to either lateral position. The patients were three men and five women ranging in age from 31 to 73 years (average, 49.2 yr). INTERVENTIONS: All patients were treated with a repositioning maneuver based on the hypothesis that the syndrome is caused by the presence of free-floating dense particles inside the endolymph of the anterior arm of the horizontal canal. The maneuver favors their shifting into the posterior arm of the canal. Patients were reexamined immediately after the treatment and underwent Gufoni's liberatory maneuver for the geotropic variant of horizontal canal benign paroxysmal positional vertigo. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE: The treatment outcome was considered as responsive when, after one repositioning maneuver, nystagmus shifted from apogeotropic to geotropic. RESULTS: The repositioning maneuver resulted in a transformation from the apogeotropic variant into a geotropic variant of horizontal canal benign paroxysmal positional vertigo in all patients. CONCLUSION: This maneuver represents a simple and effective approach to the treatment of the apogeotropic variant of horizontal canal benign paroxysmal positional vertigo. It favors the shifting of the canaliths from the anterior into the posterior arm of the horizontal canal from where they can migrate into the utricle with Gufoni's maneuver.  相似文献   

The recent demonstration of free-floating particles in the endolymph of the posterior semicircular canal in patients with benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV)1 has renewed interest in the physiology and treatment of this entity. The particle repositioning maneuver (PRM) relocates the free-floating particles from the posterior semicircular canal back into the utricle, relieving the patient of bothersome, often long-standing vertigo. This report represents a prospective study of 27 consecutive patients seen with a diagnosis of BPPV. Eighty-four percent of the patients treated with the particle repositioning maneuver who had no other associated pathology were cured or significantly improved with this new technique. Two patients who failed conservative management went on to surgical intervention with the posterior semicircular canal occlusion. The authors find the particle repositioning maneuver effective for many patients with benign positional vertigo and recommend it as the first-line treatment modality for BPPV.  相似文献   

耳石复位法治疗半规管良性阵发性位置性眩晕的临床研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的:评价耳石复位法治疗良性阵发性位置性眩晕(BPPV)疗效。方法:回顾分析2002年1月~2005年6月间治疗的230例BPPV患者的临床资料。根据半规管耳石假说,随机分成治疗组122例,对照组108例,分别接受耳石复位法和一般对症治疗。治疗结束后2周复查并评定疗效。结果:治疗组88例眩晕和眼震于治疗后立即或在2周内逐渐消失,18例改善,16例无效,治愈率72.1%,总有效率86.9%。对照组51例立即或在2周内逐渐消失,23例改善,34例无效,治愈率47.2%,总有效率68.5%。两组疗效相比差异有统计学意义。结论:鉴于耳石复位法治疗无明显禁忌证,方法简单,无痛苦和不良反应,一次性治疗疗效高,短期(1~3个月)随访无复发,因此认为该法可作为BPPV门诊治疗的首选方法。  相似文献   

手法复位治疗良性阵发性位置性眩晕   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的回顾性分析60例良性阵发性位置性眩晕(BPPV)诊断和治疗方法,为提高BPPV疗效提供参考依据。方法60例患者(男34例,女26例)通过常规神经耳科学检查、Dix—Hallpike和滚转试验确诊为BPPV。40例在发病10天内就诊,6N在发病1月内就诊,10例在5月内就诊,4例在6月以上就诊。采用Semont摆动手法、Epley颗粒复位法和Barbecue翻滚疗法治疗。对治疗1次无效者间隔7天重复治疗,重复3次无效者采用其它方法治疗。完成冶疗后2周复查评定疗效。结果后半规管BPPV54例,22例采用Semont手法复位治疗,14例痊愈,4例改善,4例无效。4例无效改用Epley颗粒复位法。Epley颗粒复位法治疗36例,28例痊愈,4例改善,4例无效。6例外半规管BPPV采用Barbecue翻滚疗法治疗4例痊愈,2例无效。40例10天内就诊者治愈32例,8例改善。6例发病1月内就诊者治愈2例,改善4例。10例5月内就诊者4例痊愈,4例改善,2例无效。4例6月以上就诊者治疗3次均无效。46例治疗1次有效,4例患者治疗2次有效,4例患者治疗3次有效。结论手法复位治疗BPPV有效率高,BPPV治疗效果与发病至就诊时间相关。  相似文献   

