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早产儿视觉诱发电位检查及其临床意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 探讨视诱发电位在早产儿的应用及临床意义。方法 早产儿共 76例 ,其中实验组 2 1例 ,对照组 5 5例。两组患儿均在生后 7~ 14d行视觉诱发电位 (VEP)检查 ,实验组还同时进行了脑干听觉诱发电位(BAEP)检查。同时检测了 2 6例足月儿 ,与对照组早产儿进行比较。对异常者在生后 3个月、6个月进行了随访。结果 早产儿与足月新生儿一样 ,VEP波形及各波潜伏期已基本稳定 ,重复性好 ,尤以P1波检出率为10 0 %。孕周与P1波潜伏期两者密切相关。实验组患儿同时进行VEP和BAEP检查 ,两种检查方法无显著差异。实验组患儿P1潜伏期均明显长于相应孕周对照组 (P <0 0 5 ) ;其中实验组 15例早产儿异常 ,VEP主要改变既有单、双侧主波缺失、又有主波潜伏期延长。对VEP异常者随访发现 ,实验组 15例VEP异常患儿中 9例 (9/12 ,3例失访 )及对照组 4例异常者均在生后 3个月恢复正常。结论 VEP在早产儿的检查客观、准确。其波形可作为早产儿脑发育成熟的指标。主波缺失 (包括单、双侧 )被认为是严重异常 ,提示预后较差。  相似文献   

视觉诱发电位在早产儿视网膜病变中的应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨闪光刺激视觉诱发电位(F-VEP)与早产儿视网膜病变(ROP)的关系。方法2003-01—2006-01对东南大学医学院附属盐城医院儿科采用国际标准法对早产儿对照组33例(66眼)和ROP组36例(72眼)行F-VEP检测,并进行分析。结果P100波潜伏期随眼底病变程度的加重有逐渐延长的趋势,与对照组比较差异有显著性(F=43.5,P<0.001);P100波波幅比较ROP轻度组与对照组差异无显著性(P>0.05),不同程度的ROP各组间的P100波潜伏期及波幅比较差异有显著性(P<0.05);P100波潜伏期与ROP的程度有显著相关性(r=0.648,P<0.05)。结论F-VEP检查可以作为ROP发生和发展过程中的重要监测方法。  相似文献   

脑干听觉诱发电位在儿科临床应用的价值   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文对1240例患儿BAEP资料进行了分析,正常518例,异常722例。其中新生儿,乳幼儿486例;轻-重度异常占74.5%双侧极重度异常占25.5%。BAEP异常最高的疾患为听力障碍,听力障碍危险因素,语言障碍,脑干肿瘤智力障碍和脑性瘫痪。  相似文献   

诱发电位作为一项较新的神经电生理检测技术,自上世纪八十年代起广泛应用于临床工作中.诱发电位是指对神经系统某一特定部位给予相宜的刺激,在该系统和脑的相应部位产生的生物电反应[1].其各波的神经发生源相对明确,重复性强,评定可靠,并且大部分检测项目很少受睡眠和药物等因素的影响,更适宜儿童检查.  相似文献   

脑干听觉诱发电位在新生儿的应用(综述)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
脑干听觉诱发电位(Brain Stem Auditory Evoked Potentials,BAEP)是通过声音刺激,诱发脑干神经细胞产生一定的电位。随着电子计算机技术的发展,诱发电位的临床应用日益广泛,在许多国家BAEP已成为神经系统检查中必备的方法之一。  相似文献   

视觉诱发电位在新生儿和早产儿视觉发育障碍评价中的应用   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Xia YY  Zhang W 《中华儿科杂志》2006,44(6):435-438
20世纪80年代以来,随着围产医学以及新生儿重症监护病房医疗和护理技术的迅速发展,早产儿和低出生体重儿的存活率显著提高;同时,早产儿视觉发育障碍的发生率及高危早产儿神经系统后遗症成为了现代医学面临的一个严峻的问题.目前临床上应用较多的是新生儿行为神经测定(neonatal behavioral neurological assessment,NBNA),它具有简便易行等优点,但不足之处在于精确性不够高,缺乏较具体量化的指标,且受患儿受测试时状态的制约.近年来视觉诱发电位(visual evoked potential,VEP)不断发展,已逐步应用于早产儿视力及神经系统功能评价.作为一种预测高危早产儿神经系统近远期预后的实验技术,相关研究正在进行,现将VEP在早产儿远期评价中的应用综述以供临床参考.  相似文献   

先天愚型有脑干听觉诱发电位观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

智能低下126例脑干听觉诱发电位临床分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
我们对临床诊断智能低下 12 6例患儿 ,应用脑干听觉诱发电位 (BAEP)进行检测 ,发现患儿脑干听神经传导通路各波潜伏时限和波间潜伏时限均有延迟 ,现报告如下。资料与方法一、一般资料 实验组 12 6例中男 88例 ,女 38例 ;6个月~ 3岁 2 6例 ;~ 7岁 72例 ,~ 12岁 2 8例。病因分类 :缺氧缺血性脑病 (HIE) 72例 ,脑炎 2 2例 ,脑出血 10例 ,遗传性癫 8例 ,无明确病因 14例。应用修定后标准化的Wechsler方法测定智商 (IQ) ,IQ在 5 0~ 70分者 4 8例 ,IQ在 35~ 4 9分者 5 4例 ,IQ <35分者 2 4例[1] 。随机抽 80名年龄 1~ 15岁的健康…  相似文献   

脑干听觉诱发电位的发育规律   总被引:45,自引:0,他引:45  

Cortical visual evoked potentials in very low birthweight premature infants   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
OBJECTIVES: To compare the age of onset of the pattern orientation reversal visual evoked potential (OR-VEP) in a group of very low birthweight (VLBW) premature infants with term infants matched for postconceptual age at testing. The OR-VEP measure is used as an indicator of visual cortical functioning because of the specificity of cortical neurones in showing sensitivity to changes of slant or orientation. DESIGN: Results are given for 24 VLBW infants, born at 24-32 weeks gestation weighing less than 1500 g, and 31 infants born at term. The steady state evoked potential to a grating pattern reversing in orientation (between 45 degrees and 135 degrees) at 4 reversals/second and 8 reversals/second was recorded. RESULTS: The VLBW infants with normal neonatal ultrasound results (and normal neurological outcome at 3 years of age) showed a significant OR-VEP with a similar postnatal time course to the term infants. Four premature infants, showing appreciable abnormalities on ultrasound examination, did not show normal onset of the OR-VEP, and all had an abnormal neurological outcome. CONCLUSIONS: This result can be taken to indicate that the onset of cortical function is similar in healthy preterm infants to term infants. The visual development of the premature infants was neither accelerated nor delayed as a result of their extra visual experience. The OR-VEP can be used as a prognostic indicator of early brain development alongside other neurological measures. It may also be a very early indicator of later neurological outcome.  相似文献   

Objective To study the clinical significance of flash visual evoked potential(FVEP)detection in very low birth weight infants.Methods FVEP was performed in group of 43 very low birth weight infants with Medelecsynergy evoked potential instrument(Oxford Company,UK) comparing with the group of 56 term infants.Results The mean latency periods of N1,P1 and N2 waves in very low birth weight infant group were(181.43±26.73) ms,(217.27±26.54) ms,(249.21±26.49) ms respectively,while in term infant group were(159.51±18.27) ms,(200.26±13.94) ms,(231.56±15.72) ms.There were significant differences between two groups(P<0.05,P<0,001).The abnormal rates of main wave P1 were 75.6% and 0 respectively in very low birth weight infant group and term infant group.Furthermore,the major effect model for related influencing factors in very low birth weight infants with abnormal main wave was 3.898-2.861 intracranial lesion.Intracranial lesion was the independent risk factor for abnormal FVEP (0R=0.057,95% CI 0.006~0.579,P=0.015).Conclusion The abnormal rate of FVEP is higher in the very low birth weight infants,which is closely related to the intraeranial lesion.It is recomraended that FVEP is detected at least twice in the first month after birth or achieving the corrected gestational age of 42 weeks for dynamic observation.  相似文献   