Canalith repositioning for benign paroxysmal positional vertigo.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the efficacy of canalith repositioning maneuvers (Semont, Epley, and modified maneuvers) in the treatment of posterior canal benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) in comparison to the rate of resolution in the untreated control cohort. DATA SOURCES: Source articles were identified by a MEDLINE search of English language sources before 2004 plus manual crosschecks of bibliographies from identified articles, selected national meeting abstracts, review article references, and textbook chapters. STUDY SELECTION: Each controlled trial that compared canalith repositioning patients to untreated control subjects in posterior canal benign positional vertigo (blinded and unblinded) was reviewed for inclusion. DATA EXTRACTION: Data were abstracted systematically, scaled on validity and comparability, and cross-checked independently by another author. DATA SYNTHESIS: Studies were combined with fixed effects meta-analysis to estimate spontaneous resolution, 95% confidence intervals (CI) of effect size, and heterogeneity. CONCLUSION: Canalith repositioning is more effective than observation alone for the treatment of benign paroxysmal positional vertigo, despite spontaneous resolution rates of one in three at 3 weeks. Public health implications are discussed, based on the high frequency of unrecognized BPPV reported in elderly patients, and the improvements after canalith repositioning in postural control and health-related quality of life (SF 36 Health Survey) documented in the literature.  相似文献   

颗粒复位法治疗后半规管良性阵发位置性眩晕   总被引:31,自引:0,他引:31  
目的 评价颗粒复位法治疗良性阵发性位置性眩晕的效果。方法 对1996年7月-1998年6月间治疗的31一半规管性良性性位置性眩晕患者进行回顾分析。地规管耳右症假说,患者接受1次颗粒复位法治疗。治疗结束2周后复查并评价疗效。结果 21例患者的眩晕和眼一立刻或在1-2周内逐渐消失。6例改善,4例无效。总有效率87.1%。结论 颗粒复位法对大多数良性阵发性位置性眩晕患者有效,推荐作为治疗该的首选方法。  相似文献   

360°滚转复位法治疗良性阵发性位置性眩晕   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
目的明确在后半规管平面360°旋转患者对治疗典型的后半规管良性阵发性位置性眩晕是否有效。方法回顾分析了46例后半规管良性阵发性位置性眩晕患者,其中25例采用三维滚轮360°滚转复位法进行复位治疗,21例采用Epley手法复位治疗,对其疗效进行比较。结果采用三维滚轮360。滚转复位法治疗的患者中第一次治疗后有23例患者(92%)治愈,2例患者经过第二次治疗治愈;采用Epley手法复位的患者中第一次治疗后有19例患者(91.5%)治愈,2例患者经过第二次治疗治愈。应用X^2检验(α=0.05,X^2=0.1173,P=0.7319)二者的差异没有统计学意义。结论三维滚轮360°滚转复位法能有效的治疗后半规管良性阵发性位置性眩晕,其成功率及效果与Epley法一致,且操作简便、舒适度优于传统方法。  相似文献   

目的 探讨继发性良性阵发性位置性眩晕(BPPV)的诊断和治疗。方法研究继发性后半规管BPPV的内耳疾病6例病历资料,诊断依据为病史及Dix-Hallpike试验诱导出现的眼震结果。结果 6例内耳疾病(分别为突发性聋3例, 梅尼埃病2例, 前庭神经元炎1例)伴有后半规管良性阵发性位置性眩晕被确诊,通过Dix-Hallpike试验诱发出垂直扭转型眼震。结论 继发性BPPV临床较少见,常为后半规管受累,通过Dix-Hallpike试验和Epley手法复位可以确诊和治愈。  相似文献   

Background: Particle repositioning procedures give consistent results for the treatment of benign positional paroxysmal vertigo (BPPV). However, little consideration has been given to the possibilities of bilateral disease. Objective/Hypothesis: To report contralateral symptoms and signs suggestive of revealed or incipient BPPV as a complication of Epley maneuver. Study Design: A prospective cohort of 198 cases over a period of 11 years. Results: Ten (5.0%) developed contralateral symptoms and signs suggestive of revealed or incipient posterior canal BPPV within 2 weeks of treatment. Conclusion: This novel observation has not been previously described and may influence the strategy for future management of patients with BPPV. Particle repositioning maneuvers for the previously asymptomatic contralateral ear may need to be considered in a subset of patients with posterior canal BPPV who suffer contralateral symptoms after undergoing treatment for the original ear.  相似文献   

目的 评价体位治疗在良性阵发性位置性眩晕(BPPV)的应用价值。方法 回顾性分析36例原发性或继发性BPPV的临床资料,后半规管BPPV采用改良Epley手法或Semont手法复位,水平半规管采用Barbecue翻滚疗法复位治疗,评价其治疗效果。结果 33例后半规管BPPV患者应用改良Epley手法或Semont手法复位,有效率为93.9%。3例水平半规管BPPV患者采取Barbecue翻滚法复位后症状均明显改善。结论 手法复位治疗良性阵发性位置性眩晕方法简单,疗效可靠,治愈率高。  相似文献   