Objective To study the clinical significance of flash visual evoked potential(FVEP)detection in very low birth weight infants.Methods FVEP was performed in group of 43 very low birth weight infants with Medelecsynergy evoked potential instrument(Oxford Company,UK) comparing with the group of 56 term infants.Results The mean latency periods of N1,P1 and N2 waves in very low birth weight infant group were(181.43±26.73) ms,(217.27±26.54) ms,(249.21±26.49) ms respectively,while in term infant group were(159.51±18.27) ms,(200.26±13.94) ms,(231.56±15.72) ms.There were significant differences between two groups(P<0.05,P<0,001).The abnormal rates of main wave P1 were 75.6% and 0 respectively in very low birth weight infant group and term infant group.Furthermore,the major effect model for related influencing factors in very low birth weight infants with abnormal main wave was 3.898-2.861 intracranial lesion.Intracranial lesion was the independent risk factor for abnormal FVEP (0R=0.057,95% CI 0.006~0.579,P=0.015).Conclusion The abnormal rate of FVEP is higher in the very low birth weight infants,which is closely related to the intraeranial lesion.It is recomraended that FVEP is detected at least twice in the first month after birth or achieving the corrected gestational age of 42 weeks for dynamic observation.  相似文献   

Objective To study the clinical significance of flash visual evoked potential(FVEP)detection in very low birth weight infants.Methods FVEP was performed in group of 43 very low birth weight infants with Medelecsynergy evoked potential instrument(Oxford Company,UK) comparing with the group of 56 term infants.Results The mean latency periods of N1,P1 and N2 waves in very low birth weight infant group were(181.43±26.73) ms,(217.27±26.54) ms,(249.21±26.49) ms respectively,while in term infant group were(159.51±18.27) ms,(200.26±13.94) ms,(231.56±15.72) ms.There were significant differences between two groups(P<0.05,P<0,001).The abnormal rates of main wave P1 were 75.6% and 0 respectively in very low birth weight infant group and term infant group.Furthermore,the major effect model for related influencing factors in very low birth weight infants with abnormal main wave was 3.898-2.861 intracranial lesion.Intracranial lesion was the independent risk factor for abnormal FVEP (0R=0.057,95% CI 0.006~0.579,P=0.015).Conclusion The abnormal rate of FVEP is higher in the very low birth weight infants,which is closely related to the intraeranial lesion.It is recomraended that FVEP is detected at least twice in the first month after birth or achieving the corrected gestational age of 42 weeks for dynamic observation.  相似文献   

目的 研究极低出生体质量儿闪光刺激视觉诱发电位(FVEP)检测的临床意义.方法 应用英国Oxford公司Medelecsynergy诱发电位仪对43例极低出生体质量儿进行FVEP检测,并选择56例正常足月儿做对照.结果 极低出生体质量儿N1、P1、N2波潜伏期值分别为(181.43±26.73)ms、(217.27±26.54)ms、(249.21±26.49)ms,足月儿分别为(159.51±18.27)ms、(200.26±13.94)ms、(231.56±5.72)ms,两组比较差异有显著性(P<0.05,P<0.001).极低出生体质量儿P1波的异常率为75.6%,足月儿为0.极低出生体质量儿P1波异常相关影响因素的主效应模型为3.898-2.861颅内病变,颅内病变是独立影响因素(OR=0.057,95%CI 0.006~0.579,P=0.015).结论 极低出生体质量儿FVEP检测P1波异常率高,FVEP异常改变与颅内病变关系密切.极低出生体质量儿在生后1个月内和矫正胎龄42周后至少进行两次FVEP检查,动态观察FVEP改变.  相似文献   

Objective To study the clinical significance of flash visual evoked potential(FVEP)detection in very low birth weight infants.Methods FVEP was performed in group of 43 very low birth weight infants with Medelecsynergy evoked potential instrument(Oxford Company,UK) comparing with the group of 56 term infants.Results The mean latency periods of N1,P1 and N2 waves in very low birth weight infant group were(181.43±26.73) ms,(217.27±26.54) ms,(249.21±26.49) ms respectively,while in term infant group were(159.51±18.27) ms,(200.26±13.94) ms,(231.56±15.72) ms.There were significant differences between two groups(P<0.05,P<0,001).The abnormal rates of main wave P1 were 75.6% and 0 respectively in very low birth weight infant group and term infant group.Furthermore,the major effect model for related influencing factors in very low birth weight infants with abnormal main wave was 3.898-2.861 intracranial lesion.Intracranial lesion was the independent risk factor for abnormal FVEP (0R=0.057,95% CI 0.006~0.579,P=0.015).Conclusion The abnormal rate of FVEP is higher in the very low birth weight infants,which is closely related to the intraeranial lesion.It is recomraended that FVEP is detected at least twice in the first month after birth or achieving the corrected gestational age of 42 weeks for dynamic observation.  相似文献   