目的探讨氟桂利嗪联合手法复位治疗后半规管原发性良性阵发性位置性眩晕(posterior semicircular canal benign paroxysman positional vertigo,PC-BPPV)的治疗效果。方法对96例原发性PC-BPPV患者随机分为单纯手法治疗(Epley管石复位法)与联合氟桂利嗪进行治疗,观察治疗效果。结果经1次手法复位治疗后症状消失或明显减轻,一次治愈率两组基本相同。治疗4wk后,治疗组的治愈率为高于对照组(P<0.05)。随访3个月,共计有8例患者复发,总复发率为9.6%,其中治疗组为2.2%,对照组为18.4%。结论 Epley手法复位联合氟桂利嗪治疗PC-BPPV疗效显著,复发率低。  相似文献   

Variables affecting treatment in benign paroxysmal positional vertigo   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
OBJECTIVE: To identify variables affecting outcome in patients with benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) treated with canalith repositioning maneuvers. STUDY DESIGN: Retrospective review of patients at a tertiary vestibular rehabilitation center. METHODS: Variables identified for statistical analysis included method of diagnosis, age, sex, onset association with trauma, semicircular canal involvement, presence of bilateral disease, treatment visits, and cycles of canalith repositioning maneuvers per treatment visit. Multivariate statistical analysis using Pearson chi2, likelihood ratio, linear-by-linear association, and cross-tabulation tests were performed. RESULTS: Two hundred fifty-nine patients with BPPV who received treatment were identified from 1996 to 1998. Average follow-up time was 16.9 months. 74.8% required one treatment visit, 19.0% required a second treatment visit, and 98.4% were successfully treated after three treatment visits. The remainder required up to seven treatment visits for relief of symptoms. Variables affecting the number of treatment visits included bilateral disease or location of disease other than in the posterior semicircular canal. Patient age, sex, method of diagnosis, and onset association with trauma had no statistically significant impact. CONCLUSION: Patients with benign paroxysmal positional vertigo not located in a single posterior semicircular canal are more likely to require multiple visits for canalith repositioning.  相似文献   

Canal switch is a complication following canalith repositioning procedure (CRP) for posterior canal benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV). Instead of being returned to the utricle, the loose otoconia migrate into the superior or horizontal semicircular canal. Patients remain symptomatic, and treatment can be ineffective unless the switch is recognized and additional repositioning maneuvers directed toward the appropriate semicircular canal are performed. This report provides the first videographic documentation of canal switch involving conversion of unilateral posterior semicircular canal BPPV to geotropic horizontal canalithiasis. Laryngoscope, 2012.  相似文献   

同时性后半规管与水平半规管性良性位置性眩晕   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
目的:探讨同时性后半规管与水平半规管性良性位置性眩晕(混合性良性位置性眩晕)的诊治方法。方法:联合应用Epley手法和Barbecue翻滚法对4例患者进行治疗,两次治疗间隔1d。结果:4例患者眩晕症状完全消失,随访至今无复发。结论:混合性良性位置性眩晕兼有后半规管与水平半规管性良性位置性眩晕的临床表现,联合采用Epley手法和Barbecue翻滚法治疗该病是可行的。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Patients with benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) often experience postural instability as well as brief episodes of vertigo. The purpose of this study was to determine whether successful resolution of the episodic vertigo, through use of the canalith repositioning treatment, would be accompanied by improvement in postural stability. STUDY DESIGN: Prospective clinical study. SETTING: Outpatient tertiary care facility in a university. PATIENTS: Thirty-three patients with a diagnosis of the canalithiasis form of BPPV affecting the posterior canal unilaterally. All patients had complete remission of the positional vertigo after treatment. Patients with abnormal caloric or rotary chair test results were excluded from the study. INTERVENTION: The posterior canal BPPV was treated by the canalith repositioning treatment. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Postural stability was assessed by computerized dynamic posturography before and 1 to 2 weeks after treatment. Six different subtests were used. RESULTS: A significant number of patients had abnormal stability, as measured with computerized dynamic posturography, before treatment. After treatment there was a significant increase in the number of subjects with normal results on the different subtests; however, not all patients had normal postural stability. Younger subjects were more likely to show improved stability. CONCLUSIONS: Treatment of BPPV using the canalith repositioning treatment results in improved postural stability in patients with BPPV. Not all patients have normal stability after treatment, however, and assessment and treatment of the balance problems may be necessary.  相似文献   

A review of the tests and treatment manoeuvres for benign paroxysmal positional vertigo of the posterior, horizontal and superior vestibular canals is presented. Additionally, a new way to test and treat positional vertigo of the superior vestibular canal is presented. In a prospective study, 57 out of 305 patients' visits are reported. They had residual symptoms and dizziness after the test and the treatment of benign paroxysmal positional vertigo of the horizontal canal (BPPV-HC) and posterior canal (PC). They were tested with a new test and treated with a new manoeuvre for superior canal benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV-SC). Results for vertigo in 53 patients were good; motion sickness and acrophobia disappeared. Reactive neck tension to BPPV was relieved. Older people were numerous among patients and their quality of life (QOL) improved.  相似文献   

A review of the tests and treatment manoeuvres for benign paroxysmal positional vertigo of the posterior, horizontal and superior vestibular canals is presented. Additionally, a new way to test and treat positional vertigo of the superior vestibular canal is presented. In a prospective study, 57 out of 305 patients' visits are reported. They had residual symptoms and dizziness after the test and the treatment of benign paroxysmal positional vertigo of the horizontal canal (BPPV‐HC) and posterior canal (PC). They were tested with a new test and treated with a new manoeuvre for superior canal benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV‐SC). Results for vertigo in 53 patients were good; motion sickness and acrophobia disappeared. Reactive neck tension to BPPV was relieved. Older people were numerous among patients and their quality of life (QOL) improved.  相似文献   

Two treatments for the benign paroxysmal positional vertigo are presented and evaluated in this article. The first type of treatment is the surgical section of the posterior ampullary nerve according to Gacek and the second is physiotherapeutic by the manoeuvre of Semont. The section of the posterior ampullary nerve has been realised between 1980 and 1986 on 5 patients suffering from persistent and disabling positional vertigo. All 5 patients were relieved from their vertigo immediately after the operation. One patient developed a post-operative hearing loss. The physiotherapeutic manoeuvre of Semont, which has been developed in order to liberate otolithic deposits from the cupula of the posterior semi-circular canal is applied in our clinic since 1985 as treatment of the benign paroxysmal positional vertigo. The efficiency of the manoeuvre was tested at first in a retrospective study on 50 patients. A single manoeuvre cured 20 of these patients and 15 others were cured after a second manoeuvre. Then, a controlled and prospective study was performed: the clinical course of 40 patients without treatment was compared with 37 patients treated with Semont's manoeuvre. In the group of patients without treatment, only 17 were spontaneously cured from their positional vertigo after 18 days of evolution. In the group treated by Semont's manoeuvre 19 patients were completely healed from vertigo and 16 others were greatly improved. On the basis of these favourable results the authors recommend to treat all cases of paroxysmal positional vertigo at first with Semont's manoeuvre. The section of the posterior ampullary nerve should be restricted to the rare cases with persistent and disabling vertigo.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Paroxysmal positional vertigo syndrome.   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
INTRODUCTION: This study was initiated to investigate the differential diagnosis of patients with benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) of different canals' origin. METHODS: The eye movements of 292 patients were evaluated with the use of Frenzel glasses and infrared video cameras after positional tests. Epley's canal repositioning procedure (CRP) was conducted, with appropriate modifications for individual cases, on every patient. RESULTS: Two different types of positional nystagmus were observed corresponding to the presence of otoliths in the lumen of each of the semicircular canals and on the cupola of the horizontal semicircular canal. The posterior canal was involved in 250 patients unilaterally and 23 patients bilaterally. The anterior canal variety was observed in four patients. In the horizontal canal, nine were of the cupulolithiasis and six of the canalithiasis variety. In seven patients. the affected canal converted to a different location. The canal repositioning procedure eliminated vertigo and abnormal eye movements in 88% of the unilateral posterior canal variety. The success rate of the procedure in the other varieties was 50%. CONCLUSION: Positional vertigo can have characteristics corresponding to the presence of otolith particles in each of the semicircular canals. The treatment requires different strategies to move the otoliths, depending on their location in the vestibule.  相似文献   

目的:分析患良性阵发性位置性眩晕(BPPV)的慢性咳嗽患者经手法复位治疗后的疗效,为BPPV的综合治疗及病因探索提供帮助。方法:分析2009—10—2012—12期间400例BPPV患者的治疗效果,包括观察患者的症状和行体位试验检查。结果:后半规管BPPV的一次治疗成功率为93.4%,水平半规管BPPV治疗成功率为83.0%。在400例BPPV患者中随访到372例,一次治疗成功的复诊患者中,有35例复位治疗好转后又出现阵发性眩晕发作,再次行手法复位仍取得良好效果。追问病史,有29例存在不同程度的咳嗽。控制咳嗽后再行手法复位治疗,眩晕症状消失,随访半年未再发作。结论:BPPV的发生机制可能与咳嗽所致的头部震动有关。  相似文献   

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