Objective To study the clinical significance of flash visual evoked potential(FVEP)detection in very low birth weight infants.Methods FVEP was performed in group of 43 very low birth weight infants with Medelecsynergy evoked potential instrument(Oxford Company,UK) comparing with the group of 56 term infants.Results The mean latency periods of N1,P1 and N2 waves in very low birth weight infant group were(181.43±26.73) ms,(217.27±26.54) ms,(249.21±26.49) ms respectively,while in term infant group were(159.51±18.27) ms,(200.26±13.94) ms,(231.56±15.72) ms.There were significant differences between two groups(P<0.05,P<0,001).The abnormal rates of main wave P1 were 75.6% and 0 respectively in very low birth weight infant group and term infant group.Furthermore,the major effect model for related influencing factors in very low birth weight infants with abnormal main wave was 3.898-2.861 intracranial lesion.Intracranial lesion was the independent risk factor for abnormal FVEP (0R=0.057,95% CI 0.006~0.579,P=0.015).Conclusion The abnormal rate of FVEP is higher in the very low birth weight infants,which is closely related to the intraeranial lesion.It is recomraended that FVEP is detected at least twice in the first month after birth or achieving the corrected gestational age of 42 weeks for dynamic observation.  相似文献   

Objective To study the clinical significance of flash visual evoked potential(FVEP)detection in very low birth weight infants.Methods FVEP was performed in group of 43 very low birth weight infants with Medelecsynergy evoked potential instrument(Oxford Company,UK) comparing with the group of 56 term infants.Results The mean latency periods of N1,P1 and N2 waves in very low birth weight infant group were(181.43±26.73) ms,(217.27±26.54) ms,(249.21±26.49) ms respectively,while in term infant group were(159.51±18.27) ms,(200.26±13.94) ms,(231.56±15.72) ms.There were significant differences between two groups(P<0.05,P<0,001).The abnormal rates of main wave P1 were 75.6% and 0 respectively in very low birth weight infant group and term infant group.Furthermore,the major effect model for related influencing factors in very low birth weight infants with abnormal main wave was 3.898-2.861 intracranial lesion.Intracranial lesion was the independent risk factor for abnormal FVEP (0R=0.057,95% CI 0.006~0.579,P=0.015).Conclusion The abnormal rate of FVEP is higher in the very low birth weight infants,which is closely related to the intraeranial lesion.It is recomraended that FVEP is detected at least twice in the first month after birth or achieving the corrected gestational age of 42 weeks for dynamic observation.  相似文献   

Objective To study the clinical significance of flash visual evoked potential(FVEP)detection in very low birth weight infants.Methods FVEP was performed in group of 43 very low birth weight infants with Medelecsynergy evoked potential instrument(Oxford Company,UK) comparing with the group of 56 term infants.Results The mean latency periods of N1,P1 and N2 waves in very low birth weight infant group were(181.43±26.73) ms,(217.27±26.54) ms,(249.21±26.49) ms respectively,while in term infant group were(159.51±18.27) ms,(200.26±13.94) ms,(231.56±15.72) ms.There were significant differences between two groups(P<0.05,P<0,001).The abnormal rates of main wave P1 were 75.6% and 0 respectively in very low birth weight infant group and term infant group.Furthermore,the major effect model for related influencing factors in very low birth weight infants with abnormal main wave was 3.898-2.861 intracranial lesion.Intracranial lesion was the independent risk factor for abnormal FVEP (0R=0.057,95% CI 0.006~0.579,P=0.015).Conclusion The abnormal rate of FVEP is higher in the very low birth weight infants,which is closely related to the intraeranial lesion.It is recomraended that FVEP is detected at least twice in the first month after birth or achieving the corrected gestational age of 42 weeks for dynamic observation.  相似文献   

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